Avatar of The Man Emperor


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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

"How is saying that something is attractively unusual a bad thing...", Astrad though to himself as Raynor once again reacted to him, this time on a comment on how good the bean bags were. Ah, yes. Native English speakers and the usage of quaint in a most terrible, horrific wmanner of sarcastic speech. He just didn't get a lot of things nowadays. "Bean bags are quaint, as they are attractively unusual and I don't usually see them. Now, let's just ignore each other until we get down, shall we?"

Astrad , simply reclining upon his personal bean bag and seemingly drifting into a nap, though in truth he was still awake, simply resting from getting shot and stabbed and punched and... what else was it that has happened? No matter, this will all end soon. Oh, and maybe say sorry to the lightning lady. Now that he thinks of it, that wasn't a very smart introduction.

Nathaniel De Costa

Location: The Quinjet

"Shapeshifters... What fun." The Breacher rubbed his still pained head as Andrew gave a rundown of what had happened; essentially, all of the pro-registration team, except for the ones right here, were shapeshifting aliens that could copy not just appearances, but powers and abilities as well. One could only wonder if it the real Tony Stark that advocated for the registration... or if he's already dead and the shapeshifters have been using his likeness in order to gain a list of targets for copying.

Breacher shook his head as Agent 13 just threw the tablets at him. "Jeez, you're real cranky.", Nathaniel downed the aspirin with a glass of water. He knew how to use aspirin, it was just that his head was still on fire and moving around was just not his cup of tea right now. When Kwassi had frantically if anyone knew about an AI called P.H.I.L., Nath had... no clue. He knew someone called Phil, but that was it. He finally got up and walked slowly towards the tech bay, expecting the Wakandan to be tinkering on something yet again. And now, well, Kwassi got zapped on the stomach as the machine blew itself up. "Son of a- hey, Kwassi-" Breacher rushed towards the Wakandan as pain also engulfed the latter. In the middle of a throbbing headache, he set Kwassi down on the floor, being careful as he could. "Someone come here in the tech bay! Kwassi's hurt!"

And so was he, until now.

Finbarr Callaghan | The Spacetime Breacher

"Decoy 2 will consist of Finbarr, Laurey, and Millard. Fin I need you to age yourself up to blend in with us older looking people. And Laurey you will be acting as an engineer to make sure the Realist is intact. So brush up on your knowledge of AI."

"Older me, coming right up..." Finbarr stood some distance away from the others, chanting his Shapeshifting magic in rather accented phrases in Gaelic. It didn't take him long, but the boy was soon covered in a magic purple mist for half a second before appearing as an older version of himself; if one were to make an estimate, he looked at least 30 years of age in that form. Finbarr had grown taller, though he did look a little scrawnier than his shorter form... perhaps because he can't increase his mass, or something. Either way, his pistol was holstered, and the pair of blasma blades were ready to pulled out of his belt should the opportunity or the need for battle presented itself.

"I am going with the Good Doctor and the Lady of Machines.", Finbarr said absentmindedly while pouring himself a drink before the mission. "Ah, no, that's not it, right, we're completely different people now." He then looked down at his fake ID; a certain Leo Mills; melee specialist for the squad led by whoever was the guy that the doctor was supposed to be. Hmmm... this will be fun.

Trajan Salazar | Sharpeye

"Myself, Trajan, and Avelyn will be Decoy 1. Our job, with Decoy 2, will be acting as support to those we find inside as we will be acting as a group who is meant to collect the Realist."

"Gotcha, amigo.", Trajan nodded as Tarak gave them their roles to play in the ensuing battle... mission, whatever. Either way, he had been sober for the last two days, perhaps in part with the fact that he had a very good revelation when he had found Tarak, that little runt turned big man, once again. And now that they were back together, Trajan is going to do his best; better than he ever did when he was still serving under the bloodied banner of the Ascendancy...

"Melchor Dreyfus... supposedly an excellent marksman with a lot of dead aliens in his list... very clever." Trajan stuffed several magazines of ammunition unto his belt, ready to be swapped out with the one on his rifle once it ran dry. His heated chainsword, a terrifying and hellish instrument of death, was kept sheathed behind his back, while he wore a rather monochromatic set of armor, which was hidden beneath a cloak that exuded 'I am an assassin' vibes like nuclear radiation. "Alright. Let's get to it. Can't wait for the celebration afterwards!"
Interest. I like.

Alexander Karamazov Vanburen

"We're going to work in sections. Elder Alexander, you're sections A thru F, Patty G thru L, I'll take M thru S, Alexander T thru X, and whoever gets done first can take care of Y and Z. James organized people by last names first and everything else by first name or title. We don't have a time limit, but let's make some type of headway before everyone else comes back. If there's any questions fill free to ask."

Alex nodded as Georgie pretty much told everyone what to do, even though no one had really put her in charge except for herself. He almost chuckled, but forcehe just forced it in and kept his mouth, lest he offend her or something. "Elder Alexander... haha... funny nickname for me. How sweet of you." He then turned around and began to make way towards the library while taking glances at the literal dozens of sealed Apparitions sequestered within very fragile glass containers. It was really convenient, was it. James Vanburen was the richest man in all of Araminta, and yet he didn't seem to bother with installing a basic security system that every other man of the same caliber of wealth had no doubt placed in their own homes. They were all suffering from their father's lack of foresight, though one could argue that he never did expect magic to return, and with it,any motivation to steal some magical creatures off his house. But still...

He did not like his father. Of that, there is no doubt. Having been abandoned at age 10, he'd watch as his mother descended into madness while he fought tooth and nail in order to attain his present status, only for the curse of stone to force him to come back here.

Now... he would not dare say it, nor did he fully realize it yet, but Alex really did want to mend their relationship. With the power that the Spectre has given to him, he could bring up James from the dead and have a meaningful conversation after so long. The one a while ago did not count at all; that was only for information regarding the curse. Not much did they get there, either way; James was clueless too...

"You know what," Alex called out to his half siblings that were still in the half destroyed dining room. "Just call me Sasha... Elder Alexander just makes me sound too old. I'm just 28."

With that, he went towards the library and began to read on the Apparitions from A through F, wondering if at the end of all this, he'd succeed the present Spectre in its position. Maybe?... Ah... This Babylon the Great thing sounds very wierd... and the Claws... and Akkad...

Eleazar Nikolavich Diaz-Sapohznik

"No problem, friend.", Eleazar winked at Christian as the latter thanked him for being very welcoming to him and the other members of Liberty High that were now streaming into this school like a flood. "Now, I'm sure that the two of you will get along splendidly as you walk the halls of our most humble institution in an endeavour to know everything about this place so that you don't get lost in the first day of class and avoid incurring any unfortunate incidents while staying here, so I will be leaving you to it. Das vhidanya!""

With that done, he then kissed Cael at the cheek, as Eleazar had really missed him during the vacation due to being out of the country, and then looked back at Christian "Don't worry about anything, droog. Cael is gonna take good care of you. Very good care.

The boy then galloped off to the halls, the tail of his coat trailing behind him as he walked quite briskly, at least as much as his injured leg allowed him to. He suffered a severe break during a football match during sophomore year, and had been prohibited from doing anything risky by the doctor ever since. Ah, how he missed those days. But at least he had the tools of self defence from the bullies now.

