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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

Astrad was back on his feet just as fast as he had been thrown to the ground; he had gotten used to getting shot at raher quickly in the last few hours. He didn't display any signs of annoyance, or any other emotion, for that matter; it was just that people throwing electricity or light at him has become a highly common occurrence. "I was literally told to shoot her and her friends in the head from a distance by my superior. I decided not to, you're welcome. Now can we all please just go back to Earth so that we will part ways and hopefully never see each other again. And maybe kick some shapeshifters at the face." Astrad would just sigh rather dejectedly and went away, going towards the direction that Nanna had pointed. Amelia was the only one he had any measure of liking at the moment now, except of course for their Asgardian hosts. Nanna was nice. Very nice.

"Let's just go already..." He didn't want to stay around the hostile couple any longer. But again, it was his fault that the pregnant woman was so mad, but... Astrad just didn't have a choice back there. His superior was rather strict. And speaking of Sitwell... what could have had happened to him and the other agents in the Cube anyway...?

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

"They're all over the manor... every single glass case contains an artifact," James stated and pointed to a glass case with a dismembered statue hand inside of it. "Make sure you put that one somewhere nobody can get to it."

"Sooooo..." Alex scratched his head. "You're saying that every glass case in here contains a bloody demon sealed inside an artifact of some kind?" Unbelievable. And he didn't even bother putting any home protection systems. "I should say that for a place with so many dangerous things in it... security is extremely sloppy..."

He said before he faded away.

"Das vhidanya, papa." Alexander said rather solemnly as James faded away from the world of the living to return to his life after death. Perhaps he was having a lot of fun there; no worries, no obligations, no nothing. Just an eternity of... who knows. He sure as hell had not entered the golden gates of Heaven, unless if he had repented of all of his sins right at the moment before everything went black and then white.

One thing, though, was that Alex... Sasha was not sure how to feel when James slipped back to ghost land. The Spectre's power could only hold a spirit so long in the material world, and in the few moments that he had conversed with his father, he had went from assuredly passive aggressive to a little more cordial, and now... well, he's not sure. Was he hoping for some kind of reconciliation? Apologies? After all... while he surely showed that he despised James for leaving him and his mother back then, there was just the nagging feeling that their relationship should be mended. It wouldn't matter now that the man was dead, since he could always give him a call. Anyway...

"Honestly there's no right thing to do here, y'know?" He sighed as he shook his head. "Even if we hide them far away, that won't stop anyone from actually coming for you all if they know about the place... but we should keep 'em close to us, y'know? So we can at least protect them if someone comes to a knocking."

He nodded his head and gave Alexander a triumphant smile.

"Because like hell I'm gonna let a bunch of dangerous ass ghosts out."

Alex smiled back, and got up from his seat, glancing all over the destroyed mansion. "Well... that should be a start. I suppose we can begin with the most powerful and dangerous ones, and place them in secure locations. For one, we should get a vault built in here. We're rich and we have a terramancer, so it shouldn't take long. At the meantime, though, we will have to remain in high alert. Especially since everything in here has a ghost inside it."

"It's gone and so is the vase Babylon the Great was sealed in. The witches might have taken the head, servant girl might have it, or both were taken when the mansion was broken into. We'll have to wait and see."

Alex let out an exasperated sigh at this. "That's just great."

"... I feel like they're gonna make themselves known very soon. Much as I hate to say it, we're gonna have to wait for one of them to come to us and hope that they make themselves known soon enough for us to do something."

"I remember something that Sun Tzu once said about something like that..." Alex began, but he was soon swept with silence as he couldn't remember what he had read before. "Actually, nevermind. But yes. We'll have to wait, I guess."

"Our best bet, for now, is to look into this cult and the Triple Goddess - and hope that they don't have the Horned God," Justin started, "I have an idea of where to start - there have been reports of goats and other animals disappearing - if any of you want to come along. Otherwise, just stay put and figure out what to do with those artifacts."

"Sabrina, Ray, Oscar, and Shane had already left to find some leads on that." Alex glanced towards the door, which Raymond had left open. "I think you'll have to give them a ring."

A pause. "Thanks, by the way. I just wish that we had met in better circumstances... you seem to be a nice guy."

