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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Name: Finbarr Callaghan
Age: 17 (appears as 30 when under the effects of Shapeshifting)
Physical Description:

Important items:

Short Bio:

Spell List:

Exceptional Skill List:

Astrad Lungren

Location: New York Sanctum

This was just great.

First thing that happens today is that the four of them get swarmed by a literal horde of HYDRA grunts, a gibbering cavalcade of tentacle heads that want their superior genes for the glory of the... new world order? Whatever it is that those idiots were serving. Either way, this day had just gone from bad luck to bizarre, what with a demon appearing inside the sanctum of a powerful wizard, or something like that.

Now, Astrad was a man that fervently believed in the divine, on the existence of angels and demons and the Lord Almighty, but seeing a demonic entity in the flesh was something else entirely. It looked exactly like what a quick Google Images search of a demon would deliver, and in this case, there was but one course of action: aid the wizard in banishing it back to the hell from whence it came.

"God help me.", Astrad whispered with a quiet wisp of cold air from his lips as he launched a cryokinetic attack against the demonic entity that had dared defile the sanctity of the sanctum with its filthy infernal presence. To this end, he had frozen the demon's feet, which would hopefully allow Strange to lock on it and banish it to the Warp... Hell... wherever. Squidheads and a demon... one could only wonder what's next.

New York City

"Hey, come out, you, no need to hide. I'll find you anywhere you go anyway, whether on this Earth or the next..."

Vibe looked around, searching for his prey... target. What was that guy's name again? Mirror Master? That's a rather descriptive name for him; that man used mirrors as portals, and when paired with his now imprisoned girlfriend Top, caused a very annoying rarefaction effect that was worse than vertigo or the ass kicking that they did individually. Fortunately, Top, or the Top of this universe anyway, had been captured a few days before after trying to rob a banks. Banks... why is it always banks?

Why was he doing this? Maybe to impress Gypsy, who has a stainless record of having absolutely no one escape her grasp, and maybe her dad too. Josh was very intimidating. Always has been. Breacher was getting old, though, and by the looks of it, he is going to lose his powers soon, just like every other Viber that got too advanced in the years. Maybe he'll get less scarier.

"Come on, just go out already, and maybe I'll rethink giving you to the Earth 19 people, those are really bad when it comes to your type, but yeah, you don't want to come out, so I'll give you to them, just because she told me to."

There seemed to be no activity whatsoever in that abandoned warehouse, save for Vibe's walking and the occasional scurrying of rats. Whatever happened to that... oh.

There was that man's dead body, lying on the dirty floor in a rather expansive pool of blood with several knives stuck on his back. It was strange, though, as it looked like they were flung at his behind all at once, what with the perfect positioning and the equal depth that they were embedded unto his flesh. Spooky.

"Oh my God, this was NOT what I expected..."

Yes, Vibe was a hunter. Yes, he sought for those that broke the laws of space and time and those that consorted with them, but not once has he killed anyone. Not on purpose.

And now, this man deserves a far more respectable resting place.
Astrad Lungren

Location: New York Sanctum

Astrad didn't mind if Brunnet Sparks here ignored his very existence; after all, all of their interactions so far had been of hostility, and it be honest, the last thing anyone would want to annoy was a pregnant woman. Seriously though, why was she flying around in the sky while pregnant? Weren't G forces bad for children in the womb?

Either way, he thought about his former mission, and now this one. Apparently they were visiting someone called Doctor Strange. Astrad guessed that this Strange character was a... well, a doctor, and was going to help these women do whatever they wanted. They hadn't really given any specifics to him yet, nor had he asked. Seeing and hearing what Doctor Strange would do seemed to be a better alternative than anything else.

When they had landed in New York City, one of the first things Astrad heard was Maria's complaining about him being heavy. Of course he was heavy for her! He was a guy with totally average height and average weight, and she didn't look particularly imposing when it came to physical form. "Lady,for the record, I'm a guy with less than average height and a totally appropriate weight to match with it. And the last time I had icecream was... last week."

Either way, while Sparky began knocking on the door, Astrad inched a little to Amelia; he found her to be most amicable of the three, and maybe not as pissed. "So.", he fidgeted rather sheepishly. "Sorry bout earlier. I was just being, uh, sure. I hope we can out that unfortunate incident behind us."

This does not look like a doctor's office...

Francisco Ramon Hunter Other Earths/New York City Independent
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I will hunt you down… and then we can go out for drinks, I guess."

Vibe is a… well, a viber; a special kind of metahuman whose power is connected to the vibrations of the multiverse. Just as how speedsters are hooked to the Speed Force, the vibers in turn draw their power from the fabric of space and time itself.

