Two empires
Two realities
Separate in nature
Separate in fate
Together in conflict
Together in freedomMuch like all stories and religions, The story of the Galaxy's origin - as united, and as an empire - has always been singular, yet branching out across the imagination of people. Different version were born with each passing generation with different elements, motivations, and morals, until it became merely a myth, a legend. However, within the passing of any stories, there's always a single thread of consistency, and that consistency, is usually the truth.
It all starts with one man on the Planet Seldke ten-thousand years ago. Seldke is known nowadays as the planet of the stars, because from its position, and its transparent atmosphere, it could see all the stars shining in the galaxy in the day and the night. However, while they see the planets with telescopes they were convince they were simply powered out stars rather than the planetoids they really were, certainly didn't believe they possessed any life on their surfaces.
They all thought that they were the only life in the universe, and, ironically, they were not alone in this thinking. Sorawitano was the only planet that had the closest to advanced technology, and they haven't yet ever reached or even bothered with the prospect of reaching space technology.
However, one man proposed the theory, a middle-aged astronomer known as Reshkold. Throughout his life, though for reasons only guessed in rumors and perspectives, was disrespected as a scholar and as an Astronomer. Because he was insane to begin with, because he was marked an unintelligent fraud who cheated his way up, because he was of inferior blood, there were plenty of guesses to this, as there are to many factors of this story. Despite this. he made a theory - though how he reached it is unknown - that there were other planets, other worlds then their own, and each one filled with life like theirs. Needless to say, he and his theory was shot down, and considered the senseless ramblings of a madman. Not helping matters was how the people worshipped the stars as the givers of their lives, and to suggest that there were other worlds besides their own would mean to de-glorify their own world. Reshkold tried his very best to prove his theories but all of his experiments were denied and some were even said to be sabotaged by those who fear he'd be right.
Fed up with their constant mockery and their laughter at his childish and rediculous theory, he prayed desperately to his gods, the stars, for a way to prove it. He heard a voice he believed to be the stars, though deemed in most variations a trick by the other astronomers, and the voice denied him his prayers, for they are against what they - or rather, the religion - stood for.
Enraged that even the gods would reject him, he decided to turn his attention to the darker powers for assistance: the powers of the Demon race.
In every religion, there exists an evil to oppose and balance the good. Something to blame everything wrong on, something to accuse for their misfortunes, something to damn for the darker sides of nature and reality itself, if only to avoid blaming themselves or others for their own natural errors.
These manifestations are usually monstrous, residing in the darkness, usually underground away from the light of the sun, and craving for the fear, pain, and hatred of all living things. Their lightless domain was always said to be a place of eternal agony and torment for those who have wronged others, calling it the netherworld, the underworld, or simply Hell. Once removed from hell and into the living world, they exist only to wreak havoc and destruction and chaos in their wake, so that they may feed on the dark side of nature and entertain themselves in the process.
In time, they became so common in the beliefs of so many, that they were called a singular for their race, Demons.
While universally hated, Demons are sometimes called upon by the desperate and selfish, to do their bidding for a price that, at that point, they are willing to pay, and will pay ready or not.
But no one, not one person, not one summoner, has ever been desperate enough to summon the most powerful and worst demon of them all, to summon 'him', until now.
He has many names, and yet he has none to call his own, his true name forbidden for it brings disaster in its wake, and overtime it was forgotten. However he is known by many other names, the most known is the "Demon Lord", or "Demon King" as other people say. If Demons are a manifestation sins and evil, then the Demon Lord was the incarnation of nightmares, of the temptations and desires that can turn good men against each other and walk roads of corruption and damnation. So powerful, so destructive, and so aware of his position, that no summoner would ever control him, and he would destroy the galaxy, let alone the world of which he was summoned to, regardless of his summoner's commands. As such, no one has ever released the Demon Lord from his domain. Still, they hear whispers in the corner of their minds, silent words of temptation and power, or reward upon his release.
Reshkolc, in his anger, with nothing left to lose and no one to be worried for, gave into these whispers upon hearing the decision of the stars, and at last the Demon Lord was unleashed.
Reshkolc wanted his vengence, and he had claim it. As a reward for freeing him, the Demon Lord found and killed those who has wronged Reshkolc. After this, The Demon Lord, ironically, did not ask for payment, but instead announced that he would not return to Hell, but rather stay in this realm and expand his territory, raising Hell upon the mortal realm and claiming it as his own, as the demon summoners of old had feared.
He left the Planet Seldke, and went on towards the planetoid now known as Lebacrow. There, he risen volcanoes - to which some variants of the legend suggested they were there to begin with - and from its fires created a path for his army to come through, and Lebacrow became the Demon Lord's throne.
From there, he created havoc and devastation across the galaxy. Civilizations of old were desolated, and those who were still alive trembled before the dark power of the Demons, as the Demon Lord began his conquest.
In a way, Reshkolc's wish came true thanks to the Demon Lord. The planets of habitable life now knew of each other, as the Demons attempted to conquer ALL of them.
The Demon Lord and his army reigned from the planet Lebacrow, and within the year all knew to fear the monstrous demons who fell from the sky. All hope seemed lost and the overwhelming fear and dread drove them mad. Most of the sane ones chose to hid themselves as best as possible, letting the demons win as they ironically hid underground. Some of the more admirable of the fearful chose to fight the demons off, but since they hadn't the technology to fly through space, they were simply delaying the inevitable. Some were driven insane in a berserker frenzy, unable to handle the situation at hand and others who were sane chose to join the demons in the hopes of sparing their lives at the expense of others. The Galaxy was all but taken over, and all within were shouded in despair of this reign of terror, with the exception of one particular planet, and one particular person.
