Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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3 yrs ago
Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
3 yrs ago
I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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@The Man Emperor and @Eviledd1984: characters are approved! Jump in whenever you are ready. =) You can arrive on scene where other characters are or start your own and we will find a way to join you.


I should also ask, does this have a Discord?
Hero, rogue, villain, or civilian: Civilian, maybe a hero.
Code Name: Blitzkrieg
Real Name: Kotov Nikolay (Kolya) Yurievich
Nicknames/Aliases: Kolya, Kots,
Gender Identity: A man
Age: 21
Physical Description: Kotov has a modest height of 5'6", which means that he looks up while talking to people most of the time. He is mostly just an average man for his age, though his eyes glow a ghastly blue, which is something he is unable to control or stop, which he counters with a specially made set of contact lenses that shows his naturally turquoise eyes. Kotov's weight is just fine around 63 kilograms, and has naturally chestnut colored hair that he sometimes dyes grey or white.

Personality: Kotov, unlike most parahumans, does not have a strong inclination towards crime or stopping it. It could be said that he has no interest in the hero-villain dichotomy, preferring to live normally for the most part. Emphasis is placed on the "for the most part", as Kotov uses his powers to skip public transportation as well as to help his younger siblings in their science projects. Overall, he is hesitant to do "hero work" full time, as although he does use his electrical abilities to help people that are in need, he does not use them in an active, professional way like the Protectorate or the other hero groups. He fears that turning to a full on hero will paint a target on the backs of his friends and family, and he has an extremely caring, protective nature that keeps this fear up. While trained in using his abilities by his father, he makes it clear that he has no desire to use them full time; a decision that his now retired father respects. Kotov is also known to be a touchy feely type, which was a problem when his powers first emerged. However, now that he could control them fully, shocking someone while giving them a hug isn't a concern anymore.
Trigger Type: Inherited
PRT Power Classification: Blaster 4, Breaker/Mover 5
Power Perk(s): Electrokinesis/Electrogenesis: Blitzkrieg possess the ability to control, generate, and absorb electricity of up to 10 megawatts at maximum though this limit can only be approached with great strain. Typically, he generates electric surges from his hands, which usually average at 50-120 volts and could be thrown as beams against targets within line of sight, though they can also be used to overheat metallic objects or to shock people that are holding on said objects. It could also power or short out devices.

Electric Transformation: What could be said to be his trump card, however, is the ability to transform into a state of pure electricity, allowing him to travel at an estimated speed of Mach 1 through the power grid for a time period of up to 10 minutes at a time before needing to remove himself from the wires to avoid risking being assimilated by the electric current. People that are in physical contact with him at the moment of transformation will be brought along as well.
Power Drawback(s): While Blitzkrieg possesses full control over his abilities, it has caused his eyes to glow a ghastly blue, which scares most people if seen. In addition, being drenched in water prevents him from using his powers, which will render him vulnerable to attack. Plus, he could be contained via sufficiently powerful magnetic fields.
History: Kotov was born as the eldest son of the electrokinetic hero known as Shockwire, who was part of the Protectorate and a first generation immigrant from Russia. Because of the nature of his inheritance, he did not have the trauma that most villains have, instead having his abilities come out naturally. His father knew that Kotov would eventually manifest his own abilities one day, and for that, he was ready.

Despite being the son of a hero, Kotov kept his connection with Shockwire a secret, masquerading as a normal teenager with a normal life and a normal family. His friends knew him as the touchy feely member of the group that had a thing for cats and other cute, fluffy animals. As the eldest child, he had a strong sense of responsibility embedded into his system, and regularly took care of his younger brother when the latter was still a toddler.

It was in middle school where his electrikinetic powers began to manifest. After a heated altercation with a bully that was tripping on one of his friends, he would, at accident, shock him with an electric surge. Fortunately, there wasn't a crowd of students watching them fight, except for Kotov's inner circle of friends (the one who was shocked lived, and was made to sign a contract of silence). As a result, the entire thing was shushed by the school administration, as the faculty were the only ones who knew about Kotov being the son of Shockwire, as well as his two best friends.