One of the first of his kind, Cisco was born to a Puerto Rican family as the youngest of two brothers. His older brother, Dante, was never close to him, and they always fought. To this end, he preferred to stay and work alone, studying all sorts of things that have to do with biology and all that. He would quickly demonstrate to be a highly intelligent person, and would eventually study in Central City University, where Cisco would eventually gain a PhD in Engineering by the age of 24. However, the year after that, he began to have visions; visions of the present. Touching the belongings of others occasionally had this… effect, wherein he began to see current events, as well as the past. He was having… vibes.

Another year passed without anything happening, other than the visions of the past and present. Because of the subtle nature of his power, no one, not SHIELD, not HYDRA, thought of taking him… until that fateful night, when Vibe was truly born. New York City wasn't exactly the safest city, and after a late night out, Cisco and his friend were assaulted by a hostile metahuman criminal by the name of Top. With his companion disoriented by Top's powers, Cisco channeled the energy of the multiverse by pure instinct, striking Top with a blast of energy.

His unlocking of power was soon noticed by another Viber from Earth 19, Gypsy. Because of a dire need for Vibers to safeguard their locality of the multiverse from universe jumping criminals, Vibe was recruited by her in order to let him understand his abilities better and to control them with far greater precision, like herself and her father, Breacher. It wouldn't long before... hmm, feelings blossomed, and they were together, though their jobs would prevent them from being with each other for too long (plus Josh, I mean, Breacher, is rather scary oh wait nonono- *BLAM*)

As of this moment, Vibe serves as a hunter on Earth 1, hunting down extradimensional criminals and unlawful breachers. Officially, he isn't part of the Collection Agency, but he keeps doing what he does because of... her.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

For one, I have always wanted to play Vibe because, well, we vibe. Seeing him in his TV series incarnation is essentially seeing somewhat of a mirror of myself in terms of nerdy stuff.

As for Vibe himself, his current goals is to continue his efforts in catching criminals of both the mundane and temporal nature, ESPECIALLY the ones that screw with space and time. This version of Vibe is more in sync with his 2013 and small screen incarnations, leaning towards the latter. He is by far a rather upright young man that would seem to be unable to take things seriously at first, but would then switch to a no-nonsense attitude once a mission is at hand. Vibe is an absolute nerd, and it seems that nothing could ever change that.

Because of his powers, he would still be able to travel all over the globe without much effort and also interact with pretty much anyone in the RP, granted that there is a good reason for them to.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost: Vibe's friend and a doctor with cryokinesis and a dual personality along the way.
Gypsy: Another Viber from another Earth that is Vibe's girlfriend.
Breacher: Gypsy's scary father who is also a Viber.
The Flash: Just happens to be someone that Vibe idolizes.

S A M P L E P O S T:

"Hey, come out, you, no need to hide. I'll find you anywhere you go anyway, whether on this Earth or the next..."

Vibe looked around, searching for his prey... target. What was that guy's name again? Mirror Master? That's a rather descriptive name for him; that man used mirrors as portals, and when paired with his now imprisoned girlfriend Top, caused a very annoying rarefaction effect that was worse than vertigo or the ass kicking that they did individually. Fortunately, Top, or the Top of this universe anyway, had been captured a few days before after trying to rob a banks. Banks... why is it always banks?

Why was he doing this? Maybe to impress Gypsy, who has a stainless record of having absolutely no one escape her grasp, and maybe her dad too. Josh was very intimidating. Always has been. Breacher was getting old, though, and by the looks of it, he is going to lose his powers soon, just like every other Viber that got too advanced in the years. Maybe he'll get less scarier.

"Come on, just go out already, and maybe I'll rethink giving you to the Earth 19 people, those are really bad when it comes to your type, but yeah, you don't want to come out, so I'll give you to them, just because she told me to."

There seemed to be no activity whatsoever in that abandoned warehouse, save for Vibe's walking and the occasional scurrying of rats. Whatever happened to that... oh.

There was that man's dead body, lying on the dirty floor in a rather expansive pool of blood with several knives stuck on his back. It was strange, though, as it looked like they were flung at his behind all at once, what with the perfect positioning and the equal depth that they were embedded unto his flesh. Spooky.

"Oh my God, this was NOT what I expected..."

Yes, Vibe was a hunter. Yes, he sought for those that broke the laws of space and time and those that consorted with them, but not once has he killed anyone. Not on purpose.

And now, this man deserves a far more respectable resting place.

