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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Eleazar Nikolavich Diaz-Sapohznik

"Where's your sister?"

Eleazar stood in front of his mom, a little unsure about the answer that he had mustered for her question. He was tasked with accompanying his younger sister Alessia to school everyday, as it was, as his mother put it, 'his prime directive'. The pendulum swung thrice before Eleazar broke the rather awkward silence that he and his mother shared in the dining room.

"She…" Eleazar stammered, scratching the back of his head. "Uh… left before I finished preparing my stuff…"

"Oh, that girl…" Felicita shook her head in annoyance. "She's as impatient as ever, no? She wouldn't even wait for you to come along with her to school… aren't your classes at the same time?"

"Actually, there's something else." Eleazar put on his signature black jacket from the coat hanger near the door before picking up his cane. "We're merging with another school that closed down for some reason today. Liberty High, I think. They're rich kids, mostly."

"Now that's odd." Felicita nodded slowly. "Okay. Do you have your lunch with you? How about your phone?"

Eleazar pulled out his lunchbox from the bag, shaking it in front of her. "I have everything, mom."

"Alright. Go say goodbye to your dad."

Eleazar nodded and quickly sprinted towards the bakery, which was a family business that had sustained them for the last twenty years. His father was the one running it, and he worked along with one assistant. Not enough was usually earned every day to pay a bunch of employees, so he usually had one or two teens working part time jobs. Their jobs were quite basic; put the bread in the bags, take the payments, give the change. The lives of this family were not glamorous, but they were not dirt poor either. They were somewhere in between.

"Dad, I'm going now." Eleazar said as he walked near the ovens where the bread was being formed from dough and yeast and whatever toppings/fillings they wanted.

His dad, who had taken to being called Nicholas after all of his years in America, turned from his work and handed him a paper bag filled with conchas. "Alright sonny, take care. Your sister had gotten ahead of you half an hour ago…"

"Okay dad." Eleazar then sat on the driver's seat of his electric tricycle, which was a quaint little thing that was clearly suitable for getting around in short distances, like the metres that he had to cover from home to school. Alessia was probably already there anyway…

After chaining up his electric tricycle on the parking lot, Eleazar quickly got in. There were noticeably more people in here, as the merging had begun. He imagined that quite a number of Rosefell students didn't like that these bourgesie Liberty High-ers were coming in here… but, if anything, if he was able to befriend a few, he'd get buddies that were rich… which was a win-win in any scenario. They'd get a homie as sweet as a cake, and his pizza cravings would be readily satisfied.

Either way, he found himself walking towards a table, filled with stickers with 'Hi, my name is' followed by a blank. It was another of these events, it seems. He would just put one on with his name written on it. Eleazar walked with a noticeable limp, as his left leg had been injured a year or so back in a football match.

It wouldn't be long before he found a familiar face, as he saw Cael Crawford along with Spike and a boy he did not recognize. Probably one of the newcomers.

Speeding up a little, he would walk up to them with a more or less sober expression. He did, however, lighten up when he got close to Cael, as he just hugged him from behind and used his shoulder as a chin rest. Typical demeanour from him to a friend. Eleazar did remember the time when Cael had fallen for him… but that was a long time ago. Right now, he was a friend. "Well, well, well, look at who the egregious tides of time and circumstance had brought into this... humble institution." He extended a hand to Christian, though not before taking his glove off. "Eleazar Nikolavich, at your service. I assume you're one of the newcomers from the… uh… what was it again… Liberty, right. Liberty High." His memory was a little spotty; he had little sleep last night due to playing Dungeons and Dragons with his… international friends. "You lot are welcome in this place, I guarantee that you will have a lot of fun here. And make new… um… friends. And stuff. You know what I mean… hehe. Heh." At that moment, he just pulled out a Concha and began munching on it. "Just ask... us if you have questions. And stuff."


Kotov Yurievich - Blitzkrieg

"Kotie? Is that you...?" she asked weakly, feeling for his hand, squeezing gently when she found it. There was the smallest of sparks and a flutter in her heart, and Myrtle knew it was him.

"Yes, Myrts." Kotov sighed in relief as she held his hand. She was in a bad shape, but at least this nurse lady here had helped her recuperate from the injuries that whoever attacked her caused. Right now, the only thing to do was to get her away from here as soon as possible, as the people who had assaulted Wallflower could come back sooner or later. They may return to ensure that their prey was truly down, or to see if someone had come to her aid, and hurt them too.