A young man, Sahlyncirle, was a kind and gentle 24 year old Seer of the planet Omendylli. As a Seer, he can see predictions, as well as messages from the gods in his slumber, something of which it was said he was gifted with by the forces of the cosmos. Some still say that he was a charlatan to this day, despite the recorded comfirmation of being incredibly skilled with Psionic abilities. Quite unlike Reshkolc, he was naive and inexperienced, but had the respect of his peers and the humility to be unboastful. Because of his inexperience, however, he too believed in there only being stars in the sky. Like with so many others, he too saw the revelations as Demons scattered across the galaxy and descend from the sky. Unlike them, however, he was prepared, albeit poorly, for this invasion.
As the demons expanded across the universe, Sahlyncirle was said to have had a dream one night of the demons coming to their home, a message that warned him of the inevitable terror, and advised him on the way to ensure Omendylli's safety, and the end of the Demon Lord's dynasty. Once awakened, Sahlyncirle told as many as he could what was going to happen, as well as what must be done. While the demons were not invincible by design, the power they wield could not be comprehended (At the time...) and the people of Omendylli or any planet would never win on their own. So Sahlyncirle instructed them to prepare a ritual, to summon a force that was capable of counteracting the Demon's march:
The "Angels".
Just as people believed in Demons as something to place hatred and blame upon, so too did they also believe in a race to give thanks to for all things pure and beneficial. Where as the demons were viewed as disgusting monsters of no heart or mercy, the Angels were viewed as a variant of different species, mostly human, and described as beings of absolute beauty and grace with wings of ivory, silver, and gold. They were said to wield the light of the gods to protect those under their glory from anything that could harm them.
Just as the Demons had a Demon Lord, the nightmare tyrant, so too did the Angels have a being above them: Saint Elena, the High Seraph. They believed she was the most beautiful and elegant of them all; a sincere and benevolent demeanor with eyes like the most refined sapphires and hair like the finest black silk, hiding the miraculously immense power within.
Because they were exact opposites, the angels and demons were shown to be the ultimate rivals. Because of this, the equal quantity of their vast forces, and their symbollic existence, their conflicts and hatred for each other led them to be the manifestation of good versus evil. Therefore, the only way Sahlyncirle could defeat one side of the coin, is to summon the other.
It took some time, but as the promised time for the end of their world, and their universe, was at hand, Sahlyncirle intiated the ritual. Using some of his life energy, and the prayers of Sahlyncirle and everyone on his planet, he completed the ritual and called out for the High Seraph, who came to them with a holy army at her side. Quickly, she ordered the angels across the galaxy to repel the demons and save those of innocent whom they wished to claim the souls of, and she herself went straight for the Demon Lord.
As ordered, the Angels scattered to just as many planets as the Demons, staging battles all across the galaxy. With equal number of soldiers of equal quality across the worlds, the line was drawn in the middle, with neither side having any hope of an advantage. Even the battle between the Demon Lord and High Seraph Elena theatened to go on forever. The Angels with their celestial powers and the demons possessing powers not of this reality, have been locked in an eternal war of alignment that could potentially cause more harm to the universe than good. Would have been, however, until the mortal races of the galaxy, inspired by the courage of the angels, took arms against demon race by their side.
With the combined might of the angels and the thought-to-be weak residence of these planets, the demons began to lose their foothold. The forces of two armies against one was too much, even for the Demons. However, they stood their ground in realization that the mortal race were still divided among the planets, and could work symbiotically with the other forces of the universe. However, even then it was a matter of time before it became moot. Descending upon the most technological of the global civilizations, the Angel of Progress, Sorawitano, assisted the people of the then-nameless planet in advancing their technology forward and developing the first space-flight that the system has ever had. With this, now the mortals could travel around the planets just as the angels and demons could, and provide even more assistance, and morale as planets finally are capable of a union.
However, while the galatic warfare have changed its lines in the sand, The leaders of the angels and demons were still having their showdown near the sun and the moon of the galaxy. Their mastery over the angellic and demonic arts expanded beyond them as they collide, rendering all forces of mortals, angels, and demons alike incapable of going anywhere near with their lives intact. The cosmos shook and the planets quaked, as the battle went on for days. Even when outnumbered and outmatched, the Demons still held on to what ground they had left, betting everything on the victory of their lord, so that he may come down and smite the fools who resist them. In turn, the Angels prayed for the victory of their High Seraph so that this war may finally be over.
The end result was a surprise, for they were all victorious, and at the same time defeated.The worlds were blinded by a flash of light stronger than any flare of the sun as the two leaders delivered their final blows.
When the light vanished, however, so too did the leaders. No one could sense them, and the worlds and cosmos calmed. Not a speck of the High Seraph or the Demon Lord remained, and it was as if they were never there. To this day, those of religion debate what has happened on that fateful day; some have said that Elena sacrificed her life to destroy the Demon Lord, some say they destroyed themselves at the same time, and others even say that Elena, after seeing what was going on as they fought, proposed a change in location to avoid bystanders, and that they're still fighting to this day.
Without the Demon Lord at their side, the Demon army fled back to the depths from which they came. In turn, the angels, victorious but at a price, helped the galaxy for a little while with the reconstruction of what was destroyed in the warfare and the lives of the victims of this great war. After getting the mortal races to their feet and made sure they could handle themselves from here on out, the angels left to a realm beyond the stars until the time came when they were needed again.
However, there was still two last thing left unchecked. The first was that, now that they were known of each other they had to discuss how to best handle the trade and rules of the newfound galaxy. The second was to do something about the person responsible for all of this.
Throughout the war, Reshkolc hid himself from demons and people alike on his planet of Seldke, only coming out when the war was finally over. Considering the fact that everything the Demons have done could be blamed all on him for summoning the Demon Lord in the first place, anyone who would find him would most likely execute him on the spot, ...under normal circumstances.