P O S T C A T A L O G:


Francisco Ramon Hunter Other Earths/New York City Independent
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I will hunt you down… and then we can go out for drinks, I guess."

Vibe is a… well, a viber; a special kind of metahuman whose power is connected to the vibrations of the multiverse. Just as how speedsters are hooked to the Speed Force, the vibers in turn draw their power from the fabric of space and time itself.

One of the first of his kind, Cisco was born to a Puerto Rican family as the youngest of two brothers. His older brother, Dante, was never close to him, and they always fought. To this end, he preferred to stay and work alone, studying all sorts of things that have to do with biology and all that. He would quickly demonstrate to be a highly intelligent person, and would eventually study in Central City University, where Cisco would eventually gain a PhD in Engineering by the age of 24. However, the year after that, he began to have visions; visions of the present. Touching the belongings of others occasionally had this… effect, wherein he began to see current events, as well as the past. He was having… vibes.

Another year passed without anything happening, other than the visions of the past and present. Because of the subtle nature of his power, no one, not SHIELD, not HYDRA, thought of taking him… until that fateful night, when Vibe was truly born. New York City wasn't exactly the safest city, and after a late night out, Cisco and his friend were assaulted by a hostile metahuman criminal by the name of Top. With his companion disoriented by Top's powers, Cisco channeled the energy of the multiverse by pure instinct, striking Top with a blast of energy.

His unlocking of power was soon noticed by another Viber from Earth 19, Gypsy. Because of a dire need for Vibers to safeguard their locality of the multiverse from universe jumping criminals, Vibe was recruited by her in order to let him understand his abilities better and to control them with far greater precision, like herself and her father, Breacher. It wouldn't long before... hmm, feelings blossomed, and they were together, though their jobs would prevent them from being with each other for too long (plus Josh, I mean, Breacher, is rather scary oh wait nonono- *BLAM*)

As of this moment, Vibe serves as a hunter on Earth 1, hunting down extradimensional criminals and unlawful breachers. Officially, he isn't part of the Collection Agency, but he keeps doing what he does because of... her.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

For one, I have always wanted to play Vibe because, well, we vibe. Seeing him in his TV series incarnation is essentially seeing somewhat of a mirror of myself in terms of nerdy stuff.

As for Vibe himself, his current goals is to continue his efforts in catching criminals of both the mundane and temporal nature, ESPECIALLY the ones that screw with space and time. This version of Vibe is more in sync with his 2013 and small screen incarnations, leaning towards the latter. He is by far a rather upright young man that would seem to be unable to take things seriously at first, but would then switch to a no-nonsense attitude once a mission is at hand. Vibe is an absolute nerd, and it seems that nothing could ever change that.

Because of his powers, he would still be able to travel all over the globe without much effort and also interact with pretty much anyone in the RP, granted that there is a good reason for them to.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost: Vibe's friend and a doctor with cryokinesis and a dual personality along the way.
Gypsy: Another Viber from another Earth that is Vibe's girlfriend.
Breacher: Gypsy's scary father who is also a Viber.
The Flash: Just happens to be someone that Vibe idolizes.

S A M P L E P O S T:

"Hey, come out, you, no need to hide. I'll find you anywhere you go anyway, whether on this Earth or the next..."

Vibe looked around, searching for his prey... target. What was that guy's name again? Mirror Master? That's a rather descriptive name for him; that man used mirrors as portals, and when paired with his now imprisoned girlfriend Top, caused a very annoying rarefaction effect that was worse than vertigo or the ass kicking that they did individually. Fortunately, Top, or the Top of this universe anyway, had been captured a few days before after trying to rob a banks. Banks... why is it always banks?

Why was he doing this? Maybe to impress Gypsy, who has a stainless record of having absolutely no one escape her grasp, and maybe her dad too. Josh was very intimidating. Always has been. Breacher was getting old, though, and by the looks of it, he is going to lose his powers soon, just like every other Viber that got too advanced in the years. Maybe he'll get less scarier.

"Come on, just go out already, and maybe I'll rethink giving you to the Earth 19 people, those are really bad when it comes to your type, but yeah, you don't want to come out, so I'll give you to them, just because she told me to."

There seemed to be no activity whatsoever in that abandoned warehouse, save for Vibe's walking and the occasional scurrying of rats. Whatever happened to that... oh.

There was that man's dead body, lying on the dirty floor in a rather expansive pool of blood with several knives stuck on his back. It was strange, though, as it looked like they were flung at his behind all at once, what with the perfect positioning and the equal depth that they were embedded unto his flesh. Spooky.

