Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

Most Recent Posts


I am so sorry for the indirect bullying from Liliana btw. She do her best.


"Who, me? Well, I met Shizuka, sure...and that Gringor guy, I guess," Liliana answered, unsure what exactly Io was getting at. Then...it hit her. Wizards were like, super nerds. Had Io never seen men in her life?

Gasping at the idea, Liliana would suddenly take Io's hands, saying: "Have you never seen men before now, Io!? From the way she put her hood up and Io's generally bookish nature, Liliana had to assume that she was concerned about never finding a partner. "Well, I mean uh...me too, honestly. I mean, fairies are usually girls, and men that step too far into our woods get scared off by the giant plants and all. But still! Do you need a wingwoman?"

The absurdity of the moment might not fade away if Io didn't explain what it was she'd never seen before...lest she be forced into Liliana's idea of "how to talk to guys". "When Shizuka gets back, we can practice with him! He's super cool, can make clones of himself, and has a really cool sword! ...I think that's pretty standard for human guys, right?"



In some part of her mind, Eula had expected this horrible outcome. A human choosing to take their own life through fighting them instead of simply surrendering and begging for forgiveness. Her hands had received the brunt of the slash, with the impacting shards killing the bandit, wounding Shizuka and-

[Error! Internal stability compromised due to puncture wound. Sealing off flow of magical energy to left arm!] Her circuits sparked to life, and then death as Eula painfully convulsed, a brief flow of magical energy set free from its circuits reeking havoc on the inside of her right arm before it went slack. Despite being an automaton, Eula looked...in agony. Shivering a bit, she clutched her limp right arm before remembering Shizuka's wounds, and gently reaching out to him. "Shizu...ka...a-a-a-a-re you injured?" she asked, voice repeating a few syllables and stammering on some due to the damage done to part of her circuits, her body struggling to compensate the flow of energy in her body.

Looking down at the bandit with glassy eyes, Eula would say: "My fault. All my-my-my-my-my fault." She'd slowly reach to her own arm and start pulling out some chunks of the strange glass blade, needing to do so for her circuits to start repairing...but even that might take a week of rest. Automaton healing was slow as hell, and the only way to speed it up was with an engineer aiding her.

"Suspend...mission?" Eula asked, voice back to normal as she looked to Shizuka. "This unit can continue to operate at 70% combat efficiency. But Shizuka, as a human, you are at far greater risk from blood loss and organ damage caused by that glass sword," she said, unaware of how deep his wounds were. However, she would take a piece of the glass sword from the shattered handle and gingerly crush it with a rock, before consuming the powderized form to analyze. "Conducting Analysis of Crystalline Sword."
Me, picking Destiny 2 back up ever since the Forsaken expansion: Eh, sure, I'll play this again. I bet not much has changed.


Between this, WH40K Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters, MH Rise, FF14 and SRB2Kart, yeah, I need to remind myself to do updates here. Hopefully I'll have one up tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest.

Coming back to D2 was wild for me because of the anniversary event, so I got the Marathon shotgun and have never used anything else if I could help it. Also EYYYY SRB2Kart!
Fio had been excited for the events of this morning: The day where she'd get to actually join up with the guild and join a Rescue Team! Everything was definitely going to go great: The sun was shining, her horoscope said she'd have great luck with money today, and she'd managed to have a good dream. All good signs! She was bouncing on the tips of her feet as the group gathered, before letting out a surprised "Meep!" at Kick's attention-gathering sound. He hadn't even done anything, but even Fio could feel the pressure in the room. As if on reflex, she would flop onto the ground, curling her leaves out around her as if to camoflauge herself. Then, once Kick started talking proper, she shot back up, smile renewed.

"Phew! I thought he was mad...but he sounds so nice!" she thought to herself, swaying from side to side in excitement. One of the other new Pokemon, Ting, would introduce himself first. He didn't seem especially prepared to give a speech, but then again this was kind of strung on them last minute. Oh well! Seeing as the Minun that was beside her didn't look eager to go up, Fio would gently pat their back, then gesture at herself with her other leaf. Waddling up, Fio would use her leaves to pull herself up on stage, eyes sparkling. "Hello everyone!"

She would bounce a bit on her feet, looking at all the cooler, more experienced Rescuers around her. "I got saved from being in a bag, so now I wanna help people too! I think being a Rescuer is the best job in the world for helping people, so...um..." This speech stuff was hard! She'd look a bit conflicted for a moment, before looking up at Kick and renewing that sparkle-eye thing she somehow did. "I wanna make lots of friends, and save lots of people! I hope I can get super strong, so that nobody can stuff people in bags while I'm around," she said, before bowing, leaves curling as if they were her arms before she started wobbling off the stage, taking her place back where she'd been standing.

Now, the Minun was the only one left to speak. Seeing as the three of them were the only novices present thus far...did this make them a team? She was too excited to read all the details in full, but was just super stoked to be accepted by the guild. ...Well, that and because it was either the guild or going homeless.
I thiiiink I'll let Tree post first, because I wrote Gale as waffling a lot, so I kinda wanna write around that by having Fio go before he does

Roger. I'll get a post out today then.


"Oh yeah, turning big is super handy! You'd be surprised how long it takes to get anywhere when you're small. Gives my wings a serious workout just moving from one end of a table to another...noooo thanks. Humans design everything so big, that it just makes sense to be big to navigate, y'know?" Going over to a nearby sliding door, Liliana would demonstrate what she meant by shrinking back down and trying to open it. "See? Totally fairy inaccessible."

After returning to people size once more, Liliana would try to alleviate Io's concerns about fairy-sized scrolls. "Oh, no, don't worry about that! Anything I have on me shrinks down with me. Kinda. Can't bring cold-iron-things down with me since fairies are allergic." To demonstrate, Liliana would reach into her bag and pull out a copper coin, then shrink down to show that it scaled down with her. "Super handy for transporting big things. ...Of course once it uh, leaves my person it sorta..." the fairy flipped the coin out of her hand, the thing returning to its original size once it got a few inches away from her. "Embiggens again."



Eula was...honestly astounded that their plan had actually worked out TOO well. At the barrage of energy bolts, the bandits had simply turned tail and ran before Shizuka even had a chance to pursue any but the glass-swordsman. That was...well, she had to assume this must mean that her visage was truly terrifying to humans. As such, when Shizuka began questioning their new prisoner, Eula went over and crouched before him, right in his face with unblinking focus.

"I would listen to my human friend here. If you cooperate, I can at least guarantee that he will not behead you. But if you take too long..." she started, before ever-so-gently wrapping her hands around his left hand. "He has been known to start from the thumb." Eula was absolutely making shit up, but her deadpan tone and unflinching expression probably made the threat of torture by dismemberment all the more real for the bandit.

Regardless of the bandit's answer, it was likely they'd have to tie him up and come back for him later. His inability to fight back had at least earned him a proper trial back in town, in her eyes.

Aaand finished! I hope everything is satisfactory.
Doing dandy on my end. Hope everyone else has been well, too.
@The Irish Tree How goes the character building? Don't forget about your secret! If you need help I'm just a PM away.

Its going well enough. Bit stumped on backstory but I always think of something in the end.
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