Avatar of The Irish Tree


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

Steppe Archer would go along with the Druid Girl to shop for supplies, the whole time looking like she just said something she really regretted. Like, endlessly. She didn't want to go around fighting bugs, but...if they didn't, the town may soon be in danger of serious health problems. Mustering up every ounce of ancestral strength she had, as well as imagining all the stories of courage she could think of, the girl would make due with destroying her objects of fear physically.

She'd go along and get all the essentials with Druid Girl, while also wishing there was something they could take in order to boost their immunities to disease. In fact, she'd go and see the local alchemist to see if there was anything to keep from catching diseases from pests.

If there was, great, if she couldn't afford it, not so great. She just...didn't want to risk losing more people like she had with Guard Lady.
At breakfast, Steppe Archer was so certain that today was going to go well as she munched on her bread, dipping it in a bit of warm soup to eat a bit faster. And then, the job listings came up.

...She really...



Did not want to admit that right now, extermination may be their best prospect.

Steppe Archer looked pale, looking over the jobs. The cart job meant they might wind up having to defend against bandits, given the state of the body they found last time...or worse, the farmstead might be that old guy's. The fort investigation might not be too bad, but she'd heard rumors that monsters frequently inhabited old abandoned structures, meaning that they might travel all that way and be attacked while tired.

Sadly, the extermination was right there, the two jobs went hand-in-hand, and the pay was almost as much as the highest paying job, for what would amount to a far shorter job.

...But it was in the sewers.

Shaking her head, the nomad would say to the both of them: "I...know that I said before I don't want to do it...but the sewer jobs might be our best bet. Not to mention that now that we have money, we can more easily protect ourselves. ...E-Even if it involves bugs." She seemed apprehensive, but willing to do the jobs so long as her party members were onboard.

This man was beginning to grow disgusting in his determination to gut Cera like a fish. There were many ways to deal with this, but not a single one of them could be done with words alone. Thus, the fish-woman would raise her hands once more into a fighting stance and stared down her opponent. His chest's bruises were already healing completely...a feat that was only possible for a Devil Fruit user, in her mind. After all, it wasn't like she'd inflicted no damage. This man...was a fighting freak that seemed immune to pain.

"Please, reflect upon your actions when you wake up..." Cera said, eyes closing for a moment as she took in a deep breathe, her lungs swelling to the brim with air before she opened her eyes again to see her opponent. "Jihi Seiken...Kyusho Jitsu" she whispered, before expelling all the air in her lungs and taking a step forward. She was now right within Fsk's range, but her left hand moved to his wrist, using the most ginger application of force as she moved the wrist and knife away while the right hand jabbed at his shoulders, then his stomach. Fsk's efforts to move his arms would suddenly prove futile, as the fish-woman stared him down while his body's most basic functions ceased. Before it came time to realize that he should run, her hands struck at his knees and mid-thighs, causing his body to fall forward.

"Osu!" Cera cried, before slamming her palm into his chin, the force of the blow sending him flying back and onto his back, nerves incapable of functioning with the flow of his brain disrupted. It wasn't even damage that was keeping him on the ground, it was his body refusing to listen to him. Cera would then reach out, grabbing him by his hair to lift his head before a swift strike was given to the back of his neck, knocking him out for the time being. Now, Cera would turn to face whoever else she had to. No one had to die by her hand today, if she could continue to win fights like this.
Alice had to admit, just talking about small things with Brandy was a lot of fun. She loved shepherd's pies herself, but didn't mind a good apple one...even eventually coming to admit that she wore cotton bloomers, the most utterly boring underwear, because they were way cheaper than anything else. Alice was also revealing she was kind of a penny pincher when it came to herself, which was probably obvious from her lack of casual clothes.

"It sure is a real farm," Alice said, tail wagging. The wide open space and smell of nature all around...how heavenly it was to travel outside of town for once. Though, at the mention of helping them plant, Alice had the feeling it'd be a recurring theme of her having to remind Brandy they were here to kill a rabbit, not help as farmhands. Speaking of the job, the overseer HAD to be Dooch. He matched the client description that was mandatory, otherwise...how would adventurers know who's actually hiring them, and who's mooching free work and skipping out on paying them.

"That's our client right there Brandy," Alice said, dragging Brandy on over."Hello there! I take it that you're Mr. Dooch, the man who put up the job for that rabbit?" Alice felt like the faster she got to getting this done, the less likely Brandy was to run off and do farm work while Alice did the hunting.
There were times when someone needed to fight in life. And in a gladiatorial cage match, that time was most definitely when someone was charging at you with a knife. Running wasn't an option with this cage in place all around them, and even if she did run, that would just tire her out before too long. As such, she would stand and face the man charging at her and take a deep breath. She stood completely still as he approached, remaining in a state of complete calm just before his knife would break the skin covering her heart.

Side-stepping with a pivot, she would grab his arm at the elbow and close the distance, her free hand slamming into his chest, sending a tremendous amount of force through his body that felt like his back was being torn open. "Ten Tile True Punch," she said, as the ripple of force completed its path, knocking the man back ten feet, topped off with the sea slug woman giving him a stern look. "I don't like hurting people. But if you keep coming at me, I'm going to have to."

While she made her threat, Cera would look around for some way out...maybe if she incapacitated everyone and made it seem like she killed them, they'd let her out? Then she could get help! Maybe call the marines and- Oh that's right the marines were in on this.

...Why did just living have to be so difficult!?
@The Irish Tree@Conejitoooo@Crimson Lion
I've got a few questions for you guys.
1. Wanderingdragon has left the rp for personal reasons. I was going to continue on with the three of us for awhile, but I was curious how you guys felt about the matter. Should I recruit another player, or should we go it with the four of us?
2. What's your opinion about discord? Normally I prefer communicating through here, because of mixed results with the site, but if you guys want I'll set up a discord for this rp.

We can probably continue as-is for now, but opening for another makes sense.

I dont mind a discord personally.
Just making sure, but we're all unshackled, yes?
"Ugh...my head..." grumbled a fish-woman, her eyes darting around in the dim room to try and parse out where she was. Usually for a fish-man, traveling via the sea made sense before the Grand Line, given that most Sea Kings were so big, it was easy to stay out of their way...that is, unless, you're in choppy waters and can't exactly make out where you are. For the woman named Cera Nemy, this resulted in her being eaten, and ironically saved by pirates that caught the Sea King, only to then be knocked out and brought to this place.

...Wherever this place was.

It wouldn't be long until she learned just what they were here for, a death match to determine if they had the right to join some pirates...or be executed.

...What the heck kind of deal was that!?

Gritting her teeth, Cera would try to break her cuffs off, but the Sea Prism Stone was stronger than diamond. Even with her strength she doubted she could even break these in the water, and instead started thinking of how to get through this without killing anyone.

Looking at her palm, she reasoned that she could poison everyone to look like they were dying in agony...but her poison barely lasted a few minutes from just a touch. She didn't want to kill anyone, even if it meant having to die.
I think I'm going to have to pull out too. I dont have internet access a majority of the week and wouldn't be able to post daily. Good luck though.
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