Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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3 yrs ago
Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
3 yrs ago
I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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Name: Kairos Ravenclaw Garcia-Powell
Age: 26
Gender: A dude
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 58 kilograms
Ethnicity: Filipino-American
Sexual Orientation: This man is asexual. For now.
Religion: Baptist Protestant
Occupation: Journalist/Activist


Terrakinesis: Kairos has the ability to manipulate rock within light of sight, though his geokinetic hold decreases over distance. He is able to glide along rocky surfaces, making him highly maneuverable, especially underground.

Seismic Sense: Kairos is able to sense vibrations in the ground beneath his feet in a heightened degree, allowing him to sense if there is someone approaching within ten miles.

Background: Born in Manila, Kairos was the only child of a Filipina woman named Andrea Garcia and her American husband, Jeremiah Powell. He lived a rather normal life, though when he grew older, it would be noted that he had very strong political convictions and was a rather active activist. He would receive quite a few death threats, both online and in real life, and eventually, his family emigrated to the States, though Kairos continued his advocacies, no matter what.

It was during a meeting that he was disintegrated during the event; he and his fellow activists were planning a rally to protest when several people in the room turned to dust, including Kairos. He would, however, along with the rest of Returned, come back forty days later, changed by the Event forever...
Corvus Helstrom and Matthias Helstrom

"No bloody way, Corvie." Matthias shook his head profusely at his brother's suggestion to aid the cops in fighting the two murder ladies that had been causing mass murder in the CNN tower. "I'm not letting you go in there..."

Matthias' voice trailed off, as if pausing to collect his thoughts. "I just... I can't lose you. You're my little brother and it's my job to keep you safe."

"Matt..." Corvus put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "All my life you and Leona had been protecting me from the world. I'm sorry but... I'm grown up now. I can take care of myself. But I don't want to do this alone."

"Ugh..." Matthias closed his eyes, considering his options. Corvie was very headstrong and once he made up his mind, it can't be changed. Dejectedly, Matthias sighed and nodded his head. "Okay. The only thing that is worse than doing something stupid is to do it alone, and so, as your big brother, I will come with you. Now, we'll need to ask permission to help, as the SWAT team isn't just going to let us in."

Together, the two of them walked towards the nearest officer, who immediately tried to wave them away from the site. "Hey you two! Stay away from here!"

"Sir, sir, sir! We want to help. I know this is very out of the blue, but-"

"We're the best chance you have " Matthias said to the man, demonstrating his cryokinetic powers by manifesting a black ice spike on his hand before dissipating it back into a dark mist. "Your people don't stand a chance against those two... they'll be massacred in there. Please. Let us help."

"As he said," Corvus showed his pyrokinesis in turn, conjuring a green fireball on his palm. "We're the best chance you have."

Raymond Salazar Vanburen

Shane had gone on the way towards the pizza place, and Raymond thought it better if Shane just went his own way, alone. After all, that half brother of his needed to be alone in order to actually focus on what he was doing; otherwise, he's going to fumble a few things up while trying to do things. In any case, that man was also a cop; well, he used to be one, so he could easily handle himself if anything went wrong in the pizzeria, if there was any chance of that in there, anyway. So, he went with Sabrina and Oscar into the bar, knowing that Shane can handle himself. He's a cop, remember?

Unlike his two siblings, who were dressed as richly as they could, Ray had simpler attire; a habit that he had picked from spending so much of his time wandering the outside and being among all kinds of people while filming his documentaries back in the day, at least before everyone in this family started turning to stone. He had changed after getting himself dried from that tsunami that the cultist boy had summoned, and looked a little more in place in here than Sabs or Oskie (which are the nicknames he had called them since childhood). Grey shirt, black leather jacket, ordinary jeans and a pair of sneakers; nothing too bourgeoise.

And... well, the cleaner lady was a little rude. Of course she was; she isn't obligated to answer any questions from rich people that come to the destitute part of the city. They didn't even buy anything. Not that they would, anyway.

"... I just don't know where I heard that before, it's like it's like it's on the tip of my tongue."