Pulling out his phone, Eleazar began scrolling through his social media news feeds, rapidly alternating between Twitter and Facebook. He winced in disgust at a certain politician's antics, and then snickered at a cat video before-

bump He hadn't been looking where he was going... and of course... he just bumped unto his sister, Alessia.

Tall and imposing, that was definitely her. Having soft bangs over her forehead and flowing long blonde hair, she was definitely someone that the other boys often dug... but she was an Amazon, and is thus rather intimidating. Alessia was in the wrestling club, of all places. That meant, however, that Elazar didn't have to worry about her. She wasn't that little girl anymore.

"Bozhe moi, Alessia. Yiu left without me... again."

"Huh?", Alessia cocked her head to the side. "It's no big deal... I just had to run because Shirley here needed me."

"Oh, okay.", Eleazar nodded slowly. "Well, I'm just going to... umm..."

"Naw, big bro, if this is about that boy from the other day, it's nothing. Well... not yet."

"Okay then." Eleazar then pointed his fingers at his eyes, and then hers. "I'm watching you."

"I know you are." Alessia winked as she walked off. She appreciated it, after all. Even if she could take care of herself.

Sighing, Eleazar continued on, not sure where he was going anymore. His feet guided him outside, where he would spot a rather familiar person sitting on a bench. The Liberty High students were still arriving in there, and some of the Rosefellians were still having happy reunions. In the middle of it all, sat Jaxtyn Bradley on a bench, reading a book. Of course. Jaxtyn wanted to be the best, and was one of those that kept this school's average GPA at a respectable level.

Walking over, Eleazar would sneak behind Jaxtyn... before wrapping his arms around the other boy's neck in a very sudden but gentle backhug. "Hey Jax, long time no see." Eleazar had missed him, as he was one of the few other Rosefellians that really related to, though he was a lot more relaxed than Jax when it came to... well, everything. Circling around the bench to sit beside Jax, setting his cane on the arm rest before looking right at a probably violated Jaxtyn's face. "Ah, how I missed you, man." Being in a little more cheerful mood, he placed an arm on his shoulders. "Oh my, sorry, I didn't mean to shock or surprise you or anything, I just got... ummm... happy to see you? Yes, that's right." Being a little drowsy, he rested on the bench, though he would lean a bit on Jax, as he was quite comfortable with that. "Time flies so fast, no? In just a year, we'll be off to college... and then these rich kids show up... I wonder why..."
[center][h1]Prison Break[/h2][/center]

Flint was getting irritated more so after the conversation with Nathan. He wondered what could possibly go wrong. That's when he got a text from Kaitlyn about some empowered guy outside with earth powers making a scene. He dialed Kaitlyn and within a few rings received an answer. "Are you being serious right now?"

"Yeah Flint why would I lie, you can tune in live to the execution. They've got hte outside & the inside angle. Frankly I don't want to deal with it, if I remember I did the hard work with Arthur, ya know the seismic guy."

Flint pretended to be increadibly more irritated then he really was, but this was a ploy to switch spots with Kaitlyn. Honestly the inside of this prison wasn't exactly where he wanted to be. "Fine let's switch, you supervise the outer permiter of the guards and I'll go out there and talk to the earth bender-."

"Deal!" Kaitlyn was eager not realizing the bait & switch tactic Flint had utilized, or maybe she did. While she had a hatred of heights, paperwork & riding on helicopters with prisoners that could explode, she loved having leverage & power over others so working inside the prison taunting the convicts suited her. Flint more or less just liked getting the job done and having some apple pie afterwards, there was no gain from taunting people locked up especially when many could be there for minor infractions or really atoning for their mistakes. Within the next ten minutes, the switch was complete. Spotting the guy talking to the news Flint holstered his gun and walked over to him.

"Aye Look man I don't have a problem with yall protesting anything, but you really think this Diana chick is it? You trying to fight for………Empowered rights and you think your gonna do it with her as the leg your standing on? I mean she friggin killed like almost 100 kids! And I'm not buying the damn accident thing either I saw the video online so I know you have, the kids were being little shits sure but her eyes were red hot for 3 minutes before she went all Spartacus. That's enough god damn time for here to have gone outside and lost control shooting lasers into the sky instead of other people. She did it because they thew some damn mashed potatoes at her & called her a slut cause she got passed around by the football team!” Flint paused for a second to let his point sink in before he continued his rant to Kairos.

“Well Guess what I got was a military kid I got made fun of too, but you know the difference I didn't kill my classmates for being dicks! I got over it and grew up. So tell me TOPH, if your really trying to help people with powers why the damn HELL are you out here fighting for a murderer!!!" Flint was steaming he hadn't meant to go off like that, but the guy seemed reasoanble enough even for someone with powers and he was tired of people having sympathy for the devil. In his eyes even the lethal injection was too good for Diana, and i'd be better retribution if they stabbed her to death.

"First of all, murder and manslaughter are two different things." Kairos answered, crossing his arms at Flint. "Secondly, this isn't the only rally I go to and I have furthered my cause in other platforms and incidents. She is not the only leg we are standing on. There are at least a dozen more," he said in reference to the incident of two empowered men saving a police officer in Atlanta from one of their own kind. "But if you think I am going to be spending the next five minutes arguing with you, you're mistaken. I have many more things to do."
"Te hehe." Flint just laughed shaking his head at the man, he hated people like him who always had to be tecnical. They reminded him of sister, empathic to a fault even when the demons were walking in the light just like the Devil. "Two different names yeah but either one they charge you with in the court-house and you end up in the big house." Flint said tossing both his arms towards the prison behind them. Looking at the television monitor showing the execution room he saw the countdown timer till Diana Gray's death was set to 37 minutes. "Oh yeah you gotta lot to buddy out here fighting for the life of a kiddy killer, and you got the wrong guy if you think I'm trying to argue. I just don't see how many fucking decent people are here protesting the EXECUTION of a fucking MONSTER, but oh don't mind me cause you see the monitor in 37 minutes she's going to BURNING..IN..HELL..where she belongs." Flint flashed a smile at him clearly more then happy that Diana Gray would soon be dead.

"Okay." Kairos threw his hands unto the air. "Agree to disagree." To be honest, though, there was the lingering temptation to simply entomb this man in stone, but that would just make everything worse for the rest of them. Kairos bit his tongue and kept quiet as someone came to him and asked him to sign a piece of paper. Hurriedly scribbling his signature, he'd glance every now and then at the screen depicting the would be execution live. It was apparent that there was nothing they could at this point except to express that the death penalty was not the solution, but at the very least, life imprisonment. Nothing can be done...

What happened next was something no one expected; a Hispanic woman materialized into the air in front of the camera and killed the guards and the prisoners, finishing the job. Before anyone realized what was happening, explosions lit the prison and the aforementioned woman came flying, throwing destructive beams of energy that quickly eradicated the law enforcement vehicles present. Not even the media vans were spared.

One of the beams lit up a media van, throwing it sideways as it began to swirl around... only to be met by a wall of rock that Kairos pulled up from the ground. Had he not done so, Flint could have been crushed by it, as well as a bunch of other people.

