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A lack of knowledge is just fine, I'm willing to help in any way I can.
Excellent, I'll wait until Saturday to get the OOC up and running.

In the mean time, I'll give you your CSes.


Backstory: (Optional)
Theme Song: (Completely optional.)

Persona Name:
Persona Appearance:
Persona Skills:
Character Relevance: (Basically, how your Persona represents you. Possible not to be, in which case choose unknown, but I'd appreciate the effort if you could.)

Power: (If any)
Weapons: (If any)
Personality: (Self-awares' only)
Theme song: (Again, completely optional.)

One note is that practically all the Wonderland character have been reserved for myself and my partner: The Walrus, and the Mock Turtle, and the White Queen, the griffin, the chess pieces, and the deck of 52 cards. are available though. Remember though, Not all of them HAVE to be characters from Wonderland.

Edit: To answer your question...We're not sure yet on Status Effects. I need a word with my partner and I'll get back to you on that.

Edit-Edit: Yes, Status Effect WILL be represented in this.

The name basically says it all. It's a Persona RP, taking place in Wonderland, or rather a place that looks like Wonderland.

The basic gist of the story is this: Starting in the Summer of 2010 (Taking place in-between Persona 3 and 4.) children of ages 4 though 12 are being infected by a disease known as the "Pied Piper Phenomenon" or "P3 Syndrome" for short, on the stroke of midnight every night in the city of London, England. Once they go asleep by this time, they enter into a comatose they don't seem to wake up from. While it mostly effects London only, with each new child, the range gets wider and wider, and so if it's not stopped, all the children of the world would be placed in this state. (So it's kind of like Apathy Syndrome for Kids.)

However, as everyone here is most certainly closer to being adults, this normally wouldn't concern them, unless of course they have a young family member inflicted with this curse. But as the school year is about to begin, at the stroke of Midnight, all of you gets inflicted with P3 Syndrome as well. Your dreams shatter to pieces, and all that remains in the darkness is rectangular window into a beautiful but dark world, and soon, you are drawn into this Looking Glass, and enter the realm known as Wonderland, and assisted and guided by an intelligent and sapient white rabbit, revealing immediately that he and other members of the original story are in fact Shadows.
So... This Persona RP will have a few change to it:

1. No Calendar System. Because honestly, I have seen that system fail in an RP far too many times, due to inactivity or just plain boredom. So we're playing it like a normal adventure RP. Kind of like the first two Persona Games.

2. EVERYONE can wield multiple personas and are allowed fusions. Speaking of which, another aspect from the original two will return here. Everyone gets to have and create multiple personas, allowing access to fusions. However, at the start, they can only have access to personas of their initial Arcana. When a certain...'event' happens, (You'll know it when it happens) they'll gain access to a second Arcana. Then when they gain their resolved personas (and Of course they will.) they'll gain access to a third arcana to use. A total of three arcanas worth of Personas. The fool of the group (Which is indeed my character) of course, has access to all Arcanas. Still a bit of an advantage, but not AS big as the two games before it.

3. No Igor (At least for now): There is always only one fool, and only that one fool is the wielder of multiple personas usually. However, their ability to use multiple personas is technically an "Illegal" method, and as such, none of them are guests of the Velvet Room. ...That, and the Velvet Room isn't exactly in the position to be taking guess right now, what with Elizabeth leaving and the room probably in the middle of its changing process between one guest (P3) and the next. (P4) So even the fool isn't allowed in at the moment. Not to worry, there is someone in this Wonderland who can provide the same services to illegals like yourselves.

4. "Neo-Shadows": As stated, the characters of the original book of Alice in Wonderland are in this world in the form of Shadows. However, while there are regular shadows around, these particular ones are known as "Neo-Shadows" Shadows that possess an immense amount of power compared to a regular shadow, a special ability, sapience as well as sentience, and a capability of Human Form. In addition, they also possess the ability of Persona like the humans possess. For the sake of variety and chance, I'm giving out a CS that will allow you to create a Neo-Shadow of your own, and no, they don't necessarily have to follow the "Wonderland" theme like the others.

