Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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3 yrs ago
Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
3 yrs ago
I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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Nikolai Ivushkin - The Cryophoenix

It is time. For the last ten years, Nikolai Ivushkin, MD had been a secret vigilante that scoured the city of Lost Haven at night. Every criminal and thief had learned to cower in fear with the coming of the succinct chill in the air of night and the crystallized fluttering of icy wings; telltale signs that their days of stealing will be over soon. Sometimes, death would come swiftly for them, their blood spread across the frozen ground by spikes of anomalous dark ice that seemed to refuse to melt for hours under the summer heat. At others times, the cryophoenix would drop them in front of the local police precinct, ready to be charged for their crimes and to be tried fairly. There will be no quarter given; no chance of defeating the one that had come to bring them to justice, if vengeance was justice.

Now, an alien invasion had come to the world itself. Cities all over the world were being pummelled by the invading extraterrestrials, their advanced weapons turning most of those that sought to fight back against them into black ash and hot pools of molten flesh and bone. The aliens wielded dark sciences far beyond the ken of the most sophisticated minds of humanity; if not for the metahumans that defended the planet from threats within and without, it would have fallen so much faster, as it was their power that has staved off the aliens for this long. This is war, and there will be no mercy...

"Kolya." Nikita Ivushkin crashed into the living room, where his twin brother, Nikolai, was watching the news of the invasion that was currently the hottest topic in every outlet and station. "The aliens are coming to the city. What are we going to do?"

Nikolai shook his head. He knew what he must do; he needed to assist in the defence of Lost Haven, and then aid in their expulsion from the rest of the planet, no matter how dangerous that was. After all, that was why the spirit within him decided to place itself in an eternal cycle of death and rebirth; to help defend the world from those that would seek to harm it and those that live upon it. "Niki. Take mom and dad to the fallout shelter." Nikolai gestured to the floor below them, which contained a basement that was dug nearly 10 feet into the ground. It also doubled as their storage place and a second place for sleeping... a more or less perfect place to wait out an impending alien invasion, assuming it gets driven off. "Call our sister too, she needs to somewhere safe. As for me... you know what I must do."

"Take care, brother." Nikita said, wiping a tear off his eye as he wrapped his arms around his brother in a tight hug; this could be the last time they saw each other. "See you later."

"I will." Nikolai nodded as he bit into the last cookie that he had been eating in the living room. "Now go. Now!"

With his brother taking their parents to the basement, Nikolai turned towards trapdoor that was hidden beneath the rug. It wasn't dusty, as it was used often. In it was the mask that he used to conceal his identity when patrolling.

Putting it on, he stepped out of the door, seeing the plumes of smoke that was emerging from the rest of the city as the invasion began to throttle. "Nastupayet zima." he began with a voice of one and a hundred. "Ya vzyvayu k tebe." At this, the phoenix emblazoned on his wrist began to glow. "Dukh vechnoy zimy." Mist began to cover his body in a manner not too different from a tornado, though it was not a tornado. "Prikhodit zashchishchat'."

The mist turned into a little blizzard, and out of it emerged a flying phoenix of ice and snow, which then sped towards the battlefield in the streets nearby...

It would have seemed that many heroes had made their stand in Sherman Square, where numerous aliens have been crushed beneath their power. A small cohort of aliens had taken cover behind some debris, shooting at whatever moved; people, animals, whatever. This was brutal urban warfare, and the aliens seemed to like fry civilians with their plasma weaponry. Little did they know that things were going to get chiller from here on.

The Cryophoenix swooped in from the skies like a falcon homing towards its prey, freezing several aliens in place with its icy breath. It then flew back for another run, this time taking its cold, dark talons forward to destroy the aliens that had been turned into statues. It smashed upon them with the force of a freight train, turning their frozen bodies into pieces of unthawed meat. It then looked towards a bunch of civilians, who were gawking at the 10 feet long bird made of ice.

"What are you waiting for? Go!"

As the people ran off, the Cryophoenix glanced towards the group of heroes that were in there. icon had flown off to the sky, and there was a man in red and white killing any alien that got near him. "I assume our rules of engagement is kill on sight, no?" It then shot a spike of ice from its wing towards an alien that had taken aim at him, impaling the creature on a nearby building. "Kill them all. Got it."

This has piqued my interest. How does a cryokinetic that transforms into a flying cryophoenix sound?

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

"... And what happened to my mansion?"

"Hello papa." Alex said to his now deceased father with a noticeable scorn. Of course he was naked in the afterlife. For all he knew, he was probably trying to make a lady ghost pregnant, just as he had done to so many women when he was alive. That man had an insatiable drive to screw and make kids. And then he leaves when he is done.

"Oh, nothing. Some magical people from the woods who said that you stole something from them crashed into our meeting today and caused a lot of destruction."

A pause. "Oh, and everyone that bears your genes is turning to stone unless if they're not here in Araminta. Thanks for nothing..."

Evidently, he was not a fan. What could one expect, after all. James left Alex and his mom when he was 10, and had never showed up to them ever since. As a result, Alex had a rather troubled life, what with a mother addled with drugs and the absence of a father figure in his life.

"So, James." Alex didn't even address him as 'dad' anymore. "Do you have any idea on who would try to curse your entire bloodline to turn to rock unless if they're here?"