However, Sahlyncirle, whom the heavens and his world has declared a saint, suggested that he assist in finding him, rather than the soldiers angered and still hurt by their losses. Finding him like this was easy enough with his Psionic abilities, and he eventually came to him, his allies staying outside expecting Reshkolc to fight back despite his age. However, Reshkolc was unarmed nor hostile, and while some say that he was simply pretending, others say he felt remorse and guilt for what he has caused, ready to repent for his actions that almost doomed the very galaxy he hoped to simply discover.
Either way, Sahlyncirle, innocent and naive as he was, declared to assist in Reshkolc's redemption, placing his punishment to hereby stay at his side and discover, as well as help, the planets they have joined with. Their first order of business together was to form an alliance of planets under one rule, to ensure a war like the last one would never happen again. The people all nominated Sahlyncirle to be that leader, and Sahlyncirle, though hesitant at first, accepted his place as the galaxy's leader with Reshkolc at his side. He declared Omendylli as the capital of this government, and when asked for what planets were most important, he declared that none were any more important then the others. There would be no rank, no inferior or superior planets or races. Under the advice (or Manipulation, depending on the version of the story) of Reshkolc, it was also decided to explore beyond the system, and giving the peaceful law of the Galaxy to others that may be suffering without knowing that there was a place to relieve them of it.
Thus the Empire of Sahlyncirle, (supposed) ruler of the Reshkolc galaxy, was born.
Cut to one million years later, and the Empire is still going strong. There were several rebellions and wars throughout the years of course, some on a small scale, and some on a rather large one, but the Empire stood against it all.
However, like any government, the Empire isn't what it used to be, barely holding onto the beliefs of St. Sahlyncirle. The planets and its people are now ranked economically and socially in classes of superiority and inferiority. Oh, but the idea of converting as many planets in the galaxy and beyond was still existant. In addition to this, crime is at an all-time high to the degree of a conglomeration of criminal organizations beneath the Empire's surface. The expansion difficulties as well as internal warfare and planetary civil wars has led the imperial military to be never catching a break.
Because of all of these factors, the occupation of a Mercenary, guns for hire, have become a rather popular career path for those who can't truly live the life of a normal citizen. The empire's economy as a whole is incredibly stable after all these years, and those factions that are desperate enough to hire mercs are usually those who pay well for them. As such, A good mercenary can retire and claim to have lived a good life for himself, assuming he or she lives long enough to see it through. All kinds of mercenaries and bounty hunters and assassins have come and gone throughout the years, and while the empire has all but adapted them to their lives, finding more ways to ensure the successes of their own and destruction to all opposition, they always found a way.
However, among the many jobs they've lived off of, none would be more successful then what's possibly to come. Many of them are predicting a giant war on the horizon, one on a galactic scale, much like in the legend. To the empire it's something that will truly be a make-or-break scenario that could give them the greatest victory, or absolute defeat. For the Criminals beneath them, this war would be a chance to take what they never could before, and become more successful than ever. For any of the bystanders, they would have to fight or hide in fear. But for their Mercenaries, this was the prediction of the ultimate jackpot, the single greatest pay-off-or-die scenario that was only a dream to some.
However, there might be more to this then simply a giant war. No one knows who the Empire would face for this, and amidst the shadows arises a mysterious woman known simply as the Sorceress named Alice with a powerful warrior by her side. Slowly but surely, she is ascending up the ladder towards meeting with the Emperor himself, but to what end is anybody's guess.
Planetary Guide: (In Alphabetical Order)
In the known system that the Empire started in, there are 26 planets, each one habitable need it be by natural or artificial means. (One in particular just barely habitable.) Each one is ranked by numbers 1 through 3.
1. High-Class Planets: The Finest planets in the empire with all the best items and people the empire has to offer. ...At least in theory. In reality, it's the planets of the rich, noble, and famous snobs of the universe live and enjoy their high-lives without the bother of people below them. There are of course middle-class merchants and shop-keepers who come here if they're fortunate enough to know the right people, but that's about it.
2. Middle-Class Planets: Most of the inhabitable planets of the empire reside in this second class. They are not the best planets around, but they are essentially normal planets and are relatively easy places to live on. Most of the social activity and economic flow of the empire happens here, but also some of the more popular criminal activity. Those who live on these planets are generally living normal everyday lives, with an average income and family life.
3. Low-Class Planets: If you can help it, these are the planets you avoid at any cost. Those who, for one reason or another, can't live on the 2nd-class planets are essentially dragged to these ones kicking and screaming. They are usually used as planets to fill with the leftovers and scum of the empire, and are usually akin to really trashy and dirty worlds filled with crime. Every day of life on these 3rd-class planets is one of the only things you can cling on to, and would be fortunate to still have by its end.
X. X-Class Planets: These planets are not inhabitable planets of society, but planet-sized imperial facilities. Because of this, with the exception of facilities needed by the public, only authorized personel are allowed to be on these planets. Any trespassers are to either be carried off, or shot.

In a Galactic empire filled with soldiers and a Myriad population, it's inevitable that it would require a larger amount of Orphanages. Ahevlah is a planet that became dedicated to being the planet where all the orphaned children of the Galaxy would come to peacefully wait to be adopted or grow up in the Orphanage itself. Chosen to for its fantastic beauty, its pleasent and gentle wildlife, and the harmless gases creating a rainbow sky. The Imperial government established a global orphanage on this planet, and restricts all but children and caretakers from living on it. Because it's a facility overseen by the Empire, it is, like other planets, financed for the sake of the children, often letting merchants or those looking to adopt through to do their deeds and be on their way. Children are welcome to stay here until their species-respective adulthood, in which case they must either leave to find their path in life, or stay and become caretakers of the children.

