Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

Finbarr had been sleeping well during the transit from the Galactic Bazaar to Maiden's Reach. He rarely came out of the room, going outside mostly to eat and maybe socialize a bit. He wanted to conserve his energy as much as he could for the upcoming fights in the weeks and months ahead; tearing open holes in time and space were one of the most taxing things anyone could do, as that is essentially replicating what a hyperdrive does, but in a smaller scale. He sometimes wondered he got these kinds of abilities from the Kaisoken dust during the experiments; he had always been good at pretending he was someone else, being another character entirely. Finbarr had a good shot at the theater club back then; the directors and screenwriters adored him, and were quite ready to recommend him to the big studios. And then... it happened, and those dreams of being seen on the screen were gone. Now he's a portal chucking, shapeshifting, laser blasting mage that was accompanying his friends in a mission of vengeance. He had always been a kind soul, but now, he is going to help make a brave new universe. Blood would be shed, if it must.

It was a new day, and they had just reached Maiden's Reach. Unfortunately enough, there was a whole battle in there. Ashton proposed that he he in a strike team against the flagship of the rogue fleet, which Finbarr nodded at in agreement. "The thing has windows, so I can get us in there, ni problem. The helmsman will just have to make sure that we're near enough, or else I won't be able to reach."

Trajan Salazar | Sharpeye

A day had passed since they had left the Galactic Bazaar. Through some twist of fate, Trajan had met Tarak again, after so many years. All this time, he had drinking his frustrations and fears away, and now... well, someone from his past had seemingly come back to life. He still couldn't believe it, even if he had held Tarak in his arms after a decade and a half. Who would have thought that the kid that he used to watch in the orphanage was now a big man with muscles large enough to crack someone's skull, anyway?

After their meeting, Trajan had gotten over his hangover, wearing off by the next morning. While a little incoherent, he was still one of the best shots in the ship, and once Natasha had ordered them to man the guns, he rushed towards his station, taking his place at his favorite turret. Now, they wait...

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

Ezra's brow furrowed as he looked down at Alex with a tiny frown as he chewed the inside of his cheek. This didn't really seem like the time for levity, but then again Ezra didn't really know his half-brother that well—maybe he was the kind of man who needed to crack a joke to ease the tension. Hopefully he wasn't the kind of man who truly believed he saw a Beagle fly. Ezra's face softened as he exhaled a half-laugh, half-sigh and shook his head, "I imagine that was after you'd already have more than your fair share of the devil's lettuce. Wish that was the case here, but I truly doubt that Arabelle dosed our breakfast."

"Oh... right." Alexander huffed as the Spectre shook its head at him. The ghostly Apparition seemed to be disappointed in its charge, and even had its shadowy arms crossed in disapproval of Alex's rather shoddy work at remembering at how things occured back in the past. "Now that I think of it, I have reason to believe that I'm the one that consumed the stash of narcotics that day... Mmm. Makes perfect sense."

He was still completely out of it, though, as this was the first time that he had seen hellhounds in action, as well as the magic of the Wiccans. He was a newcomer to the world of magic, even if the Spectre had told him many things; it only spoke of topics that he asked it about, and Alex was not the kind of person that would barrage anyone with an endless litany of questions like a little child.

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

However, his attempts at forcing the vines apart were assisted by Ray's stone. Creating a massive drill out of stone that managed to cleave a way through it for him! Easier than what he was trying, but he felt a twinge of shame for not being able to do it himself. Still, he just had to say, "Thanks... Mr. Vanburen,"

"Glad to be of help, Mr. Liao." Raymond have Justin a friendly smirk as he took back the stones that he had used to drill through the vines back towards his shoes and hands. With that done, he then closely followed Justin through the hallways of the manor, though he took some of the time to sniff the vines that he had shredded through. Smells like magic vines. In other words, vines.

With the wall of annoying vines out of the way, Ray slid through the floor on his earthen shoes, using his Terrakinesis to guide the stones towards the destination; right ahead. He was right behind Justin the whole time, lagging a bit now as he wasn't feeling as well as he did in the morning. There were these crazy cultists once again, being trouble to their hapless manor as their giant dogs were still hanging around then. "Tch. I like cats more."

"Block this, asshole! Sic him, boy!" Morgana commanded and a Hell-Hound came running after Justin. The Hell-Hound roared as it charged him... and got a doorframe directly in the face. It came to a sliding stop before it got back up and continued the fight.

