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Drakel said
I see... Yeah the draconian race basically believed dragons were gods in a sense though they might see the other dragon species more so as cousins or angels more-so than their actual deities though.

In any case I'd still post my race so you can see it.

Sadly though the wait will have to be 4 days, maybe even longer since all my CSs are on a harddrive in CA and I'm in WA.

That's quite alright. Do take your time. I despise being rushed and rushing people.

And besides that, it still might take a little while to get the OOC up.

Which brings me to say to everyone, that I'm TERRIBLY sorry for the wait. The next time I make an RP like this, I'm going to make it a point to make the OOC before the interest check.
Drakel said
As I said before, I do agree with that philosophy though when it comes to dragons and elves and such I expect a lot of detail and thought placed into them, something that you'll notice when I post up the my version of the draconian race in the OOC.

As for the race itself it was originally made for a starwars RP that died long ago, I'll just be posting it as an example on what I am talking about. You can play as a member of their race if you'd like and I will admit that it might actually be better than everyone crating 50 versions of the exact same thing. The physiology and biology part was rather easy but then I had to add reasons and history behind them that still gave off a rather fantasy like feel but at the same time still keep it scientific. So... I made that tribal and was RPing out their evolution with Stryder. Of course, for this RP, the race will be played around about 200 years after such events would happen... when they started to build ships for space combat and that like while holding on to their ancient traditions and architecture style.

While I haven't displayed it yet, (I wish to keep it unknown until the OOC) I do have a CS made, thanks in part to one of my friends, designed specifically for Alien Species as a whole. (For the record, I also have one for individual ships.)

Truth be told, I actually intended on making the CS for the dragons myself. ...And depending on a few factors, we may have to have two types of variance in the Dragon Species.

ASTA said
Is this still accepting?

I'm afraid not, but I can put you on a list of Stand-by's in case someone leaves.
rusty4297 said
Sorry guys, as usual, I was away for my bi-weekly disappearance... Can I get an update on if anything happened?

Luckily, and unluckily at the same time, besides a few new members, and at least one drop-out, and me still working on the OOC, nothing yet.
Yeah, that's my fault, I'm afraid. I intend to explain it in the OOC in detail with all of those. For now, I suggest just waiting on it.

I will say this though: 26 planets, About 4 or 5 factions, and any position you might picture in a crew, or an organization of some kind.
Jinxlynx said
So I am not going to claim that I read the whole anime weeboo argument that went on here but from my understanding is that this all started because someone said you cannot have dragons in a sci-fi setting and still have it be good.


"Shadowrun: Dragonfall"


Anyways I am interested.

Drakel said
I saw that and I was highly considering on quitting as well because of it. I don't mind anime or Fantasy races, especially for images or even theme; but if you don't even try to make it realistic, especially for a sci-fi RP than why are you even trying to RP in sci-fi? That's basically what I think on the issue.

With that I will be RPing as my Sci-Fi version of a Wraith and might even add in my sci-fi version of a Draconian when I find my CSs. I'll show da kiddies how it be done lol :P

In my personal opinion, I believe that anything from Fantasy or any genre can be converted and used for Sci-fi, and yes, realistically so, if you just stop and think about it.

Believe it or not, Dragons, I find, is actually a very easy aspect to be converted. When you get down to it, when remove the magic, and the mysticism around them, A dragon is simply a reptile that undergone an evolution, most likely through adaptation, that gave them superior intelligence, the ability to fly via wings, and the organic capability to ignite the carbon they breathe out.

I say this because I intend for a Draconian or two or three to be in this. ...4 counting the possible one by Drakel, and I'm kind of interested in how you go about it, Drakel.

As for you Jinxlynx. ...You are welcome to join, but now the Interest check's amount is CLOSED. All room has now been filled.

Hawlin said
I'm considering posting my cs to get opinions >_>

Go right ahead. ^^
Razil said
Always Room XD

No, not always. The last time I kept the floodgates open the RP seemed to have drowned.

MetalMama said
I would like to join if there's still room

That said, You'll probably be the last one I'm accepting.
Drakel said
And what did you hear of me in exact? O_o

I set my expectations pretty low for people I haven't met or don't know well. I guess that makes mine easy to reach but hard to surpass at the same time. Like you, I do hope you and your fellow RPers don't disappoint, after all it is a team effort.

Glad to see my brother has been entertaining everyone and helping out where he can. I do hope there was no trouble at all thus far, I can see quite the crowd was also drawn here and even though I read only the OP after my invitation here, I can only imagine the fights that may happen or the praise that may have been celebrated before my arrival. I do hope my reservations were in order thus far. Or am I already late for the ride?

Stryder and I don't bounce off each other, we just work well naturally and he's probably hitting his head on the desk to the point where his head bleeds cause he knows exactly the character I plan on bringing lol xP

I took a look at your first post to on Teen Titans: A New Era. Needless to say, you gave me a good first impression, at least as far as length is concerned. I can tell you know your stuff.