"Just what we need." Kairos grumbled as the mysterious woman came flying off, leaving a prison guard on the ground after kissing him. "This can't be happening." Kairos looked over towards the prison. Something else was going down in there.

“Yeah that’s what I thought you smug little prick” Flint knew he was testing his luck against the empowered but honestly with all the extra back-up he had out here, he was more then happy to push an Empowered man into a confrontation. He felt they were all dangerous and a hair away from mass murder just like Diana Gray. As the time passed towards the execution he found himself getting a bit antsy, just wanting the whole ordeal to be over and done with.

As it turned out, his anticipation and nervous energy turned out to be a for a good cause as the Empowered hispanic woman’s rampage began on camera, the footage picking up on the destruction she was causing. “NO!!!! What the hell!” Flint turned to rush towards the prison when the flying woman emerged from the prison raining beams of destructive energy.

Flint went to duck only to see a van that had been hit hurtling towards him. “Ah Damn it this is it!” Flint flinched expecting to be killed on impact only to see the super powered protestor who he was harassing earlier summoning a wall of earth that literally spared him from his approaching death that was inches away. “Oh shit! “ Turning to the man to give him a thumbs trying to catch his balance as his heart was racing.

“Agree to disagree!” Flint blurted out as a retort to the comment he’d made earlier when he was feeling all high and mighty. Prisoners began spewing out of the former walls that held them captive, some of them armed with guns opening fire. The remaining law enforcement that had survived was ducking for cover and one yelling on the mega-phone to worry about the guards and forget the prisoners.

“KAITLYN!!!!” Flint yelled out realizing she was in grave danger with the attack from the hispanic woman plus the prison break. Flint watched as a prisoner opened fire towards Kairos, and he leapt to tackle Kairos to the ground knocking the both of them out of the way of gunfire. “Ugh..just returning the favor..didn’t meant to help.” Flint raised his own gun opening fire with two shots hitting the prisoner who’d fired on them. Flint quickly got up and rushed into the crowd of prisoners worry soaring through him about his NEDU partner.

"But returning the favour is still helping..." Kairos replied as he stomped upon the ground, generating a ripple that culminated in several pillars emerging out of the now bloodied floor of the prison grounds, sending several armed prisoners flying several feet, knocking them out. Kairos would not leave any of it to chance, though, and proceeded to bind their hands and feet in rocky cuffs that kept them down to the ground as he glided back towards the now chaotic group of former protestors and advocates. Another group of armed prisoners came out of the building, and aimed at the rapidly discorporeating crowd, only to be met with another stone wall that quickly came crashing towards them. It knocked them all unto the ground, and just like the others, their limbs were quickly detained by the terrakinetic activist whose career may just have been ruined by this new rampaging threat.

Kairos had helped a guard from the floor when he noticed that Flint ran inside the building, probably going after the lady whose name he had screamed out earlier. After a moment of subtle hesitation, Kairos shook his head and pressed into the inside of the building, though he took a less direct approach; using his Terrakinesis, the Empowered man burrowed into the ground, emerging inside the prison in a more or less empty hallway, though there were a few prisoners that were still straggling in there; he had known where to come out as Kairos could feel the vibrations of every footstep. Had this been four months ago, he'd had the worst headache ever, but now, it was like a subterranean sonar for a power.

And of course, he emerged just a few feet away from Flint in there. It was a little awkward at first, though he shook the feeling away quickly enough. "You're seriously gonna do this all by yourself?", he asked as he closed up the tunnel that he just got out of. "And no, I don't take no's as answers."

"Damn it I don't need, ugh fine come on we have to find her! " Flint didn't even want to argue seeing as how they guy had already saved his life, and helped stop the prison break. Inside the prison was chaos, as Adora's destructive beams had destroyed parts of the prison, prisoners were fleeing from every direction just the front. "We have to find my partner her name is Kaitlyn she can hold her on but inside this mess I just don't know." Flint held his gun steady as he started walking quitely through the hallway, his efforts to call her doing nothing.

"Flint, oh what a wonderful surprise." A black man had called out Flint's name, and he turned to see Divante Jones, an Empowered gang member with light projection. "I was ready to escape but I'll have to take care of this first." Divante's eyes glowed yellow as he fired a beam of light into Flint's chest blasting him into a wall. "Now let' heat up." Divante fired a larger beam of light into the ceiling above Flint & Kairos hoping to bring the rubble down on them and crush them alive. "I"m GOING TO SEND YOU TO HELL FLINT!!!!!!"

Without hesitation, Kairos took hold of the rubble that did fall upon the two of them, saving that other man from getting crushed by blunt objects yet again. "You give our kind a bad name." Kairos rolled his eyes at the gang member while spinning the rubble around his hand before throwing it against Divante, covering him in rocks, encasing him in a rocky coffin with the sole exception of his head. "You have been a very naughty boy lately." Kairos knelt down in front of Divante, shaking his head. "Ah, where were we. Your partner, right?" He turned to Flint. "Should you try to give her a ring?"

"You motherfucker! You know who this guy is! He's putting people like me away, you and me were the same! Let me go you fucking traitor!!!!" Divante yelled trying to spit at Kairos, while Flint took out his phone trying to call Kaitlyn again managing to pick up. "Where the fuck are you..where! Stay there I'm coming to get you!!!" Flint yelled out hanging up the phone. "She's on D Wing, second floor, by the corridor it's the control panel for the cells, idiot she's trying to lock the prison back down!" Flint exclaimed knowing Kaitlyn was doing everything in her power to try to help the situation with the prison break even after the mysterious super powered hispanic woman's murderous rampage & springing the prisoners. "YOU HEAR ME BITCH!!! LET ME GO!!! WE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE!!!! WERE BOTH EMPOWERED!!!" Divante screamed out again at Kairos

"Shhh." Kairos fashioned a little band of rock out of the floor tiles, putting it over Divante's loud mouth with a few gestures from his hands. He did, however, lean to his ear and whispered, "Tell me everything later when I come back."

He then got up and looked over at Flint. "Alright then, let's get there. And I'll make sure you don't get crushed by rubble made by people who seem to have a lot of beef with you."

"Yeah well when you're on the right side of the law how many friends you think I have at a prison" Flint snapped back but quickly realized that right now Kairos was the best thing that happened to him. "Uh never mind, I'm sorry this whole day is falling apart, maybe I misjudged you, maybe..probably..I did come on let's go." Flint didn't want to apologize but he was blurting out words with the stakes being so high. Gun in hand he started running down the hallway towards the D Wing and as they approached the could start hearing noise of shouting prisoners who were trying to fight and kill Kaitlyn over control of the D Wing. "Lady you're fucking dead!" One of the prisoners kicked her in the groin knocking her back and snatched her gun from her. As she reached for her knife one of the prisoners bashed her in the back with a brick slamming her into the ground.