"I'm assuming you'll be taking care of her? Please, make sure she gets enough rest tonight; she needs to fully recover before...well, before being active again."

Elena started to gather her stuff and then stopped. "Oh, I almost forgot. My name's Elena," she reached inside her bag for a couple of cards. "This is my contact information. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to reach out to me."

"That I will do." Kotov would then put his arms under Myrtle before hoisting her up from the ground in a manner similar to he way he had carried Ray the night before. "Thanks for taking care of her. I'll reach out if your assistance is needed again."

Kotov sighed. "She wasn't supposed to be alone..." Knowing Ray, he probably had tried to get together with her, but was probably rebuffed or something, maybe because she was embarassed. Of course... she's almost always embarassed. Ah well, he thought while taking steps towards the nearest power line. It seems that they need to sort things out first...

Before going, he turned to Elena. "Hey, um, Elena." He handed her no less than 20 dollars. Just a little token of gratitude... for being there. Also... You sure you want to walk these streets at night alone?"
Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

"Oh... okay." Astrad nodded as Nana confirmed that Asgardian healers had already come to check Raynor's condition
For all its worth, if such an ancient race were unable to fix the condition of this man, nobody probably could. Well, nothing short of a miracle, nonetheless. Or maybe it was just magic. Fairy tale magic. The one where somebody wakes up from a kiss, just like what happened right now. His social ineptness was rather embarassing, though. He was blundering in his speech in front of all these people... ugh.

Astrad watched as Raynor began crying as the sight of Nanna. "What...", he thought to himself as the naked man was still weeping. Was he her son or nephew and hadn't seen her in a long time? No, that can't be; she doesn't even know. But he knows her... so... why?

He just sighed. He considered giving Raynor his trenchcoat, but it would just get wet. It was better to just let this pass for now. Leave it to the wife to give him comfort.
Kotov Yurievich - Blitzkrieg

An irate Kotov Yurievich hunched down on his desk, a black document set up on the laptop set up before him. He wore his black framed eyeglasses, and looked a little haggard as he was wearing a maroon t-shirt, pajamas, and aslippers. His hair was chaotic; he obviously forgot to comb. He had just woken up. Kotov was on the phone, and it looked like he was being bothered.

"No, Mindee, I don't have the files for the next batch of articles." He stood up and walked towards the refrigerator on his room, taking out a carton and pouring himself a glass of milk. "Listen, Mindee, you just woke me up and it's midnight, of all times... yeah, I'm sorry for being snappy... no, what? The boss shortened the deadline? Ah, whatever, just get your entries as soon as possible so that I could check them... okay, bye. Tell Clark that he owes me a hundred dollars from the time that I paid his contribution for the surprise birthday party for Will... yes. Ok, bye."

Kotov sighed, putting his phone down. "Unbelievable..."

ring ring

He looked back down, apparently a little frustrated that the universe just wouldn't let him get to sleep. However, he saw the number. It was Myrtle.

"Hi um, this is Wallflower calling. I'm sorry to bother you, but... I need your help. Please, come get me..." Myrtle pleaded into the phone with a slight tremble in her voice, making sure to give her location before she hung up.

"Oh, my. Okay. I'm coming." Kotov then rushed towards his cabinet, pulling out a jacket and putting on his shoes, as the outside was really cold. With the location locked in his mind, he turned himself into electricity and went towards her. Now, she was a damsel in distress. She probably was defeated in some fight... Wasn't she and Ray supposed to be going together now?

Soon enough, an azure streak crackled in the powerlines near Wallflower'd location, eventually ending up as a man that reformed from the electric stream near Wallflower and Elena. He hadn't even bothered to put a Maks on as he was hurrying to get there. "Wallflower?" Kotov rushed towards her, kneeling besides her. "What happened?"

He then turned to Elena, who appeared to have helped her. "Thank you, Miss."

Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

Despite their attempts to hail themselves as a neutral vessel, it seems that the other ship had completely ignored their petitions. Truly, these were the Butchers that Narvia despised so much; capricious ex-soldiers with an insatiable thirst for death and destruction. It was a good thing that the one that commanded them before into battle was dead, but the audacity of a Heavy Cruiser to fire upon a lightly armed Light Freighter that with "absolutely clear intentions of neutrality" was truly astounding!

