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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Astrad Lungren

Levittown, Pennsylvania

This was really not Astrad's day.

Not only were they being swarmed by a veritable legion of HYDRA minions and grunts that were all out for their blood and maybe their brains, Agent Sitwell had also left him hanging in the air. The line with his superior had been producing nothing but the characteristic white noise that can either indicate that Sitwell was ignoring his call, had been disconnected, or was preoccupied with something else. This was very much unlike Sitwell, though, as that bald man had always been a rather upright agent that somewhat commanded respect out of Astrad, even if the former had a rather slick and laid back attitude when it comes to communicating with those he is a little… well, chummy with. Still, there was no denying that Agent Lungren was very good at his job… most of the time.

But, as was stated earlier, things were getting bleak in here. Amelia and Sparky had already flown off, and the horde was nearly upon them. "Come on…", Astrad muttered as he prepared to pummel another set of HYDRA minions with his massive floating ice fist… only for Maria to confirm that she was going to… Uhm. Carry him.

He hesitated, tilting his head a little bit as he was concerned that she would have a hard time carrying someone of his weight. "Are you sure you want to- AH!"

It wasn't long before Levittown was way below them, a patchwork of buildings and streets that wanted to kill them a few moments ago. Now, they were safe as they could be in this kind of situation, high up in the clouds. Hopefully HYDRA didn't have any air assets in the area.

Looking around the three women that were just strangers at this point, he began speaking a bunch, a little embarrassed that Maria really was having difficulty carrying him. "So… is it just me, or did my superior ignore my distress call right in the middle of that HYDRA horde attack? I called for backup… and I was only met with white noise. It… makes absolutely no sense for him to hang up on me like that. Unless if we were being jammed…"
Nikolay Ivushkin | The Imperial Fist

So far, Nikolay had been one that preferred to stay still and unleash the beams of Monotone upon distant targets, focusing on either keeping a long distance between himself and his opponent or defending himself via the energy absorption of Retribution. Now, though, that record was broken. Henry had deftly made a slide tackle, one that looked very similar to the one that football players do, in order to avoid the seating hot red beams of destruction that Nikolay had just fired.

Seeing the impending slide tackle, Nikolay made his move. Drawing from the lessons that they had been given not too long ago, he dodged the side tackle, sidestepping and rolling towards the side before ending up in a semi-kneeling position. The Russian boy looked back at Henry before standing right up, seemingly a little nervous now as his usual tactic obviously won't work very well in this situation.

"I had… huff… moment of panic there…", Nikolay said to Henry as the two hands floated beside him in earnest, their color still a flaming red. Frowning a little bit, he clenched his right hand, ordering the Fists to switch modes to Retribution. Now, they were glowing green, and so were his eyes. At this time, he waited for Henry to make the first move.

Nathaniel Gregorio | The Blitzkrieg

Nath readied his own Noble Arm, pulling out a pair of ornate black and gold revolvers from the dimensional storage space that all of those magical weapons had. Both of the guns crackled with electricity, and Nath himself had the occasional arc of electricity, though he did not seem to be confident in his abilities, as while he would be classified as a rather Noble Arm wielder, he lacked both the experience and will to really live up to the fearsome potential of his power of electromagnetic control. In fact, he was nervous that he would drain the school's power grid… If such a thing were possible. "Be ready, my friend.", Nath simply said soberly as the cartridge of the Shock Bolters spinned wildly for a few moments before pointing both of the firearms at Oscar. "Now."

With that, no less than six projectiles shot out of the Shock Bolters, all of them glowing blue with the electrical energy that was imbued upon them. They were moving slowly enough for the naked eye to catch, but were still fast.

Were they accurate? Not so much, what with them being pistol bullets and not very well aimed. One might think that Nath was quite afraid of hurting Oscar even a tiny bit, but that remains to be seen as the revolvers reloaded. In the immediate aftermath of his shots, Nath planned to quickly prepare an electromagnetic energy blast.

@dragonpiece @Th3King0fChaos
Nikolay Ivushkin | The Imperial Fist

"Excellent...", Nikolay responded to Henry's acceptance of his offer to spar. He got patted on the back right after that... not on the shoulder. Or the head. Henry really was an absolute unit, and Nikolay thought that he could crush a man's skull if he flexed those biceps hard enough. Either way, the not-so-apparent Russian boy nodded and smiled as Henry apologized for somewhat ignoring him in the morning. "Oh, I suppose that's normal when people aren't so accustomed to each other yet. Uh huh... yeah. When people don't know each other very well, they... ah, bloody hell, butter my pint, why am I rambling again... mfff..."

Quietly rambling to himself, Nikolay walked towards the other end of the ring that was going to serve as their sparring space. Coughing slightly, the glow in his eyes disappeared all together as he put his mind towards his Noble Arms once again, focusing every bit of his will and mind into bringing them into existence. Thus they came to his side like always, appearing like the severed hands of a white marble statue. There were two of them...

"I'm ready.", he said to Henry as their spar began in earnest. The first thing he did was to switch the Fists to Monotone; their ghostly green color that denoted their powers of defence were replaced by an iridescent red; along with this, his eyes also turned red.

