Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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3 yrs ago
Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
3 yrs ago
I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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@The Man Emperor Hmmmm, he seems okay but I have a problem or two. Mostly with the part about him being trained by an Adept, I feel as if that part is tacked on so he can have some supernatural knowledge. Maaaaybe it would be better if he just read James library? idk not a whole lot of players are utilizing that so it could be a change of pace.

Also could you lower how much he can lift? I'm tryna go for useful but not spectacularly strong abilities.

Alrightey done
Fixed it lel @The Ghost Note

Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

Finbarr yelped a little bit as Samuel had pointed out that he still had a remnant of the furball stuck in his mouth, looking away from watchful eyes as he pulled out the last pieces of cat with his gloved hand. Wincing at his feline form's antics, Finbarr sighed as he discreetly shoved the bundle of fur into his pockets before looking back at the meeting at hand. If anything, the group had begun to swing towards choosing the short route, as the reasons for such seemed to be quite compelling; not only did they need to get to the planet as soon as possible, but also, it was quite possible that the rebels on Plenty would be unable to secure the Realist for long before the Ascendancy began to smash resistance on that world. The longer it took for the Xing… Xiang… whatever it is called to get to the place, the more negative repercussions that the planet's population could endure at the hands of their detestable enemy.

Finbarr shuddered at the mention of Admiral Laguna, as he had also served under her, though given that everyone in here was more or less in the same unit, they would have known that Admiral more or less. She was cruel and capricious; and as Ashton said, being captured by that bloody lady was a fate worse than death. A bullet to the head is a very preferable alternative to being tortured to the edge of death by that Admiral.

Either way, they were going to their respective quarters now. It seemed that they all had personal rooms, except for Ashton and Flame, who had opted to go into one room together. Of course they did.

Finn, who was at a sleepy mood right now, shapeshifted into a cat and then curled up, napping on the bed. His armor had been set on the wall, while the two hilts that projected his plasma swords were both lying prone on the table. If one did not know that he was a shapeshifter, it would be assumed that only a pet was home…

Trajan Salazar | Sharpeye

Trajan spared Narvia a smile as, even in his drunken state, he was still good to children… Or pre-adolescents/adolescents, by the looks of it. He covered his mouth, as he slowly realized that his breath was probably reeking of alcohol, and speaking from experience, that was not a particularly nice smell. "Sorry about… that.", Trajan said to Narvia as he stood up and nearly toppled over anyway. "Life has been sad."
He went back towards his quarters, watching as the magical teenagers went to their chosen quarters. He was both glad and sorrowful at their arrival; glad that the resistance was going to get help from some of the most powerful individuals in all of human space, and distressed that people this young had been forced to fight in a terrible war, and had chosen to relive it, for the sake of revenge. He remembered his adoptive siblings, what it would have been like if they were sent to war after being injected with Kaisoken magic. It would be the worst thing ever.

Either way, now that he thinks about it, seeing that tall one felt… weird. It was if he had seen him before. Maybe they already met. "I should ask that giant's name…"

With that, he set off, looking for that tall kid from earlier. They looked at each other weirdly earlier… Maybe...
Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

Astrad raised both eyebrows at Amelia, as she seemed to think that he was... uh... something. That's not what I meant.", he said to her, rolling his eyes at Amelia, as he too was not too interested on romance; at least, not yet. Astrad was the workaholic type, rarely taking a rest due to being utterly devoted to the cause of their organization. "I literally just asking you if you liked chocolates... you know what, never mind, I'm keeping all of these stuff for myself." He did not like it when people misconstrued his words, especially when said words seemed to have a very obvious meaning, at least for him.

The goddess, or, as it would seem, the alien with magic, led them to a river. The water was crystal pure, so much unlike many rivers on Earth that had been sullied by pollution and turned to glorified sludge pools. It would seem that Nanna had always been prepared for this kind of occasion, as towels were already set in place, probably for any weary travelers that would come across Asgard.

"I'm not that young...", Astrad stammered at the goddess. "Nor too old... whatever..."

The Swede set himself down on the river just like Amelia had done, though was pretty embarrassed. Flustered, he tried to erect a wall of ice to keep prying eyes away, but the wall melted as soon as he had put it up, making him feel even worse. Frustrated at whatever caused his cryogenic powers to fail, he just sank back into the waters of the river, just enough so that only his head remained visible.