"Oh my God, this was NOT what I expected..."

Yes, Vibe was a hunter. Yes, he sought for those that broke the laws of space and time and those that consorted with them, but not once has he killed anyone. Not on purpose.

And now, this man deserves a far more respectable resting place.

P O S T C A T A L O G:


This is open no?
Nikolai Ivushkin | The Imperial Fist

"Oh hell no."

Nikolay had been watching as Henry momentarily lost consciousness due to the impact of the outburst of kinetic energy that came out of the Imperial Fists, a little concerned if he had gone too far in their spar. He was such of a single mind, that he took things literally and to their face value, that he forgets other things quite a bit... like holding back on the emission of drawn out attacks.

Just like Henry, he never had his consciousness shaken like this before. There was no time to react, and not enough hands to block the impending strike. Ah, how he wished to have more of those floatey spooky hands to block more attacks! But no, at the moment, he only had two, and those two did not suffice as Henry used to launch himself towards Nikolay in a fearful two feet kick.

They impacted, knocking Nikolay back a few good yards. However, he wasn't particularly hurt, just dazed, as the padding was quite good, and was probably designed for situations like this. There was still a rather loud thud as he landed on his back, and his Noble Arms withdrew back into their pocket dimension as he had lost all of the focus needed to control. Now, he was laughing to himself.

"Ahahahaha, that was, uh, hectic.", he said as he stood back up, huffing whilst putting his hands on his knees. "You disarmed me, so, ah, I guess you won, Herr Henry."

Oh, right. He was having the Russian accent now, as he was quite banged up and didn't bother switching to the Anglo accents anymore. "Did I, mmm, hammer you too much with that kinetic wave? I think you lost consciousness for a moment there..."

Nathaniel Gregorio | The Blitzkrieg

"First timer's badluck!..."

The blade struck its mark on the protective gear. Nathan didn't bother checking what kind of damage it did, as he wasn't hurt in any way, as this was just a friendly spar, after all. With Oscar rebounding towards a different position, Nath spread his legs to shoulder width, to better ensure balance while firing his ranged attacks. He possessed no melee weapon or magic to parry an actual attack, so he would need to ensure that his blasts or bullets have a maximum chance of hitting their mark while avoiding the mistake of just taking the hit. Ah well.

As soon as Oscar had gone to a different position, Nath fired another beam of electromagnetic energy, but it was at half strength, as he was using only one hand to shoot. In this turn, he was keeping the other hand in reserve, ready to fire a blast with enough power to knock back most assailants should his friendly spar partner close in too much for comfort.

Right now, though, he found his mind constantly wandering. Again!

@Th3King0fChaos @dragonpiece

Francisco Ramon Hunter Other Earths/New York City Independent
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I will hunt you down… and then we can go out for drinks, I guess."

What happens when two individuals with the power to cross space with a single step and a common goal of protecting the planet from extra-dimensional threats come together as a team? What if they’re allies, friends even? That would be one hell of a pair, it seems!

Vibe is a… well, a viber; a special kind of metahuman whose power is connected to the vibrations of the multiverse. Just as how speedsters are hooked to the Speed Force, the vibers in turn draw their power from the fabric of space and time itself.

One of the first of his kind, Cisco was born to a Puerto Rican family as the youngest of two brothers. His older brother, Dante, was never close to him, and they always fought. To this end, he preferred to stay and work alone, studying all sorts of things that have to do with biology and all that. He would quickly demonstrate to be a highly intelligent person, and would eventually study in Central City University, where Cisco would eventually gain a PhD in Engineering by the age of 24. However, the year after that, he began to have visions; visions of the present. Touching the belongings of others occasionally had this… effect, wherein he began to see current events, as well as the past. He was having… vibes.

Another year passed without anything happening, other than the visions of the past and present. Because of the subtle nature of his power, no one, not SHIELD, not HYDRA, thought of taking him… until that fateful night, when Vibe was truly born. New York City wasn't exactly the safest city, and after a late night out, Cisco and his friend were assaulted by a hostile metahuman criminal by the name of Top. With his companion disoriented by Top's powers, Cisco channeled the energy of the multiverse by pure instinct, striking Top with a blast of energy.