"Open sesame!"

As Henry dashed towards him to get close, the two floating hands of stone each had a sphere of reddish light on their palms, which then erupted into twin beams of energetic destruction. They should be relatively easy to dodge, but if they hit, it will be... bad.

Nathaniel Gregorio | The Blitzkrieg

"Oh, thank the Lord.", Nath nodded profusely at Oscar as the latter agreed to spar with him. When the two of them were putting their protective gear on, Nath was having difficulty trying to get the damned things on, partly because he had short arms. And for another, he wasn't used to putting on things that were complicated like this. It was like putting on those costumes... except that this wasn't just for aesthetics. For one, he had Noble Arms that could kill someone with a well placed shot. Shock Bolters were like pistols... except that they were like mini-railguns of some sort, what with him having electromagnetic powers from it.

"Yes... I may need some help here.", Nath sheepishly groaned as he couldn't reach the piece of the gear that was supposed to be mounted on the back. Ah damn short arms!

@Th3King0fChaos @dragonpiece
Astrad Lungren


Astrad frowned as the members of Hydra swarmed out of the houses in Levittown like a horde of ravenous beasts, or at least, that was what he thought of them. Cold air coalesced around his hands as Astrad brought his Inhuman power to bring to bear, glaring at the Squidheads that were starting to surround them completely in the street. "Hell Hydra..."

Sharp daggers of ice formed into existence all around the group as he used his cryogenic powers once again, glinting with the light of the sun and smoking with water vapor emanating from their utterly cold forms. At the same time, Astrad took the fist of solid ice, withdrawing it from the blasted ruins of the house that he had dented a while ago. It floated menacingly as the ice daggers struck forth unto the nearest Hydra members that were trying to rush the four of them in there, stabbing or impaling no less than six of the Hydra grunts. As their squidly blood spilled out unto the sun kissed pavement, Astrad sent his floating ice fist to plow through another seven, mashing them against a wall like sardines being squeezed into a can. However, their numbers were still very high. Barely a dent.

With the situation getting more dire, he took out his phone and pinged Agent Sitwell. "Agent Sitwell, this is Lungren, Levittown is a HYDRA nest and the three UFOs from earlier are friendlies... where is that secondary team? We are surrounded!"
Nikolay Ivushkin: The Imperial Fist

Nikolay looked ahead into the empty space before him, mentally filing through scenarios that would be able to force him to move. Such was the play style of one whose power was to take absorb and emit the energy of attacks being thrown against him; Nikolay often didn't even move an inch while sparring as he was often completely focused in controlling his Noble Arms to the point of absolute single mindedness. He kept in mind the advice of their teacher: the key is movement.

But... that was hard to do. Not that it was hard to do, actually, but the powers of his Noble Arm simply favoured a static defense. He knew that his Fists had a limit... but what this limit was eluded him. No matter... maybe two gunmen would suffice for this exercise.

And so, they formed in his mind's eye. All this time, though, his real hands were set behind his back in a rather relaxed manner. He had practiced not relying on his hand movements to control the Fists, rather using his pure willpower and imagination for them to follow his commands. In front of him, though, were two faceless figures, both of them wielding the all too familiar AK-47 assault rifles. They were of no distinguishable species; they were but grey shadows that moved like humans. Both of them opened fire with a barrage of bullets, which were quickly met by both of the Fists glowing green, absorbing every iota of kinetic energy that they possessed, resulting in the bullets dropping harmlessly to the mental ground upon contact with the floating hands.

To the outside observer, Nikolay's eyes were now both glowing a ghostly stark white, signifying the kind of energy that his Noble Arms were absorbing. Once the gunmen had exhausted their bullets, they now brought another thing to bare: molotov cocktails.

Now, this was a dilemma. He hadn't figured out how to make the Fists hold two different kinds of energy at the same time, so even as the two figures prepared to throw their fiery gifts, Nikolay had one of the Fists use all of the kinetic energy it had gathered by sending it into a striking trajectory, releasing its stored power by pummeling the shadow's figure to nothingness. However, it was a little too late, as the other cocktail was already in the air. These Fists required a massive amount of willpower and concentration to use, and so, he wasn't able to use the other one to the fullest. It was here that the movement kicked in as he sidestepped to avoid the fiery blast that the cocktail would bring. Sniffling, the now empty hand flew back to take in the fire that was now raging in his mind's eye.

It was quick enough. By the time the last remaining assailant was done reloading, both Fists were now flying towards it. The one that had taken in the flames spewed them back, vomiting out a stream of fire against it even as the other Fist slammed against its torso.

When the simulation ended, Nikolay huffed. That was a tiring thing to do. Still, they had sparring next... Maybe it was best to pair up with the one that also had something similar to hands... who was it... Henry? Yes, him!

"Henry, was it?", he asked the big giant with a wry smile even as his right eye was glowing white while the other was a fiery orange. "I, uhm, maybe we can pair?"

Nathaniel Gregorio: The Blitzkrieg

"Oh, hey. Look at who it is.", Nathaniel muttered to himself as he looked at the mental apparition that his mind had conjured. It was a grey ghost, a shadow of the mind's imagination that had no face or mouth, only a shape that was roughly humanoid. It had eyes, though, and they were red. And it was charging towards him in a manner comparable to a banzai charge of the Second World War.

