OOCThe name basically says it all. It's a Persona RP, taking place in Wonderland, or rather a place that looks like Wonderland.
The basic gist of the story is this: Starting in the Summer of 2010 (Taking place in-between Persona 3 and 4.) children of ages 4 though 12 are being infected by a disease known as the "Pied Piper Phenomenon" or "P3 Syndrome" for short, on the stroke of midnight every night in the city of London, England. Once they go asleep by this time, they enter into a comatose they don't seem to wake up from. While it mostly effects London only, with each new child, the range gets wider and wider, and so if it's not stopped, all the children of the world would be placed in this state. (So it's kind of like Apathy Syndrome for Kids.)
However, as everyone here is most certainly closer to being adults, this normally wouldn't concern them, unless of course they have a young family member inflicted with this curse. But as the school year is about to begin, at the stroke of Midnight, all of you gets inflicted with P3 Syndrome as well. Your dreams shatter to pieces, and all that remains in the darkness is rectangular window into a beautiful but dark world, and soon, you are drawn into this Looking Glass, and enter the realm known as Wonderland, and assisted and guided by an intelligent and sapient white rabbit, revealing immediately that he and other members of the original story are in fact Shadows.
So... This Persona RP will have a few change to it:
1. No Calendar System. Because honestly, I have seen that system fail in an RP far too many times, due to inactivity or just plain boredom. So we're playing it like a normal adventure RP. Kind of like the first two Persona Games.
2. EVERYONE can wield multiple personas and are allowed fusions. Speaking of which, another aspect from the original two will return here. Everyone gets to have and create multiple personas, allowing access to fusions. However, at the start, they can only have access to personas of their initial Arcana. When a certain...'event' happens, (You'll know it when it happens) they'll gain access to a second Arcana. Then when they gain their resolved personas (and Of course they will.) they'll gain access to a third arcana to use. A total of three arcanas worth of Personas. The fool of the group (Which is indeed my character) of course, has access to all Arcanas. Still a bit of an advantage, but not AS big as the two games before it.
3. No Igor (At least for now): There is always only one fool, and only that one fool is the wielder of multiple personas usually. However, their ability to use multiple personas is technically an "Illegal" method, and as such, none of them are guests of the Velvet Room. ...That, and the Velvet Room isn't exactly in the position to be taking guess right now, what with Elizabeth leaving and the room probably in the middle of its changing process between one guest (P3) and the next. (P4) So even the fool isn't allowed in at the moment. Not to worry, there is someone in this Wonderland who can provide the same services to illegals like yourselves.
4. "Neo-Shadows": As stated, the characters of the original book of Alice in Wonderland are in this world in the form of Shadows. However, while there are regular shadows around, these particular ones are known as "Neo-Shadows" Shadows that possess an immense amount of power compared to a regular shadow, a special ability, sapience as well as sentience, and a capability of Human Form. In addition, they also possess the ability of Persona like the humans possess. For the sake of variety and chance, I'm giving out a CS that will allow you to create a Neo-Shadow of your own, and no, they don't necessarily have to follow the "Wonderland" theme like the others.
5. Light and Darkness: Wind, Fire, Ice, and Lightning are the normal elements in which the games let you use. But Light and Darkness, are used differently, being lucky insta-kills rather than anything damaging. Works well enough in an RPG...Not quite in an RP. As such, There will still be light and darkness, but they will be damaging elements like the others.
6. No buffs/debuffs: This honestly is a bit of a disappointing change, I'll admit, but we feel it'd be easier to do this without them. Power and Mind charge, however, are still usable.
And that's it in the changes department.
So, anyone interested in this little adventure?