"Welp." Finbarr grunted as the weapons of the Heavy Cruiser impacted upon their shielding. "Looks like I will have to do this sooner than later, then." He then drew one of his plasma blades, intending to ignite it once they had crossed into the other side of the portal that he was going to create in a few moments. The members of the boarding party were all there; Nero, Tarak, Narvia, and Abaddon, along with his good self. He would perhaps be one of the most integral members of the boarding party, as he was their way in and alsot the way out. By this time, he was already familiar enough with the Xiang... Xuang... whatever to be able to safely portal back into it without looking into its window.

"Alright, who here is going into a portal for the first time?" Finbarr asked as he peered over to see in the windows of the enemy ship. There were some answers, some of which would be rather concerning. "Yeah, it doesn't matter now. As long as no one throws up."

Taking a hard look into the windows, Finbarr then spoke lowly as he summoned his Breach Portal spell. "Et ponte et aperire..."

A burst of blue energy, shaped like flowing water and magic mixed together, came out of his left hand, which rapidly coalesced into a breach. He would be the last to come through, as he needs to maintain it in order for the others to go through. The other side would be visible on the bridge of the enemy ship; the route is sure. "Hop in, and make sure you don't throw up."

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

Everything was happening in a breakneck pace. First, Ezra had executed a nice knife throw, which seemed to be successful as there was a rather loud scream from the other side, presumably coming from the vocal chords of the wounded cultist girl. The thing was, Ezra was perfectly fine with giving someone a stab wound of all things, even of there were chances of ending up killing someone. Ah, well. Technically, he was defending his own property from trespassers and hostile intruders, so he was perfectly justified under the law.

Alex though, was not so sure about that. True, he did threaten the kid from earlier with phasing his chains into his body, but it wasn't like he was actually going to do it. Hell, he actually can't phase while the chains were active and vice versa. He'd sooner talk and hug it out in the end instead of putting his hand into someone's chest cavity. It was just that it felt right to put on his mean face at the moment back then...

The wave slammed into Ezra’s back and lifted him off of his feet, threatening to knock him into Alex and sending the pair cascading through the passageway straight back to the dining room.

"Everything just gets better and better, doesn't it?" Alex was forced to lean on the wall as the shaking began. And then... there was the wave. On pure instinct, Alex took a deep breath and turned intangible, letting the wave pass. He would see Ezra get carried away, as he wasn't there to catch him. "Oops... sorry about that..." He determined to make up for it later... after all, these people were technically the only family he had left. Might as well be nice to them, after all these years...

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

The steel bearing balls crashed into the barrier as it disappeared. "Fuck!" Justin shouted as the Wiccans escaped without a word. They had no clue what the Wiccans were after, but they should definitely investigate what the fuck is going on outside. He was wondering what the hell was Tuyen was up to.

Raymond hissed with irritation as the earthen spears crashed into the barrier without so much as a scratch. With the Wiccans escaping, he could only feel the shaking of the earth as something, or someone, began causing a massive commotion outside. It was causing some real damage, and between the destruction that had been dealt to the house by the Hellhounds and by the ones that tried to defend it, well, this was going to be hard on the insurance. Either way, Ray knew that whatever was going on outside was not a natural occurrence. It was of an anomalous nature, no doubt, and they should go to investigate it.

"We should check it out, Mr. Liao." Ray said as he began to glide toward the outside, seeking to see whatever was causing such a shake.

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

“Just don’t let Shane hear that. He might narc you out,” said Ezra. Or use them all, thought Ezra as his slight smile became pained as he turned away. Unlike Ezra and his cigarettes, Shane barely even bothered to hide his drinking anymore. It wasn’t a big stretch to think that the former supercop turned shut-in was attached to a few more vices.

"Don't worry." Alex responded. "I'm clean." Uncharacteristically, he smiled at Ezra for a split second before going back to his usual stoic expression. True, he did not really any of his half siblings much, but that could change in the days to come. He then sat back, a little tired. Though, something else came up, and he would get up to get back to the action once again.

"The Irish girl used the secret passage. It'll behoove us to do the same, since the witches and their dogs went in the direction of the gallery,"

Alex snorted, standing up from his seat and momentarily shifting into a ghostly state for no apparent reason. "Hah. Secret passages." He would then follow his half siblings into the service hallway, lagging a little behind because he was a little overcautious, and didn't feel like getting thrust into the brunt of the fighting once they found their quarry.