Having known that this day would come, Kotov's father began to train him to control his powers, if not just for the sake of not electrifying everyone by accident. There was a lot of frustration, as Kotov couldn't physically attend school if he wasn't able to control his electrokinesis, and the online option sometimes caused the devices themselves to short out due to his lack of control. Still, after a year of endless grind, Kotov was officially able to control his powers, and returned to the outside world.

He would later go on to college and finish as a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. Kotov would be one of the more higher ups when it came to academics, and was known to be quite good at what he does. Now, he has found a job at Fox News as an editor, and he looks forward to having a more or less normal life.
Skills: Martial arts, persuasion, and identifying cat breeds.
Gear: Laptop, notebook, pen, and phone.
Occupation: Editor
Relationships and Family:
Vladimir Sergei Yureivich (Shockwire): Father and retired hero
Statnik Pelageya Yureivich: Mother
Kravchuk Bogdan Yureivich: Younger Brother
Ray Clayton: Best Friend
Caitlin Le Roche: Other best friend (and secret crush).
I'm interested. :3
Finbarr's Bonuses

1. Exceptional Unarmed Combat: Finbarr's magic is geared towards infiltration and hit-and-run, and most of the time, there isn't enough time to draw his two blades once he exits a portal. As such, he is also highly adept at martial arts as taught during training, employing a mixture of judo, Krav Maga, Kong Fu, karate, and muai thai.

2. Exceptional Reflexes: While not particularly strong or durable, Finbarr makes up with having quick reflexes. He is able to react to external stimuli much faster than most, though this is limited to things that he is able to see as incoming, as the Rau've that captured him already had its hand ready in front of the portal.

3. Exceptional Patience: Finbarr has an extremely high amount of patience, whether if it's dealing with annoying toddlers or waiting for an enemy to pass through an area. This augments his shapeshifting magic as he could wait for literal hours in rat form and not snitch a tiny bit about it.

4. Exceptional Marksmanship: He is very accurate with aiming ranged weapons, whether it his Energy Blast spell or the Plasma Pistol he carries around.

Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

Finbarr continued on munching on the donut that he had ordered. He was visibly pleased by how the taste of the whole thing turned out, as he had this funny little smirk while chewing on the Bavarian donut and its creamy filling. While not having a sweet tooth to the same extent of the likes of Iris and her twin brother Matthew, Finbarr still had a superb appreciation for the sweet things of the world. This was quite evident by how his eyes sparkled with every bite. He absolutely loved donuts. Especially the ones that didn't have a crazy amount of toppings, but rather, simpler variants like this one. At least it looked and tasted like one.

Once Tarak (whom he considered to be a big brother like everyone else and showed quite a lot of affection to) began talking about how they had no idea where they were going to get money for candy and other vanities, Finbarr almost chuckled as he took a sip from the soup of his beef stew."I could get us things that we need with you know how... tee hee... but I don't feel good about doing something like that."

Finbarr snickered at the thought. "I kid, I kid. But, just in case. Haha."

He would then turn to see Iris grab half of an egg from Samuel's fork... and the absolute pile of candies on her side. "Bloody hell. So... many candies."

Turning to Samuel, he would quietly lay his head on the other boy's shoulder while taking a bite off... a baguette. Well, a green baguette. For all its worth, it was probably more nutritious. "At this rate your sister is going to have diabetes...", he whispered as he sat there, acting like a cat. Ah well. It's not like he could turn to a cat, right?

"I'm just absolutely knackered. I hope you don't mind..."

Of course, he has always done this. He had always been the touchy feely one.
Nikolay Ivushkin | The Imperial Fist

"Yeah...", Nikolay answered Henry. When Henry began to walk past, he put one arm around the giant, and gave him a short comradely hug before a girl's shriek was heard reverberating through the air. As the bigger man went towards Hailey. She was having one of those episodes again, and the Russian only looked on as he figured that having too many people go to her could only make her anxiety worse.