Nath ran towards the shadow, waiting for the crucial opportunity. When it came close enough, Nath slid beneath it (there was an advantage to being short, see?!) and rolled up behind to fire a trio of shots from his Shock Bolter into its back. Still not satisified, he then fired a pair of electromagnetic blasts from his hands, making sure that the training dummy was truly taken down. This was a move that he saw in the movies... never knew that it would work. Surprise and size were at his size, then.

Now, it was time to spar. He was barred from having a ranged slugfest with Jordan, so he was now unsure who to spar with. Oh wait! Swords! Yes. Swords. Oscar? Yes.

Daintily, he approached Oscar, trying not to have stiff neck from looking up to the much taller white boy. "Partners?"

Astrad Lungren

Levittown, Pennsylvania

"So, you really didn't just fall off some plane and were actually in flight mode?", Astrad replied to Amelia as the latter suggested to just go fly in the skies above like eagles with wings. A good look at Amelia would tell him that this was the kind of person that didn't like tunnels; one who adored freedom above all else. Of course, he was something like that as well; after all, he didn't comply to Sitwell's orders to the letter, instead preferring to do things his own way. And now, well, he had been spared of a bad case of friendly fire. Still, there was the matter of HYDRA's grunts that had indeed infested this neighborhood like a virulent plague of squidheads and mindless minions that had a thing for tentacles. Astrad was about to launch his cryogenic powers against the building that had been shooting at them when Maria fired a blast of wind that blew the entire thing apart. It was a mesmerizing sight, to see the house explode into splinters through the power of the wind. Did the wind have color? Nah. What a shame. Could have been called the colors of the wind.

"Alright.", Astrad said as he kept the ice shield in the ready. "I'll just go with what you said, as it looks like you know better-"

It was at this moment that a weighted net shot out of another house to the right, ensnaring not just one, not two, not three, but all four of them. Astrad, however, remained calm under the net as he brought no less than a dozen ice hooks into existence that coalesced from the cold air that emanated from his hands. Wasting no time, the hooks were brought to bare with his cryokinesis, ripping open a hole in the net that was large enough for him to get out of. Jumping out of the net, he glared towards the house out of which the net gun had been fired, fury filling his eyes. Clenching his fist, Astrad brought his icebound power to bare once again, this time creating a massive hand made of ice. Recollection flashed in his mind as the hand clenched itself into a fist in response before pummeling the house, creating a dent on the wall. Destruction.

"Are we going to fly or what?", Astrad looked around frantically as he hid behind the ice shield that he had conjured earlier. "I might not be able to do that again if we get netted again."

Astrad Lungren

Levittown, Pennsylvania

"They have found us.", Astrad said to all of them in a fit of urgency as he got up from the ground with a very surprising speed for man that just got pummelled by a kick, a wind blast, and an electric surge. There was no mistaking it. HYDRA's grunts have detected the arrival of the trio of women; after all, seeing three unsavory characters drop out of the sky like that was surely a strange thing to see, and if HYDRA's previous incursions have been any indication, they will seek out enhanced assets and taken them in through the Faustus Program. Or take them out, if they cannot be subdued. And there were no less than three enhanced individuals in this one place alone...

"I know a way out of here. Follow me to the safe house. There is a trap door that leads directly to the tunnels under this place... that is, if you don't mind the smell of the neighborhood's collective waste."

He did not waste any more time as he conjured an ice shield, positioning it with his cryokinetic powers to shield himself and Sparks from gunfire. "Just so we are clear, I totally do not mind the tousling you gave me."

Discord link is broken... Is this open?
Sasha Kardashev

Well, well, well, look at we have here. Utter disrepair, a sea of dust, furniture that looked like it will break down the moment someone sat on them, and a computer that seemed to be suffering its final death throes. The members of the club were all arranged in a U shaed formation, with the chairs creaking with every little movement that they did. This was a terrible contrast to the great stories his other had told him about her time in this university; she said that the Writing Club had one of the best bases in the entire academy. But now, it seemed that they switched places with none other than the poverty club.

The bloody poverty club! Oh hell no!

Sasha right now was using a cane to balance himself, as he had a bad football injury a few years back; it was enough to warrant the doctors to prohibit any more playing for the foreseeable future. He had his laptop in his bag, which is what he used to write his ieces (to be more specific, he always used Google Docs so that his progress isn't lost if the computer decided to crash.). Furthermore, he ws sipping on a cup of coffee that had whipped cream on top. Probably Starbucks.

Right now, though, there was the mandatory introduction. And now he decided it was his turn.

When the words left his mouth, there would be the marked accent of a Muscovite Russian, though it ws nowhere as hard or boorish as the stereotypes often say. "My name is Alexander Kardashev, though you can just call me Sasha, or Alex. I have a slogan to suggest, but I fear it could be lost in translation. Anyway... ehem. Knowledge is power. Guard it well. Does that suffice? Maybe, I think. Anyway. Good to meet you all."

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