5. Light and Darkness: Wind, Fire, Ice, and Lightning are the normal elements in which the games let you use. But Light and Darkness, are used differently, being lucky insta-kills rather than anything damaging. Works well enough in an RPG...Not quite in an RP. As such, There will still be light and darkness, but they will be damaging elements like the others.

6. No buffs/debuffs: This honestly is a bit of a disappointing change, I'll admit, but we feel it'd be easier to do this without them. Power and Mind charge, however, are still usable.

And that's it in the changes department.

So, anyone interested in this little adventure?
"What meeting, Captain? All you did was have the new one explain herself, before you now go to the...combat room...with..." X was trying to say as he entered the bridge, to Mike before he left with Nari to the combat room. He made a sigh as he looked at this. Ignored again to love, he sees. It's a wonder if Nari is literally all the captain thinks about when there's no mission to be in and no one to face off with.

"That relationship they share, as sweet as it is, I swear will get them both killed one of these days." He thought, slowly shaking his head, somewhat annoyed, yet at ease by the captain's romantics on Nari, then turned to Koat.

"Well, welcome to the team, It's quite frankly about time that Jurano has someone to look after him. I often worry about that boy the most." He said to Koat. He then walked over to Mina and turned to Sashia.

"Well, if I can't hear what is going on or what we should do from the Captain, his sister and Vice-captain should suffice. I take it your Wheelchair is working well so far, Ms. Mina. If you and Ms. Sashia could, I would like to know what it was that caused this as well as what we should do? I personally recommend taking the time on this planet to relax and recover. I myself, intend to head off to restock on supplies. But I would like to know where we intend to go or do next, so I can get them accordingly." He said. He did promise to get the up-to-date information to Zayne and Ryan after all.
X gave a gentle smile when he saw Ryan holding Zayne's hand.

"I see. In that case, since I'm going to need to have a word with the captain about this last mission anyhow. I'll go to the briefing in your place and provide a recap for you both when I head back to check up on Ms. Zayne. I'm sure knowing you, Ryan, you'll be in the same spot, so I can kill three birds with one stone." He said to them. He then waved to them and walked off, heading for the bridge of the ship. It was unfortunate that he missed everything about the last mission, right down to the fact he didn't even know they had one. He assumes it's because they probably felt so confident about it that they didn't need a medic. Understandable, since it's often something of a rarity for him to actually do his job. That said, he was still sleeping until a nurse woke him up to tell him about what happened. Whoever it was that attacked them did some heavy damages to all of them, quite a horrifying scene, actually. He was curious to know what caused this group of supernatural mercenaries to be so easily defeated.
" Your shape-shifting skills are impressive as always, Ryan." Exodos said as his body lost all texture or design, becoming some sort of human-shaped mist of purple particles and reformed into a different face, Ryan's body, before shaping quickly back to his own preferred one. He then looked at Zayne, smiling gently when he heard her response.

"I see, good to hear. We wouldn't want to lose you, and have Death to answer to for it. Now, it doesn't have to be this instant, since you're just getting up, but later I would like to perform check-up just to be sure. With that said, I'll provide you with some pain medication. The Captain requested a meeting and we've landed on the Citadel." He then said to Zayne, taking out his bottle again and putting two pills in the desk by Zayne's bed.
X looked at Mina, as she collapsed he at first reached out to help, but he hesitated, knowing she would refuse his help. Even still...He saw the pain in her eyes that she was trying to hide as her little dragon friend tried to help.

"Whether or not you fought doesn't matter to me Ms. Mina. Nor would it matter to any doctor. ...But if you insist..." He said as he took out a bottle from his pocket, popped it open, dropped pills into his hands.

"Here, this should help with the pain. ...Don't worry, it's not for night." He said, meaning that it didn't have the side-effect of being drowsy as he gave them to Mina. He then heard the captain in the comm.