His unlocking of power was soon noticed by another Viber from Earth 19, Gypsy. Because of a dire need for Vibers to safeguard their locality of the multiverse from universe jumping criminals, Vibe was recruited by her in order to let him understand his abilities better and to control them with far greater precision, like herself and her father, Breacher. It wouldn't long before... hmm, feelings blossomed, and they were together, though their jobs would prevent them from being with each other for too long (plus Josh, I mean, Breacher, is rather scary oh wait nonono- *BLAM*)

As of this moment, Vibe serves as a hunter on Earth 1, hunting down extradimensional criminals and unlawful breachers. Officially, he isn't part of the Collection Agency, but he keeps doing what he does because of... her.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

For one, I have always wanted to play Vibe because, well, we vibe. Seeing him in his TV series incarnation is essentially seeing somewhat of a mirror of myself in terms of nerdy stuff.

As for Vibe himself, his current goals is to continue his efforts in catching criminals of both the mundane and temporal nature, ESPECIALLY the ones that screw with space and time. This version of Vibe is more in sync with his 2013 and small screen incarnations, leaning towards the latter. He is by far a rather upright young man that would seem to be unable to take things seriously at first, but would then switch to a no-nonsense attitude once a mission is at hand. Vibe is an absolute nerd, and it seems that nothing could ever change that.

Because of his powers, he would still be able to travel all over the globe without much effort and also interact with pretty much anyone in the RP, granted that there is a good reason for them to.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost: Vibe's friend and a doctor with cryokinesis and a dual personality along the way.
Gypsy: Another Viber from another Earth that is Vibe's girlfriend.
Breacher: Gypsy's scary father who is also a Viber.
The Flash: Just happens to be someone that Vibe idolizes.

S A M P L E P O S T:

"Hey, come out, you, no need to hide. I'll find you anywhere you go anyway, whether on this Earth or the next..."

Vibe looked around, searching for his prey... target. What was that guy's name again? Mirror Master? That's a rather descriptive name for him; that man used mirrors as portals, and when paired with his now imprisoned girlfriend Top, caused a very annoying rarefaction effect that was worse than vertigo or the ass kicking that they did individually. Fortunately, Top, or the Top of this universe anyway, had been captured a few days before after trying to rob a banks. Banks... why is it always banks?

Why was he doing this? Maybe to impress Gypsy, who has a stainless record of having absolutely no one escape her grasp, and maybe her dad too. Josh was very intimidating. Always has been. Breacher was getting old, though, and by the looks of it, he is going to lose his powers soon, just like every other Viber that got too advanced in the years. Maybe he'll get less scarier.

"Come on, just go out already, and maybe I'll rethink giving you to the Earth 19 people, those are really bad when it comes to your type, but yeah, you don't want to come out, so I'll give you to them, just because she told me to."

There seemed to be no activity whatsoever in that abandoned warehouse, save for Vibe's walking and the occasional scurrying of rats. Whatever happened to that... oh.

There was that man's dead body, lying on the dirty floor in a rather expansive pool of blood with several knives stuck on his back. It was strange, though, as it looked like they were flung at his behind all at once, what with the perfect positioning and the equal depth that they were embedded unto his flesh. Spooky.

"Oh my God, this was NOT what I expected..."

Yes, Vibe was a hunter. Yes, he sought for those that broke the laws of space and time and those that consorted with them, but not once has he killed anyone. Not on purpose.

And now, this man deserves a far more respectable resting place.

P O S T C A T A L O G:


Nikolay Ivushkin

With the hands now switched towards Retribution, the two Fists were now in a defensive mode, projecting an aura of sickly green energy around themselves, forming a rather visible outline of magical energy. The auras traced the shape of the hands, forming a perfect match to them in form if not in size.

Either way, Nikolay was now back at his game, a rather simple ploy of static defense and firepower that was something of a compulsion to his protection oriented mind. Henry would find his Gauntlets colliding with the two Imperial Fists before being stopped to a complete standstill; by the looks of it, the flying marble hands had absorbed the kinetic energy that was imbued in his attack. And now, Nikolay's eyes were a stark white, indicating that it was indeed that kind of energy that they had taken for themselves.

With a simple motion, the Fists fired a concussive wave of kinetic energy forward; a strike that would be equal to the power that Henry had put behind his attack. If knocked back a significant distance, the Fists would retreat and switch again to Monotone to fire a withering barrage of magic bullets.

Nathaniel Gregorio

"Uh, yeah. This is my… first time sparring.", Nath answered as electricity began to coalesce on both of his palms. "First time for everything, I guess."

With a solid expression of unnerving calm, Nath thrust his hands forward and fired a pair of electromagnetic blasts, aiming squarely at Oscar's location. His mind was a little lost, though, as he was thinking of many different ways on how to get Hailey to like him a little more. Maybe some chocolates or a pizza might do. After all, the best way to a woman's heart is through her stomach...

@Th3King0fChaos @dragonpiece
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