Ray wasn't going to let Justin fight the creature alone. Never. "Hello, doggie." He then jeered at the hellhound before stomping both of his feet on the ground in a Hung Gar-esque stance. Ray would then take another step forward, causing a fissure to erupt on the floor, culminating in a pillar of stone that would strike the hellhound right at the underside in less than a second...
Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

Astrad gave a nervous chuckle at the statement by Baldur that they were the first humans to ever go into the halls of Breidablik. First time for everything, mayhaps. Sensing that this alien was quite friendly, he smiled back at Baldur. "I guess I'm honored to be among the first?" He would then follow the Asgardians into the hallways, looking at every direction with awe at the splendor of the place of myth that they were currently in. Unlike Amelia, he was following the mythical places that Nanna and Baldur were mentioning, as those were also part of his grandparents' bedtime stories. Breidablik was the home of Baldur, while Helheim, was, as the Asgardian explained, the realm of Hel, the goddess of death. The sunscreen was a weird variable, though? Nevermind. It was still unbelievable that he was living out the myths of the Nordic people in the heavenly realm of Asgard itself!

At the mention of feast, Astrad's eyes sparkled. "Uuuuhm, thank you... uh... Sir Baldur?" Everything was so warm and good; hell, even the floor was made of gold! This was literally heaven. He will be glad to be in a feast; he was very famished from everything that happened in the last few hours.

Nathaniel De Costa

Location: Ellis Island, New York City

It took him a while, but Nathaniel had finally come back to his senses. He had been shot between the eyes by Angstrom earlier, and had been incapacitated for a period of time that was totally unacceptable for Nathaniel and his inflated sense of work ethic. His head was still swimming from the pain that Angstrom had inflicted when he had fallen through his own portal, but now, Nath was absolutely livid at the concept of being shot at by a rich man in a suit. In this case, a rich man in a suit that could shift between big and small. It was an unholy aberration; a mad combination of Pym's shrinking technology and Tony Stark's suits. Now that he thought of it, both of those people hated Andrew Rossi with a burning passion; it was a surprise that Iron Man let that man inside his own team. Well, probably because he was desperate for more support in the fighting that was currently raging on Ellis Island.

Grumbling, he got up from the ground just in time to see the seemingly lifeless body of Folly Valeska in front of Cassandra Reed. By the looks of it, she had her neck snapped by the SHIELD agent. His vision was still blurry, and the pain was still acute in his head, so he only watched as Woolf seemed to be dead for a few moments.

And then, the unexpected happened; she sprung back to life, her injuries completely healed. Ah, right. She had a healing factor. Nathaniel struggled not to throw up at what occurred next as Folly bit her own eyeball off. "Uugggghhh..." He was physically uncomfortable at the sight, but that was besides the point. The thing he needed to do right now was to get back to the action, and his eyes glided towards Cassandra, whom he now disliked as she had snapped a teenager's neck.

Nathaniel would then attempt to send the woman into a portal of his own making, intending to throw her away from the battle by placing her into the same building from which he had tried to shoot at their foes earlier. However, whether because of the headache or the revulsion at the eyeball, he sent himself through the portal. He was back there. Again.

"No worries...", Nathaniel simply said to himself with a deep breath. This was still salvageable. Deciding to try to shoot again, Nathaniel tore open another breach, this time leading right towards his target, Ms. Reed. Beams of purple and blue would erupt from his hands in an unholy litany of hateful destruction, striking the ground several times before hitting Cass on the upper right shoulder. Finally! A hit!

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

Alexander nodded as Ezra told him not to take the words of the Wiccans as cold, hard fact. He did have a point in that people with wierd robes, animal masks, and a seemingly high propensity for stupid plans and disregard for allies were not exactly the most credible source. Their sheer incompetence was a sure sign of that, too. "I see. Huff. I'm exhausted." He had no energy nor motivation to chase after the wiccans anymore; chaining Daniel up and casually giving him threats was just about everything he was willing to do. Heck, this was like the fifth time he had been here, and he just never felt an attachment to this place, as he was in Araminta solely because of the stone curse that was taking a hold over the bodies of every single Vanburen. He didn't even like it here....

“Actually, there is James’ artifact collection. Most of it looks like junk, really, but a few of the items might be valuable. There’s a gallery past the ballroom, near the study. If you think it is safe, Arabelle can show...”

