*Sigh* Well, This is what happens when I leave for most of the day. I apologize, especially since I had little time today to get the OOC taken care of. I appreciate Stryder, and admittingly the effort of Spike last time, for answering everyone while I was gone. But like with Spike, I feel I should put my own piece to this as well.
A lot of posts to reply to, so let's start with the first one after mine:
Skittlez said
Oh it's not that I don't approve. It's just that, that it's mentally confusing.
As I thought. If you'd like Skittlez, here's a good way to ease the confusion: You take an image of one type, you photo-memorize the stand-out features of the image, as well as facial features like hair and eye color and hair length, then from just those features, picture the person in the preferred type of image. ^^
Hawlin said
Well, if there's any room left, I'd be super hype about joining. >_>
Certainly. ^^
Hawlin said
But really, reading the conversation of the last few pages. I have nothing against anime pictures for appearance samples. However, it gets wacky when people want to be half demons, angels and so on. Frankly, I have a pic I wanted to use, but its intimidating to consider it with so many neigh-sayers. ^^;
Angels and Demons ARE going to be in this, but I'm ensuring that they are going to be quite rare, I'm probably only going to allow a limited number of demons and angels to appear, and only accept them if they're especially good.
As for the "Naysayers" you mentioned: Ollum has pretty much left completely, Ms. Ink I already informed via PM that I'm not picky and can't not let people use anime pics. No way to confirm this: But I think she is only truly concerned with the Anime wackiness that could cause ruin to hardcore sci-fis, rather than images. ...Please correct me if I'm wrong, Orangeink.
In other words, Don't worry about images limitations, just got for it. ^^
Pathfinder said
So I am assuming that aliens are a thing in this setting? 'Cause if there is than I already have an idea for a character.
Yes. I've already created a CS specifically for inhuman intelligent alien species in fact. So no problems there. ^^
Stryder said
I see your point completely Hawlin, it does get pretty intimidating, even for me. I understand everyone isn't behind the people who'd want to make demons and such, I mean, seeing as how this is sci-fi, it wouldn't fit. Still though, some people should learn to give things a chance instead of slapping the idea out of people's hands.
Actually Stryder, the problem was in the respect of anime and association with it. Both Ollum AND Orangeink showed no problems to concept of Angels and Demons. ...If they did, well then I must have misread their post/PM, evidently.
Skittlez said
I would like to clarify that I am not against anime appearances. I am against how people tend to rp with anime characters. As in "This is Ichigo, he is half-demon which makes him a kitsune and he was born with silver hair and purple eyes because he is half-demon and he has the ability to control the underworld."
Now if you want your character to have naturally silver hair because of a stroke or some defect or genetic testing, by all means be my guest. But I don't know something about the logic and reasoning of it is something I'd prefer to watch as opposed to role play with. If that makes any sense. In any case, I have pictures that are anime-esque should that be what the majority prefers. So if you prefer that type of appearance, by all means, be my guest.
Well then, There's nothing to worry about. As I've stipulated, I am going to try my best to make this RP as logical as I possibly can. I have a friend helping me in the science of said things, and I can always turn to a certain professional of magical logic for help on that front.
ZombieMagikarp said
Fuckin'. YES. PLEASE.
It's good to see one as optimistic as you. Your excitement will be well-met, I hope. ^^
Due to my trip, I've been delayed in work for 8 hours. So I need to pick up the pace to get this OOC done.