Nathaniel De Costa

Location: Ellis Island, New York City

Having been blanked out for a few moments by Angstrom's attack, Nathaniel looked at his hands, checking if they were alright. It would seem so, though his eye did hurt quite a bit' probably because the other billionaire playboy had punched him in the face with an armored suit that turns small and big. Scoffing at the man's remark, Nathaniel stood up, albeit with a bit of difficulty, and a pinch annoyance from seeing him zip around like a little insect. "I was only getting started, Angstrom.", he stated as energy once again spiraled out of his hand, forming into a blue breach portal.

Not all was well though, as Angstrom managed to land another hit, as small as he was, shooting Breacher with something between the eyes. For a moment, his head swam with intense pain before losing consciousness altogether, tumbling backwards through the portal to fall on the field below them. It could have been way worse, as he was merely incapacitated for the time being...
Ray Clayton - Madjick / Kotov Yurievich - Blitzkrieg

Madjick almost immediately scoffed Myrtle Gardner Wallflower expressed her concern about his wellbeing, as he was obviously in pain, what with the blood trickling down the side of his head and the fact that he was being carried by someone who was no less than four inches shorter than his good self. "I'm going to be fiiiiiiine.", he said, looking at Kotov, who was rolling his eyes at the sorcerous cape's antics. "It takes much more than that to take me down. Or to keep me down. I'm not sure what it should be..."

"You always get me so worried when you stay out too long, friend.", Kotov said with an air of concern in his voice. "Aaaaand, yeah, I sound like your mom..."

Ray snickered. "That's soooo sweet." After a second of silence, the man looked at Myrtle, and then stuck his tongue out in a joking manner. "Oh my, Kotie. You didn't tell me that you had a girl..."

"Dude, we just met a few hours ago..."

"WELL!", Madjick said with more enthusiasm than one would think to come from someone who got bashed on the head with a stone covered sword. "That's how it usually starts! Maybe I should join the PRT after all..."

Kotov sighed in apparent disappointment on his friend. Ray was always a teaser, and... well, that was how showed affection. "Well, the streets are not safe to be alone in this late. Someone got eaten last night, and... my mom makes the best jasmine tea in the entire city."

In other words... "wanna come"?
Ray Clayton - Madjick

Just as it had seemed that Wallflower was going to leave the alleyway without being seen by anyone; the nearby power line crackled to life. An azure streak, one that had been very familiar to the people of Manchester ever since the day that Shockwire had announced himself as a hero within the Protectorate, writhed through the wiring like a snake of lightning, travelling in such a blinding speed that it was almost as if it was a shooting star. Madjick stood up and leaned on the wall of the building on the left side of the alley, as the lightpost's shining glare began to intensify from the streak's passing.

For a moment, there was a humanoid shape emerging out of the light post, a lightning elemental that quickly assumed flesh as it was no other than Kotov, the man that Wallflower had met literally this night, and by the looks of it, the good friend of Madjick, or, Ray Clayton.

Madjick coughed as Kotov knelt over him, checking him for injuries and what not. "I was wondering how long it would take you to get here..."

"What did I tell you about preserving stamina, Ray?", Kotov said to him as he put his hands and arms under Madjick's body, before hoisting him up to carry him in a manner that could be likened to... hmmm... a bridal carry. "It's already past midnight, and you know that is when the Void Dragon prowls the alleyways. That thing already has eaten three people in the last two months..."

"My head still hurts. That blood covered knight with the flaming sword was one crazy lad."

"Yeah, yeah- hey. You."

Kotov frowned at the figure that was walking away, trying to remember if it was familiar person. It didn't take him long to recognize her, though, as the green cape was something that he had just seen not so long ago. "Myrtle Gardner, what a pleasant surprise..." It would be a rather awkward sight, though, seeing as he was carrying his friend...

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

Alexander looked down at the man that he had captured through his chains, scoffing as Justin bashed his face with a broken table leg. That was probably expensive wood, and it was a shame that the altercation that these imposters have caused in this house has cost them what was probably an antique chair and table. Either way, Alex had come all the way here, seeking to avoid being turned to stone, just for this kind of idiotic mess to happen. Coughing, he forcibly took the imposter's hands and bound them with his eldritch chains, as they needed to extort information out of this bad boy, and they could ill afford to take away their chance of knowing what, or who, is behind an apparent conspiracy.

"I could phase through you and let these chains be inside your internal organs...", Alexander whispered to the imposter, eyes burning with a metaphorical fire as he hated that his clothes got wet, and that there could very well be a plot to kill everyone inside this house, with the two shapeshifters being the distraction, perhaps. "Start talking."

