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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Text Colour Hex Code: 0076a3

Name: Alexander Kardashev
Aliases: Sasha, Lemons, Kardashian, Sleepyhead, Coffee Maniac, Food Source, Comrade
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 76 kgs
Birthday: September 8
Blood Type: O
Languages: English, Russian, Finnish, Kartvelian
Birth Place: Moscow, Russia

Age: 18

Gender: A Man

Genre: Science Fiction/Documentary

> When writing out dialogues he often talks to himself.
> He laughs loudly. And then cackles, and then gasps and coughs.
> Alexander almost always has a cup of Starbucks while writing.
> Likes to cuddle. Quite a bit.
> He's a hand holder. So...

> Fluffy animals (cats, dogs, foxes, ferrets, minks, otters)
> Pizza
> Pasta
> Starbucks Coffee
> Boba
> Your love
> Your affection
> The cold

> Pineapple on pizza
> Degeneracy
> Insectoid things
> Communism
> Being labeled with stereotypes

> The desert
> Heart attack
> Blood

History: Alexander's origins are very sketchy, as it is not something he really tells anyone else in the school. He was an abandoned infant when his "parents" found him. Sasha was left on the side of a street in the downtown area of Moscow during a rather bad winter, seemingly abandoned to the cold embrace of death by whoever had decided that he was not worth raising. However, it just happened that he was placed at the doorstep of a childless couple that were desperate for a kid at the time. Katyuha and Andrey Kardashev found this crying child upon returning home from a grocery run. He was cold, but other than that, Sasha was unharmed.

He was, as his adopted parents said, a blessing. Sasha grew up with the same passions as his mother, who was a journalist for the Moscow Times, and took upon himself to be an avid reader. He would have a younger sister named Shatalina, who was also adopted as Katyusha was infertile. Alexander treasured his sister very much and they are quite close to this day.

At school, he was known to have a delicate balance in personality. Sure, he was a little awkward when talking with someone for the first time, but he opens up pretty quickly and has no shortage of friends, though he always had this inner circle that he trusted the most.

The time soon came when he would come to the same school that his mother graduated from. How grand indeed were her stories of their club. The glory that the Writing Club possessed was some of the greatest since those halcyon days… and now, the shock of finding the club in utter disrepair in direct contrast to his mom's stories. Still, Sasha will not give up just because of this. If anything, this is a challenge to overcome, and he likes challenges!

> To make a living out of writing
> Be a respectable journalist
> Find love
Nikolay Ivushkin | The Imperial Fist

"Well, there's that.", Nikolay quietly said as he watched Cynthia walk off and run her laps, presumably after hearing whatever Henry had to say at her. It seemed that she was offended, maybe frustrated by what he had told her. To be fair, Cynthia was outspoken when it came to injustice and unfair practices, but she was sometimes... for the lack of a better word, overboard. Sure, Virgil and those old money rich kids that surrounded him like a legion of concubines were a bad influence towards anyone that got near them or associated with their infectious alliance, but to call Virgil a cancer was a little too much for his tastes. Actually, that was too nice. A far more fitting term would be bespawling cumberworld with the mind of a daft and the madness of a bag of two ferrets. Huh. Now that was neat... and less likely to be understood by the party unto whom that insult would be thrown. Right? Right? RIGHT?

Sadly, though, it looked like someone had just done a bad job at jumping. Oscar... that goofy American... of course it was him. He never failed to amuse Nikolay even though the latter looked like a distant observer at most times. That looked bad, though, and Nikolay sent his floating hands to Oscar to get him up. "Heya, howdie, eylo.", he greeted Oscar, getting down in front of the other boy. "Do we need to call the nurse for this?"

Nathaniel Gregorio | The Blitzkrieg

Meanwhile, Nathaniel was still busy running his laps when Oscar had fallen. He was about to run to the boy that let him backhug him and use his shoulders as a headrest, but Nikolay was already there, using his other pair of hands to help the American. "Oh, okay."

He looked around just to hear Henry invite Hailey to dinner. He was a little envious... but he was going to temporarily stop running right now. He had short legs, after all, and go tired pretty quickly; Nath had always relied on his power to get to places at speed, never mind that he had terrible exits.

