Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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Liliana's plan to take out the surrounding Varjans was solid in theory, but any warrior got tired. Wings beat slower, arms got heavier, and reflexes got slower...slow enough that she was caught off guard once more with a Varjan leaping atop her. Just before they could land a decisive blow however, Liliana would knock them off balance with a kick to the gut and get back to her feet. If it weren't for Shizuka's timely intervention, the fairy knight might have been a pincushion thanks to the surrounding soldiers.

"I'm still in the right amount of pieces, thanks!" Liliana would say, more than thankful for her samurai's sharp skills and blinding speed. ...In fact, it was starting to get embarrassing the longer the mission went on, since it felt like Shizuka was a one-man-army. Still, she had to imagine he had a weakness of some kind...maybe a killer stomach ache after a long battle, or a weird sneezing habit. Still, even he seemed to be getting worried by the odds stacked against them, to the extent of suggesting a plan that flipped every mischievous instinct in the fairy knight's brain. "I like your plan! Up we go!"

She'd give Shizuka the time he needed, parrying a few Varjan arrows as he prepared his explodey-projectile of some kind. Probably as simple as an oil soaked cloth on a crossbow bolt but eh, explodeys are explodeys. By picking Shizuka up and under one arm, Liliana would take flight, holding her blade aloft and pointing it at the sky. She figured some support magic would do them good right now...maybe even get them out of here faster! Of course, when the glyph actually manifested in the air and Liliana recognized it, an immediate look of displeasure crossed her face...until she saw that the glyph of Summon Cow was right above Fatal Pulse. She could live with that.

Another cow would once again grace Fatal Pulse, this time hurtling towards him as a damn good distraction while Shizuka took his shot at the crates. Liliana would then fly away once the bolt hit, wanting to get plenty of distance while the cow caused mayhem. "...So um...just wanna let you know, usually its like a one-cow-a-week thing, not a twice-a-day-thing."

Would you prefer to post first or second for our quest? Anything I can have Liliana do might remove options for Kannazuki, so I thought I should ask before starting a post.
Well, pack it up, RP's over.

Brandy and the gang were murderers.

Alice would erect a gravesite for her boney friend, his second departure from this world so untimely that uh...it meant most of his head was lost somewhere in the swamp. Oops.

Sofia would try to calm Brandy down: "Y-You see, Brandy, actually, according to Crusade Law #14-J, it is not only lawful, but encouraged to put down wandering undead outside of civilization. After all...w-we didn't know he was friendly!" There was some sketch ass laws in this world, but since they weren't in vampire country...by and large, few people actually cared about undead lives, for the reason of them already being alive and dying. Some places outright feared the undead. It was just sheer luck that Sofia hadn't been run out for having the pallor of a corpse.

After offering a short prayer and rising up, Alice would pound her fist into her open hand. "Don't you worry Phillip...I didn't even take one of your femurs, just because they looked delicious. We'll get to the bottom of this, and make whoever resurrected you and made Brandy kill you pay!"

Sofia shrank back a bit at the second part, but Alice would grab both her companions, saying: "We have to solve this job now! For Phillip!"

"For...was his name Philip? For Philip!"

Alice would utilize what magical know-how she had to try and make an agent from the various things around the swamp to react to any necromantic magics in the area, bottling it and putting it on her belt. It would turn black if they neared the source of the same magic that reanimated Philip, a little shard of his skull resting at the bottom of the bottle to serve as a reactant piece.

Alice would never forget her incredibly handsome boney friend. But she also would forgive Brandy for his bashing, since...lets be honest here, she should have known a skeleton wouldn't be accepted by her friends without an introduction.

Sofia would pray at Philip's makeshift grave, catching on fire on her left hand from performing a holy-based action, before quickly patting it out. "Let's find who's responsible for reanimating corpses, then."

Your Master's image has broken somehow on both the copied sheet and the one you posted. I think the link be dead.

Changes have been made to local stinky berserker man.

Wishing you the best of luck in trying to find a better job. Looking for one myself atm.
Confusion settled over Levia as she processed the new amount of limbs she was processed. She'd flex her small digits, 1-2-3-4-5, 1-2-3-4-5, and then it stopped as far as her hands went. And that was weird. Really weird. As weird as waking up one day in someone else's body...only, it was stranger to think that this happened in the blink of an eye. They'd have the rest of the day to get used to these forms and get acquainted with their new factories as well. Levia had a feeling she'd need a lot longer but...work called.