"Fucking pricks"! Kaitln yelled out as one of the prisoners grabbed Kailtyn biting her in the neck, while two other prisoners pinned her down. Slamming her head into the ground twice more one of the prisoners pulled her pants down and began violating the beaten women from behind causing her to cry out as she was being ravaged by the vicious heartless criminal. Within five minutes of her being sexually overpowered Flint & Kairos had arrived in the D Wing, seeing 5 other prisoners holding guns argueing about whose turn was nex. Flint screamed in horror seeing what was going on to his partner. "KAITLYN!! IM GOING TO KILL ALL OF YOU!!!!" Flint screamed as the five prisoners raised their weapons to open fire but another prisoner came up from the hallway jumping Flint smashing him against a wall and starting to bash in his back with a baton, while the other prisoners turned to open fire on Kairos to keep them away.

Kairos ducked behind some fallen rubble as the prisoners began to shoot at him, shaking his head. "This is why we can't have nice things," he grumbled whilst sensing the footsteps of the attackers, waiting and listening for the vibrations. It took him a while to formulate a strategy, as he just couldn't risk getting shot by these unruly prisoners. Amidst the pained groans and screams of both Kaitlyn and Flint, Kairos stomped the ground with his foot, causing a rippling wave of that would disrupt the footing of everyone in there except for himself. Once the ones shooting at him found themselves out of balance, Kairos would rapidly slide on the floor. Being rather small in stature, he was a hard to hit target, and struck one of the prisoners with a glove of rock that he had formed from nearby rubble before skidding unto a stop, overturning a whole bunch of flooring to slam some of the prisoners unto the wall before turning his attention at the one that was bashing Flint at the back with a baton. Kairos held up his hand and clenched his fist, causing a small pillar to jut out of the wall with sudden force, sending the assailant reeling before being given a knockout punch by Kairos.

Flint flipped around performing a double kick to the prisoners cheat and snatched the baton before whacking the prisoner in the jaw shattering teeth. Swinging the confiscated baton widky he beat the prisoners jaw in drawing forth large spurts of blood from the target. Kaitlyn cried out trying to regain her stregth to fight back when Kairos made his terrakinetic move tor rescue/free herlm. Flint took out his taser, stunning one of the prisoners taking him down. Restorting to some quick and powerful kicks and two more taser shot the rest of the prisoners int he corridor hall were taken down

Kaitlyn enbraced Flint, as he pulled up her pants. Tears streamed down Kaitlyns bleeding face as he lay her against the wall. "Kaitlyn awh fuck ." Right as he hugged her she snatched his gun and pulled the trigger shooting one of the prisoners that Kairos had knocked down who'd recovered and raised a weapon at them. Kaitlyn had screamed a blood curling sceam and shot the would be gunman assassin 5 times before dropping her gun and visibly shaking

It wouldn't be apparent at first, but when Flint looked back to where Kairos was, there was only a hole in the floor; perhaps he had considered his job here done, or had left to attend to other business...

"You're going to tell me everything, light man." Kairos released Davinte from the rocky coffin that he had encased him in, pulling him out of it rather roughly. He would then bore a hole in the ground, disappearing into a tunnel with Davinte in tow.

"What did you mean earlier?" Kairos demanded, emerging somewhere in the outside on an alley. "What kind of agent was he?"

"Ah naw you wanna talk motherfucker" Divante snarled at the earth man who'd came back to release him & transported him to an alley outside the prison. "He's a fucking extremist, he's trying to lock us all up. This lil group he works with off the grid motherfuckers, real blacks op shit," Divante spit out then caught himself a little hesitant. "How do I know...naw your way too friendly besides you sprung me from the joint. You wanan know why I'm there locked up jail running fucking weed, no court, no trial nothing!!! Oh yea I blasted some Crips into smithereens but someone on his payroll don't give a fuck bout me offing my competition especially in the drug game, people on his rank don't give a fuck about drugs at all I ain't touch no civilians I know the rules." Divante's eyes flared up withl ight before simmering out. "Crazy part is sometimes I think even that guy's getting stringed along, before I killed those guys...it's..."

Divante paused and hesitated he didn't know if he wanted to give out any further information after all he was out, he was free. "Fuck it it's like my brain switched off, everything went black and I woke up to four dead bodies torn apart by the shit you seen me do, next thing I know I was getting cuffed. I ain't no innoncent guy but I've only killed twice in my life before that both times in self defense. I ain't have no reason to kill these dudes it's like someone did something to me, to my powers..and next thing I know people were dead..and I was getting hauled off. There was this weird smell of chemicals in the air right before it all happened to. But fuck it you probably don't believe me, but you stay around that motherfucker Flint long enough you'll find out. If you want the shit I don't even wanna say, well I ain't no fan of the law, but a agent like Flint...whatever's going on he thinks he's doing the right thing, something else's going on I mean whatever happened to me I read that cocksucker I don't think he did it, someone's playing us the both of us people with powers, agents like him, maybe the whole damn world, orchestrating their own little war so the whole planet falls apart for whatever reason. But that's all I know since you gave me a get out of jail freecard fuck revenge on Flint, you can go fuck him in the ass for all I care, I ain't seen my daughter in 3 months." Divante glared at Kairos then turned to walk away. "You need anything else? Or we done here?"

"Mmmmm, yes." Kairos replied, sitting on a rock that he had pulled out of the ground. "We're done. Take care out there."

As Divante walked away, Kairos pulled up his phone and began scrolling his contacts. It took him a while, but he paused as his finger hovered over a colleague's name...
Kairos Ravenclaw Garcia-Powell

"No matter what they all say, Diana Gray is not a malicious murderer. She is also a victim here, a victim of a world unprepared for the arrival of her kind; my kind."

Kairos Ravenclaw demonstrated his geokinetic powers to a reporter that had picked him for an interview, in broadlight no less. "We Empowered are not freaks or devils. We are your friends, family, classmates, co-workers. We disappeared from the face of the Earth for forty days and returned with powers of supernatural prowess. But those of us that have returned from beyond the grave of an ashen death are no different to the ones that you have known and loved."

A pause. "Diana Gray is not innocent, of that there is no doubt. However, if one looks at the facts rather than succumbing to the virulent pestilence of rabid emotion and bandwagoning, it is easy to see that it was an accident; a product of persecution in the school. If there was a safe space for people like her, a school for the peculiar, maybe a tragedy like this won't happen again."

Of course the people won't listen. Kairos just sighed as the reporter went back to the news anchor in the other side. People will always find reasons to hate those that are different.

And now, well, he wished that there was a school by Empowered, for the Empowered.
Astrad Lungren

Location: Asgard

Astrad just rolled his eyes as Raynor reacted quite aggressively to his answer that orders were given. Why, he disobeyed a direct order from Sitwell of all people! It would be better if these people just stopped screaming at him and forgot that he ever existed. After he, he has always been a shadow, forgettable and rightly so. "Pffftt... I won't even bother answering any more of your queries, as anyone with more than an elementary knowledge of our history would know the difference between myself and the things you just compared me to. We should go back to Earth and see each other never again." The Swede crossed his arms as he walked towards the ship that the Asgardians had prepared for them.

"Bean bags. How quaint." Astrad simply commented as he sat upon one of the seats, expecting no one to sit beside him. And to be honest, he just wanted to go back and be alone again, just like always.