Ray took his turn to speak to the cleaner woman, speaking with a rather marked Hispanic accent. "But you've seen her, no? Pale white girl with dyed red hair and really dark eyeliners? That is kind of hard to miss, yes?"
Corvus Helstrom and Matthias Helstrom

It has been four months since Corvie and Matthias had come back from the dead, reforming from the dust that had been left to gather in the abandoned Helstrom household. Their disappearance had caused great heartbreak for their mother, father, and sister; in their grieving and utter despair in the wake of their terrible loss, what remained of the Helstrom family had moved away to Atlanta, Georgia, where they had made a new life and home for themselves. Their old home was sold to a newly wed couple from Augusta, who expressed their deepest condolences to the Helstroms as the latter left Maine entirely in an effort to keep the pain that they had felt in the day of the brothers' disappearance from resurging again and again. Mariah, Matthias' widow, had returned to Ontario, Canada, believing that her beloved was gone forever and ever from the face of the Earth.

But they returned. Those that had been turned to dust during the Event had all returned, and in their comeback, some had manifested powers that are beyond the ken of human science to ever explain and know. Corvus and Matthias were among those that had returned to the world of the living, and in their return, the younger brother manifested the power of an unearthly form of fire; a blueish green flame that would not burn unless if Corvus willed it so. Matthias was given the power of ice and cold by whatever unknown source these powers had come from. And now, well, they had reunited with their family in Atlanta, bringing great joy and relief as they had been thought to be long dead. Their newfound abilities were no secret to the rest of the Helstroms, either, and it was clear that nothing will ever be the same.

Atlanta, Georgia
The Morning

"Matt." Corvie called out as he mixed his morning coffee on the dining table. It was six am; the other Helstroms were still asleep, tired from the birthday party for Corvie that they had thrown last night. It was a miracle, their mother said. Mariah had even flown in from Canada when she heard that Matthias and Corvus were still alive and... well, let's just say that they can't get back together now that she had found someone else... which was quite sad, really.

Matthias got up from the sofa and walked towards Corvie and his morning coffee, giving him a very snuggly hug from behind before sniffing the aroma wafting from the coffee. "Hi little bro. You're awake so soon?"

"I just woke up." Corvus confided, sipping from the cup while putting a hand a piece of paper that he had been scribbling on for a few minutes now. "It's just that... everything is so different." That last phrase came along with him conjuring a ball of fire on his hand, looking at it very intently. "Your... wife, I mean, ex-wife... you two can't get together any more, and our house got sold..." There was a whimper, and a tear dripped on the table. "It's unfair. We got this powers but the things that really matter are unrecognizable. People look at us as though they see a ghost."

"Oh, dear." Matthias sat on a chair and wrapped his brother around his arms, comforting him. "Everything is really weird ever since we got back, but we'll get through this. Give it time."

Atlanta, Georgia
Somewhere near the CNN Towers

"Oh my God." Corvus looked up at the CNN towers, watching as the events in live television unfolded. He had been walking back from school when the horrid news came in; an Empowered mass murderer had broken into the CNN towers, killing dozens of people in the process. He was right there, in front of the towers. Now... the time for decision has come. Why does he have these powers if he can't do anything useful with them, anyway? All he could do was watch as the police converged in the entrance.

And then, a rather familiar hand took hold of his arm. Corvie looked up to see his brother Matthias, who looked a little worried. "Hey, what are you still doing here?", Matthias asked. "Don't tell me you're gonna go in there!"

"I'm not! The police will block me even if I wanted to, anyway." Corvie sighed rather dejectedly. "We should help... why have powers if we can't use them to help people..."

Name: Matthias Helstrom
Age: 27
Gender: A Man
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 75 kilograms
Ethnicity: Swedish-American
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religion: Lutheran
Occupation: College Professor (formerly)


Anomalous Ice Manipulation: Matthias has the ability to rapidly reduce the kinetic and thermal energy of objects either through physical touch or a 'beam' of cold wind and snow that he projects from his hands, freezing or slowing them down. He also generates a type of ice that is nearly black in color through his cold beams. This ice has anomalous properties, namely having a melting point of 45° C as well as being as hard as rock.

Temperature Resistance: Matthias resists temperature based damage; he is unaffected even by absolute zero, and only suffers burns at 1,500° C.

Background: Matthias was born as the eldest child of Ana and Stephen Helstrom in Belfast, Maine. He would grow up as a model citizen and an eldest sibling that people should look up to. Courteous, caring, and rather intelligent, Matthias would be seen with favour by people in their part of town, though some other kids would be quite jealous and… well, insecure, because of that.