"Artifacts, huh.", Alexander glanced at the trail of dirt that Ray had left behind when he slid off with his earthen coated shoes. "Experience tells me that seemingly worthless objects often hold great power. Especially if they're very old and ancient. And magical. My, I've been watching too many movies lately."

He just sat down beside Ezra, and sighed, leaning slightly towards his half sibling, almost as if he was going to fall asleep. "Wierdest day ever. That's coming from someone who had seen a Beagle fly around a house because it had chewed on a stash of weed."

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

It wasn't long before Ray had arrived beside Justin in front of the plantine barrier, kicking up a cloud of dirt and dust as he stopped gliding along the ground with his terrakinetic Abstraction. He looked at the vines, and grumbled in annoyance of the chase being delayed by another distraction yet again. "Damn, I hate vines.", he said while watching Justin cleave through the plants. These wiccans were rather persistent in their goals, of this there was no doubt. And yet, despite being bad at what they do, the Wiccans seemed to be somehow achieving their goal, as they had successfully delayed the people chasing them once more. Their brazen incompetence was being matched by an overwhelming amount of luck and the voluminous amount of powers that they had in their disposal.

"Tch, if they're looking for some magic artifact, they certainly cannot be allowed to take whatever they are seeking." Ray would then wince, as earthbending was beginning to enact its negative effects on his body. He then took the stones that he had wrapped around his shoes and hands, and then promptly sharpened them while levitating them around his right palm. The sigil on his wrist glowed a fiery light brown as he sent the sharpened stones into a rapidly spinning spiral, shredding through vines in an effort to get to the other side as soon as possible. Waiting for Justin to clear up with his pyro-telekinesis would just make them get in each other's ways while chasing.

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

"Ah yes, you missed quite a lot.", Alexander coughed with irritation as he moved away from the wall that he had been leaning on. "I just start getting to know my half siblings, and suddenly some crazy chain fetishists and witches come around and, and, and, what, start ruining everything because of... what was it, stolen property?" If these people had a slight against James Vanburen, and were breaking into the place to retrieve some kind of magical trinket, Alex was just... hmmm... out of it. He had no care about James at all, or at least that was what he told himself, and couldn't care less if one of his amulets were taken by some wiccan.

Except that these were wiccans, and were up to no good, if they were looking for a magical artifact. He had watched enough movies and series on magic to see that when someone was looking for an old object, they were probably going to use it for evil purposes.

"Hey, Ezra.", Alexander said to Ezra, turning only his head to face the man. "Any idea on what these people could regard as stolen property amongst our father's collection? Sounds like he pissed off a lot of people in life, huh.."

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

"Don't worry about the floor, Ezziekels.", Ray answered with the rather... affectionate nickname that he had always used to refer to his older half brother. As some of the flames had been doused out by the stone slabs that he bored out of the floor, he returned the rocks to their original positions in the floor, making it seem that they were never removed from in there in the first place. Instead, the stone floor was completely whole again, though much of the fire wall was still raging in an infernal display of magic.

He then turned to Oscar as he gathered some of the stray rocks that the hellhound had scattered unto the floor, coating his hands and shoes in earthen materials. "You can deal with this fire, Oscie." He then entered into a fighting stance, causing his earth covered feet to slide on the floor by using his terrakinesis, moving at a rather quick pace to go towards the other side of the wall of flames to chase the hellhounds and their owners. They need answers, and he would like to bash it right out of someone's face.
Ray Clayton - Madjick

"Hi Myrtie, how are you today?"

Myrtle would find a familiar voice speaking from behind her, one that was quite friendly and welcoming to the ear. Once she turned around, she would see that it was no other then Ray Clayton, codenamed Madjick, dressed in a maroon leather jacket and holding a cone of vanilla icecream on his hand, which he was halfway through. He didn't have his purple trenchcoat on right now, though the duffle bag that he was holding on his left hand was probably where he had it at the moment. The band-aid that Myrtle had placed on his head was still there, though it was beginning to wear off through the test of time and weathering. Either way, the man seemed rather elated to see her, as he didn't have a lot of friends that weren't refusing offers to be heroes too, and approached her.

"Glad to see that you're around, Wallflower.", he said as he stepped forward and hugged her for a short duration. Looking back down, Ray smirked. "You gonna take up on Kotie's suggestion for us to work together or nay?"

