Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts


Given that Liliana wasn't quite used to the debriefing process of the land, she was glad that Shizuka was around to handle that. She'd just head off to find a place to rest, while wondering what was up with the earlier sight of the Mad Hatter Liliana had arrived with being chased by two men, one on horseback...Shizuka didn't seem worried, so she had to assume that things were under control at the very least. She'd check up on her later...for now, she needed rest. She'd shifted to a much smaller size to conserve energy, back to her "true" size.

While it was disheartening to be viewed as a man-eating Monster when she was like...as big as a kitten, Liliana would just turn the other cheek and let them eat their own words later. After all, a Knight had to maintain some manner of dignity, even if she really felt like making those two apologize for gossiping really loud after her and Shizuka just risked their necks to save them from...some white powder stuff that made humans act funny. Whatever it was called again!

The face of the girl before her was one she wasn't familiar with, which wasn't surprising since the fairy had interacted with...like, three people outside of Shizuka thus far. Floating over to the girl, busy with her book, Liliana would peek over the edge of Io's grimoire, watching in awe as it flipped to and fro. "Woah...how's your book doing that? Is it magic? Are you a wizard!?" Liliana asked, eyes sparkling. While she was used to her queen using magic, she'd never encountered an actual, proper, "hide-in-a-tower-and-grow-a-six-foot-beard" wizard! Even if Liliana could cast magic with her sword, it wasn't really HER casting the spell. It was more the sword doing it than anything. Maybe this girl had a book like that, and that was why it was flipping around so much.

Even if the fairy was tired, her race was ever-curious.
Alice looked smug as hell after melting that lock, heading on in with her party to find and defeat whatever evil necromancer had resurrected and (very very distantly indirectly) caused the re-death of her friend! Sofia would also be fearfully clinging to Alice from behind, seeming very concerned that she'd wind up seeing a ghost.

Much like Brandy, Alice would start sneezing up a storm from the amount of dust, while Sofia was fine since she was kind of already too dead to have snot. As such, the undead would watch in horror as Brandy recovered and proceeded to not respect a single speck of dead dust in the entire crypt, sneezing over everything while Alice at least covered her nose with her hands. Sofia would rub her temple, saying: "No good necromancer would possibly just sit inside a crypt this small. So..." the revenant would look around, before confidently pointing at one of the sarcophagi, shouting: "There!"

The ornate sarcophagus was devoid of dust, rather conspicuous in a place that looked to never have been opened since tis inhabitants were put inside, the Revenant confidently sliding the lid off to reveal a set of stairs leading further downward. "Nice...n-nice ja...jahaaa..." Alice struggled to say, before letting out the loudest sneeze yet. "...Nice job, Sofia," Alice said before dashing down, urging the others to follow after her, with Sofia soon realizing they could have just gone home if she had kept quiet about the secret entrance.

Running down the stairs, Alice's undead-energy-detector would start detecting more...likely due to them reaching the same vertical height as the necromancer.

HYIEH!? Cordelia questioned, letting out an ungodly noise before realizing that it was one of her classmates. Then, realizing that she just made a noise like a pig being kicked, would promptly flush red in the face before sliding the door open for her classmate.

Off in the distance, it would be hard not to hear Samson busting his gut laughing. "What kind of noise was that!? Hiyeeeh!?" Samson said, more than ready to bust his Master's balls for the rest of the month. His Master, in the meantime would hurriedly bow her head to Michel, before dashing inside. "I-I'm very sorry about that!" she said, holding the door open to let him inside. She also looked like she really wanted to die, and would probably be very easily blackmailed.

Such was the life of a walking mess of a girl.
I probably should have asked this a lot sooner, but are we allowed to post multiple times per post cycle? Within reason?

With a bolt of lightning from her intrepid swordsman friend and a cataclysmic chain reaction of boom-to-boom-to-kaboom, the two were soon home free. And, Liliana had to admit...that scream from Fatal Pulse? That was worth the hassle of this whole adventure. Still, she did take some offense to the worry about endangering a REAL cow. "Should clarify for you and all the Varjans watching: No cows were harmed in the making of these summons. They just sorta go poof after a while," the fairy knight said, skedaddling through the air as the fires atop the Varjan ships lit up the ocean.

Liliana would return Shizuka's smirk with a mischievous grin, saying: "This is amazing...all the younger fairies used to get scolded for pranking humans. But these Varjans...you can prank them and fight them as much as you want and its a good thing to do! Thank you for coming to my rescue a bunch of times by the way." Liliana wasn't totally ignorant, and would give Shizuka a knowing smile as he mentioned that she could go off and do more quests if she liked. "Honestly? I've had enough adventure for one day. So, let's head back to town. I'll report all this to...uh..." Shizuka could visibly see the elipses coming in, dot-by-dot above Liliana's head before she tilted it. "...What does Takeshi look like exactly? I think I ran off before I saw him..."

Despite his ride's confusion, Shizuka would find himself on solid ground soon enough, with the Fairy Knight saying: "Next time, I'll be more careful about not taking on stuff like this alone...I don't think I'd have made it out in one piece if you hadn't shown up. So...rest up, and thanks!" Waving goodbye, the fairy would take off and attempt to find the familiar face of Ayu, since to her, basically any male human might as well be Takeshi. She'd have a hell of a story to tell, and would probably leave out the part with her getting trapped in a box. ...And the two cows.