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

"It's the skull of a ram that's in my study," James answered. "I never knew that magic would ever return to this world... and that those beings that I defeated eons ago would remain dormant. However, I heavily advise that you hide them somewhere because it's likely that there are other eyes set on them. And I have sealed beings such as Babylon the Great, The Swarm, and... the Hands."

Alex gave his half siblings a cursory glance before looking back at their father. "If someone could be so kind to go and look for the ram skull in our father's study and confirm that it has not been stolen by the rambling cult of idiots, that would be much appreciated, thank you." The rest of what their father said was nothing but trouble, though. For one, he did not expect magic to return to this world, whatever it meant, it could only mean that something is happening in the universe, something of great, supernatural proportions. Everyone in the room were either aided by Apparitions or got magic by their own, and if he was to take a guess, they all got it at around the same time.

And then there was the other thing. No, things. Apparently, from what he could gather from what he was saying, James Vanburen was some kind of demon hunter that sought out dangerous magical creatures and imprisoned them inside objects... like the Ram Skull for the Horned God. And now that creature's half was seeking him out...

"We should find all of the objects with... what were those again? Apparitions, right. We need to get those things off those stands and glass containers and place them in more secure locations. Like, as I said, vaults. We should not put them all in the same place, either..."

Maybe. Maybe they should scatter the objects around Araminta? Maybe. But they should ask their magic experts.

"What do you suggest, Justin?", Alex turned to Justin, winking. "Should we bury them ten or so feet in the ground in random places... or...?"

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

"I don't see why not," Sabrina answered. Before she smiled as she said, "Just don't bring down any buildings while we're there, okay?" Sabrina said as she remembered the devastation he caused in the manor. Though, there was a problem that she didn't yet realize until she opened the door for him...

Raymond smiled at his half sister as she told him that there was no objection to him getting in this journey with the rest of them. "Sabs, you know that I'm not that strong. Yet." However, he too would realize a rather... slight inconvenience that they would all have to bear while in their ride to the outskirts of the town.

That's right... everyone, except for Ray, were either six footers or over. He was the shortest one at five feet and ten inches, and sitting beside them made him feel small. He was normally their snuggly sibling that often fell asleep when they were sitting together, but this time, it was like they're packed sardines in there.

She realized that she stuck out like a sore thumb here and hoped that their time here would be brief. The cab sped off and right behind Sabrina was the woods... and in front of her was a row of buildings. A convenience store, a bar, an alcohol store, a pizza store, and a strip club.

"Well, here we are, in the destitute area of this miserable town." Ray slapped the door shut, as he was the last to get out. Being among these three brought back memories of their tales of mischief as children, but now, well, they were going to hunt down a cult in the woods. Sounds like fun.

"So, where to next?" Raymond asked as he looked around the area, looking for hooded magicians. "Are we going to the bar and ask the omnipotent bartender about a suspicious character named Morgana?"
Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

"Great... we now have HYDRA and shapeshifting aliens to worry about in Earth now. Best day ever." Astrad shook his head, now feeling much, much better after being healed by the Asgardian goddess as well as his own icy efforts to stop his bleeding from the traitorous stab wound that the fake Maria had given him. He then paused to lean on one of the pillars in the healing room, looking at Ray and then at Amelia. "If we're all set, we should head back to Earth and help deal with this shapeshifting problem." Asgardians had a way of getting to Midgard efficiently, right?

"But not before you get some clothes on, now that you're awake." He gazed at Raynor. "I'd like to beat up some of these shapeshifters that had defiled human soil myself too. In that regard, I think we'll agree on a lot of things."
Nikolai Ivushkin - The Cryophoenix

As they returned to Sherman Square, Cryophoenix five in from the sky, freezing waves of attacking aliens in droves. His time in this form is going to run out soon enough, and it looked like the numbers of their enemy was still unending. At this rate, the defending metas of the city will be beaten by sheer attrition, as they were spread rather thin trying to fight off these invaders. Pockets of resistance like here in Sherman Square did rather well, but the rest of the city would not be as lucky.

Right now, though, he could only think about his brother and parents and sister; surely, they were safe and sound in the bunker. At that moment, he called out to the demon that was his friend. "Ruyn. Are alien flyers inbound? We will need to intercept them if they start coming in to to strafe our allies on the ground."