Jeremiah Powell - Void Dragon

"No, no, no, no..." Jeremiah shook his head as he read the latest newspaper headline on the Manchester Inquirer. He couldn't believe it. Not again. This was the worst thing that could ever happen.

Void Dragon strikes again!

For the last whole decade, he had been hard at work. Jeremiah Powell had been a prominent name in the sci-tech division of the Protectorate, as he had been trying to engineer a cure for Case 53's; a way to reverse the monstrous mutations that had been plaguing that particular brand of parahumans ever since their inception. Officially, he was a Rogue; working with the Protectorate for the sole purpose of aiding in research in the peculiar biology of parahumans, which happened to include himself. And he was one of the worst possible cases of case 53's to exist right under everyone's noises: The Void Dragon.

For days, months, years, he had been focused in the singular goal of stopping his activation every midnight. He was, however, mostly unsuccessful, succeeding only in containing his dread alter ego through the strongest chains and containment procedures within the pocket dimension that he created within his home, but every now and then, the Dragon would burn through its prison and rampage through the night.

And worst of it all, he could remember all of it. Their terrified screams, the rending of human flesh with daemonic reptilian teeth, and their weeping.

Right now, though, some light may come to his life. Apparently, there had been other incidents of Case 53's with involuntary activations. If only he could get his hands on one and have the proper experiments...
Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

Astrad would still be quite embarassed as they bathed, so much so that he wouldn't be seen to be moving much in the river. Rather, he was just there the whole time, his head being the only part of his body being visible above the water. It was a crazy thing, though, at how the water did not seem to become colder in his presence. Or on how the ice wall melted a while ago. It was really a blessing, though, that the Asgardian gave them all privacy, and them to each other.

He would find everything to be vaguely familiar, and yet so strange at the same time. This place was a thing of legend, the setting for the stories his grandparents told him as a kid. On how the gods of Asgard walked on the rainbow bridge, how Heimdall blew the horn and acted as watcher. And then they said it was all just a story.

Either way, he rolled his eyes as Amelia asked way too many questions; he didn't really like to be bugged a lot, and only imagine how much patience the goddess had.

Soon enough, they would meet Baldur, who called them adventurers... strange. "I think it's a very loose term for us... or me.", Astrad said to the Asgardian. "Adventurer is the last thing I could ever be..."

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

Alexander grinned in glee as the stone pillar that emerged out of the floor threw Daniel out of balance, readying his chains to tie down the wiccan once again, for real this time. He was about to wrap the green, glowing chains of dark magic around the young man when the unexpected happened; a woman, the leader of the cultists by the looks of it, had thrown her own chains into the fray, hitting Daniel with them… except that they had spikes on them and pricked the kid at the back. Alexander winced at the sight as he hesitated; true, he wanted to keep him prisoner for questioning, but even he wouldn't go as far as stick him with a spike chain, and certainly would not want to drag him along the ground while riding a massive hellhound. And… ouch… did he just hit an exposed pipe? If that boy had been unable to escape from his shackles, Alexander would have simply given him a knockout punch, but that seemed to be out of the equation as the two cultist girls erected a fire wall to cover their escape.

Sighing, Alexander simply turned to the Apparition that was always with him, the Spectre. He did not even acknowledge Justin jumping into the flames; he just had enough of this whole day, and simply wanted to get this entire shabang done.

That wouldn't be the end of it, as it seemed that they had a late sibling to the show. Her name was Aileen, apparently, and she would see Alexander just leaning on the wall of the destroyed dining room, seemingly oblivious to the wall of fire. He was just done with everything. "Oh, hi, another sister, I guess." He waved at Aileen, and then looked at the fire with a completely tired expression. "Worst. Reunion. Ever."

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

Ray stared into the wall of fire, gazing at the exact spot where Justin had crashed into the flames. He felt a little dazed from using his Abstraction, but he still had a lot of fight left in him, especially as these crazy wiccans had destroyed their house and showed blatant disregard for the safety of one of their own, letting him hit an exposed pipe on the floor whilst unceremoniously dragging his body across the floor with spiked chains. "Crazy bastard.", he simply said as he looked at Justin, whose hand was now a fiery mess.

The man scoffed, brushing off the dust off his jacket as he began to concentrate on his Abstraction once again. These crazy wiccans had done more than their fair amount of damage to this mansion, and he couldn't care less if they were here for what they called stolen property. After all, James had probably stolen a lot more than just the unwitting hearts of unsuspecting women from all over. Trinkets, artifacts, maybe. But they had threatened everyone's safety, and for that, they must be punished.

