Having followed Carroll into the building that she’d ducked inside of, Eula was quick to call out:
”I just wanted to apologize for…everything that both me and Revuel said. I really do appreciate you trying to assist me. …Your name is Carroll, right?”"
Last I checked," Carroll says.
”I am Eula 039. I’m sorry for not making a proper introduction sooner.”"
I felt we had a proper introduction," Carroll says.
”...I see.”"
I’m more curious what you are apologizing for," Carroll says, "
Nothing happened. I’m simply making my talents known," she shrugged, "
If they are unneeded, that’s that."
”It is still the case that I spurned freely offered goodwill. Oh, and, Revuel wanted me to apologize on his behalf as well.”"
I don’t need apologies," Carroll says. "
Apologies do little for me at this point," she looked at Eula, "
Was that all you came to do, then?"
”For the most part, yes. I was also curious about what a cursed sword of Wonderland is doing here as well…”"
Search me," Carroll shrugged. "
Last I checked, I was clashing against my father, wielded by my mother, and then, I was here."
”...I wonder if you lost your memories in a similar way that I did. In my case, the one who found me said that I had a hole in the back of my head.”"
Who knows," Carroll says. "
My head is made of slime, so a hole wouldn’t bother me in the slightest," she says, poking her right pointer against her forehead, and cleanly through, "
”Fascinating,” Eula said, coming right up beside Carroll and poking the other side of her head.
…Now that Eula was close enough though…Carroll could feel some sort of “static” connecting the pseudo-arm that she’d created, tying back to something behind Eula. A faint image of sorts.
Carroll narrowed her eyes, as the static filled her senses. She wasn’t like Eula, and her senses were unlike Human - or even Mamono - as she was effectively ecolocating the millions of vibrations that existed, and piecing it all together with how it hit her blade. Therefore...
...she shouldn’t have been seeing a goddamn bonafide GHOST, and yet here she was, seeing something that was casting no vibrations at all.
Eula would tilt her head, following Carroll’s eyes, but seeing nothing.
”Is something wrong?”The phantom image behind Eula scarcely moved, looking at the automaton square in the face with the faintest of smiles on her thin lips. Eula was completely unaware of her presence, but the phantom took a look at Carroll, regarding her arm, then locking eyes with her.
Her eyes were a pale red, with hair tied in a braid similar to Eula’s, minus her hair being more wiry and thin, and being a different color. A fair bit taller than the present automaton, her general attire and physique matched that of Eula, the futuristic past future of the Precursor automatons."
There’s someone... behind you..." Carroll says, before following her gaze, and noticing her arm was transformed again. "
What... I didn’t..." she tried to change it back, but it wasn’t going, "
Are you doing this?"
She wasn’t asking Eula, but asking past her.
”It is simpler to communicate directly, is all,” the ghost spoke before Eula suddenly went limp standing, closing her eyes.
”I am Europa 09. What you have duplicated is a facsimile of parts with in-laid programming inherent to them. Thus, I am able to communicate with and interact with Eula’s systems via your central nervous system. Don’t worry. I will uproot myself from your mind after we speak. You won’t have to see or hear me again.”"
Oi, oi! You don’t get to make that choice, lady! My mind! You’ll stay right put until I say you go," Carroll says, "
That aside... Europa 09... Eu... 09... I’m guessing, the La and 3 are sourced from your husband, then, " she surmises. "
My Queen isn’t the sharpest blade on the rack. Her strength lies in her compassion, tenacity, and ability to really take a punch on the chin. For intelligence gathering, I exist. Thus, I’m quick to pick up on things."
Carroll would scratch her cheek, rather sheepishly, "
Admittedly, this is a new experience for me. I don’t remember this happening with Terra’s mother. But, regardless, you claim that I’m able to sense your vibrations through this arm, yeah?"
Crossing her arms, the phantom of Europa would let out a soft chuckle.