When Leona, and then Corvus, were born, Matthias was always excited to have a new sibling; when they all grew older, he'd be quite protective of them, secretly watching Leona when she had her first date and coming with Corvus when he went off to a party with beer pong, though the latter is probably because he enjoyed teenage shenanigans himself. Matthias would then continue studying in the university, graduating with flying colors and eventually becoming a professor in a college in Belfast. Oh, and he got married too to Mariah Vetrawski.

He had been grading the works of his students when the Event occurred. He had just congratulated everyone for their hard work and promised to get his advisory into a pizza trip when he turned to ash, and thus, was presumed dead. What was worse was that his brother Corvie was dusted as well; Leona was left behind.

When he returned, so did Corvie. The brothers were given an address by Corvie's friends; apparently, the rest of the Helstroms had moved to Georgia. With their house completely devoid of life and furniture, they would go to Georgia, to seek for their family, for they were waiting...



Name: Corvus Helstrom; nicknamed Corvie
Age: 22
Gender: A Man
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 65 kilograms
Ethnicity: Swedish-American
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religion: Lutheran
Occupation: College Student

Anomalous Fire Manipulation: Corvus has the ability to conjure fire from his hands, feet, and mouth. His fire is blueish-green in color, indicating that it has anomalous properties. Notably, Corvie's flames seem to be capable of selective damage; they do not burn things when he does not want them to; as such, even if someone stands on flames that he had conjured, it will not hurt them unless Corvus has ill intent towards them. However, it behaves as normal fire otherwise, and if Corvus does not actively desire for the flames to not destroy, they will burn any combustible objects they touch. He can also either intensify or weaken/douse out fire, whether or not it came from him.

Temperature Resistance: Corvus is resistant to both heat and cold; he resists damage up to the melting point of tungsten (3,422 degrees Celsius), and does not suffer frostbite in temperatures above -100° C.

Background: Corvus Helstrom was born to a rather well off family of Swedish descent in Belfast, Maine. He had two siblings; Matthias and Leona. Corvus was the youngest of the three, and was thus often favoured in many ways; his older brother was quite overprotective, and Leona was… well, she was also like that. Corvus, or as he was usually nicknamed, Corvie, would live a rather normal life, rife with the normal kind of shenanigans that any person his age would have. There was sneaking off to parties, looking for girlfriends, and all that shabang. All things considered, he was pretty much normal, if one did not consider his name; Latin for Raven, to be rather esoteric in this time and age.

When the Event occurred, Corvie had been playing Fortnite with his friends. They were having a sleepover in the Helstrom household, and in the moment of victory, Corvie disintegrated into ash. He was missed dearly…

And then he came back. Oh. My. What a shock it was to everyone... except that his family had moved to Georgia. His friends that had been left behind during the Event, shocked as they were, directed him to an address in Atlanta, Georgia, where the Helstrom family had moved. Little does he know that he is being followed by the Legion en route...
Hello. I'll app for this... if Geokinesis or Magnetokinesis are not taken.

The discord link is not working for me btw, lol.

Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

In preparation for this latest mission, Finbarr had... not really done that much. Other than some bouts of practicing his plasma swordsmanship, he had spent most of the time in between the fight in the Akriem's Razor sleeping or eating or... being the cute one in their merry little group. At this moment, he had the same gear he had back when they had completely annihilated the Erudite Guard, though he would often be spotted writing in his diary. Now...

"Actually, Finbarr has a way around that, although I'm not sure I should be open about revealing the exact details if he hasn't openly indicated he's willing to share. Then again, he might already have told us about it earlier and I could have forgotten. Either way, he has a way around that which can be used for a quick getaway."

"Nah, it's alright mate." Finbarr walked forward to share the way by which he bypasses the range limit of his breach portal. "I can portal to places as long as one of these requirements are met. I'll be able to portal to a place if I can see it within a hundred meters, or if I am already familiar with the place enough in order to visualize it within my mind, which is how I am able to connect two points in time and space through the breaches." Finbarr paused, as if hesitating to share this one last tidbit to everyone in here... though his fellow Star Marines already knew that anyway, and it would be very convenient for Natasha and the rest of the crew if they knew everything he could do. Glancing at everyone, he then continued. "I can portal to a place I don't know if someone I know is in there, and if I sense that they are in danger." He tapped Ashton at the shoulder. "I have metacognition as part of my magical skill set. If any of these blokes find themselves in mortal danger, I will know. And I can get to them even if they are in places I don't know about."

Finbarr shrugged. "I guess love connects us all, after all."
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