Nathan and Alfred Salazar | Yin Yang

"I'm so happy you are both safe!" Louisa yelled over the sound of battle, probably louder than she actually needed to. Releasing him from the hug she then looked around at the actual situation and realized it was probably actually time to act a little serious. Turning to face the enemy she shot blasts from the small staff and called out behind her to Nathan asking him, "Do you like my kitty?"

Nathan had just evaporated another pack of aliens with a fiery blast of solar plasma when, seemingly out of nowhere, Louisa, no, Cadence came in and gave him a hug. The first thing that she might when touching his body was a burning, searing heat; hot enough to sting, but not really to hurt her. He got flustered by her sudden arrival so much that he was speechless for a few moments. It took him a little while to pull himself together, but when he did, he immediately put his hands on her shoulders. "Louisa, you do not do that!" Nathan was a little upset, though he was more worried about her than himself. "I could have burned you if you came in the wrong time, or if I was charging energy for release. You could have been hurt..."

He trailed off. He's scolding her at the middle of a battle. "Sorry. But I really could have turned you to ash by accident if you had come in at the wrong moment."

He then looked at her Panther, and then at Muerta. "Friends of yours?"

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

"Ages ago I defeated the Horned God and sealed him inside of a Ram skull... and the Triple Goddess wants her brother back,"

"Sounds like you were quite busy in the magical business for some time, pops." Alex answered, crossing his arms while leaning forward on his seat. He had no idea what James had been doing after he had left him and his mother eighteen years ago, other than the sure possibility that he was screwing with at least a dozen more women from all over the four corners of the globe like a deranged sex addict. Now, it seems, he had also been busy fighting these magical beings called Apparitions. He himself had one always around him, following Alex around like a super duper loyal best friend that he never had. The Spectre has been quite nice, despite being a personification of death itself.

Well, it looks like that we know what to look for in order to know if the cult of idiots had managed to do their job despite being a group of incompetent mage wannabes with absolutely no management skills. Where did you hide the ram skul, then? We'd have to check if it's gone, and if it's not, we better put it in a more secure location, such as... I don't know. A reinforced steel vault perhaps, with magic thingimajigs keeping it sealed? Dunno, whatever it takes, that is. A lot of the things here could just be grabbed four of a pedestal without any effort, after all."

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

As they got in the cab

As soon as the three of them were already settled into the cab, a set of three knocks would ensue on the passenger window on the side that led to the manor. It was Raymond, and he wanted to come with too. "Hey, I heard you talking about going after the cult." He said as soon as the window rolled down. "I want to come along with you... if that's alright. I know quite a bit about magic, and they already have the conversation with our deceased father covered. If rather do something more active."

A pause. "Please...?"
Cadence and The Horror

Skipping over the piles of trash left over by what she guessed were the homeless, Louisa hummed to herself as she started to walk towards the decript old warehouse. It looked like it had been abandoned for years, and if it wasn't a place for the homeless to hang out it was definitely the perfect place for a massive rat's nest. To Cadence though with no other person in sight, it looked like a good roof over her head for the night. Sure it wasn't the Ritz or even a nice abandoned house she could break into but she would take what she could get. It was already starting to get dark and it was the best location she had seen all day so she might as well do. I mean it just needed a few touches anyway, a little clean, a small bed and maybe a shield to keep her protected from anyone who decided she was an easy target.

Walking into the structure she knocked on where there had once been a door, "Hellooooooo, anybody in?" She called out into the ominous dark.

At first, there was nothing. No answer from within the darkness, no shining light or foot stepping out from the shadows. Nothing.

Then, there was a noise, one that sounded like it came from a random creature in the woods. It was like a hyena's cackling laughter, which became deeper in pitch within the span of a few seconds. 

Tap, tap. One pair of footsteps sounded in the dark, and then another, and another. They multiplied in number until there was a cacophony of quiet feet from the void... that is, until one stepped out. It was a figure in a labcoat, a man in an advanced state of decomposition that walked rather unsteadily, as he had a broken leg. It gave out a growl; it sounded hungry.

Hearing the footsteps, Louisa sighed to herself. It didn't look like this place was as empty as she had hoped. It wasn't until she saw the telltale lab coat of the first stranger, did her chest tighten. What in the hell?! Seeing a familair sight from her childhood instantly made the small animalistic part of her brain screaming for her to run.