Oh no, you're still a little early. ...Although I admit I SHOULD probably stat closing the gates now.
Drakel said
Ugh... stop it with all your "idealism" and communistic "acceptance" of ideas and such. You're making me sick

So yeah. Stry invited me here. It says Sci-Fi and he said my massive ass CS might be okay to be accepted. I'm not really into the "Merc" part of the RP but w/e I can live. I'm craving for an honest to goodness Sci-Fi RP and this does seem promising so yeah, more than likely I'm interested.

So yeah... Things should be interesting.


So yeah...

There is no wave emote sooo...

This works I guess..

Yeah I can live with this.

*Theatrically bows*

Your brother has been quite helpful. I hear you're also pretty good. I hope this reaches your and everyone else's expectations, and...It'll be...interesting, to see how you two bounce off each other.
*Sigh* Well, This is what happens when I leave for most of the day. I apologize, especially since I had little time today to get the OOC taken care of. I appreciate Stryder, and admittingly the effort of Spike last time, for answering everyone while I was gone. But like with Spike, I feel I should put my own piece to this as well.

A lot of posts to reply to, so let's start with the first one after mine:

Skittlez said
Oh it's not that I don't approve. It's just that, that it's mentally confusing.

As I thought. If you'd like Skittlez, here's a good way to ease the confusion: You take an image of one type, you photo-memorize the stand-out features of the image, as well as facial features like hair and eye color and hair length, then from just those features, picture the person in the preferred type of image. ^^

Hawlin said
Well, if there's any room left, I'd be super hype about joining. >_>

Certainly. ^^

Hawlin said
But really, reading the conversation of the last few pages. I have nothing against anime pictures for appearance samples. However, it gets wacky when people want to be half demons, angels and so on. Frankly, I have a pic I wanted to use, but its intimidating to consider it with so many neigh-sayers. ^^;

Angels and Demons ARE going to be in this, but I'm ensuring that they are going to be quite rare, I'm probably only going to allow a limited number of demons and angels to appear, and only accept them if they're especially good.

As for the "Naysayers" you mentioned: Ollum has pretty much left completely, Ms. Ink I already informed via PM that I'm not picky and can't not let people use anime pics. No way to confirm this: But I think she is only truly concerned with the Anime wackiness that could cause ruin to hardcore sci-fis, rather than images. ...Please correct me if I'm wrong, Orangeink.

In other words, Don't worry about images limitations, just got for it. ^^

Pathfinder said
So I am assuming that aliens are a thing in this setting? 'Cause if there is than I already have an idea for a character.

Yes. I've already created a CS specifically for inhuman intelligent alien species in fact. So no problems there. ^^

Stryder said
I see your point completely Hawlin, it does get pretty intimidating, even for me. I understand everyone isn't behind the people who'd want to make demons and such, I mean, seeing as how this is sci-fi, it wouldn't fit. Still though, some people should learn to give things a chance instead of slapping the idea out of people's hands.

Actually Stryder, the problem was in the respect of anime and association with it. Both Ollum AND Orangeink showed no problems to concept of Angels and Demons. ...If they did, well then I must have misread their post/PM, evidently.

Skittlez said
I would like to clarify that I am not against anime appearances. I am against how people tend to rp with anime characters. As in "This is Ichigo, he is half-demon which makes him a kitsune and he was born with silver hair and purple eyes because he is half-demon and he has the ability to control the underworld."

Now if you want your character to have naturally silver hair because of a stroke or some defect or genetic testing, by all means be my guest. But I don't know something about the logic and reasoning of it is something I'd prefer to watch as opposed to role play with. If that makes any sense. In any case, I have pictures that are anime-esque should that be what the majority prefers. So if you prefer that type of appearance, by all means, be my guest.

Well then, There's nothing to worry about. As I've stipulated, I am going to try my best to make this RP as logical as I possibly can. I have a friend helping me in the science of said things, and I can always turn to a certain professional of magical logic for help on that front.

ZombieMagikarp said
Fuckin'. YES. PLEASE.


It's good to see one as optimistic as you. Your excitement will be well-met, I hope. ^^

Due to my trip, I've been delayed in work for 8 hours. So I need to pick up the pace to get this OOC done.
Skittlez said
I am interested and I have to agree with a lot of the opinions expressed about anime role plays but I won't say that I can't stomach some anime incorporated into an rp. But one thing that bothers me to no end is when people have all three types of images for characters. As a GM I always say one or a description. So I will likely end up using a type of image similar to majority, whatever that may be if I stay. :)

Why am I not surprised there's someone who doesn't approve of me not being picky with images. XD

Not that I don't know why that could annoy someone though. It must be mentally confusing to have some be Real Photos, and some be Anime characters, and some be simply western-style cartooning. Of course, taking the majority's type of image is probably a good call. Me? I simply suggest to pick whatever fits your character best, since, after all, that is the point of using images in the first place, is it not?

Still, I do hope you stick around and enjoy. :D

OrangeInk said
My signature banner is vocaloid, a form of music, doesn't mean I support Anime.

I see. ...I apologize if you thought I was trying to imply hypocrisy in some way, because I assure you I wasn't. I was simply asking if you drew it.
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