Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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3 yrs ago
Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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Ray Clayton - Madjick

Finally, the knight met his mark, striking the side of Madjick's head with his cement covered sword, knocking the hero down to the ground. Madjick fell towards the cold alleyway's concrete, landing on his shoulder with a rather loud thud. However, he was still conscious, and grumbled as he tried to get up. He couldn't, though, as he was already tired from his work all day, and trying to bring this self righteous crusader in had sapped the rest of his strength. Instead, he just lay there, the hands that he wielded being rendered inert and silent as Ray just breathed heavily. His head was, after all, swimming in pain from getting struck with a sword covered in rock. Knowing that neither of them were interested in killing the other, he just spoke to the knight.

"You.. huff... win tonight.", Madjick coughed as he finally got up and then lazily leaned back against a nightlight post. Quietly, the hands went away as Ray receded into a fetal position, tired from their brief altercation. "Just know that next time... there will be no more holding back." With that, he motioned for Templar to go with his head. Ray supposed that he could let this one slide for now, but next time, he won't be alone, nor would he hold back.

"Kotie? Yeah... I need somewhere to crash tonight. Can you fetch me here...?"

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

Alexander listened rather intently to what the two experts on magic said to all of them, hand on his chin and the other on the phone, taking down notes. From what he could gather, the Spectre was probably an Apparition, given that it was a strange being composed purely out of magical energy and not from flesh and blood. Though, no one would really expect something called the Spectre to be a creature made from organic material, given that its namesake was a ghost of legend. At least these two magical experts were giving them a crash course on magic, just as he had requested, giving a lot of clarity to what he had been experiencing in the last few weeks. The curse of stone, the Spectre taking a liking to him, his power to bring back the ghosts of the dead, and all that jazz.

Of course, there was that annoying kid in the middle of them... what was his name again? Junior? Junior Alexander? Ah, hell. What a shame for this petulant child to bear the same name as him; even when Alex was 13, he wasn't such an insufferable dot. Nadoyedlivyy durak." Alex grumbled lowly as the exposition about magic continued in earnest, though Oscar seemed to be taking quite a few calls... and it wasn't long before he looked at their guests with suspicion. Anything wrong now?

And then these two others came in. Did these guys have twin siblings each?"

Of course, that wasn't the case, as the fake Justin released a wave of water now that their cover was blown. It happened at such a speed that Alexander wasn't able to turn intangible in time in order to neutralize the effects of the surge, but he was already leaning on the wall, lessening the impact of the attack on him. He was, however, very much displeased as his clothes just got wet. Shivering slightly, Alexander glared at the imposters, who had just opened a portal. A pair of chains, glowing with green eldritch magic coursing through their metal, materialized from his bracelets, before lashing them out against the fake Thuyen in an attempt to capture her by wrapping the chains around her body.

Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

As Natasha explained their mission at hand, Finbarr stood at attention, carefully taking in the information that they were being given privy to. Apparently, a prison ship crashed upon an agri world... somewhere, and it was rather unlikely that anyone survived planetfall. Finbarr would have snorted at the prospect of going to a ship with nothing but corpses inside it, as he thought that something like that was completely wierd and pointless.

That is, until Natasha told them that were was an artificial intelligence in the wreckage, a digital mind that would have no doubt survived the crash, unlike its fleshbag counterparts, who would have had no luck.

And there was the route for them to discuss.

"I guess that the shorter route will save us time, which is what we need in this situation.", Finbarr said right after Nero, though he nudged the other kid at the side, as he seemed to be too enthusiastic about killing. Ending life is not something Finbarr really liked. After all, he was very sweet.

Speaking of sweet...

"Bloody hell, lemon bars?", Finbarr drooled as the limbed Kaisoken crewmate presented the sweets to them. It was odd, that a Kaisoken that was literally called Kinslayer was a happy baker too.

Taking a bite, there would be a moment of satisfaction before Finbarr began turned to a white smoke... leaving only a cat in his place. And he was perched on Tarak's shoulder.

Trajan Salazar | Sharpeye


Trajan leaned back at his reclining chair, bottle at hand. His mind was on fire at the moment; there was this twisting kaleidoscope of a thousand colors, flying around his imagination like a unicorn on a psychedelic field trip. And then... there was a field of flowers, mostly crysanthemums, where a lady was waiting for him, it seemed.