I'm glad things are getting better for you at the very least.
Looking up at the mausoleum, Alice would sniff the air a bit, before eyeing the lock. So, in order to "help" Vincent with his problems, they'd have to destroy property...or find some way to pick the lock. Because there sure as shit wasn't any way they were going to actually get Vincent's help to solve the problem they'd been called out for.

Sofia would chuckle at Brandy's idea. "While I AM skilled, I don't think that works as well as it does in adventure novels. Besides," Sofia would draw an arrow and show the head's size compared to the hole. It was far too girthy, thick, not to mention hard to get inside. Sofia tapped it a few times to make sure Brandy got it, that shaft wasn't making it inside that hole in any capacity. "Though...I am at a loss for how to get inside now. While Alice could likely blow it open, that would no doubt catch that gravekeeper's attention...

Alice was already working on it, humming softly as she brewed something in her alchemical oven. "Little bit of Aluminum~! Wan! A strip of magnesium~! Wan! And to top it all off~" Alice sang, getting up with a set of protective goggles on and scraping a large amount of rust from the chains and padlock, gathering them in a piece of paper until they piled high. "Iron Oxide~! Wan!" she sang, before the fucking light of GOD itself manifested in the ceramic oven container, a menacing glow bathing Alice in an orange light while Sofia recoiled. "What IS that!?"

Alice would be handling it with gargantuan oven mitts and as much caution was due of literal lava. "A special tool to help us get inside! Thermite!" Alice said excitedly, before getting around to silently melting the chains and lock. Much safer and quieter than a bomb.

Sofia stared in abject horror as Alice committed to her property damage, astonished that such a mild-mannered bookish person was so eager to literally make magma.

Alice would say: "By the way, don't touch this. Don't even touch the stuff it touched. It'll be crazy hot." In all likelihood, that warning was meant exclusively for Brandy.
Took me a bit, but finally managed a post.
There were a grand total of 1,065 total confirmed missing persons/confirmed fatalities in Antarctica, accounting for both on-land deaths and at-sea sunken ships. A cold and frigid place the likes of which life can scarcely exist upon the outskirts, Chaldea was located nearly in the center of it. Atop a mountain and isolated by a powerful storm, there was almost zero chance of a wandering spirit to make its way here...

And that's why for a certain geist-gazing-girl who was enjoying a cup of morning tea found this to be the most wonderful place on earth. No ghosts wandering the streets with bulging eyes and nooses hanging from their necks, no wailing vestiges of gun violence that had bullets dangling from their back from sinew and pain connecting them, and most certainly no abused animals wandering with slavering jaws, searching for the Master they're sure still loved them despite leaving them to die chained to a post. When one saw such things not only daily, but hourly...it started make walking around feel really icky, especially with the social pressures of "not screaming when a tormented spirit walks through you because that would be unladylike".

Well, now Cordelia Pelham was free to walk the halls of Chaldea with a smile on her face and her back straight, since there were absolutely no ghosts to speak of. ...Well, except the "Ghost-Liners". Servants. And thankfully in the walk to her morning homeroom class, the Servant that most aggravated her wasn't-

"Hey, Master, I'm bored! Heading over now!"

...Oh fuck.

"Samson that is REALLY not necessary, I have class soon and-"

"Eh!? Still? You already know how to read and write, the hell good is class going to do you?"

Cordelia could already feel the migraine setting in. "As I've told you Samson, its a necessary part of Mastership. Besides, I rather enjoy the lessons here. They're a lot more understanding than many Clock Tower magi..."

"Still sounds boring to me...ah well, I'm still coming anyways."

"That REALLY won't be necessary Samson-" Cordelia thought, just before being swept up and off her feet by her Berserker, plopping her atop his shoulder while she held back her instincts to scream at being manhandled. "...Thank you, Samson," she managed to say through her gritted teeth.

Her Berserker of large stature beamed proudly. In all likelihood, he knew damn well his Master hated being pushed and tossed...but that's what made it fun to start with! "Don't mention it," Samson said, with the most shit-eating grin on his face before he heard Cordelia's phone beeped. "Finally get someone's number?" he questioned.

Cordelia didn't even bother to respond to the jab at her single-status, happily a bachelorette and not a lech like her Servant. He'd gotten slapped by a fair number of Servants for his advances, some hard enough to dissuade him from further attempts. "...An assembly is happening at hall 11 at Five O'Clock..."

"...I thought there were only 10," Samson observed, his eyes narrowing a bit as he was actually on-guard. "Might be a trap. Maybe someone wants to rip those special eyes out of your head."

Cordelia grew pale in the face, just a bit, saying: "Please, stop joking about that! ...Regardless, this is an official announcement...it even has directions to the hall, So...I think I have to go."

Samson didn't like sketchy directions and out-of-the-blue sneaky shit, so he'd be on his guard the entire day, scoping out if anyone was near his Master's room.

When the appointed hour arrived, Cordelia would follow the written instructions on her phone while nervously looking over her shoulder constantly. Like, every three seconds. To anyone watching it was almost comedic. She looked like a burglar who just heard someone turn a light on, neck beginning to ache as she snapped it to and fro before she finally made her way to the door and literally started opening the door by millimeters at a time.

Samson, who was in his Spirit Form, was covering his non-existent mouth with his non-existent hand, trying not to burst out laughing at how Cordelia looked inches from screaming and running away from a door.
Some kinda luck for Liliana to get two cows in one mission. Murphy's Law hits hard when you have bovine-based-battle-tactics I guess.

I hope you find something that will help, Cloud!
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