Nathaniel De Costa

Location: The Quinjet

"Ow..." Nathaniel slowly got up from the floor of the Quinjet, with the unconscious bodies of the Alchemist and the others all around him. He would come face to face with the Winter Soldier, whom he gave a nod to. It won't be long, however, before he noticed that members of Team Iron Man were also there, though no one was cuffed. The fact that the Winter Soldier, Agent 13, and Falcon were up and running proved that their conflict earlier had not endured unto this hour.

His head hurt like hell, probably because he had been knocked no less than twice out of terrible luck, and Nathan could barely focus at the moment. "So I'm guessing you all became friends and chums while I was out?" He then coughed, and asked Agent 13 for aspirin for the headache.

He did take pause, however, when made out the president's face in the gathered group in the section further up. "Mr. President...?", he said, rather slurredly as he was still having that headache. "Can someone give me a recap before I panic and tear the fabric of space and time...? Si?"
Laura Kohn and the Helstroms

Beep...Beep...Beep..Beep. Vision...coming back...energy restored. I...I'm alive..I'm still here These thoughts echoed through Laura's mind as her eyes fully opened. Everything began rushing back to her as she tried to lean forward rising in her hospital bed only to be confornted by a sharp pain. Taking in the scenery she realized she had a breathing mask and a light blue hospital gown on. Feeling capable of processing oxygen on her own she removed the mask and scratched at her arm near the saline tube. "I made it...I fucking made it." Instantly Laura recalled the citizens she'd arrested during her rage quit on the way to the hospital when she was driving drunk. By now she felt most of the effects of the alcohol she'd consumed early this morning had worn off, probably unable to feel the effects because of the pain medication the hospital no longer filled her up with. "Martinez is gone...there all gone..." Instantly the reality of her situation hit her like a brick thinking back at all the officers and media workers who'd died today yet she'd survived

"Oh, you're awake." A man's voice spoke out on Laura's bedside. He seemed to have a New England accent, though there was a little bit of Swedish in it. It was quickly followed by a grunt as he stood up from the chair he was sitting on.

"The name is Matthias Helstrom. You were trying to apprehend a dangerous Empowered woman when she... um..."

A pause. "That lady has powers of illusion. She... tricked the entire SWAT team and most of the officers you were with into killing each other. You are the sole survivor... my brother and I managed to get you out in time before that other woman killed you."

"Yes that I am, you're observant aren't you Iceman." Laura retorted her sarcasm a prominent sign that she was indeed making a full recovery from the brutal beaten she'd taken at the hands of Erica, Alena & Adora. Unfortunately an enhanced healing factor wasn't in her skill category or any power for that matter so the officer was still in quit a bad shape. "Matthias Helstrom, that name is giving me strong European vibes? Where are you from, oh and thanks for saving my life....by the way." Laura said the last part in a hushed tone. She was a prideful woman and she was coming to terms with the fact of the matter that these Empowered individuals were leagues above her in that matter with what they could do. "Powers of illusion..huh well when I get my hands on her she's going to face the reality of my glock." Those were words followed by a defiant angry snort.

"My mother and father were from Sweden." Matthias replied, playing with a little prism of ice that floated over his hand. "But my brother and I were born in Belfast, Maine. And... yeah... no problem. We were just doing our part as citizens of this country. Why else should we have these powers but to use them to help others, right?"

Of course, that was Corvie's idea, but that didn't matter at all right now. At this moment, all that mattered was that the person that they had managed to save from that hellish carnage had a wonderful recovery.

"Oh you're the kind of immigrants that our beloved President Trump dosen't hate." Laura teased as she settled back into her hospital bed proppin g her pillows up behind her so she could get comfortable. A little uncomfortable at first but mainly curious she eyed the manifestation of his abilities he was putting on display in-front of her. "Well...I owe you the truth I...don't really like the Empowered not one bit. As an officer well on my job I tend to see the worst in people, the depravity in society and a whole host of activities the seedier elements in this city does for money & pleasure but." The sole surviving cop paused to nibble on her lip as she interrupted their conversation. "You've changed my mind about all that, I mean I don't think the world is any safer with your kind running around being the real X Men but it's good to know there's people out there with these abilities doing the right thing, and I can't complain about the added bonus that my hero is so handsome."

Blurting out the last comment surpised even her considering how sad she was at about the divorce papers Bruce had filed. Knowing she wasn't the one in that video absolved her of any guilt from flirting with her rescuer. Beyond the fact that she was struggling with her marriage being effectively tarnished, a girl had needs at least this one did.

"Um." Matthias has taken a little aback by that last comment. "I'm... flattered, I guess? Haha. It's a good thing my brother isn't here to listen to that."

Matthias chuckled a little bit as the ice prism continued to dance around his hand. "He'd tease me to no end right up to bedtime. Our sister is even worse." He then paused, collecting his next response as he took in all of Laura's words. She apparently didn't like people with abilities, at least until she got saved by one. That was just grand. "Well... I think you should rest up until you're completely well. Is there anything else...?"
"You guuesss? Geez I like my food to have some spice with it Matty boy, you know a strong reply a lady dosen't want to feel like she's coming off too strong." Oh god I'm getting a little carried away...way too much time drinking Vodka & watching the Wire by myself these past few days. She found herself a little hot & bothered with her commentary, but she couldn't get the images out her head. Although today had been nothing short of a literal nightmare, she found herself getting a little moist at the thought of her own personal hero facing off against that monstrosity of a human if you could even call her that carrying her in his arms and getting her to safety against all odds to live another day.

"I get it though family can be the worst sometimes, can't live with em but it'd be just horrible to have to live without em. "Yes...well..maybe but that's up to you and no honey I'm not talking about us a couple compliments dosen't mean I'm about to just let you take me to your place and have your way with me..you'll have to work for that and nothing's promised except death and taxes. But...how would you like a job not that you look like your drowning in debt, it's more because the force could..well let me be frank needs someone like you with what were facing." Laura decided to be frank & get to the point, more importantly then the fire starting to burn in her loins. The world was a whole different place in the aftermath of this insanity that granted people powers, and to police the one's who were abusing them they'd need to even the playing field.

"That's..." Matthias hesitated for a moment, unsure if he'd take up the offer to join the police as an asset. He'd never used guns before; Matthias was a college professor for chemistry subjects, and has never been a fighter in his entire life... well, at least until a few hours ago. Besides, he could use a job now that the paperwork for being dead was such an atrocious affair to deal with. "Alright... I accept. And no... my family is the best. They're just very wierd. I... um. I understand the predicament that the police are in. You lost a lot of good men and women back in there... if me being an asset of the APD will prevent such tragedies from happening again, I will gladly... do so."

A pause. "One more thing. My brother... well, we make a good team. Could he come with, whenever time permits?"

"Most definitely, I mean your the only one of the Helstrom brothers I'd ever want to get a taste of age difference and all but when it comes to dealing with taking the city back from all these reject super-villains who won the superpower lottery we really need ALL the help we can get," Laura was more then happy to have both of the brothers together to help with everything the were facing. This was going to be a little bit more then a difficult conversation with the captain, but since they were quite literally the only reason she was still among the living she'd be as convincing as she needed to be. "I'm glad your taking me up on that offer, it sounds like you boys got a job." She smirked her head formulating a recovery plan & strategy to effectively help the city of Atlanta combat its dangerous superhuman elements.