It must have started around three, maybe even five thousand years ago, the planet was once a second rank planet filled with many people. Because of it's placement in the outer rim of the Empire's central system, it was a place where explorers would come and go all over the galaxy from after enjoying the pleasent company of the locals.
However, eventually it was discovered by one of these explorers that the planet was capable of producing all kinds of rare and valuable stones from its soil. Once said information went public to the planet and the universe, all hell broke loose. While there were attempts to discuss peacefully how to split the profits of the distribution, nothing completely satisfied the citizens nor the people outside the planet. As a result, several different mini-factions and terrorists engaged in war for this material in an every-man-for-himself manner. Any attempts to stop these wars failed miserably, and despite how many have died, the war seems to have had no end to it. Eventually they completely forgot why they fought to begin with, and wars and fighting simply became an everyday routine for them. Everyone born on the planet was raised as a soldier regardless of gender or race, and now their only goal is to wipe out the other factions of the world without any knowledge nor care of why.
Because of the mindless brutality of the world, it became one of the exile planets to send the particularly violent criminals to die. But in addition, Berwatsen became a planetary goldmine for Mercenaries due to there always being a need for them in every faction. As such, it essentially became a place for mercenaries to go when they're bored, without any current job, and simply want to make a quick buck while enjoying the thrill of battle.

Agriculturely, Both planets are identical, capable of sustaining life and water like any habitable planet. The difference comes in that both have completely different cultures. As both hold only one specific gender each.
It's unclear how the Origin of these planets came to be. Their religion states that there was once two married gods named Jauque and Serena, (Because Adam and Eve is overused. XD)who each produced similar planets of life, but made the life on the planet in their image. Of course, scientifically, the theory is that the planets have always been there, but the unevolved apes splitted off due to the moon. It's possible that both genders shared both planets millions of years ago, but for cultural reasons split off using the gravitational pull of Meluva which comes inbetween their planets every 25 years.
Either way, the two planets are very traditional about their genders, proven by their cultures. While they both reached a point of technology that's only a few steps behind the galactic norm, their architectural, decorative, and health choices are based on their gender in specific. Normally it's forbidden for one of a different gender to enter the opposite planet, to a point that any who moves into these two are, by imperial law, separated by gender, even if they are coupled or married. Any from one gender who intrude on he other gender's planet are to be taken back, to be beaten, or to be put to death, depending on who they are and how many times they do this.
There is only one time they are allowed on each other's planets for the sake of reproduction. When Meluva reaches between the two planets, it stays there for five more years. As tradition states: The alpha of both planets, not political but by physical and mental prowess and decided by destiny, (I.E. They battle for it.) are taken to each others' planets. The alpha-male becomes the father of Sivys, impregnating the women of the planet. The alpha woman, in turn, becomes the mother of Dohtuqm, and gives birth to the children of the planet's men. (Usually by artificial pockets created by the women of Sivys using the DNA of the mother and the sperm of the father to handle so many different children being born at once.) When the objective is complete for both, the planets split up the children and move them to their respective gender's planets. Finally, the Alpha Male and Female are to ascend onto Meluva, marry, and give birth one final time. The resulting baby and the two Alphas are then moved to a 1-ranked planet and become a noble family.
As the name implies, Ecahe is a planet dedicated completely to the path of knowledge, enlightenment, and Education. As far as the eye can see, the planet was covered in many different schools of different levels and different types and right at the center is the largest Library in the galaxy.
Architecturely varying depending on the department, with some showing more modern or advanced architectures while some looking more victorian and classic. The gigantic Library in particular has a particularly stone-greek architectural exterior with a very cylindrical ten-story interior, and spherical roof of stained glass.
Often considered a Rank 1 planet due to how expensive the education is, those who enter the facilities of this planet are said to walk out as the most brilliant minds of the galaxy. While the schools are of different owners and deans with different level of tolerance and some additions and subtractions of rules, the laws of the planet are generally the same, such as requiring a uniform for all students and teachers alike.
Because of its worth to the empire, it was declared an "X"-rated planet with only students and teachers being allowed to live on it. That said, people from across the galaxy are allowed to visit it, if not to demonstrate the many schools for their children then to visit the library within.

Quite possibly the planet that holds the most life in the empire technically speaking, in that it's the only planet where Nature seems to have the most influence. The entire planet is an entire jungle and patches of rainforest, filled with many different kinds of flora and plant life.
But what really got its popularity was its fauna and wildlife, all kinds of different animals and creatures popular and rare, local and alien, appear on this planet. It's often the best place for herding galactic meat into Gafbar farms, and is the home to often intelligent races as well as beasts.
However, because of the many animals on the planet, some considered valuable, rare, and even endangered, the Empire has established a Safari Protection Agency on the planet, using the intelligent residents as its leaders and primary members, to protect from Poachers and hunters. To further ensure that no artificial damage can be done to this planet's eco system,it has been issued an X-classification and forbade anyone from living on its surface, except for members of the S.P.A.

Due to its excellent soil and its citizens skill in farming, Gafbar was immediately considered the number one planet for natural food and meat. As the "Planet of Vegetation" implies, the Farmers of Gafbar possess exceptional crops all across the planet without interruption from factories or any polluting factors. With the entire planet used for edible crops, there is always enough to ship to other planets for food, and even the worst harvests can amount to a percentage of able crops.
In addition to this, in collaboration with Fubakfem, some of the more harmless and edible of the animals are shipped to Gafbar to live out their days in peace, produce families, and eventually become meat to deliver to other planets as well. Because of the different task comparisons between animal and crop farming, all the farms are split between those that harvest crops, and those that harvests meat. Very rarely does a farmer have the dedication to man a farm capable of both, and when they come their stuff is either really good, or really terrible.