”If you insist, then I shall stick around a while. But, the other half is that of Laguna 030, my soul mate. You may meet her someday if you keep recklessly duplicating parts,” Europa said.
”I am assuming Terra is another automaton you’ve encountered then? I could just peek at your memories, but…well, that would just be plain rude, wouldn’t it?”"
Terra is... was... I guess... my daughter... one of them... my last..." Carroll says. "
In Wonderland, I wasn’t always tied to my current Alice. I was... someone’s daughter once... someone’s father once... twice... I guess, I was reckless," she chuckled, "
I was probably the reason mother threw me on my ass, if I had to be honest. Even though she never showed me love, just rule. I suppose that’s why I rebelled so earnestly."
Carroll dragged her face with her false hand, "
Why am I even bothering you with my bullshit life story? You wanted to tell me something. So, say your piece."
”Well, it would be very rude for me to just say something and poof after you’ve just given me your entire life story,” Europa said, leaning against a nearby wall.
”As for what I wanted to tell you…be careful with Eula’s parts. In spite of her having her other mother’s strength, she’s reckless. …Each part of her can’t be replaced as easily as one would think. After all…they did come from the two of us.”"
My replications are perfect, however," Carroll frowned, "
I feel like I understand what you mean. That said, I can't make her act smartly and not break herself," she says, "
Eventually, she will break completely, and then what?"
”Then, our last gift to her will let her keep going,” Europa said simply.
I see," Carroll says, looking at her arm. "
That leaves me in an odd position. How do I mend when that replaces sentimentality?"
”Simple, really. Only replace what can never be regained again,” Europa said.
That’s so painfully cryptic," Carroll says.
”Aren’t all ghosts supposed to be?” Europa asked with a cheeky wink.
Carroll rolled her eyes, but chuckled, all the same. She wasn’t wrong.
Europa would close her eyes, her image growing a bit fainter.
”Looks like Eula’s waking up. Maybe we’ll talk again someday…though, do forgive Laguna if she’s a little…terse when you meet her. If at all.”"
I can be terse myself, if need be," Carroll says.
Europa’s mouth moved to say something but no sound came out as the static faded away.
Another time, then," Carroll says, as her arm returned to normal.
Eula would awaken after a moment, rubbing her eyes.
”I…what was…”"
You just took a little nap. Probably worrying yourself so much," Carroll says.
”...Perhaps I need to recharge a while longer. That battle must have expended more energy than I thought.”"
Maybe," Carroll says. "
I can probably help you recharge," she says, "
If you like."
”I just need to rest a while but…I do appreciate the offer.”"
I see," Carroll says, noncommittally.
”...What did you have in mind, though?”"
Hm?" Carroll tilted her head, curious.
”Automatons recharge passively through an internal battery absorbing ambient mana from the atmosphere. I’m curious how you would be able to speed that process up.”Carroll smirked, before transforming her left arm into Eula’s, "
Figured, we can hold hands - double the speed."
Eula would reach out and clasp Carroll’s hand in both of her’s.
”I see. Wonderland science must be quite amazing if handholding doubles energy absorption.” Without even knowing it, Eula was committing the grandest social stigma of all Monstergirls! Handholding!
I mean, if you think about it, if I replicated the functionalities of the “item” that is your “arm”, then I have gain the passive ability to absorb Mana and convert it into Electricity," Carroll says. "
So, if I’m gaining power through your arm, and you are siphoning excess power from me, while gaining it naturally, theoretically, the conversion rate is multiplied. Maybe, not to double, but by zero-point-three for certain."
Carroll smirked, her hawkish, bored eyes lightning up, as she said, "
And, one-point-three is zero-point-three more than one-point-zero, eh?"
Eula nodded, before continuing to hold Carroll’s hand, satisfied by her mathematical correctness. Though, as for whether Carroll would mind the feeling of a battery churning energy out inside of her…that was a tale for another time.