"The Citadel? I didn't know we were so close to a church." He said, he then blinked when he remembered what the Citadel was exactly. He looked at Mina and gave an awkward laugh.

"...Errm, ...Just a joke." He said, clearly lying about that. He then shook off the thought and clapped his hands together, and then drew something in the air. Immediately, Mina would be lifted up gently and placed into what would feel like an invisible chair.

"I don't have any wheelchairs available at the moment, but creating one out of the wind isn't too difficult. The wheels as are to your left and right accordingly. I need to go check up on the others, If you need me, give a call." X said as he then walked towards Ryan and Zayne. Immediately walking into the room, he notices as Zayne just woke up.

"...Ah good, you're awake Ms. Zayne. How are you two feeling?" He asked her and Ryan.
Mike the Bloodwolf said
Well, I'll give Dash and Jest a week to post after my own post. If they give me nothing before the end of the week. I might strike them.

Says the guy who never comes on Skype anymore.

I'll post immediately, I apologize for the wait.
"Captain, our 'prisoner' as you bluntly put it suffered a mental strain from whatever it was that was controlling him. It's he won't be awake for a while still." X told Mike, following him to the bridge as he did. Prisoner or no, it was X's duty to see to the health of everyone on board, without exception. It was clear that the captain was quite upset, and that made X quite concerned about his decision-making abilities being effected. He then noticed Mina trying to get up, and immediately rushed towards her.

"Please try to relax, Mina. You still haven't completely recovered. ...Whatever it was that attacked all of you apparently didn't pull any punches." He said to her.
As Samuel appeared on the throne, The demons cheered, Jack Hell laughed in excitement, and Sore Saige simply bowed to him.

"...I welcome you home, my liege. I'm glad to see the plan was a success." He said to him as he appeared. He then heard Samuel mention the Supernatural beings.

"To be fair, my lord, they did do something quite important: They released you from your prison." He said to him. He then heard Samuel ask about how the killing of Satan went. ...Ah yes, it was unfortunate, but he did recall the order to assassinate the great demon lords before Samuel was sealed the first time. ...However...

"Unfortunately, that was the only order I had to decline. ...You, I, and the Great Demon Lords, are eight of nine rulers of the nine Circles of Hell. We are each connected to each circle, and so I deduced it would be...unfortunate, possibly disastrous, especially as you were still contained in that orb, to eliminate one of them. Though you are now here freed from your shackles, and can sustain the entirety of the realm. But rather than eliminate them, I convinced them to serve you instead. You are, after all, the incarnation of our home. Fortunately, that was successful, and so all of hell, save for the first circle, is completely under your control." Sore explained.
At the doorway of the Training room stood what appeared to be a human, roughly 17 in age by the looks, wearing a heavy black trenchcoat, over a red button-down shirt, blue jeans and purple sports shoes. He watched Blake and Maria, and of course Hugo, interacting with each other, give a soft gentle smile at the two trying to support the demon. Blake reminded him of a demon he once knew about, a demon who also lost an arm, reacting the same way Blake is now. Unlike Blake, he never had the best surgeons implant a new arm in his place. He had to learn how to fight without it. Needless to say, Blake had it easy. Knowing that Maria has his side right now, the human, known only as X, walked off. He then looked to the medical to see what was going on there. Sure enough, there was the captain pinning someone against the wall. ...He knew this child, He overheard Nari talk about him. With this in mind, X made a loud clearing of the throat to get the attention of the Captain, Nari, and Seth.

"If I may, I can vouch for him, Captain. I let him on board not too long ago while my assistance were helping in your recoveries. Nari did request for his assistance. With respect, If you have any problems, I recommend discussing it with us on the bridge, rather than here so as to ensure silence as my patients sleep." He said to Mike, a calm, gentle tone in his voice though silent to almost whisper so as to not disturb anyone sleeping here.
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