Nikolay shook his head. "Bloody hell. She is going to have a hard time staying in here if that keeps on happening." Something similar had occurred earlier. That was the second time this day.

Nathaniel Gregorio | The Blitzkrieg

Nath paused his relentless blasts of electromagnetic energy as soon as Oscar told him that something was up with Hailey. Squinting his eyes, he looked on at Hailey to see Henry with her (again). It looked like that a dark mist was gathering under her. He didn't completely understand what was occurring, but that was a secondary concern. Right now, Hailey was as pale as a sheet of paper, looking completely petrified. "What the heck-"

Then it hit him. It was probably his fault, given that he was shooting those electromagnetic beams earlier while having a shattered focus. Overridden with guilt, he got down and covered his eyes. Was he crying? There was only one way to tell.
Finbarr Callaghan - The Spacetime Breacher

This is a new beginning.

Finbarr had been a soldier, no, slave of the Ascendancy for the last two years. He found his dream and family ripped away from him... and turned to the perfect killing machine.

And this war within will only end with the Ascendancy's reformation.

"Come on, Flame.", Finbarr urged as Ashton suggested that they take the food shuttle instead of a plain transport. "I'm bloody famished, what with having to walk a lot in this place. I could have gotten us through a port-, actually, I don't know this place, so scratch that. What I'm saying is, this place is as big as the island where my colonist ancestors came from, so I say that we eat while going there. Pleeaaaaaaase?"

Finbarr was slightly taller than either Flame, or Ashton, and was older by a year, but he had this kind of childishness when they were just... well, themselves. It made him sound like a younger brother, in fact, though one should always remember that he was always watching out for everyone else here with his powers of retrocognition. In the end, though, Flame consented, and they all got into the shuttle.

"Look at all that hot stuff...", Finbarr commented as he looked over all of food that were neatly lined up in the racks of the dining shuttle, his grey eyes visibly sparkling with delight due to the prospect of having a hearty meal. By this point, his friends would know him as having a powerful appetite that matched his prowess with the dual plasma blades that he wielded in battle. Of course, he would also be known as their one companion that was never afraid to show how much he loved each one of them. After all, terrible times and the prospect of death and destruction were both powerful catalysts towards forming strong relationships and alliances... just like the pair amongst their ranks. Hell, he had lost count of the times that he had jumped in after sensing the mortal dangers that his friends had almost perished from.

Finbarr picked out some bread, or at least it looked like bread. He called bread "Soft Potatoes", never mind that the only bread that he had ever eaten that were actually made out of potato dough were those baked by his mother back in their subterranean settlement in Titan. Ah, hell. Those were very good and soft to the teeth. Finbarr wondered if he could replicate his mother's baking for his friends sometime. Hmmm. Maybe next time. Either way, he proceeded to take a donut covered in white sweet powder, as well as a bowl of beef stew. After paying for the whole thing, he set down his foodstuffs on the table near the shuttle window, and then waited for the others.

Astrad Lungren

Location: New York Sanctum

Just as Mephisto's throat expanded from the explosive blast of Maria's ill fated arrow, Astrad formed a floating fist of ice. Glaring at the demon with eyes filled with poignant abhorrence at the demon's defiling presence, he attempted to land a hit on Mephisto, guiding the hand that he had created with his cryokinetic power. The end result went awry, though, as the fist struck at Mephisto's tail, hurting the demon by a very little bit. In other words, his attack was rendered useless as it had barely done anything to injure the hell spawned abomination that was roaring and screaming at them in its draconic rage. Soon or later it was going to breath fire again, he presumed.

Astrad was still determined to harm the foul creature, and to this end, the cold mist from his hands coalesced into a few spears of ice, which he then hurled at the demon. Unfortunately, through a quirk of probability, none found their mark. They all missed and were stuck on the sanctum's structure instead. How sad!

"Whelp.", he said as he found his attacks almost completely ineffectual against the demon. "That sucked."

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