Too bad, though. Ray was not fireproof, not like Justin, and his Terrakinesis is yet to be advanced enough to be able to douse out the fire wall by causing the floor to eat itself… if that makes any sense. He would have to do this the hard way.

Putting a foot forward, a pair of rock slabs were bored out of the floor, which he would then set upon the blaze in attempt to extinguish them. Raymond was not pleased. He is ready to throw hands; literally.

Tarak and Trajan

Tarak starts to give a small smile to Amy once he listens to her small talk about them going to her for mental support when they are racked with trauma. He gives a small smile and wave to her as he says, "I'll remember that. Thanks". As he starts to leave and try to find a room for himself. Knowing full well that when him and their drunk crewmember locked eyes, it was like they both remembered something.

Tarak entered a vacant room and started doffing his power armor, waiting to see if the man would enter to talk to him.

Surely enough, there was a pair of uneasy footsteps as Trajan entered the place, looking at Tarak with eyes that spoke of an eerie familiarity. It was like he knew the guy, but just couldn't place who it was, or when they met, if ever. "So, um, hi.", he began, leaning at the door post, scratching his head. "We've never been formally introduced and I think we have met before... the name's Trajan. Trajan Salazar."

For some reason, he didn't mention that Pyke was his first surname. At least, not yet.

Tarak looked on as he was right on the money with the man entering. Right on cue really as Tarak looked on to find the man standing at his door. As the man slumped Tarak listened to him introduce himself as Trajan. Not a name Tarak has heard in a while, yet a name he has heard a few times, just one particular time comes to mind, when he was at the orphanage he grew up in there was a boy named Trajan who looked similar to this man. It probably is the hair, they both have such vibrant hair it is very easy to see.

Tarak looked on as he started taking off more of his armor, as the back of the suit opens up and allows him to start stepping out, Tarak introduces himself, "Hey Trajan, my name is Tarak Hunter." Tarak normally uses the name of his title as his surname, Monarch always said it would be smart to have a surname when attending important meeting for Clients, so he made one up for those occasions.

Trajan shakes Tarak's hand, and another wave of familiarity washed over. "Tarak... that rings a bell. The only Tarak I knew before this was the one that was in the orphanage I spent a year in before being adopted. He was... a good boy. The best one, actually. Always looking out for the ones younger than himself... heh. Shame that the place burned down before I could persuade my fosters to take him too..."

Tarak has fully came out of his suit as he now stands at his normal height, still taller than most men yet more reasonable, as it shows he had been wearing a full black padded suit underneath. He steps forward as he takes Trajan's hand and shakes it. Yet once their hands leave each other, Trajan seems to remember something, a boy from an orphanage that burnt down. Tarak looked on for a moment, processing what Trajan just said.

Tarak said as he looked at him, "Trajan...Pyke? Born on Galirus?" He watched Trajan's face, Tarak knew he looked very different from then, just like Trajan would. It has been over a decade, and a war just passed. But Tarak was interested, is this Trajan?

Trajan's eyes went into a flurry of surprise, as he did not expect what came next. "How did you...? You're not telepathic, are you?"

Tarak looked on as he got a good enough response to continue with this conversation. Giving a small chuckle Tarak says, "Naw, I don't deal with that magic. I was Born on Galirus". As Tarak gives Trajan a small smile, "I'm Tarak".

Trajan freezed, as this was quite a bit to take in. "Oh... my God... So the kid that used to sleep on my lap and steal candy for the others did not die in the fire, but is standing before me, is a big man, and leads a band of magicians..." A tear fell off his right eye before he hurriedly wiped it with his sleeve. Trajan held out his arms, an invitation for a hug. "Come here, you. It's been too long..."

Tarak just scoffs with a chuckle as he sees Trajan remembers him very well. He chuckles even more as he sees Trajan opens up his arms for a hug. Tarak obliges as he takes a few steps forward and hugs the man as he says, "Yeah it's been a bit". He chuckles as he continues, "It's been a decade and you look like hammered shit".

"The horrors of war have eroded my good looks, I see." Trajan snickered as he held Tarak tight. "I missed you so much... I think I'm going to cry. Damn it..."