"We do need the extra cash... and the purpose." Matthias flashed a smile as he leaned on the seat and put his hands on the back of his head. "And Corvus is better off being where we can watch him. He's a little... unpredictable."
Ah, how nice this was. They got jobs, and it seems this lady was... digging him? Seems like it-

"Hey is the cop lady up?" Corvus poked his head through the gap between the blinders. "Oh, she is."

"Hey, Corvie." Matthias stood and held on his brother's shoulders. "I got a job. And so do you."

"Yes!" Corvus giggled at the prospect. "When do we beg-"

"But, but," Matthias held up his hand. "You have to maintain your scores, okay? You're graduating college soon. Can't afford to have you fluke out."

"Okay, then, big bro." He would then give Matthias a hug, which was immediately returned. "We'll be heroes. The saviours of the city!"

"I guess so..."

Death and Destruction

So these are the bitches who doing all the killing they don't look so tough, I hope these whores are dumb enough to put their hands up I'm spraying their body with bullets fuck an arrest I'm sending them to hell. Laura was fuming with rage about the loss of life of both her friend among the other members of CNN that Erica killed & the officers she'd witnessed Alena kill with her own eyes. Erica gritted her teeth and stumbled back slightly as the four shots whizzed past her. The pressure from the bullets whizzing past her so close to her face caused a intense painful ringing in her ears as she turned to see her new accomplice had also managed to avoid being hit by Martinez warning shots. "Hmm looks like we have company Magpie." Erica stated back to Alena as if to say was the ball was in your hands on what the initial response should be to this police confrontation, most likely just the first wave.

"The female cop survived. That is interesting. Bullets do go fast. But not as fast as lightning." Alena said as she immediately went to cover to avoid any more shots. She would also smirk and laugh as she manifested lightning on her palms and focused her mind to shift it into a lightning gun as she would also use her electrical powers to tap in their radios and would speak through them as she taunted them without remorse.

"Have you ever heard of The Three Piggies story. Well in your case, more than three piggies but... sorry t-" Alena as she pause for a moment when she heard Erica speak and she smirked lightly, as if silently saying they would get out of this alive. "As I was saying, I'm sorry to say, that you are the little piggies me and Erica are hunting, so you best put your weapons down before we end your miserable lives!"

"Oh yeah and I plan on fucking you up." Laura declared her gun trained on them, she wasn't in the move to protest any further. Trading glances with Martinez and some of the other officers who all seemed to have the same train of thought. They needed to do whatever in their power to wipe out these monsters who were detrimental to society. "What the fuck!" Laura blared out seeing as though the elctric generating empowered had somehow hacked into their radio's taking over their transmission victiming them with vicious taunts while also disrupting their communication with each other.

"OPEN FIRE!" Martinez had enough as the women had used her powers over electricity to form what could only be described as a gattling gun made of lightning. Erica tapped into her own power not wanting to end up with her body or that of her new friend riddled with bullets. Using her dominion over senses she caused the scenery of the hallway they were in to shift. The hallway was engulfed in darkness, and from nowhere demonic beasts emerged from the very walls of the corridor growling manifesting noises that sounded as though they were from the depths of Hell itself.

Also targeting their sense of touch, focusing intensely on the use of her powers to go after so many targets at once she caused them to imagine a powerful burning sensation in their hands attributed to their weapons. While at the same time using her power to send forth the hounds, but to add icing on the cake she replaced some of the very officers sent to silence them with the beasts of her illusion in effect turning the officers against each other.

The scene unraveling was one straight out of a horror movie as half of the officers dropped their guns to free their hands of their burning life enders, while the other half were running for their lives from the demonic beasts which in reality where their very own comrades. Three officers struck with fear jumped out the window effectively commiting suicide as they were several floors up, while some officers were shooting at their own fellow officers. This is delightful but it is quite draining..I need to ensure my new ally isn't effected by my power so she can help me get out of here With her survival instinct motivating her she focused her power on Alena to allow her to see through the illusion only leaving her able to view a small glimmer of the horrifying distorted reality she'd ensnared the officers in.

Just enough that she could both get a hint of Erica's actual power to visualize a sense of what the officers were going through but not enough that she was under her spell for lack of a better word leaving her mostly unaffected allowing her to see the facade of the officers turning against each other thinking they'd been turned to gruesome monsters but leaving her removed from the other distortions to reality such as the "darkness" that had consumed the hallway.

Drawing her own weapon she squeezed the trigger emptying two rounds into an officer near Martinez who had just run into a wall from another officer, firing again into the officer that had been chasing him. Martinez screamed in horror running back from the demonic beast he perceived shooting multiple rounds into the beast letting out a gasp as the "beast" hit the ground unknowing that it was his comrade. While Laura herself kicked one of the beasts hard as possible, another tackled her causing her to bash the beast with the head of her gun. However the force of being slammed into the wall seemed to disrupt her vision of the illusionary nightmare Erica had placed her in causing her to recognize Erica, Alena, & Martinez clearly. "What the fuck....is this...oh no" Quickly springing into action the officer rushed to Martinez who had drawn his weapon but was unable to pull the trigger before she smacked him in the forehead with the butt of her pistol seemingly breaking him free as well. "WHAT LAURA WHAT?"

"It's some kind of trick, there doing this we're killing each other we have to stop them now! " Laura yelled out Martinez's eyes widened in shock seeing blood splattered on him from one of his own fellow officers, and immediately charged Erica and Alena opening fire, while Laura rolled across the hallway then lept up to jump kick another officer hoping to knock him out of the false reality Erica had drawn them in. However before her kick could connect with the cop a blast of electricity struck her causing her to scream in pain as she was sent reeling and crashing through one of the windows in the CNN office dropping her gun as she was sent spiraling through the window into another room in the CNN office.

At the meantime...

"Alright, you two can help." The SWAT officer handed the two brothers a pair of Kevlar vests, which seemed to be second hand. "We're counting on you."

"We'll make sure to help avenge your friends." Corvus Helstrom gave the man a nod. "And to capture these two bitches."

"Let's go in."

The SWAT team then surged into the building with the Helstroms following closely behind. With the sounds of gunfire and shouting, it wouldn't be hard to find their objective in there, and when they did, those killer ladies are in for a nasty surprise...

"Well that's a rush. That's a power that screw with minds. I like that that power, Erica. " Alena smirked lightly before looking towards Laura as she shouted out. This was good way to start the day and it was fun away to get thrills. She would hear Martinez yelling and she'd roll her eyes as she backed away from the choke-point. She would zip towards Laura and stayed behind her during the time that the illusions were active.

"I've got a plan, Erica. I'm going to try and reach a gun. In my lightning form, so I'll be right back." Alena's form would go static as it would spark up with lightning and she'd smirk as she would wave towards Erica would use her electricity powers to attempt to pull several guns towards her and Erica as she would look towards the cops. Alena would then see Laura getting blasted into another room and she'd frown lightly as she would electroport into the room, making sure to barricade the room with lightning.

"You're hurt. I'm gonna lower the voltage of my powers so I can heal your injuries. Don't worry, I'm an electrical expert. But I'm gonna need to empty your magazine. I don't want shot. Can you trust me, Cop?"