Gafbar is also a very welcoming planet filled with enough room and villages to move a family to. Of course said family would have to handle being without the tech of the other planets as well as living farmer and merchant lives.
None remembers what Iswarhemd was like in the beginning, but during the demons rule the planet itself turned into something out of a nightmare. No sun shines on the surface, a cave-like environment almost entirely submerged in deep waters. A breeding place for madness-inducing creatures, making all who stay there lose their minds, be it from voices in the dark, shivers in the cold or eyes constantly watching. Which is why it has turned into the biggest insane asylum in the Sahlyncirle empire, a prison for those that have already relinquished their sanity to their hatred and fear of all other things. A rank 3 planet, but also one of the three planets of the damned. For obvious reasons, none in their right mind visit but those who must.
A place to immerse yourself deeper into your own mind and body, the rank 2 planet is inhabited by those seeking to enlighten themselves through training and studies. The monks and scholars of Iwalzem are acolytes of serenity, every day a blessing in their eyes, and an opportunity to further their understanding of themselves and the world around them.
Everyone longs for a place to relieve their stress and have fun once in a while, and the rank 3 planet has grown to become the biggest haven for doing that. All establishments cater to the various needs and wants of the empires citizens, though it is nonetheless regarded as a place of impurity and sin. Even so there is none who would think to cause it harm, be they upholders of law or criminals alike. A service without any judging can be a hard thing to come by if your means of life involve atrocities and that which takes place underneath the empires gaze. Thus Jylsevin continues to prosper as the biggest brothel in the galaxy.

A wasteland where your Life is as worthless as your ability to keep it. A World of anarchy where the strong prey on the weak, and any and all things one can and can not imagine are sold, stolen and bargained for. More than half the population consists of criminals kept on the planet by a prison-collar, exploding once they get into orbit. Setting foot on this god-forsaken rank 3 planet of the damned is akin to suicide, but for the criminals, murderers, merchenaries, pirates and other scum of the galaxy, it is a haven of freedom, and they would never let it become otherwise.
When a person reaches a retired age, more specifically someone with a lot of money or an outstanding position, they pay to live out the rest of their days on the planet Kynaq. Like Gafbar, it is a beautiful planet filled with water and plantlife, though unlike Gafbar, it's more for the peace and quiet then for any possible places for crops and farming.
Here lies the best retirement homes in the Empire, filled with only the best in food, service, and relaxation. Spas, massage treatments, hot tubs, golf, it has it all. Nurses and even a handful of doctors from Vilgowr come here to check up and keep the guests healthy relaxed. While they can't necessarily immortalize the patients here, they can keep them from Death's grip for as long as they can painlessly. To top it off, This is the place for life insurance consultation before hand, as well as services regarding funeral arrangements and tombstone placement on Tsotlu when they eventually do die.

A scorching planet that has been uninhabitable since the days of the demons appearance, when it turned into a seismic hell with volcano after volcano rising and sinking on its ever changing surface. The air is no longer breathable and the heat alone is enough to turn anyone into a crisp. But the extreme environment mean that is considered one of the most secure locations in the empire, only bested by Titrevgol. Through utilizing advanced force-field and hovering technology the planet has been covered in floating crafts used as high-risk prisons and other facilities for researching and testing new equipment. The rank 3 planet is however one of the planets of the damned, and some things on the actual surface are not made public.

Those that visit the planet for the first time might think it dead, as the huge desert covering the entire surface doesnt seem to further life of any kind. But the inhabitants know how to survive in the wasteland of the rank 2 planet. most wildlife appear from whatever home they keep during the days and nights in the dusk and twilight to escape both the heat and the cold. Various adapted plants also bloom in these short time-intervals to bask in the evening and morning glow.
The natives live the life of nomads, often surviving through following herds of the desert beasts along ancient routes laid by their ancestors.

During the demon's reign countless planets in the empire lost their moons and other orbital celestial bodies, which resulted in devastating environmental and later on social occurings. The influence of the celestial bodies on the lives of the planets inhabitants were made terrifyingly clear as many spiraled further down into disaster. Thus the "galactic moon" was made. A man-made planet utilizing warp-gate technology to share itself across the empire as a substitute moon for all those planets missing one. The surface is made of connected warp-gates corresponding to the receiving ones orbiting planets and other strategic locations throughout the empire. The receivers project a modified kind of tractor-beam as a gravitational pull on their targets while appearing as the original celestial bodies through enormous enveloping holograms.
While the fake moons belong to the planets and their use as warp-gates are sometimes said to be the greatest high-speed traveling network in the empire, Meluva itself is a rank X planet with highly restricted access. And the information on the actual technologies enabling the galactic moon to function is shrouded in darkness.
The Pearl of the empire, a rank 1 planet that has been the residing capital since the actual formation of the empire following the demons demise. Through some chance of faith, the planet actually lie in the geometrical center of the empire, shining like a beacon to proclaim its untouchable beauty. A place for the rich and influential, one can count themselves lucky to be allowed access.

Built by a madman with serious case of OCD, the military headquarters of the empire is a veritable display of the sheer power that will certainly rain down on its enemies. While the X rank directly corresponds to the hazard of allowing unauthorized personnel access due to the most important military facilities and by extension the most high-quality equipment they have to offer gathered in one place. Six orbital battle-stations and their guarding fleets however impose a zone of utter dominance against anyone harboring rebellious or thievish thoughts. The soldiers trained on the military centerpiece are considered the best in the empire, and former members that have yet to be killed for deserting are among the highest priced mercenaries.
A rank 2 planet with its gaze towards the skies and beyond, the home of the historic Reshkolc continues his quest to understand and see the whole of the universe. The natives are said to be born with a telescope in their arms, and their historians could recite the empires complete doings since the days of Reshkolc, the official as well as the unofficial one. On a more profitable note many make a living as navigators and logistical advisers here.