"Hailey.", he said as he walked over to her. "Is that... oh, it's his number, isn't it?"

[@The3King0fChaos] @Landaus Five-One
Astrad Lungren

Levittown, Pennsylvania

"Ouch... that hurt."

Astrad slowly stood up from where that lady with electric powers had thrown him towards, slightly pained and dazed, but very much alive and well. It was going to take a lot more than that to take him down, and a little more to actually knock the daylights out of his mind. He had been hit with worse things in the time that he had been an Agent of SHIELD. His mom often complained in her calls that his job was too dangerous, even more so than his time as a detective for the Stockholm Police Department, but he had no intention of coming back to that old desk job that bored him to hell. No. Operations and fighting the enemies of humanity was his thing now. But this people were apparently in a very bad mood.

"Okay...", Astrad stood back up, stretching his bones and joints as he recovered from the attack from earlier. "I see and I am sorry. Now we have to-"

whoosh. The third and last member of the female trio had just sent a blast of wind against him, knocking him back even further by fifteen feet. Ouch.

"I really need you people to stop doing that...", he said as he stood up relatively quickly, even after getting slammed with three separate attacks. To be fair though, none of them were just expressions of frustration, or so he gathered. "I should tell you that my orders from Agent Sitwell were to take you down if I had a clear shot, which is in this case... cough, a sniper bullet. You should give me more... credence. He said that you were not ours."
Facepalming himself at the incident, he shook his head and adjusted his scarf to make sure it was still covering his face. "You need to get off the street. Now. The Fenris Twins and HYDRA's grunts are lurking in this area. They may have detected your arrival."

If there was one thing that the three might notice, it was that this man had a marked Swedish accent. Probably because he was Swedish.
Nikolay Ivushkin

Nikolay soon found himself looking up towards the big friendly giant in the room: Henry. Ah, hell. That man... boy(?) was an absolute unit of a specimen of humanity. He hadn't really noticed the man's size until now, but being this close... well, he felt like a little grasshopper beneath Henry. Still, he had been with people that were taller than his good self; some of his friends back in Sakhalin were quite tall too. They paled in comparison with the Titanic German that was... asking him and the others to a dinner. To that Nikolay made a thumbs up with the Fists, and bowed slightly as he turned towards Cynthia, who had something to say. And hell, that was... aggressive.

"Uhhhh... That's terrible.", Nikolay simply replied as he listened to Cynthia express her desire to hang someone from a flagpole on their underwear. Admittedly, he snickered at the thought of seeing Vane in such a humiliating position, but he forced it in as he answered the girl's question. "Well, my strength is completely relative to the amount of firepower my enemies throw at me. And electric boy Natty is strong, but he... well, he is unable to be precise with the usage of his abilities. I think he could cause a brown out if he went out of control. At least that is what he told me that one time. And, well I don't know if he'd like to hang someone from a flagpole. Nath is too... kind."

Nathaniel Gregorio

"Ah... well. This is a little.... hmm, awkward.", Nath thought as Hailey gave him a nice hug (to hell with the height difference). Most of the time, it was the boy that was supposed to be taller, so this felt a little off. Still, he was glad to be of service towards making someone else happy.

Right now, he was sharing a Subway Sandwich with Hailey. Actually, he had his own Subway... so technically this wasn't sharing, but rather, a donation. Henry looked like he was asking people to dinner though...
Nathaniel Gregorio

"Oh. Oh no."

Nath tilted his head in slight confusion as Hailey began to weep in front of everyone, speaking as of how she had friends that actually treated her as a friend. It was really odd, even for him, whose eccentricity knew absolutely no bounds. He hadn't really seen someone cry in school before... not in front of everyone, at least. Sure, a friend of his cried for thirty minutes straight after finding out that he has been cheated on by his girlfriend (not to mention that she basically threw him away for a tall, handsome, and rich Swedish boy that she had just met a month before that)... and another friend wept in the canteen, but at least she decided to hide her unparalleled anguish by hiding under the lunch table while being hidden by Nath and the aforementioned boy that was cheated on and made into a rebound. What he was seeing right now was markedly different from what he had ever seen so far.