Just as Alena had come over to Laura and promised to heal her with electricity, the SWAT team began to storm in, but they would make way for the two new empowered people that had pledged to help them beat the hell out of the duo of ladies of death. Corvus stepped forward first, conjuring eldritch flames on his hands, his eyes shifting towards a fiery green color as he focused his attention on Erica. His flames then shot forward in a torrential stream, going full force against the woman of illusions. Only two people could ever get hurt by those flames; Alena and Erica.

At the same time, Matthias Helstrom unleashed a pair of freezing beams, shooting them at the wall right behind Alena as a warning shot. "Hey, you." Matthias growled as he conjured ice gauntlets on his hands, complete with three sharp frosty claws that smoked with black mist. "Surrender or I will drop kick you."

A cough. "And worse."

Laura groaned in pain crawling trying to force herself to get up after being blasted through a window, seeing cops going at it. Damn it thees things are dangerous, we have to stop them She reached over to grab her side to prevent any more blood spill, and tried to reach for her gun with her other hand determined to fight to the bloody end. Finally grabbing her gun as the women who'd struck her down had managed to appear in the room erecting a barrier of electricity around the entrance seperating he from the others. "Damn it." She blurted out the shock of Alena's quick entrance causing her to accidentally drop her weapon not intending to follow her instructions. "Your the one who hurt me bitch! I don't trust a word your saying" She attempted to lunge forward for her weapon but succumbed to her injuries falling back.

The smell of thick smoke permeated the air and the door Erica was near caught a-blaze, the fire she'd started in the studio room now spreading to the hallway. As her accomplice sprunge into action using her electrical powers to drag the cop's weapons out of their hands she took that as her chance to make her move rolling across the hallway and quickly planting herself against another door a few feet down the hallway away from the fire starting to spread through the hallway. That was quick, we need to get the fuck out of here before this whole place catches on fire Her concerns about the fire she'd started herself were quickly overtaken by a man generating his own fire appearing to be on the authorities' side.

Cursing at the two Empowered men wielding fire & ice who appeard to be on the law enforcement side. "You pathetic bastards, how dare you align yourself with these weaklings! You should be with us, your own people!!" She screamed angered to see people with powers aiding regular humans. With a yelp she rolled backwards into the room just narrowly avoiding the brunt of the stream of fire. Unfortunately she hadn't burst into the room unscatched as her arm had been burned by the green flames. Wincing from the pain but still clutching her weapon firmly she unleashed her powers on the SWAT's team's super powered assistance. Oh that's it bastard..you wanna fight someone with powers Unleashing her power on the boys she twisted their five senses causing a shift in reality causing Corvie to see Matthias as Erica attacking with pure energy and Matthias to see Corvie as Alena attacking with electricity, Inn the eyes of the SWAT team soldiers the saw a massive lightning bolt strike down both of the boys, and quickly used her powers to make the SWAT team see each other as the girls charging them with their powers causing them to began opening fire on each other.

"You're nothing like me and my brother, crazy bitch." Corvus prepared to unleash a firestorm into the hallway in a bid to incinerate Erica, but... something happened. It all happened very quickly, but Erica's power swept over the Helstroms like a tidal wave, infecting their senses. They had been played, and the illusion had done its work. "Hoho, lady, you have approached me?" Matthias spoke with venom as he readied to attack who seemed to be Alena, though he did not know her name.

"I can't beat the shit out of you if I don't come close to you." Corvus would then douse out the flames that were all around the room, as he hadn't forgotten that they were not supposed to destroy the place. "I will strike you down."

"Be my guest!" Matthias then unleashed a pair of freezing beams, which would then be countered by what looked like to be a wall of electricity. He would see 'Alena' throw lightning at him... which he quickly blocked with a floating ice shield. He would then send that shield at high speed; too fast to be blocked or melted in time with fi- lightning. It slammed hard, sending 'Alena' towards the wall and hitting her head.

"That hurts..." Corvie grumbled as he got up, though his head was still spinning a little. Though he did get up fast enough to see the true identity of 'Erica'; Matthias.

"Matt! Stop, it's me, Corvie!" He held out his hand in an attempt to stop him, but Matthias was coming in hot with his clawed ice gauntlet, and Corvus was forced to get out of the way, using his fire to propel himself away.

"That woman is a damn illusionist." Corvus then looked around and saw the SWAT team shooting at each other; their blood ran on the floor as rivers of red, their dead bodies replete with gunshot wounds.

Corvus conjured a pillar of flame; one that would melt his brother's ice while leaving unscathed. The green flames swirled through the narrow corridor, melting the black ice into water. He then charged through the flames, regrettably punching Matthias rather hard at the face.

"That woman was playing tricks on our minds." Corvus said to his brother as the latter finally got to his senses.

Matthias looked at his brother in shock. "Oh my God. I almost stabbed you to death."

"We're even." The SWAT team had already killed each other; what was left of the cops were Martinez and Kohn, and maybe some others.

"Don't bother reaching for your gun." Alena would use her powers to draw the gun towards her as she grasped it lightly with her hand and would fire it towards the outside window as she looked down towards Laura, emptying the magazine at the outside window. She would then throw the gun out of the window as her hands sparked up in lightning as she crouched down and placed her hand against Laura's injuries as she would smile lightly before sending shocks through Laura's body, gently as she attempted to heal the police officer of her injuries.

"Me and Erica will be going now, but you'll be coming with us. Put your handcuffs on or I'll put them- too slow. Also prepare yourself." She would grab Laura's handcuffs and attempted to cuff Laura's wrists and would pull her up to her feet and would electroport to where Erica was.

"Don't shoot, we have one of yours and we will not hesitate to kill her if we even see you trying to play the hero! Erica, we ready to go?"

Laura cried out in pain as the nut case had unleashed more electricity causing her to scream in pain as the psychopath was talking about healing her only causing her more pain. This bitch fuck aaah..no it's over The pain was intense from the electricity searing into her already open wounds causing her to cry out Martinez who was free from the illusion witnessed the brutality being unleashed on his partner firing a shot at Alena who was focused on her twisted illogical attempt to "heal" Laura.

With all her intent & focus being poured into her sadistic attempt at "healing" his partner the bullet pierced her shoulder causing the electric manipulator to stumble forward stopping her continous stream of elemental torture on Laura. Laura was in even worse shape then before more blood oozing from her body but the shot that rang from Martinez's gun had saved her from what she was expecting to be her tombstone.

During the the boys battle against each other the flame manipulator of the two had used his powers to put out all the raging fire in the room luckily putting out the one she'd started as well. Considering her position was locked he'd inadvertently saved her from the very fate he'd sought to engulf her in initially. "LAURA!!!!!" Martinez had screamed out again rushing over to his partner as the electric girl grabbed her shoulder to stop the blood from gashing out furious calling out to Erica as electricity began surging through her whole body.

"Martinez...no,...watch out." Laura struggling to speak gasping from her breath after the second round of torture she'd been forced through struggling to maintain her vision as shots rang out from her SWAT team comrades who were laying each other out. Before Alena could surge with any more electricity it was as if an invisible force slammed Alena into the wall on the side of her gun-shot wound causing her to scream out. "Well well well."

