
Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
4 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

Most Recent Posts

We will see but I do hope that your lot improves. However, please consider this forewarning that activity will need to increase as it has become a recurrent issue and the goal is to make this as diverse in members guiding the story as we can.
One of the old legacy elements of roleplaying forums and instant messengers that I so miss is the consistency and rate of urgency people once had in posting in them. It was not an uncommon experience, at least in my life, to have spent hours writing posts to and back per day, four to six with others, multiple paragraphs at that. It really is a cherished relic I wish would return but have no high hopes for, with the fact being in this, that is what I truly seek if possible in this genre of hobby.
... and ever since I've kicked myself for not going into the Air Force.

I hear this is a recurring, if not common sentiment. It always evokes a snicker and I cannot say that the feelings are misplaced in the slightest at that. I do suppose I owe a fact now then for this topic regarding myself, do I not? That in mind, I have a fairly entertaining one or at least so much as I believe.

One of the greatest lacking qualities I have in my writing capacity and ability is to adeptly describe what it is that I visualize. By just closing the eyes and looking within, I can see and experience things vividly, but writing them? Converting them from these mental images of tremendous quality and detail to something that is palatable in the vein of written form? Absolutely taxing. One of the most frustrating things about writing I experience is that it is never quite as pictured. It is always in some way off or never evocative enough of the original thought; it always feels as though the idea is never clear enough, failing in its transmission, to a reader.
At this point, @DocRock, I would much prefer you at some point soon post.
@DocRock @Pyromaniacwolf
Chapter I
"The small fount of water bubbling up from the stones appears as clean as it could come for a wild source. Here there is no green hue to its flow, no animal life at that swimming or skimming it over, and the plants unable to claim the rocky surface. As it comes, this appears most fortuitous, as the water is reasonably none more safe unless one were to boil it. Again, the pain of the isolation concerns you, for not a single wilder thing of the faunal realm has appeared the entire time you have been on this island; several hours now since you awoke in the dark, on and up to dawn in this moment. The lack of any animal, be it winged or legged, is concerning and that worry prevails further as you stalk around the bubbling pool, assessing it."

"From what it is that can be noted, there is no way to capture the water for the time being in any conventional sense that you possess. Not your book or ring will be of any measured use here although you suspect you could invent alternate methods of transporting some water for later drinking if you were exceptionally clever. Despite this, it is becoming more difficult to resist the need to drink, as your mind - what is left of it is that is - tugs you toward its thirsting need."
Not unless there is a notification put forward is that required. Regularly it is just a matter of my being physically present to access the internet to respond at all.
Brannor, not about to let the creature escape after hewing its partner, bolted with predatory glee after it. Particularly so after the growling strike arced back and narrowly missed the second would-be victim, ending another servant to this mysterious dragon-queen of the land. Greenest's vengeance was far from met however, and the outlander's heavy run despite his armor made him a force to be reckoned with in the pursuit; all the more so as the green cloak flowing behind him came to a brief stop as he prepared his next attack, the scaled creature's delay putting it in peril. In that moment it was not the only target but it was the only living one attempting to escape. With this in mind and the goal to see to it that none would suffer these monster's deeds any more, it was essential to kill them where they stood, pursue them where they fled, stalk them where they cowered, and hunt them where they went amiss.

Lifting the assisting hand back to the grip and pivoting upon the cave floor, the man's jaw and its rough outline tightened further; lip curling and snarling in an aggressive sneer. At times the huntsman wished these things would cower and beg, reasonably like their victims, but his heart would not allow his mind to entertain his thought. The gifts of the supernatural in him were far stronger than the wiles and whims of a mortal's twisting desires, making what could well have been pleasure for the crueler sorts into pure animal hunger. Each swing of the sword was as much an extension of the killing, carnivorous desire that laid within, the kind that was the burning, turning flame. It was not as strong or as passionate as it had been - now knowing it had greater game to appeal to such as the cultists and mercenaries - but kobold after kobold feeding the steel edge with their life and tinging the air with their sickly blood made it hard to resist falling into one's self.

@Hekazu@Ryonara@Zverda@Lucius Cypher@Norschtalen
@A Story Teller, perhaps to your chagrin I am a carnivore and thus pizza is not an acceptable element of diet, worse still I do not actually like it as a food. Despite this, this particular sabertooth will grant you a welcome all the same. Should there be any questions whatsoever, please do ask of myself or really any of us members. Furthermore, I suggest if and when the opportunity strikes that one as yourself comes to join the official Roleplayer Guild Discord, although I will note that the majority of time spent there by members is in casual interaction, not so much the pursuit of roleplaying interests or business.

Not to derail this topic even further at that, @Hellion is correct, @Madison Parker. There are a number of us who would be pleased to see a World of Darkness topic at some point. It is worth mentioning at the very least as there are those seeking it out.
So I have heard, @Hellion. Perhaps sometime I might investigate them to see if I could tolerate the taste and the reduced acidity but overall I find it very difficult to stomach coffee whatsoever. It always surprises me so the way that people drink it in large quantities with little apparent issue; similar to how people can readily eat citrus fruit.

For my fact, one more so than the above, I live by routine and ritual. If I could have it any way I would enjoy, I would be most partial to the same pattern of events each and every day. Spontaneity is not something I value as rather the importance is placed in consistency and stability, that all things might be stable and the same. Changes or variations are little more than frustration and events without planning are seldom more than chaos. So a good amount of this feline's life is built upon making motions and events play themselves out in the most consistent and reliable of ways. Not only is it a safer option, to note when something goes awry, it creates an environment of virtually no anxiety.
I cannot and do not partake in coffee because of its acidity. Drinking it makes me feel ill, as do most energy supplement beverages. The most this cat can tolerate is tea. Although I seldom have time to enjoy it, as in truly enjoy it, and that is an unfortunate fact of life. At times I sincerely wish there were more hours in the day for such activities.
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