Than her eyes caught something, wait... why were they hurt? It then growled, and she couldn't help herself. She started to laugh a high pitched gasping laugh as she tried to calm herself. She didn't even care if it was the same people from her childhood anymore because fuck them. They deserved whatever this was that happened to them.

"The nightmares of the past

this shall be your last

may your bodies carrode

and from this world fade."

A bright neon glow came from her hands and stretched out towards the monster like beings from her past.

The first of the eldritch monstrosities crumbled into ash, it's remains tumbling unto the floor like a sack of potatoes. The two behind it followed suit, and then the next four, the next right, and then the rest. In a few seconds, all of them were destroyed by Cadence's spell. But it wasn't over. Not yet. Another pair rushed out of the darkness, this time running full speed towards her, teeth bared and leaving drops of blood in a trail behind them.

"Hey Nathan." Alfred cackled as he watched through the eyes of his minions. "This is a good catch. Don't you think?"

"Screw you, every night, you're like this." Nathan grumbled from the corner of the mind that they both resided in. The two of them were in what appeared to be an office space, though all the lights were out except for the ones inside the cell keeping 'Nathan' imprisoned. "You should let my body go to sleep."

"And leave out the fun? Aw, no. Besides, I'm the one that does what is necessary. You don't have the guts."

"Just... wait."
Nathan pointed at the TV screen that represented what his dark side's minions were. "I know her. It's Louisa... from the facility we were taken to!"

"Oh? I'll go and say hi then. But first..."

Absolute darkness enveloped the entire warehouse, including the area in which Cadence was standing on. The creatures would simply look upon her with dead eyes as another pair of footsteps began to sound in the dark, though this one was far more stable in movement...

She smiled to herself with a little pride and started to relax as she watched the creatures from her often nightmares started to crumble. It looked like she had celebrate victory too soon though as the same monsters lunged out of the darkness. Louisa quickly took a fighting pose, this was not the first time she would have to defend herself from others in an abandoned lot. Though it was definitely the first time she would have to defend herself from what looked like the undead.

Nevertheless, she tried to calm her erratic breathing and readied herself to only see them suddenly stop as all the light in her world seemed to suddenly be turned off. I mean it was dark before but now she couldn't even see her readied fist in front of her face.  What the hell was going on.  This was not normal in the least and all that Cadence knew at the moment was she was not planning to spend the night here. Screw a possible roof over her head, she rather sleep on a street bench. Oh good, she thought to herself as she heard the heavy footsteps, what is this now?

Nathan threw a metaphysical pencil at Alfred, who was still sitting on the computer that represented their control over the mind they were in. "Get off the wheel you idiot, I should be the one to talk to her."

Alfred chuckled. "Awww, it's not daytime, baby. But... okay. Just for now, hehehe."

The dark ego stepped aside from his station, and bowed slightly as Nathan quickly rushed towards the seat, taking control of the body that they shared. 

As soon as he got down on his 'seat', the undead creatures that Alfred had summoned crumbled into ash, and the darkness dissipated. What would appear before Cadence's eyes was someone vaguely familiar; someone she knew. "It's really you, huh, Louisa." Nathan said, looking down at her due to their marked height difference. "It's been a long time."

Wait where are they going? Cadence looked dumbfounded as she just stood in her fighting pose just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Instead in the place of the terrors, she was looking up at a normal enough looking man who was just a bit older than her.

What the actual fuck, Louisa thought as she stared bewildered at the man in front of her. It took a moment but hearing her old name, it all started to click into place.

"...Nathan?" She asked as she started to relax her body out of the battle position and then with what seemed like a spark of recognition she squealed and jumped on top of him hugging him with all her strength, "NATHAN! Oh my god is it really you?! Where have you been? How did you get out? Did you escape back then too? Did they let you out? Do they even still exist..." And then she started to question her thoughts, "and ... was that you? you couldn't do that before." 

Stopping squeezing him she looked up at him with her arms still around his neck, "wait where's Alfred?"

Nathan only shook his head. "He's been dead for a year, Louisa. Shot when we escaped. But... it seems that he is not entirely gone..."

At that moment, he suddenly began to spasm and fell down to the ground... and shifted into the form that the younger Salazar had when he was still alive. "I'm right here! Hahahahahahaha! Scaring the crap out of people has been soooooo fun! And... yeah. I'm dead. Kind of. But not really. We now share a single brain and body, though he's quite icky about the whole thing... hah."