No rich citizen of the empire worth their weight in precious materials want anything to do with the thieves, robbers, liars, burgulars, scam artists and spies of the infamous rank 3 planet said to have stolen its own cities. Other scum of the galaxy and those in need of individuals with peculiar skills however view them as valuable assets. Though finding a sought after individual among the bars, gambling dens and betting establishments when said individual would rather not be found can prove all but impossible. And when a society is run by its own criminals, there is no such thing as escaping the law.

A boiling pool of science and progress as well as rampant industrialization, the one planet big enough to house both rank 1 and 2 citizens of the empire. The never-ending city is inhabited by all who can survive the high tempo and automated environment, robots, automatons, androids and cyborgs all but constantly present on its streets and pathways. The spearheads in mechanical and industrial science and technology PROSPER and for those with a keen eye it equals the profits and simplifying of life itself. It is also the biggest social hub in the empire, drawing people from all cultures and ways of life.
At first, this planet didn't look that appealing. the planet's life is rather small with little in plant life, and the water supply being only in rivers rather than oceans, making look more akin to cracks in the planet, or giant islands.
Leave it to Sorawitano's finest to decorate it in buildings, bridges, and lights.
Like Sorawitano and Omendylli, Suhlejiwaces is a massive city-planet. But whereas Sorawitano is a city of industry and Omendylli a city of elegance and class, so too is Suhlejiwaces a city of romance. It has a position in the star system where it holds a beautiful night sky, its buildings and streets are smooth and clean to a fault, much like the waters of its rivers. Fountains are center all over town with symbols of companionship and the desires of a loving heart. Although the buildings for the most part are made of slick smooth metals, the streets are paved in fine white stone cement block by little block.
The finest wines, roses, and chocolates are made and placed in this world's finest love hotels and restaurants, and alot of them having rather high building so that customers may see the awe-inspired view both in the day and the lights of the night. Riverboats show the view of the city from the river as they ride on the smooth surface of the clean water, and of course, the love of music is also in the air here as the sounds of soft and gentle echoes in the cloudless skies.
Said to be the oldest planet in the galaxy, the countless inhabitants of the planet have all left their mark and knowledge for those coming after. Old ruins of ancient civilizations and tombs holding secrets of the galaxy itself, and since it became a part of the empire some of their most treasured objects and findings. Thanks to this, the rank X planet is the most highly guarded place in the empire, and not simply by their own effort.

A planet in constant mourning, the great graveyard is a symbol as much as its a place of eternal rest, the inhabitants upholding the widely different traditions of those resting in their soil. A rank X planet of a different kind, all who has a family-member among the uncountable graves are allowed access, as long as they have been able to keep on the grave-keepers good side. As it is a place for those still living to visit the memory of those dead, a myriad of different religions are practiced, without any but the occasional problem of friction between them.
Due to the grave-keepers strange view of family ties, it is not entirely necessary for one to be related by blood to be allowed access, though the actual differentiation process is something they keep secret, and because of this the planet houses one of the biggest families in the empire, the Melrolde Maffia. Who are among its most frequent customers as well as unofficial protectors.
A rank 2 planet where the might of science and technology is greatly inferior to the psychic power of its inhabitants, sometimes regarded as something more than mere psychics, as wearers of magical bloodlines and magical creatures. Ordinary logic and laws of physics hold a weak meaning in this strange place, where the imagination of those seeking a different reality hold supremacy.
A less known fact is that the uncrowned ruler of the planet is the one known as Alice the Sorceress, which makes the allegiance of those under her rule a question better left unanswered.
No weapons and no violence is accepted, nor is it likely to appear on this rank 2 planet. The single place where the demons reign in the long forgotten past did not result in a single death or struggle, whether it be from some special characteristic of the planet itself or from some cultural aspect of its natives, Vijolavij is Peace itself. And it has continued to uphold this nature throughout the whole of the empires history, the reason still no clearer.
Any and all diseases and injuries are able to be operated and healed, that is the code of the number one hospital in the empire, the rank X planet said to even trick death. If you have the money, connections or simply the might and mind to get someone admitted for the doctors and surgical geniuses furthering their skills here, you might see them alive and well regardless of your social or criminal status. There is no distinction for who gets sick or injured, and it is every menders call to make every effort possible for their patients.
There was once a planet known as Hykero, at close orbit of a sun, its station regarded as the most efficient solar-plant in the empire. It is unknown what caused the sun to bloom into a giant sphere of interstellar fire, swallowing the planet and its station in its ending light. And they were thought to have disappeared. However, when the sun ebbed, the station was still there, if not for its planet, said however to have became a part of the station now bearing its name. The "Solar station" now journeys pleasantly throughout the empire as a free planet, grown from its original size with the force it has drawn from the countless suns in its path. A rank 2 meeting place loved for its beautiful scenery at the doorsteps of any and all suns and stars.
The million year dynasty, the system's first, current, and only united government with the planet Omendylli as its Capital.
The Empire is ruled by one Emperor, and governed by a 26 Senator court (Theoretically representing all 26 planets, but since at least one planet's filled with insanity and the other's in a state of anarchy, a representative of the Solar Station Hykero, and one extra from Sorawitano takes their place. The senator of Lebacrow being a Warden of its prisoners.) on the capital planet of Omendylli. Regardless of how true or false the story of its origin is, the fact remains it is indeed a government that miraculously lasted for a million years. The position of Emperor is, of course, decided by royal blood rather than by public vote in trust of the galaxy they rule over, much to Sahlyncirle's dismay. When Sahlyncirle passed away suddenly, His son took over before the government had time to even prepare a poll. Since that son so effectively continued his father's will as a good and kind emperor, the government decided together to keep the bloodline of Sahlyncirle in charge in the hopes that his descendant would perpetually keep in a time of absolute prosperity.