When they got there, though, Alex shuddered a bit, as he had never signed up to be in a close encounter with a Hellhound, but he came along anyway. Tuyen seemed to be distracting the hell dog, and Ezra threw a knife to hit one of the cultists at the chest. Alex just waited and listened; once it was all over, he could bind them in chains... except if they had fire powers like the kid from earlier. Why the hell were these juveniles running around with magic and magic dogs anyway?!

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

The Hell-Hound hit the ground, opened its mouth, and released an inferno from its jaws that... did nothing to the fireproof Justin. He was just hoping that this place didn't burn down, however, he held the steel balls in between his fingers as he threw all of them forward. He launched them directly down the maw of the Hell-Hound and then the thing loudly hacked and coughed as it thrashed around. Hopefully, the Earth-bender guy will finish it off, but they had to be quick.

Ray launched himself forward, gathering an outpouring of earth from the fissure that he had created earlier. Justin had more or less incapacitated the Hellhound with the steel balls that he had launched into its mouth, and it would take just a little more to kill it. Raymond had been sick of all of this; Hellhounds, witches, a warlock, imposters... with the return of magic to the world, it seemed that everything wrong with the town of Araminta had been dialed eleven fold, with Wiccans gaining actual powers and a curse of stone threatening to kill every single one of the Vanburen Clan.

Now, a pair of earth slabs, either of which were five feet long and weighed no less than fifty kilograms each, levitated a feet away from either of Raymond's hands. With a simple gesture, they turned into sharp stalactites that were fully capable of impaling a fully grown person into a wall, or kill a Hellhound that had been causing so much trouble lately. Shane came in, sure, but things were happening too fast for Ray to really pay attention. He was quite busy with dealing with the Hellhound, which he had stabbed with spears made of rock. For some reason, it was taking more concentration for him to do it than normal; perhaps this was another strange quirk of magic. Either way, it should be dead. Now...

"Tell us what you are here for, Morgana." Ray said, placing himself into a Hung Gar stance. "Or else we can just keep chucking magic at each other until one side gives up."
Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

"I guess I'll go with Baldur, then." Astrad then bowed to Baldur slightly before heading off with the rest to the hall of feasting. The sunglasses and suncream really helped, as he was not used to hot temperatures, being from a cold, northern nation. He did not seem to notice Forseti storming off from the room, as he was too busy doing something... else. Astrad was hungry.

And then, without warning, the dagger that Sparks carried around pointed towards elsewhere. Strange had told her that it was sufficient by itself to point towards Raynor, and he did also say that he was in Asgard as well. Could it be that the love of her life was in these very halls, awaiting for his wife to come unto his presence?

The answer to that question would soon be clear as the dagger pointed them in the right direction. Raynor was indeed in here, but he was not conscious to greet anyone. Rather, he was lying there in what seems to be a coma caused by damage sustained from battle, as the scars and injuries were quite obvious to the eye. Also he wasn't wearing anything... odd. He was apparently found in a riverbed, with no clear clue to his solution.

"He's comatose..." Astrad said to no one in particular. He then turned to Nanna to ask a question. "Did whoever is the deity of healing around here check on him? He seems to be in a coma."

Nathaniel De Costa

Location: Ellis Island, New York City

Nathaniel coughed profusedly, getting up from the ground with an annoyed expression written on his face. "She looks a bit familiar, if anything. I think we met in another life." Once he had stood up, he looked at the wizzing little blue dot that was Andrew Rossi in his shrinked state. Not this guy again. Angstrom had knocked him out earlier with a lucky shot between the eyes, and there was no telling if a second scuffle was a good idea. Nathaniel was, after all, just a guy who tears holes in the fabric of space and time and shoots beams of energy, while Angstrom was a rich pretty boy that could make himself bigger or smaller.

"You have been trouble for far too long, Pretty Boy." Nathaniel locked his sights at small Angstrom, focusing on the suited little man to ensure that his next action will go on without a hitch. And then, he tore open a breach and sent it forward, enclosing Angstrom in it before opening up in a downward direction towards another part of the rooftop, with the intention of causing him to crash, or to force a sudden trajectory change. Either way, with that done, Nath tried to open another portal, but the energy fizzled away before it could coalesce into a breach. He tried again... and miscalculated. The portal energy exploded, knocking him back and hitting his head against the ground. It was not a fatal blow, but he had been knocked out quite a few moments ago. This time, it really hurt. Should Angstrom bother to walk up on him, he would raise both hands in surrender; only time can tell if the Rossi bought it.
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