"What do y-," Louisa suddenly stepped back as she looked over her childhood friend in worry. She was about to try to find out if he was alright but then to her surprise Nathan started to transform and instead she was now looking at Alfred. Her bright smile came back to her face as she stared at the younger boy, not really caring about his little manical laughter and pretty much his confession that it was him who had scared her.

"I'm so happy to see you too!" Cadence said as she jumped on him and hugged him as tightly as she could. She had no idea how this was possible but she honestly didn't care how weird the situation was, because she could accept it all if it meant she had both her friends back in her life. As a teenager she had escaped hoping that they had only been right behind her, but the truth that she never saw them get out was a thought that liked to be recalled during those dark lonely nights. Now with them in her arms, she wasn't going to let them go so easily. Pulling back to look at his face she then pouted and pointed out, "That was a mean trick."

"I had no idea it was you." Alfred winked. He held her in a hug, keeping Louisa close as he sensed that Nathan had missed her quite a bit. "So, it's really been a while, and yet, you haven't gotten taller at all. HAH. Either way, it's really late, so why don't you crash in my place?"

"Our place, you idiot." Nathan grumbled from within.

Louisa smiled brightly back at Alfred, but she couldn't help but wondering how much truth was beyong the tricky younger brother's words. Though she really didn't mind at the moment and all she did was release her hug and stand in faux annoyed position and stuck her tongue out at him.

"I did too grow," She huffed in fake annoyance before then she did a light twirl around the area as she took it all in. "Is this where you two live? I can make beds appear" She finished and then looked back up at them with a her familiar beaming smiling.

"Oh, not really. I just like to wander around at night, see who can I play tricks with." Alfred snickered rather gleefully, as this kind of deed was a lot of fun for him. "You should meet a friend of ours, too."

"I was gonna sleep here. Big empty space, no drug addicts and a roof over my head," Cadence pointed out still smiling as she showed the charm of the area to her old childhood friend. She happily grabbed his arm though, "but sure, I would love to meet your friend and see where you live,"  before she started to pull him towards the exit.

"Okay, then..."

Some time would pass before they reached the apartment building where Nathan and the other friend lived in. It was a rather decrepit building, with dysfunctional light switches and a broken doorbell. Either way, they just came in and knocked on a door on the third floor labeled '21'. It quickly opened, revealing a man in his mid 20's and wearing pajamas and a bed coat. "Oh, hi, Nate, and, uh, girlfriend." Zach extended his hand... and at that moment, Louisa would feel that her mind was being read...

Louisa happily followed Alfred towards the old apartment building, it didn't matter how ancient and broken the place looked, to her she was just so happy that her old friends were not only doing well but had a regular roof over his head. She was curious on why he was knocking though, if this was his place why didn't he have a key. Either way she was all smiles looking at the disheveled man in front of her, well that was until he called her Nathan's girlfriend.

Her face scrunched up in confusion as she looked at him, "but it's Alfred right now and I'm not his -" There was a niggling at her brain and she looked at Nathan and Alfred's friend and raised an eyebrow as she recognized this feeling. There were many thoughts that were going through her brain at that moment, but the main ones were that he was like them and that he really didn't want to be looking into her head, he probably wouldn't like what he found. If he looked under that all that though and really saw into her mind, it would have been deafening colours that swirled vibrant shades, screams of fear, a young voice talking to herself and  a woman with a permanent fixed smile who skipped around her mind reciting rhyming words.

Zach immediately recoiled after trying to read Cadence's mind, his head hurting from all the pain and suffering. He swung the door open​​​​​​​ and motioned for them to get in. "Alfred? You mean Nate's long dead brother?" Zach had no idea. That was a secret that Nathan had kept this past year; though Zach was a telepath, he did not know that his friend has a split personality, as said split ego is rather discreet when around him. Oh well. 

Once they were both inside, Zach crossed his arms and faced them both. "The name is Zachary Bennet. I have been his friend for a year now, and maybe only friend in this city, that is, until you came along. Uhm, how do you two know each other?"

Watching the telepath's face scrunch up in pain, all Cadence could think was 'I told you so' but what she said out loud was, "That was rude," and humphed as she walked inside the apartment. She had no idea why this guy had no idea it was Alfred, I mean sure he looked like Nathan right now but shouldn't it be pretty easy to tell the two apart. They had completely differently personalities and he was a telepath wasn't he?