Excited, Trajan stood up and began to run into her waiting arms. He seemed so happy, so filled with joy, that one would not think that he was-


Pain filled his head as he looked back at the cold, metal wall. Trajan sighed, as he had been kicked back into the sad realm of reality. He was a sniper, formerly one that shot things in accordance to the commands of the Ascendancy, and now, part of the resistance that aimed to throw the whole regime down to the ground.

What was that? Ah, right. They had guests today; guests that would stay on for a long period of time. They were children and teenagers, the same magical warriors whose existence had spurred Trajan to quit from the Ascendancy army.

And they want revenge.

Lazily getting up from the floor, Trajan took hold of his bottle and walked towards where the voices had converged. Natasha and Abaddon seemed to be there, along with their newfound allies. It didn't take him long to arrive, though when he did come, Trajan slumped against a wall, still taking sips from the bottle that he was holding. "Oh, hey guys.", he said to everyone with a noticeable slur, not seeming to notice that one of the kids turned to a cat. "Howsssssss it going...?"
Name: Trajan Pyke Salazar
Age: 31
Physical Description:

Important items:
- Revolving Blade Sword: A superheated rotating blade capable of slashing through the metal of most body armors. The sword is constructed similarly to a chainsaw, wherein small blades (also known as teeth) circulate around the length of the blade; the main difference is that heat is used to further the effectiveness of the sword, making it even sharper.

- Hecate 41 Sniper Rifle: Trajan's trusty companion throughout his career as an assassin. It is highly accurate, has clips of up to 12 shots per reload cycle, and uses a rather sophisticated targeting scope.

- Winchester 2700: A shotgun that fires shells loaded with a plasma spread, which ignites combustible materials upon impact. Some say that it is a shotgun that acts as a flamethrower.

- Stealth Suit: A suit that allows its user to cloak temporarily. It is still detected by thermal scanners and sensing magic.
Short Bio: Trajan was born on the same world as Tarak of the Star Marines. He was brought into existence by a case of rape in the back alleys of the undercity; his male primogenitor was just another of the drug addicted tramps that stalked the streets.

This isn't something that he knows about, however.

The man that would act as his father, at least for the first ten years of his life, was the fiance of his mother, who did not care if this child was seeded by some pervert; for him, this kid will be his. So, for the first 12 years of his life, Trajan had a normal, if not hard life. He attended primary school at day, and then worked at night, helping his (adoptive) father with his job in the port.

That was, until they died.

One day, a group of armed men crashed into their house, if one could a couple of rooms a house. They called out for Trajan's father, demanding that he pay his debt to their boss. Apparently, he had gotten into some bad company, and was screwed over when a bunged up attempt at gambling caused him to owe an impossible amount of money to the local gangster lord. This was the seventh time that they had demanded for payment, and this time, the cost will be his life.

Trajan, who was 15 at the time, was ordered by his parents to run. Run as far away as he could, as the two of them cannot escape the fate that had been placed unto them. And thus, he ran. He ran and ran until he fell unto the street, unconscious, but alive.

He would wake up hours later, as the faces of several other teenagers and kids looked back at him. They had found him there, half dead from exhaustion. But now, he was... well, an orphan. In an orphanage. It was a terrible place, far worse than the hard life that Trajan had endured so far. During his stay there, he would befriend the children. Especially this one boy named Tarak...

Barely a year later, the orphanage burned. Trajan had been taken by a foster family the day before that, but when he heard of the place going up in flames, he begged his new family to take him there. They obliged, and though he looked everywhere he could, there was one he could not find. Tarak. For all he could know, he was probably dead.

His new foster family, the Salazars, were wealthy, and gave him a second chance at life. Trajan would soon enough wear the name with pride, though he never forget his first family: Pyke. Trajan Salazar would prove to be a rather intelligent boy, and by the time he was in his mid20's, was on track to become a soldier of the Ascendancy. During his training, Trajan was seen to have the makings of a sniper; a watchful assassin, waiting in the shadows for the kill. He was thus placed on the Sniper Brigade at the onset of the war against the Coalition, where he would garner high body count in the five years of war. However, he had also been watching as the child soldiers were sent out against their enemy. Where, he asked, did the Ascendancy pulled the sheer indecency and immoral mind to subject children to the horrors of war?