Tarak laughs a little as he says, "Eh seemed to have aged me like fine wine". Tarak felt as Trajan held onto him tighter as he hears the man's proclamation of crying. Tarak didn't feel the same, he's never cried, he never knew why, yet right now he didn't feel like he was going to cry or even shed a tear but he was happy Trajan was okay, "Hey, I'm happy to see you did good for yourself. Just found yourself in the bad end of a bloody war. It's still good to see you"

Trajan sniffed his sleeves, and then winked. "Well yeah, I became a sniper for the army, but I quit when I saw that the Ascendancy was using kids. Didn't think that those same kids will be my colleagues in the resistance."

"Yeah, things change when your government uses children in a war" Tarak said with a light chuckle. "Good to see you here, and good to see you still have that heart of yours. Knew many people who lost theirs when seeing stuff like that"

"To be fair, I was afraid I would lose it after shooting so many down.", Trajan confided. "Well, it's really good to see you again... we should drink to tha-... actually, no, I've had too much lately..."

Tarak laughs as he says with a pat on his back, "Yeah man you should sleep that off. Don't want the others having a hernia because you are drinking more". Tarak laughs as he throws his arm under the other mans arm and onto his back as he straightens him up slightly while he says, "Here, lets get you to your bed"

"Yeeeah... I should go sleep... now..." With Tarak's help, Trajan went off towards his own room, which was kind of a mess. As soon as he got there, he fell into his bed, and... well... there was snoring.

Tarak helped Trajan to his room, and once he plopped down, Trajan was out like a lightbulb. Tarak chuckled as he threw his blanket over him as he said, "Night".

As Tarak made his way to the cargo area, he needed to start getting his stuff into his room. He has plenty to still do before it is time to sleep.

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

"Ugh." Alexander recoiled at the disgusting remarks that their captive threw at him, who seemed to be view being entangled in chains to be an erogenous affair. However, that did not change the fact that Alex really, really, really hated this kid, and tightened the chains in response to the madman's vomit inducing statements. "Don't think I won't punch that smug little face of yours, or bash your head in.", he growled at Daniel, phasing through him just to get behind the wiccan. "It would be my pleasure to do so." With that, he tightened the chains even more. He had just a bad mood today and all of this was making it worse.

Surely enough, though, a massive beast crashed through the wall, creating a plume of smoke. He heard his name being called, but knowing that he barely knew his half siblings, he ignored it, instead focusing his attention on Daniel, who was still in shackles.

"You're not going anywhere.", Alexander grumbled to the young wiccan as he began to forcibly drag him towards the front door. What happened next was completely unexpected, as his chains began to heat up in an instant. It quickly became too hot to bear, and Alexander dematerialized his chains, looking up at the Spectre, who was still floating around him like some guardian angel. The entity shrugged as it pointed towards Daniel, whose arm was glowing orange. Of course he was.

Alexander groaned in the pain of the heat, looking at Daniel with total annoyance. "One of these days, I'm going to attach a scythe on these chains." He would then momentarily turn to a ghost before reappearing with a brand new pair of chains, intending to wrap them anywhere on Daniel's body. If that failed, then Alexander will use his unarmed combat training to punch and kick Daniel to oblivion. There will be no escape!

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

This was the worst day ever.

One thing happened after another. Everyone in the family is turning to statues, they hired some experts, there were imposters, there was a tidal wave, and... there was a weird ass cult prowling inside the mansion of their late father. And they had dogs. Very big dogs. From hell. Oh right. Hellhounds. Screw those things.

"This is the weirdest family reunion I have ever seen.", Ray sighed as he looked on at the Hellhound with a seemingly unfazed expression. He was not one to be given over to rage, or to despair, at least for most of the time. It would even seem for a moment that he was trying to stare down the creature to submission, as he did not move an inch. Even when his clothes were dripping wet from the tidal wave from earlier, he was stalwart and true, immovable as the earth itself.


As soon as Tuyen's Shadow had grown to match the Hellhound, Ray sprung into action. He had noticed that Alexander had been unsuccessful in trying to keep the wiccan boy in their custody, and he in response stomped his right foot on the ground, at which a crawling wave of stone began to creep towards Daniel's feet, intending to strike him with a pillar of rock that would emerge from the earthen floor, or at the very least throw him off balance. He then looked towards the Hellhound, and the Shadow that was matching it size for size. Concentrating, Ray would cause several rocks to be bored out of the floor, which he then sent flying towards the Hellhound at a high speed. These were no ordinary rocks either; they were rather sharp.

And then... he winced. This power hurts to use...
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