Avatar of The Irish Tree


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts

@The Irish Tree
We should probably take a poll on this, as it's a major decision that will require a whole lot of work to set up. Who's interested in adding leveling mechanics to the RP?

Honestly, it really depends on the sort of isekai you both settle on for me. I like the idea of leveling up, but unless you have a system more advanced than "kills give exp", that kind of encourages wanton murdering of everything you know you can take. Maybe something more akin to a general milestone level up of, say, a big fight resolving and a gm saying you level from that and gain a new ability works in my head.
I'll toss some interest towards this.
Levia would eye Tungsten with an eagerness that betrayed her lack of professionalism, the clearest sign of it being the wagging of her tail. There wasn't a lot of need to hide it, in Levia's mind, and there was even less need to hesitate on performing the job at hand. Levia's hands clenched, and her eyes lit up. "One landslide coming u- Oh wait!"

Levia would hurriedly rack her brain, rubbing her temples as she let out a slight grunting hum, saying: "Didn't Lady Faetalis want you to draw a circle a mile deep and have me only target those areas? Much as I wanna break anything that looks fun to break, I wanna make sure I do it right." Despite her eagerness to work, the reality of it was that without proper guidelines, Levia was likely to carry her landslide too deep into the mountain.

I'll wait for the circle, and then I'll tear down whatever you tell me to. That way Lady Faetalis doesn't get mad," Levia explained.


Bit confused on the state of things, to be honest.

Have our characters already joined up?

Who's throwing the pirates into the arena, the marines or the Lighthouse Pirates? Are we also all prisoners?
@The Irish Tree
Looks good. The only question I have is how did she go about learning fishman karate? Did other fishmen just offer to teach it to her? Did she stay with some here and there and naturally picked it up?

It's not a big deal as your character is accepted. I'm just curious because a point was made she grew up being cut off from her fishmen heritage. So I figured spending time with fishmen would have been more noteworthy.

Admittedly, I just didnt want the backstory to drag on for too long. I can add in the mentor that taught her the basics though.

Wanted to vary things up and make a fish-man, because all-human crews are boring!

I'll throw some interest in this!
The night was nice and so was the sleep, and the archer would awaken just in time to hear her companion say good morning. Or, maybe she would say that at any time. Anyways, up-time!

With not much to do save for go down and get some grub, the archer would wipe the sleep from her eyes and get dressed. Sleepily making her way down the stairs after locking their door. Wouldn't do to have someone snooping around while they weren't home. All kinds of creeps in town, as she'd learned from their noble who couldn't keep his pen where it belonged.

Plopping down beside the druid girl, she would yawn while covering her mouth, before saying: "If you want, we could go pick some fruit outside town. Might save us some money."
Things were going well! At least, at first. Robin's timing couldn't have been better, and then Yuri came to help too...



...What was he doing?

Those black butterflies felt...off. Really off. Menacing even, even to the inexperienced Boundless as she watched, the Pageless turned against one another like puppets on strings. Soon, the humans that were being drained would rise as well, shambling after their leader without concern for their well-being. It was...scary, honestly. Enough so that the rabbit-ears upon her head drooped, and she found herself unable to move. Was this what Yuri's powers were like all the time?

And things just kept getting worse and worse as a GARGANTUAN Pageless showed up, only visible for a moment in the pitch dark stormy night after a bolt of lightning light the area up.

"S-Scheherazade..." Kanata stammered, feeling her legs get weak. "I'm scared..." she confessed, clutching the little red pendant around her neck that housed her grimoire. Then, she saw Robin dash ahead of her to tackle a civilian out of the way.


A small voice inside of Kanata screamed out, her eyes going wide again.

"This isn't like..."

"This isn't like last time. I can do this. I can-"

Kanata let out a shrill whistle with her fingers pressed to her lips, the rabbit mochi that had been advancing on the Pageless instead pausing, before bouncing against one another and the Pageless quickly to get out of the way of the arm's strike.

"I can save everyone"!

In that realization, the rain seemed to stop falling from Kanata's perspective. In that realization, her legs would finally move to the fullest.

For the briefest of moments, Kanata seemingly vanished in the rain, a clear line of water falling in a delayed fashion, displaced by her going as fast as she possibly could. Her grimoire's enhancements on her physical speed were pushed to their absolute limits as she put herself between the Pageless and the civilians. Wordlessly, she would strike the civilians in the chest once each with her hammer, sending them flying back out of danger, and safely landing on the re-positioned mochi-rabbits, new smaller rabbits forming from the blow she dealt to their chests.

Save for the one that Robin saved, every single civilian would be saved, and the mochi rabbits on their back and chests would connect together, forming a large, sticky mochi net that kept everyone grounded. Even if they were mindless zombies now, at least they couldn't hurt themselves.

Kanata would run as fast as she could, but she had a feeling that she wouldn't make it in time to save herself. Aside from that, the Pageless behind her were no doubt going to start attacking her again, now that she was by herself. Running once more as fast as she could as she felt the air be displaced by the gargantuan Pageless titan, she would cry out one thing, in hopes of reaching their friend who was lost in himself.

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