To this end, he concluded that the Ascendancy was a corrupt institution that must be brought down. He went AWOL from the army, and now serves as the sniper with the alias Sharpeye within Moonstrike.
Character Traits:

Sharpshooter of Death: Formerly part of one of the most notorious sniper squads in the Ascendant Army, Trajan is a masterful sniper, possessing the patience and breath control that an excellent sharpshooter needs. It goes without saying that he is one of the best for shooting someone from a distance, in the head.

Warrior: Trajan is good with all kinds of weapons, though the sniper rifle is simply his best and favorite. He can be counted on to use blades or guns with equal skill, and could take care of himself in all ranges.
Name: Trajan Pyke Salazar
Age: 31
Physical Description:

Important items:
1. Revolving Blade Sword: A superheated rotating blade capable of slashing through the metal of most body armors. The sword is constructed similarly to a chainsaw, wherein small blades (also known as teeth) circulate around the length of the blade; the main difference is that heat is used to further the effectiveness of the sword, making it even sharper.

2. Hecate 41 Sniper Rifle: Trajan's trusty companion throughout his career as an assassin. It is highly accurate, has clips of up to 12 shots per reload cycle, and uses a rather sophisticated targeting scope.

3. Winchester 2700: A shotgun that fires shells loaded with a plasma spread, which ignites combustible materials upon impact. Some say that it is a shotgun that acts as a flamethrower.

4. Stealth Suit: A suit that allows its user to cloak temporarily. It is still detected by thermal scanners and sensing magic.
Short Bio: Trajan was born on the same world as Tarak of the Star Marines. He was brought into existence by a case of rape in the back alleys of the undercity; his male primogenitor was just another of the drug addicted tramps that stalked the streets.

This isn't something that he knows about, however.

The man that would act as his father, at least for the first ten years of his life, was the fiance of his mother, who did not care if this child was seeded by some pervert; for him, this kid will be his. So, for the first 12 years of his life, Trajan had a normal, if not hard life. He attended primary school at day, and then worked at night, helping his (adoptive) father with his job in the port.

That was, until they died.

One day, a group of armed men crashed into their house, if one could a couple of rooms a house. They called out for Trajan's father, demanding that he pay his debt to their boss. Apparently, he had gotten into some bad company, and was screwed over when a bunged up attempt at gambling caused him to owe an impossible amount of money to the local gangster lord. This was the seventh time that they had demanded for payment, and this time, the cost will be his life.

Trajan, who was 15 at the time, was ordered by his parents to run. Run as far away as he could, as the two of them cannot escape the fate that had been placed unto them. And thus, he ran. He ran and ran until he fell unto the street, unconscious, but alive.

He would wake up hours later, as the faces of several other teenagers and kids looked back at him. They had found him there, half dead from exhaustion. But now, he was... well, an orphan. In an orphanage. It was a terrible place, far worse than the hard life that Trajan had endured so far. During his stay there, he would befriend the children. Especially this one boy named Tarak...

Barely a year later, the orphanage burned. Trajan had been taken by a foster family the day before that, but when he heard of the place going up in flames, he begged his new family to take him there. They obliged, and though he looked everywhere he could, there was one he could not find. Tarak. For all he could know, he was probably dead.

His new foster family, the Salazars, were wealthy, and gave him a second chance at life. Trajan would soon enough wear the name with pride, though he never forget his first family: Pyke. Trajan Salazar would prove to be a rather intelligent boy, and by the time he was in his mid20's, was on track to become a soldier of the Ascendancy. During his training, Trajan was seen to have the makings of a sniper; a watchful assassin, waiting in the shadows for the kill. He was thus placed on the Sniper Brigade at the onset of the war against the Coalition, where he would garner a thousand kills in the five years of war. However, he had also been watching as the child soldiers were sent out against their enemy. Where, he asked, did the Ascendancy pulled the sheer indecency and immoral mind to subject children to the horrors of war?