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

"It's worth a shot," Justin said as he was sure that it wasn't going to go anywhere.

He could just hear the vague excuse he'll make before he fucks off.

"I will call upon the old man's ghost from the afterlife, then." Alex answered with a shrug, though he turned away for a moment as he walked towards the room that he had been allotted to within the mansion a few weeks ago. Just like Georgie, he was not keen on having wet clothes in the cold of the weather, and wished to change as soon as possible. But not before changing out from these cold, wet clothes. Friggin woodland magicians..."

He then stepped out of the room, sidestepping the destruction that led towards the quaint little bedroom that he was given as a member of the Vanburen family, even if he refused to bear the name in any official documents due to his distate for their father. Alex phased through the door and immediately took off the still dripping clothing, hanging them to dry as he then dried himself with a towel. With that done, he put on a new set of clothes; a grey shirt, a black trenchcoat, and brown trousers, along with a pair of sandals. It wouldn't be long before he was back in the living room, though he had taken the trouble of taking a piece of chocolate that he had stashed away in his bags.

"Here's to hoping that I get to summon the one that I hadn't seen for the last 18 years of neglect." Alex grumbled as green clouds of magical energy began to pulsate around his hands; the Spectre was at work. Sooner or later, James Vanburen should come... or not. He could be too busy screwing with all the other ghosts, after all.

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

Well... that was certainly something. The entity outside had three faces, and disappeared as quickly as it came. They would be quickly gathered in the living room soon after the attack ended, though the destruction in there would be quickly apparent. Raymond was still soaking wet, though, and excused himself just like Alex and Georgie to get changed. After all, magic attacks aside, the flu could be a hassle, and getting sick while hunting for crazy kids was not going to help in any way.

Raymond looked at himself on the mirror of his room; the act of earthbending was such a sucker, apparently, as a pair of rather stingy cracks had opened up on his chest and shoulder, respectively. He placed bandaids on them as soon as he saw them, and reminded himself not to overuse his Terrakinesis, as it could kill him if he wasn't careful.

Either way, the seance was going to start. Shane had gone outside to track down the Wiccans and Ezra went out to check on an injured Arabelle. Ray spotted Georgie, to whom he inched closer to as he didn't feel like wanting to not to be near one of his half siblings. "We're one weird ass family, aren't we." Ray commented. "You know, I should try to know you guys more now that we're stuck in this predicament."

In the meantime, te green light from Alex's Affixed Apparition continued to shimmer as James was being called from the afterlife. He really should take this call...

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

"So does anyone have a lead or even an idea as to where this curse came from so I can look into it?"

Alex thought long and hard as Justin presented the question to them. The Harrisburgs were suggested, but he had no idea who they were, just like Justin. He hadn't caught up with any of his half siblings until he met them a few weeks ago; heck, he didn't even know their names until then. Neither did he know about any of the feuds that their family... no, absentee dad had with anyonede else. Alex was still finding it hard to get his mind on the thing at hand, though, as it hadn't even taken in half of what had just happened. When the flood ended, he also stopped phasing just to see Ezra and Georgie on the stairs below, having been thrown off balance by the tidal wave. Then there was a massive quake, some wierd ass thing appeared outside, and it disappeared. He didn't see it; not that he wanted to.

It could be someone from our family,” Trisha spoke up, disdain clear in her tone. She was already annoyed about all that had gone on, and to still have to go through this meeting? She just wanted shit sorted. “Father had plenty of children we didn’t know about before now,” she glanced at Alexander, “maybe one of them decided to curse us all? Or a vengeful ex-wife? He definitely has plenty of those.”

Alex watched as Ezra took a call and left; it seemed that there was something amiss in the coffee shop, wherever that was. Either way, he spoke his piece.

"That makes plenty of sense, doesn't it." Alexander had a bit of a scoff in his voice, as he was like the black sheep of this family. "Who knows how many people he had pissed off in life. Heh." Getting into a more serious tone, he held his cross necklace and gazed upon its silver surface as if he was trying to x-ray vision through it. "Definitely not my mom, though. She knows nothing about magic and has been dead for ten years. Thanks be to him."

It was obvious, then, to whom he was referring to. "If you want, I could try to summon the old man's ghost from the afterlife for a while, try to get answers. I don't think he'd like to have a conversation with me, though. Not after what happened long ago."
Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

"What?" Astrad grumbled as Maria stared at him face to face, arrow in hand. He stared back, tempted to fire a blast of cold wind at her."Why are you giving me that creepy ass face-"

And then it happened. Astrad heaved over as Maria had stabbed him in the stomach. He did not see it coming, as she had literally carried him a few hours ago when they were flying away from that scuffle back in Levittown. True, they hadn't had the best of introductions, but they were both agents or SHIELD. This was just friendly fire!

Grumbling, Astrad put his hand over his wound, using his cryokinetic powers to cover it with ice in order to stop the bleeding. Before long, he had an impromptu bandage… covering... whatever.

"Someone get me a doctor…" Astrad croaked as the stab wound hurt like hell. He'll live. Probably.
I'm interested...

Also I'll use a picture instead of a description for the appearance of I do make an app
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