Still... he understood what she meant, and already had a theory as to why she seemed to be overwhelmed by the shows of kindness that everyone that she had met so far had given to her without ceasing. Henry gave her a... hmm, massive hug, Oscar was just being nice as always, and Nath himself was just... well, being himself. And maybe a little simpy. He liked her, after all, though he had little idea. Guess that this here is just destined to happen.

Fortunately enough, she started crying when he had offered her food in lieu with the coach's suggestion to eat. Maybe...

"Hey, hey... here now. We're all friends here, Hailey. Being nice to you is part of our job description, yeah?" He then held out his arms; an invitation to a hug. "We are here if you need some place to pour out... things, okay?"

@Landaus Five-One
Nikolay Ivushkin

Nikolay was still chewing on that pair of Stick-O's when Hailey began to weep tears of joy. And then Nathaniel, that little boy with those electric revolvers practically gave her the typical comforting phrase. He then replied to Oscar, making one of the Fists make a thumbs up while doing so. "I-i-i-indeed, lads. There will be a gooooood session today, mhmmmm.. yes. Yes. Indeed."

The boy paused, cursing to himself that he stuttered, again. He didn't like that he kept speaking in sentence fragments and stutters, as he had already nailed a few accents. It was like an ever present curse that hounded him whenever he was out in public. Fortunately, none of this was present when he was in private. Just like a dual personality...

Nikolay leaned on the wall, adjusting his glasses as they looked like they were really cloudy. He then put them back on just in time to see Cynthia come in. It looked like she she was looking for something... or someone.

"Ah, hey. Cynthia.", he called out to her as soon as the Germanic lady was within earshot. "You looking for something... or somebody?"

@Th3King0fChaos @Letter Bee
Nathaniel Gregorio

Oscar would be met by an aghast expression as he explained the American point of view when it came to asking people the sizes of their shoes. Nathan's mouth remained open as he stared at the other boy with utter shock and disbelief. "Oh... oh. Holy crap. That is what it meant...?" He put his hand on his forehead as he started to breath a little funny, wiping the sweat that had begun to form from the revelation that had come from Oscar's shocking revelation. "Oh, hell... thank God that you are the first American person that I asked that question to... huff... well, thanks for letting me, uh, latch on you for this long. Ha... I think I'll start running the laps."

With that, he stood up from using Oscar's shoulder and stretched his arms and legs in preparation for running a set of laps. "Hngggh. Much better." There was the sound of joints being stretched and popped as he straightened his back. After wiping his glasses on his jacket, he then walked out towards the runways in order to start his laps, though it would be rather noticeable that was stealing glances at Hailey as he did so. Nath, however managed to hear their PE teacher tell Hailey to eat, at which he had an idea. The best way to the heart was through the stomach, right?

"Hailey... um. I have... extra food in the bag. If you like... yeah."

Hah. What a simp.

Nikolay Ivushkin

It was at this moment that Nikolay arrived on the gym, walking in while chewing on a pair of Stick-O's. He came in just in time to hear Nath offer Hailey food, at which he snickered. "Ah hah. Typical... you're hopeless, you and I..."

He still wasn't extremely satisfied with his recent lunch, though, what with his body's metabolism being faster than normal people. His Fists shimmered into existence, handing him another pair of Stick-O's that he had been keeping in the pocket of his backpack in a paper bag. Nikolay then sent them away, biting on his food, perhaps in preparation for the calory burning that was the upcoming PE class.

The Russian sat down a little to the left from the trio that was sitting on the benches. Bored, he greeted them with a Scottish dialect. "Heya... good day to train, no?"