Unfortunately, there was a scream. A blood curdling, daemonic scream that shuddered its way through the entire mansion, and perhaps, beyond. Alexander was almost unnerved, but if the Spectre was right, everyone in here has their own magical abilities. Surely they can defend themselves from a bunch of magic thugs?
Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

"Thor certainly knew English.", Astrad answered to Amelia. "So I think one can assume that his friends could understand the same language as him. Oh, and if everyone speaks English, does that mean the British also colonized the galaxy?" Astrad then snickered at that last bit, watching as Amelia began to talk with the lady. He too felt happy in her presence; the reason why would soon be clear as the Asgardian spoke.

"I guess we can find Frigga and Odin and Heimdall and everyone else in the mythos here then.", Astrad commented whilst taking out a Hershey's chocolate from his inner pockets. Swallowing the sweet and putting the wrapper back in his pocket, he winked at Amelia. "You like?"

Nathaniel De Costa

Location: Ellis Island, New York City

And so it begins. Nathaniel looked towards the foes that have assembled before them; some of whom he had at least seen as an agent of SHIELD when he was still loyal and obedient. But now... well, shots have been fired as Iron Man struck the first blow, landing a blast upon Captain America's shield. Both of these men were people that he admired, and now, they had just proven to be of most different mind. And they were willing to go to war for it, to fight each other in a grueling match to settle their differences of opinion about that bloody registration.

Nath, for one, did not favour the registration for one simple reason: strings will always be attached. Bureaucracy has always been something he disliked, and the registration process was going to do that. Plus, it was a system that would be easy to manipulate, as a list would mean that any person with superpowers was vulnerable to being hunted down and... used for nefarious purpose.

Just like how the Breacher was a feared agent of HYDRA.

As the battle unfolded, Nath scanned the field for those he could fight at less than equal terms that favoured himself. Alas, he found his eyes glancing towards Cassandra Reed, Titanium. As he found his opponent in this fight, Breacher ripped open a portal to his side, jumping inside to land upon the rooftop of the nearest structure; a building that was no less than two hundred feet from his target. Hit or not, it doesn't matter, as his objective as of the moment was to scatter the ones that were on the ground. Still, there was still one prime target.

A beam of purple energy erupted from his hands, missing the mark by a rather large margin. He fired again, missing again. "Here's to hoping that Angstrom does not decide to pick me up from here."

Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher


Finbarr looked at himself, as eating the lemon bar had apparently caused him to unconsciously activate his Shapeshifting magic. It was a complete accident, and had it he kept on switching forms, he would be extremely embarrassed for himself and everyone else. After all, he did lack control and consistency when his own sweet tooth had been stimulated, and it took a lot for him not to turn to a rat next. However, he was perched on Tarak's shoulder, which was a welcome thing, as he was quite affectionate for the one that stood up as their merry company's big brother.

What happened next, however, was... uh... weird. First thing that happened was that a man, drunk out of his mind, reeking of alcohol, and probably in his early 30's, came out of the shadows, looking at everyone before talking with a very noticeable slur in his voice. This was going to be a very fun ride it seemed.

And then... an alien woman came out of the same corner that the drunk had arrived from, and began to pet his head vigorously. Worse still was that Tarak straight up gave him to the lady, perhaps as a joke, but either way, he was not comfortable with being pet by someone who he barely knew. A moment of respite came, though, and he jumped out of her hands.

Sneezing with his cat nose a few times, Finbarr's feline form was then enveloped by grey smoke once again before back into a human again. Coughing, he turned away and chucked something out. "This is why I don't eat candy...", Finbarr snickered, absent mindedly hugging Samuel from behind for no apparent reason. "Oh..."

Trajan Salazar | Sharpeye

Trajan looked back at Laurey with droopy eyes as the latter threw him a lemon bar. Drunk as he was, he wasn't able to catch the snack, falling upon the ground. Not discouraged, he stooped down and chucked the thing into his mouth either way, much to the probable surprise as everyone who saw it. "What?", he would ask with a mouth that was still in the midst of chewing. If five seconds hadn't passed yet, you can still eat it."

Setting the bottle down at a nearby table, Trajan looked back at the Star Marines. They were young alright; it was witnessing them being sent to battle that made him leave the army, and despite all of his drunken madness, he couldn't help but think about what kind of horrors they had faced. He was, after all, a sniper, and was not consigned to the death and destruction that frontline troops endured. Either way, he walked forward.

"You're so, so tall.", he said to Tarak, looking up to the young man that was nearly a decade younger than him. Looking towards Narvia, he put both hands on the crying girl's shoulders. "Oh no... dear... it's okay. Just pet the kitten... oh... it's a boy..."
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