To this end, he concluded that the Ascendancy was a corrupt institution that must be brought down. He went AWOL from the army, and now serves as the sniper with the alias Sharpeye within Moonstrike.
Exceptional Skill List: 8 Skills.

Exceptional Marksmanship 5x
Exceptional Patience
Exceptional Swordmanship
Exceptional Unarmed Combat

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

This is just great.

A year had passed since the death of James Vanburen; an event that Alexander could neither confirm nor deny to be something that he had been waiting for to happen for a long time now. He had no love for the old man, at least after James had left him and his mother, Svetlana, to fend for themselves back in New York City. Everything that was wrong with his life, Alexander said, had something to do with that fateful day that James went away for another of his uncountable affairs, the volume of which would without a shadow of a doubt put even the great Genghis Khan himself to absolute shame. It would seem that he wanted to impregnate the entire world, to spread his genes far and wide. Alexander dared not to imagine how many affairs that this man had consummated over the six decades of his life; he would have had a rather long line of mistresses and failed marriages and so and so forth. At least that was what Alexander, or, Sasha would say when asked about his father. He would say that he was the single greatest mass impregantor that America has ever known.

For the last few weeks, the curse of stone that the death of his promiscuous father had triggered forced him to stay in this city. It was a far cry from the bustling urban sprawl that he had known for most of his life, as he was a New Yorker through and through. Araminta was very small compared it his past residence, though it did offer somewhat of an idyllic existence. He was no stranger to the cold, and actually revelled in it. Either way, he had a whole apartment suite set up in the inner parts of the city, where he would hold his lessons for the children and teens that he was going to tutor. Too bad this place did not have a big orchestra...

"Alexander Karamazov. Though I guess techbically everyone else in here is a sister or brother of mine."

Alexander watched from the corner that he had been leaning on, looking at his half brothers and sisters with an inscrutable expression. He did not know them as much as he would like, as most of those that he had known throughout his life so far were back in New York. It was quite difficult to tell those friends why he had to leave; none had anything like the Spectre flying around them. It wasn't like they were sired by an eccentric billionaire with a relentless compulsion to cause pregnancies. None would think to believe that Alexander needed to transfer to some unknown town because he was turning to rock.

Either way, Alexander was someone that the other Vanburens did not know very well, though the children did see him as a spoiler. At this time, he wore a black leather jacket with a grey shirt inside, matching black pants, white sneakers, and the pair of gloves he always has on. Plus he smelled of pizza.

Alexander did, however, respond to Justin. "I'm afraid I don't know a lot about this magic. It lets us do... um, wierd things, but other than what the Spectre told me, no, I'm at a loss."

A pause. "Well, I suppose you can give us a crash course."

@The Man Emperor can you describe what the chains can do and he's accepted.

They're pretty much normal chains if not conjured out of thin air.

In other words, like this except for the part where Garen gets punched.

@The Man Emperor I see he's better than before but I feel as if he needs some more work. You still mention his telepathic abilities in his appearance section.

It kinda feels like his backstory is incomplete because 1). it cuts off at him getting his power. 2). Has no mention of him being affected by the curse or even going back to Araminta.

I also feel as if he can do a bit too much? Like he can turn completely invisible and impervious to non-magic attacks, summon chains that are harder than steel, and can sap the life out of people to heal himself? It's not super overpowered but I think he could be toned down just a little.

Okay. Will do now.
@The Man Emperor Now there's a few things that come to mind about Alexander. Literally, the first thing that comes to mind about him is that I feel as if he overlaps a bit with Shane - with them both being cops and they more or less have the same skills (though I think it's iffy a forensics guy would carry a gun). I feel like Alexander could have some traits that set him apart - that's another thing, there isn't really a whole lot to his character other than the fact that he's a cop in Russia. You could look at some of the other character sheets and try to see what I mean, I want characters with depth and personality over ability.

Also, you got his type wrong, he's definitely not an Awakened. He seems to either be an Affixed or an Agent, but I feel like you could go a bit more in-depth with that. Like the Truth Seeker just... randomly latches onto him conveniently at that moment? It kinda seems contrived, at best.

Alright, updated the app. Is it good now?

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