Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Kotov Yurievich - Blitzkrieg

Well,, Kotov winked as he noticed that Myrtle was visibly blushing at him. "I was thinking of grabbing some Starbucks and then having those on a roof top. Or something." Looking at the new heroine, he noted that the symptoms of 'crushing over a guy you just met' were quite prevalent on her face and body language. After all, she was blushing profusely and even had this movement of putting her hands over her chest while very much pleading for him to follow up on his stated intent on helping her with some things. Kotov chuckled inwardly, as this wasn't the first girl that had crushed on him. He knew to himself that he was a cute one, though he wasn't particularly tall. And now, he struggled not to snicker at the obvious fancying that her movements and appearance betrayed.

Kotov motioned for her to follow him, putting his hands in his pockets as he began to walk towards another powerline."I'll ask you some very basic questions once we are on it." Hovering his hand over a set of circuitry that led to the energy grid of the city, he then turned to her. With a snickering expression and a lucid smile, he asked her a million dollar question. "You sure you want to come with someone you just met, eeeh?"

@The Man Emperor Myrtle is awkward around guys-- especially cute ones! =) It doesn't necessarily mean she has any desire to pursue a relationship. She is just used none or negative attention.

What's funny is that she is actually older XD But yes, I suppose Kotov is cute.
Astrad Lungren

Location: New York Sanctum

As soon as Mephisto had been neutralized by the Master of the Mystic Arts, Astrad deactivated his cryokinetic abilities, as the time of danger had passed. Now, there was nothing left for him to do but to sit down and listen to the ongoing conversation between Theresa Sparks and Dr. Strange. Apparently, she was looking for her missing husband, and she had struck a deal with the great sorcerer to help achieve this end. However, it seemed that recent events had prevented her from following up on that contract, and now, she was back here, probably now that everything else had been sorted.

Now that he was just sitting on one of the fancy woodwork chairs that Strange had in no small amount within the Sanctum, Astrad pulled out his phone and sent a text to his superiors that he was alive and well, though the mission to seek for the Apex Twins was botched now that the entire town was apparently infested with HYDRA members unto its very core. He had survived, though with a small amount of help, no less.

Looking around the spacious building, Astrad waited. Ah, hell. Sitwell must be so livid right now.
Kotov Yurievich - Blitzkrieg

"Hm.", Kotov paused as the girl ran towards her mother, saying something about she wants to be a superhero like them... and her dad. So that kid was the son of a hero as well, just like his good self. Where was the father, he wondered? Maybe that is a question that he should ask his own father once they have their yearly family reunion later this week. His cousins and uncles and aunts would be there too, flying all the way from Russia just to see their immigrated relatives in the States again.

He then frowned a little bit as Myrtle said that she needed to run off now, before people started to ask them questions. By the looks of it, she was new to the whole thing, what with her apparent age judging from her appearance and vocabulary. "Oh, man. Not so fast."

Kotov flashed out a card, showing the characteristic lightning symbol of the now retired Protectorate hero known as Shockwire. "Recognize this? This is my dad's symbol. Shockwire. Something tells me that you haven't been in the whole power business for very long."

A pause. "I still have two hours before my actual work starts, so if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you. I believe that I can... hmmm... help you. And... oh. How rude of me. I'm Kotov Yurievich. My best friend calls me Blitzkrieg whenever I use my abilities, but the whole hero and villain business is not something I particularly like to get into. You, however... appear to need some help with the heroics, and that's something I'm willing to use my time for.."


Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

Finbarr's peaceful nap was soon interrupted by the sudden interjection of a hijacking in the armored crawler directly in front of them. By the looks of it, it was a group of unfriendly aliens that sought to renew the war against the Human Ascendancy, the same war that had caused all of the child soldiers to be kidnapped and drafted into service as magic supersoldiers to begin with. As soon as the alarm was sounded, he opened his eyes and got up with a rather frantic start, hastily taking his jacket from its place as Samuel and Iris' makeshift blanket. Putting it on, Finbarr looked up to listen to the rogue Kaisoken's rambling. He gritted his teeth at apparent annoyance at what the alien was saying, but of course, who wouldn't dislike such a hate monger attempting to poison society with their vile, venomous words.

When Flame asked him if he could create a portal in the inside of the crawler, Finbarr nodded. "Attempting to visualize the inside of the vehicle in question is more difficult than simply seeing it. Speaking of which,", he peered over the doorway of the shuttle to look at the armored crawler's exterior. "It has windows. Probably bulletproof given its nature as a weapons transport, but as long as they are clear enough for me to see the interior, I could form a breach in there. Of course, tactically speaking, it would be better to make a portal from inside here instead of making one where they could see me. But yes. I could do that, it will just take more effort for me to do what you're asking of me."