Louisa instantly made herself at home and went to lay down on the couch, with her feet over the side of the arm,  "My name's Louisa but you can call me Cadence." Kicking her feet over the arm of the lounge she looked up at both of the men with a bright smile back on her face and then also added, "We grew up together."

"Ohh, I see." Zach nodded his head. "I see, in that... place. Terrible place, he told me. Anyway, just feel at home. There's pizza on the table." He would then shamble towards the refrigerator, and pulled out a jug of water. 

At the meantime, Alfred looked back at Cadence with a scowl. "Hey, he doesn't know." He shook his head, telling her not to let off any more. "Don't tell."

Her relaxed smile faltered for a second when Zach talked about the facility. Her eyes quickly moved from Zach to Alfred and then back at Zach as she tried to keep her pleasent smile on her face. Her arm slammed over towards the table and she took a slice of pizza. Mouth full of food, she looked at Alfred in confusion. Why did he not tell Zach? Wasn't he living with him? Wait how did Zach not even figure it out? Whatever that didn't really matter, why he wanted to keep that specific thing as a secret was up to him.

Looking up at Zach coming back with water, she smiled brightly and said, "Do you or Nathan need money for the pizza?" Then looking around the small apartment she also added, "Oooooo do you and Nathan have bunk beds?! I love bunk beds."  She pat herself on the back with her flawless recovery. She then smiled up at Alfred hoping he thought she did good and was no longer annoyed at her.

"We do." Zach answered, setting the water back on the table. "Though sometimes I will find him sleeping on the couch like a bloody puppy. And... well, we do what we can. And no, the pizza has already been paid for, thank you." With that, he bowed a little and left the room; he was going to sleep.

Cadence happy that it looks like she had managed to trick Zach, relaxed into the couch as he left the area. With half a pizza slice still in her hand, her eye lids started to feel heavy and before even a minute had passed, she had fallen asleep in that same position. Alfred put his hand on her sleepy head, and drifted off into the night...

"Bloody aliens." Nathn grumbled as he let loose a fiery surge of solar energy and radiation towards a group of aliens, turning them to ash. The invasion was in full swing, and it won't be long before his dark side decides to take over and continue the job of killing these invaders. They all must fall...
Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

"Shut up, dirty shapeshifting xeno." Astrad growled at fake Maria as he stood up, shaking his head as the bleeding had been stopped by his cryokinetic powers and Nanna's... flowers. Why was it flowers? Who cares, it felt really good. She's the goddess of... what was it again? Summer and health? Nevermind. This was the first time he had been stabbed in a very long time, as his assignments usually didn't need him to get up close and personal. He was more acquainted with nearly getting shot and shooting, not sticky stabbing. Ah well.

"You know what." Astrad grumbled, walking nearer to the cage. "The next thing I'll do to you is a vivisection with no anesthesia. Okay, maybe not... but I'll do... something bad. And painful. Tej times worse than what you have done today." of course he didn't mean it. Did he?

Either way, he stepped back, looking at Sparky and Raynor. When Nadia asked if he was alright, he gave a reassuring nod. "I'm fine, thank you." Can they go home now?

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

"... Have you encountered a man named Thorton Walters at all?"

Alexander shook his head, and miraculously, didn't sound like a passive aggressive bastard child. Instead, he had a rather neutral tone, the kind you'd be expected to give when talking to a business partner or a co-worker. "I have never met this man in my entire life." He then sat back on a chair, giving everyone glances every now and then. "There was some kind of entity that appeared after the attack outside right after the cultist idiots had left. It was..."

"She had three faces." Raymond butted in, leaning near the door while taking an occasional look at Shane, Oscar, and Sabrina, who were seemed to be on the process of going outside. "She seemed to be a rather powerful one, and was struck by lightning before disappearing. I vaguely remember something about a tree faced magical creature or something from the books in your library, but I'm not really an expert..."

"Didn't the mansion get robbed a few weeks ago?" Alexander said, scratching his head. "Maybe, one or more of the things that you say are hidden in relics in here have been... released? After all, something with three faces means it's either magical or has a very serious case of Janus Syndrome."
So.... That's a yes?
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