Departing in silence without the heart to say that she absolutely hated her human form, Levia would head to her primary facility and sit down on the floor. Everything felt off. But, Faetalis' words rang in Levia's head. "Never surrender your wildness, but learn to embrace your civility, as well." Clenching her hands, Levia would get bumped into by a recycler slime, the worried worker silently sensing her inner turmoil and trying to reassure her. As best as a mute ball of sludge with a few braincells could, at least.

"Hey... she said, trying to ease the slime down and off, unused to the feeling of her hands being much more sensitive with human skin over them. Standing shakily without a large tail for balance, Levia would bounce on the balls of her feet. One, Two. At least humans had two legs...she couldn't imagine how hard her life would be now if she had a draconic lower half with four legs. Even her own reflection on the polished floors irked her, but...she was starting to get an idea.

By and large her facility within the guild was...let's not mince words here, pointless. She didn't defend anything or create anything meaningful, didn't do anything useful, and as it stood the most useful functions she's served was to break rocks with her hands. It wasn't that she wasn't proud of her facility, it was that she wanted to do more for those around her. And that's when she started remembering the circumstances of her creation. "...Father..." she muttered to herself, before eyeing the slime, grabbing it by the sides. "I know what I need to do! For your support of your superior, I am promoting you effective immediately Reslymcler #46! From now on, you'll oversee breeding and recycling efforts when I'm not present. New duty calls!"

With a vague liquid "bloop" of approval, Reslymcler #46 became Managel Slime #1 and extended a bit of its mass to "wave" at Levia as she departed, running not to her own facility, but to the outside of the factory entirely. Then, to the outside world.

She had components to collect. Breeding stock to acquire. Chimeras to make. Her facility would be shaped up as a chimera creation facility, with one solitary goal:

Prove that Levia was so useful, having more Chimeras like her could only help everyone. And she'd start with an attempt to cross-breed various members of the surrounding fauna, utilizing her own venomous blood as an agent to ensure her brood could be around her without worry. If her purpose was to be destruction, and their assignment was a kingdom, she'd ready an army of monstrous chimeras while utilizing everything possible in the area of their home. Such things would take time, but she was sure that Lady Faetalis would be proud of her for finally having something to create:

An army of siblings with which to serve any number of purposes. She'd even create livestock suitable for the underground for Mae to butcher. She'd even see if Gammaton would like her to try hybridizing insects, wanting nothing more than the praise of those around her.

Awash in thoughts of the future, Levia could be seen beaming as she ran about, embracing the wildness that Faetalis valued as she began the difficult work of chimera creation.
Fairy stab butt.
While Liliana was keeping the soldiers busy with her precise stabs and fast flying, she heard the sound of Fatal Pulse scream and turned her head back to see him impaled. Now, surely the tide would...

...Why did he scream about his gonads? And how was he completely fine!? Was he some manner of undead? As the questions surged in her mind, she barely had time to notice the shadow pass over her, trapping her underneath a crate. Dashing around inside of the crate Liliana would try and find a way out, groaning as she basically rammed against the walls of the box. Then, she had a thought. They wouldn't have had time to do more than just get a box, so what was weighing her down?

Then, the fairy instincts for mischief kicked in. A devilish smile kicked in as she heard the soldier sitting on the box laugh at how ridiculously easy it had been to contain the fairy in her dumb little box. She estimated that her sword was sharp enough to penetrate the wood if she stabbed, and so the fairy would fly to the ground, building up momentum by flying in a circle before she dashed for the top of the box.

Where darkness prevailed and the sun didn't shine...that was where her sword would strike. The soldier atop the box would leap from his position, eliciting a cry of pain that would be followed by the sound of breaking wood. With the box now able to be lifted, Liliana would use Size Trick once more to grow large enough to break free and slam the box into the man's head. "Alright, who put the box on me!? Someone's going to be pushing up daisies until they ARE a daisy!"

Eyeing the state of the fight between Fatal Pulse and Shizuka, Liliana had a feeling her new friend stood little chance without a weapon. Even if Triple Reflection could fool Fatal Pulse into guarding, she didn't know if Shizuka had any martial arts skills to let him take his weapon back...so she'd give him a new one.

Varjan steel probably wasn't what Shizuka was used to using, but he'd find a sword sliding towards him, kicked by Liliana. "Alright, now you're all going to have to deal with a really BIG fly!" she said, taking to the skies and resuming her swooping attacks...albeit now, it was with a lot more speed, and less risk of getting shoved in a box. She'd go for archers first, then axemen.
...Y'know, in all likelihood, I think Samson is due a few nerfs to keep things fair @Enkryption.
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