...As common sense would dictate, this theory fell flat. Slowly as the generations went by through out the years, the rulers' social and personal qualities varied from one generation to the other, and what was once an admittingly naive view of perfection has degenerated to a typical state of government in which the emperor rules over while the Senators simply advise. Still, while they weren't quite the saints that Sahlyncirle was, they weren't all necessarily terrible either. The Previous one bringing about a golden age for the empire, while the current emperor keeps it as intact as possible.
Each planet in the Empire, with the exception of Iwalzhem and Kiacrastil, is governed and ruled over by their respective senators, each one having a different rank while on their home planets to better fit with this status. While they are the law-makers of their planets, imperial laws approved by the Emperor's final say, however, they must abide by on their planets as well.
As a whole, the Empire is in a state of a light-democratic/republic system. While they have no say in who rules as emperor, they do nominate and vote their respective senators, and make bill suggestions for their laws.
Their law-enforcement status is moderate, as is their status of Education thanks to the planet Ecahe for its open services. Their Military status is beyond a superpower, as is typical for a galactic military, and are more then capable of defending their worlds. Their economic status are at a moderate level, but clearly capitalist in nature, giving the galaxy a split in social and economic class. Their currency comes in two forms: Salls, and Cirles. In a sense, they are equal to the Dollar and Cent respectively.
Not long ago, An expedition for discovery and expansion found another system of planets not far from the Sahlyncirle Empire. However they found out that it was another united planetary empire like them, and unfortunately they were quite hostile. It makes sense when one thinks about it, after all, in the mind of two empires the universe is only big enough for one expanding and conquering form of government.
However, because the Expedition were attacked immediately upon entering, and the empire itself is unwelcoming of anything from the Sahlyncirle system, all other details are unknown.
(Windstormugly will be the one who will show you the details of this one.)
The Criminal Underworld:
Beneath a vast empire, is an inevitably vast organization of Crime. Any crimes beyond the common misdemeanors and felonies are often the ones that are done by more then just the criminal himself, with its strings running all across the reach of the government like blood veins. Pirates, Drug cartels, Smugglers, Syndicates, Extortionists and assassins; they're all separate organizations, but all linked to form the empire's dark and hidden underbelly. As the empire grows, the world beneath the law grows with it in a cruel parasetic relationship. The following are the factions that are known to exist in dark world, though there may be more the Empire is not aware of:
At the center of it all, and serving as both the lynchpin and the leash of the Empire's crimes is the Melrolde Mafia, located beneath the forbidden planet of Tsotlu. Also known as the most dangerous and wanted group of people in the galaxy, with their boss, "The Eclipse", being the Empire's Public Enemy Number One.
The exact origin of this group is unknown, the only thing that's a fact is that around five hundred years ago they appeared in the Empire's shadow from practically out of nowhere. The Eclipse has always been their boss from day one, but whether it's simply a rank that is passed on from one to another in the family, or if there's always been one seemingly ageless leader is unknown.
Their ultimate goal is also unknown, but their activities aren't, much to everyone's disturbance. Under the Eclipse's orders, they have been leaving the normal and moderate crimes to their affiliates, while they themselves perform the more extreme and unforgivable crimes. Murders, Bombings, Threats straight to the Emperor and the world, Torture, Massacre, Experiments on any and all living sentient and sapient creatures in the empire, and more. They're the criminals that all other criminals fear, and that is how they so easily bring them together.
In this universe, there exists two different groups of pirates: The Anquall and The Inquis. While they are called Pirates of the Sea and Sky respectively Both crews are equal in their capability of regular flight, seafaring, and of course, spaceflight. While the sea and sky are indeed territories, the true difference between the two pirates are not in capability, but in their ways of life.
The Anquall represents the pirates of old, the buccaneers of the ancient seas filled with superstition and simple terror tactics. They are a traditional bunch that existed generationally before even the Empire. Ever since the supposed war between the Angels and Demons, they have been believing the idea of terror within the void of stars called space. While superstitious belief have made them quite gullible, they also had the advantage of making them more cautious, thinking about the potential dangers ahead before jumping into them. Their methods of attack, however, are less subtle. They make themselves known rather quickly, and as such, must act immediately to do what they came for and rush out, or simply taking the ship by defeating its crew and captain if that in itself is what they are after.
Respecting the old ways and traditions, the Anquall are also considered honorable, bound by morals and codes, as faint as a Pirate's code may be. They take only what they must, kill only who they have to, and if they're in-need of a Hi-jacking, always force the crew to join them, or strand them somewhere. If a Parley is endowed, they are to follow it through, and if there's treasure, they take it for their profit, and to each their own with said profit.
In this universe, there exists two different groups of pirates: The Anquall and The Inquis. While they are called Pirates of the Sea and Sky respectively Both crews are equal in their capability of regular flight, seafaring, and of course, spaceflight. While the sea and sky are indeed territories, the true difference between the two pirates are not in capability, but in their ways of life.
The sea is vast but is bordered by land, while the sky is without limit. The Inquis represents pirates of the modern age. They are disbelieving of the old supersitions, and are by far the more reckless and ruthless of the two crews. Most of them are simply Anquall pirates who performed mutiny and made up their own crew away from their former crew and their light-hearted captain. Because of how impatient and annoyed they were at the Captain they been taking orders from for years, they ensured to be as far from his nature as they could, rushing into the dangers their previous are too cowardly to face. However, their methods of attack are actually more preferring intellect rather then brute strength, they are willing to, and in fact prefer to, lie, cheat, blackmail, and trick their victims into horrid situations to get what they want. They do terror tactics much like the Anquall, but unlike them, they take it a step farther by shooting at the ships regardless of how populated the decks they could blast off are, and killing innocent people as a warning to any.