Astrad Lungren

Levittown, Pennsylvania

Astrad nodded as his superior, Agent Jaspher Sitwell (whom he called Jas inside his mind, thankfully Jasper did not have any telepathic abilities) issued orders to his station through the radio. Apparently, there were really no orders for any aircraft to pass through this airspace; this was in an area being used by SHIELD to search for two powerful assets being used by the squid heads in HYDRA after all. Still, it seemed odd that there were no sounds of engines or anything close to that sort; even cloaked Quinjets made a lot of noise when making a landing, so the three unidentified flying objects that had just landed must be some kind of stealth craft that have been optimized to touch down without being detected at all. But… they were detected on radar. Something isn't adding up. A lot of things were really out of place. Either way, Agent Lungren was going to follow his orders either way, but the oddness of the timing of their landing, the lack of engine sounds, and the fact that they were still detected on the radar made Astrad a little nervous. Inhumans and mutants were another possibility, as some of them have already been documented to possess the power of self powered flight, what with having wings and the ability to manipulate gravity.

Astrad proceeded to fulfil his orders, taking one last look at the monitors that were monitoring the area just to see that there was indeed no aircraft landing at all. Instead, there were three people, all of them women, dressed in mostly casual clothes. "Hm. Strange.", he thought to himself as he looked around. Ah, right. He did not have an ICER. Not the pistol variant anyway, as he has never been very good with closer ranged firearms anyway. He had good aim with rifles, sure, but he had no vantage point from which to aim his trademark rifle without startling the entire neighborhood. This will have to be taken with an entirely different approach. Who knows, these might even be SHIELD agents too, working in undercover just like himself… Maybe they just had a bad day and fell out of a plane?

He quickly went outside, dropping the cat on the floor as he pulled up his scarf. It didn't take Astrad long to get to the location of the landers; it was no less than a block away. The women were there, talking. Oddly enough, one of them looked like she had just vomited, as evidenced by the stain on the street. The people in the suburb were giving them weird looks. Perhaps because they just landed there without parachutes.

Deciding to use his own friendly nature, Astrad walked up to them, pretending to be a very helpful person. "Hey, hey, who just threw up?", he asked no one in the three in particular. "I have a lot of meds in the house…"

It was here that he tried to conjure ice chains, but instead he merely covered the ground with a layer of frost. Still, he adapted, and visibly showed ice beginning to form on his hands while showing the SHIELD badge that was set on his shirt inside his jacket. "I am agent Lungren of SHIELD, and you three have just flown over and landed without authorization. Identify yourselves or I will have three more popsicles for my fellow agents to load into the Fridge."

Nathaniel Gregorio

If the American boy had thought of the possibility of the question being a possible innuendo being directed towards him, Nath simply hadn't thought of it as one. Hell, he knew nothing about the convoluted innuendos and idioms of the West, so he just tilted his head at Oscar's answer, and took out his phone. "Oh, perfect.", Nathaniel replied to Oscar as he texted rather furiously, even though he was using only one of his thumbs. "My uncle that is living in America periodically sends a lot of stuff over here to the Philippines, you know, clothes and stuff. Heck, this jacket that I am using right now,", he said, "... is from California. He had to look over the children's section to get something that fitted me though, as... well, as you can see, you people tower over us."

He exhaled shortly, sending another round of texts. "My uncle asked me to get the shoe sizes of my friends and classmates so that I can give stuff out when my birthday comes around. He got really affluent in the States, you see. Perks of being married to someone in Hollywood, I guess."

Nath looked over at Hailey and Henry, and wondered at they were saying. "What did they say by the way? I don't know any German, hah... oh."

Was that a blush?

"I'm sorry... did I say something weird? Or... did I say something... wrong?"

Nathaniel Gregorio

By this time, it looked like Henry had Hailey's temporary episode of PTSD under... well, how should it be... under control. The height difference was a little unsettling to look at though, as Henry had a full foot over the girl that was already three inches higher than his good self, and it looked dlike he could reduce her to atoms if he squeezed her too hard. That looked very far from the case though, as his current proceedings seems to indicate him as a big friendly giant. Hell, he just have her a hug.

Oscar was still the hopeful boy that he has always been when Nath had confided that he had sort of an attraction for Hailey, and just said that he do what he likes. "Aw, thank you so much.", he whispered to the American's ear as he just lay his head there. Truly, there is no friend like Oscar. So nice. A literal radiator of hope.

"By the way, I should ask.", Nath said to Oscar as squeezed a little bit. "What's your shoe size?"
@Morose Done hihi
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