In other words, he could do it. It was just harder that way.

@Letter Bee
Is it just me or is Myrtle having an instant crush 😆
Kotov Yurievich - Blitzkrieg

Kotov smiled as the heroine took his hand, seeing as how the two of them were still alive and well, somewhat. He seemed to be cool with everything, never mind that there was literally a blazing housefire raging around them. After taking one more good look to ensure that the other girl was also in contact with heroine, Kotov nodded as he reached out his other hand towards the electrical outlet on the bottom of the house's wall. "Good, good, just like this. Now hold on tight."

There would be a funny, tingling sensation for all of them as they were all momentarily turned to electricity. For Myrtle and the girl, there would be nothing but a black void filled with stars for a few moments. And then... they were outside. Safe and sound, if not bathed in a hot bed of ashes.

The man that had just saved them would be in front of them, wearing a black coat and matching grey shirt and pants. On his head was a bowling cap, and on his face a cloth mask used by people that didn't like pollution. He was... well, short, being no more than five feet and six inches. Taking off the mask, he would reveal himself as having a funny smirk as he then put his hands on his pockets. "You're safe now.", Kotov said to both of them as he then looked at Myrtle. "Nice costume."

Kotov Yurievich - Blitzkrieg

This was just another day.

Kotov was an ordinary person that lived a normal life, at least for the most part. True, he was a parahuman wielding powers of electrokinesis and electrogenesis, not to mention that he already had a descriptive alias known as Blitzkrieg, but he was no cape. Nor did he have any desire to be one. For one, he did not like tights, or any other kind of costume, preferring to dress... well, normally. What he did do, however, was help people in need when he sees them along the way, and by some stroke of luck, his route to the office takes him through the West Side. People would see an azure streak travelling through powerlines at a very high speed, which would eventually turn to a person... who took care not to exit in places where a lot of people would see it.

Usually, he would just travel through the power grid directly towards work, but this day was... different. It was not just another day. Kotov exited from the wires just in time to see what was happening. There was a fire currently consuming a single family home, and by the looks of it, the second floor had collapsed. There were those vines that only a parahuman could have created, and by the looks of it, she... maybe he went in there to save a little girl. And... apparently, they and the girl could have fallen down.

Putting a cloth face mask over his face, Kotov placed a hand on a powerline, transforming into an electric current before rushing towards the inside of the burning house, coming out an electrical outlet. It didn't take him long to the girl and Wallflower on a bunch of floorboards.

Braving the flames raging all around, he quickly jumped towards them, holding out his hand. "It appears the hero needs a hand. Take it, now!"


Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

Finbarr snickered at Nero as the latter remarked that the Rau've had already fattened the lot of them up while in their so called 'captivity' which was better known as a 'respite'. He glanced down towards himself, and put his hand over his stomach. Yeah, a little bit. He felt a small increase in his own size, not enough to be noticeable, but enough to make an itty bitty difference while standing on a weighing scale. "I did gain a bit of weight while we were in there, maybe a few pounds or so. But it isn't much. Hehe."

With that in mind, Finbarr continued eating, slurping as he began to dig into the beef stew. He fondly remembered the times when his cousins visited their home in Titan, bringing with them quite an amount of ale and meats. They would sit in a circle, talking and laughing about their memories and the funny stories that they all had in store in no small amount. Sometimes, a certain mad lad would get up and dance on the table while carrying a chug of ale. Of course, Finbarr himself didn't drink any, not yet, as he was very young at the time. Now, there wasn't any alcohol in the store... maybe some other time.

Finbarr watched as Iris got tickled into absolute oblivion by Tarak. He feared those spindly, tickly fingers, as he had a strong sense of touch and thus reacts to tickling very profusely. He very much preferred it when Tarak gives him those hugs. Those feel very nice. Still, he chortled with glee as Iris kept laughing from the tickle, barely holding back from exploding into a fit of hysterical laughter himself. Not with the soup he was eating.

Sure enough, he watched as Ashton and Tarak get them rich in no time, probably using the great power of capitalism. "Bloody hell, now we don't have to worry about where to get money for candies!", he joked as he cast a glance towards Iris. Snickering, he plopped back on Samuel, who now had two people laying on him. Hah.

After a few more moments, Finbarr had finished his food, and looked at the twins, who were now fast asleep. "I love you so much.", he whispered to them as he took off his black jacket and placed it over the twins as a makeshift blanket. It was one of those trench coat-esque jackets, though it didn't have any buttons. Smiling, he gave the sleeping Samuel a short peck on the cheek before lying down himself, give Tarak the wake-me-up-when-we're-leaving look. And now he closes his eyes... but he's not asleep. Not yet.
Oohhh okay. I may have Kotov show up near Myrtle. Uwu
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