As for the old ways and traditions? To hell with them! They are the very land that keeps the sea from being as limitless as the sky, and as such are nothing more than a burden holding them back. The same game goes for the very concept of morality and sentimentality. They are pirates, after all, predators of the starry sky, why should they care about their prey? They have no codes or honor, just as a Pirate should not have; once they have their victim, they are set on taking everything from them, even their lives. They do not respect the concept of parley, and in fact, insulted by the very idea, will shoot to kill anyone who attempts to engage one.
Among all under the Melrolde Mafia's guidence, there is one that is the most active, and by extention the most cruel.
The Monacle Syndicate, named after their leader's Alias "Monacle", has been essentially the Right-Hand of the Melrolde Mafia, with it being the leading force of moderate level crimes. Much like the Melrolde Mafia, no one knows where this Syndicate came from, but it's one of the more recent, and more impressive of the criminal organizations, catching the Eclipse's eye rather quickly.
While the Pirates simply do what they wish, the Syndicate are the ones who keeps the Black and Blood Economy flowing through the Empire's shadow. While they do take orders and request from the Mafia from time to time, they mostly act alone to stabilize and govern the many criminal trades. With that said, they are also the Jack of All Trades, often doing and overseeing drug traffic, slave traffic, necessary assassinations, and the black market that trades all of the above and more. Any criminal or even Mercenary beyond the newest and most naive knows about this Syndicate, and how useful they can be for the right price.
It has been said that the Demon Astronomer's only want in life was to discover and explore the worlds beyond his own. As such, in honor of this desire, people have gathered thousands of years ago to form the Reshkolc Expedition, a group of explorers whose sole purpose is to travel to the ends of the universe and discover new worlds and new lives.
In a more perfect reality, that'd be all there is to it. But however, the Reshkolc Expedition is not only used for this purpose. The Empire has used the expedition to expand their territory, setting to conquer every planet they find regardless of whether or not its already populated. Because of this, the Expedition is a VERY dangerous faction to be in, for they are at least pretended to be simple explorers and scientists with soldiers and Mercenaries hired for their self-defence. They themselves have no weapons or anything to defend themselves with besides those hired guns the empire provides, so as to assure to any populated planets they come in peace. Of course, there were a few cases where the planets were hostile and to their landing, such as when they first discovered a planet of the Lenrohme Empire, and said neighboring hostile Empire by extension.
Another down-side is that their nomadic lifestyles lead them away from home very often, and not so often do they return. Even when they do return to give an imperial report of their findings, they are immediately sent out to scout and discover even more. As such, this is not an occupation for someone that has a family they cling to or rely on, unless they too travel, a very risky option considering the danger.
But despite all of this, this is the perfect faction for someone who simply wants to see the Universe, and discover new things that no one else in their empire knows about. Would-be explorers dream about being able to join this expedition, despite its dangers and political purposes.
Currently the most popular occupation for a decently able person to be, the hired guns, doing favors and requests and yes, even performing hits, and all for rather decent amounts of money. Many young men and women of at least decent skill in fighting and arms nowadays strive to be a Mercenary if nothing else.
With so much going on as of these last years, it's not hard to see why. The Current age of the Empire is something akin to a silver one compared to the last generation, and with the Nobles of the class 1 planets, the wars of Berwatsen, the money spent on crimes for the Syndicates, and the need for defensive guard for the Reshkolc Expedition, not to mention the hostility between the Sahlyncirle and Lenrohme empire, it has become an age where the Hired hands thrive, and paid guns prosper. A fairly decent Merc, with the right skills, the right talent, the right wisdom to pick his jobs properly, and can actually live through it all can start from an economically poor life to retiring in Kynaq with his family set for life.
Of course, that's not to say it's an easy job to have. In fact, in addition to being the most popular occupation, it's also the most risky and dangerous occupation, with an average of over 75% of new young Mercs winding up dead within the first to second years.
The reason for this is fairly obvious: Amateur/Beginner Mercenaries SUCK!
Harsh as it may be, the fact is that a Mercenary just getting started has the best chance to die. It's common that they start off young, impatient and confident in skills they think they have but may not have enough of. Uncommonly, but still possibly uneducated, or rather not educated enough yet; there have been a few times where they started off their lives as Mercenaries before they graduate/after they drop out of High school in fact. Even if they are educated, as popular as it is, there is no such thing as an Academy for Mercenaries, and what most Mercs have to watch out for in such a dangerous and shady field are nothing public or even Private schools would be able to teach them. For example: don't put all trust in a client, as it's a very unfortunately common strategy, especially underground, for a client to hire mercenary, and kill them once their task is done so that they keep the money. The Military are also very strict in their allegiance. So if you enter the Military, you can't quit. Because of this, if they decide to be a Merc, unless they have the money to hire a veteran mercenary to train them, they are on their own. They must strengthen and enlighten themselves, something that's not easy at first because, again, they wouldn't exactly know what they're messing with.
That being said, once they are able to survive the first couple of years as a Mercenary they should be able to do just fine for their rest of the years after. Though of course it doesn't mean they can let their guard down.
Mercenaries usually act independantly and alone, so it hardly counts as an actual 'faction' per se. However, those who are Mercs and have lived long enough to have experience often know each other and in some cases, even join up into teams to better do their jobs at the price of sharing the profit. There's no code or rules for the Mercenaries to follow, as the general rules of the trade are depicted in Common Sense, and no one to look up to except perhaps their mentors if they have any. They have no real place to call home, though they often gather in the Solar Station of Hykero, Sorawitano, or often Berwatsen, a planet often used for Mercs to make a quick buck due to its perpetual state of war.