Another voice was heard from an unfamiliar party. "It seems I was almost late to the party, pardon me the media these days has a way of lying & exaggerating about most things so it's not often you see truth in television." From the midst of visibility an arabian woman materialized. Sporting robin jeans, a white loose fitting shirt and long black hair. The woman materialized in-front of Alena appearing to be the culprit behind the invisible force. Lunging forward she placed her hands around Alena's neck and suddenly the electric manipulator screamed in pure agony as some sort of tranference of energy seemed to take place between the two. Martinez grabbed Laura and bolted back through the door to get away from the women surging with energy.

Within moments the surging of energies stopped and Alena lay against the wall struggling to breath while the woman who had held her neck against the wall appeeared rejuvinated and smiling. "Oh now that was delicious, quite the wonderful meal for Adora now weren't you." Alena cried out weakly as Adora giggled, the next parlor trick she performed seemed tobe a trick straight out of Alena's book. "Let's try this out." With another playful laugh with sinister undertones electricity riveted from Adora's body and surged through Alena's causing her to scream out seemingly pulling forth energy from the depths of her soul ."Oh thiis wondefrully fun let's up the ante shall we." Adora laughed wickedly as she drastically raised the voltage unleashing a torrent of electricity that seemingly left the girl sshe was holding against hte walll a burnt crisp oozing with blood. Releasing the force on the lifeless body watching it drop she turned to face Martinez and Laura who had ran out the room.

"Oh where are you going she was fun but I'd love to test this on some more lively subjects. but oh what the hell can't forget the classics." Martinez didn't appear to want to listen to this woman rumble on pulling the trigger firing his last three rounds at the woman. Nearly shaking with fear as the bullets stopped in mid air infront of Adora who rolled her eyes and without moving caused the bullets to fly out the window into the streets below towards whatever unlucky bastards were securing the permiter. "Now that wasn't nice you've earned yourself a bloody demise" Martinez was lifted into the air by the same force that had moved Alena's body moments ago and shot towards Adora while at the same time rapidly diminshing in size until he was the size of a small insect. ."Goodbye little man." The force released him dropping him on the ground and Adora slammed her foot down on the miniaturized man brutally crushing him alive under the pressure of her foot. "Awhhhhh." Adora exlaimed feeling another life ending beneath her foot, then turned to Laura waving her hand causing the cop to flip around and slam into the wall causing her to cry out as the force of hitting the wall caused her more pain as the wounds she received from Alena were still open and fresh.

"What...are you..." Laura spoke out in pain as Adora laughed. "I'm your worst nightmares in the sexiest form imaginable, now back to that test..." Sparks of electricity danced at the tips of Adora's fingers as she stepped towards Laura sending forth a small bolt of electricity that struck Laura's open wounds causing the blood to bubble and boil causing her to scream as Adora stepped out into the hallway more electricity surging through her hands. High on power and drunk on murder she hadn't even noticed the boys as she approached Laura licking her lips eager for another kill like a savage lion circling it's prey. Two SWAT members that seemed to have broken free from Erica's grasp pulled their weapons screaming at Adora rushing to her from both sides. "Hush boys I want to play with her not you." As they went to fire Adora reduced them both to insect size dragging the mini soldiers infront of her as she marched over to Laura. The SWAT team members screamed out as Adora's foot came down stomping on both of them brutally crushing them alive as she had done Officer Martinez moments before. Tears streamed down Laura's face as she was beaten and bloody with no strength to defend herself from this new superhuman monster who'd waltzed into the CNN office slaughtering three of her co-workers without a care in the world. "Go..t..t...to hell." Laura managed to utter as Adora grinded her foot down making sure the two agents she stepped on were dead smeared into blood and guts on the carpet as more electricity bubbled in Adora's hand as she raised it to Laura." Perhaps but not today, that ride is for you officer." She slowly rised her hand getting ready to unleash a powerful torrent onto the cop to end her life as she'd done the previous four victims.

Just as it seemed that Laura's life was about to end right then and there, a massive block of dark ice came hurtling towards Adora, slamming into her body and sending her flying towards the nearest wall. Laura would see a rather tall man with pretty messy black hair and a scruffy beard run towards her, followed by a much shorter mam that honestly looked six years years than he really was.

With his brother going to help Laura off the ground, Corvus unleashed tongues of searing eldritch flames towards Adora, intending to keep her distracted long enough for Matthias to get Laura out of here.

"Officer," Matthias started as he applied a cold compress on Laura's most visible wounds with his cryokinetic powers. "Can you stand?.." Another quick look, and he gave out a sigh. "Guess not." He would lift her off the floor before erecting a wall of ice that covered pretty much the whole width of the hallway, calling off his pyrokinetic brother from the attack. "Corvie, let's go!"


"G O!"

The two would then get out of the hallway, Laura in tow as they stepped aside the dead corpses of everyone else that had tried to stop the terrorists in here... this mission was a failure...

Laura braced herself for what she assumed would be some tremendous pain and the true end of her life from this monstrosity of a woman. She's a monster... Those thoughts flowed through Laura's mind as she was truly shaking with fear. "Buh bye now." Adora spoke softly as she was about to kneel down wanting to be up close and personal for this shocking send off she was going to give Laura to the after life.

Before she could remove Laura from the land of the living she was caught off guard by an unexpected attack. Screaming out in pain as a massive block of ice catapulted her body into a wall. An audible thud was heard as the power thief's world was rocked by the cryokinetic attack. Coughing out blood as she was smashed into the cement and screeching as she accidentally bit her own tongue with force drawing even more blood, "FUCK!!!!" Swearing to eviscerate some of the pain brought to her by the sudden smashing attack.

As the torrent of flames rushed towards her Adora let out a literal scream fighting back the torso of fire with a sonic scream of ear shattering proportions. Windows across the floor shattered into pieces causing glass to rain down on those below. Even the concussive blast of sound protruding from her lungs wasn't enough to stave off the weird flames Corus had sent her. Not wanting to be burnt to a crisp and her body aching from both the block smacking her and it's brutal delivery of her into the wall, she used her teleknetic power to mentally whiplash herself across teh hallway. Being in pain she wasn't able to delicately land herself and cursed as she she'd thrown herself across the hallway once again plopping against a wall to avoid being seared by Corvus's power.

Groaning in agony she forced herself. up now furious that her last victim had gotten away. "AAAHH!!!!!!!!" Adora screamed her lungs out unleashing a sonic scream to shatter the wall of ice. Meanwhile Laura rested her body weight on Matthius's body the frozen press helping to take pressure of her painful wounds. To think before she'd gotten there all she wanted to see was an empowered human beaten or bleeding near death and now she was being rescued by one. "T...thank you.." She managed to get out trying to save her strength. She was fighting to keep her eyes opened as they carried her down the stairs when she winced in pain as a powerful screeching noise assaulted her ears to the point some blood started to seep out. "Ughh ahhh!!! Make it stop!!!"

Laura was holding on to Matthias taught, resting her head on his chest. For a man who wielded such fine tune control over the power of ice putting her weight on him she couldn't tell. All that was running through her mind was all the anger that was surging through her on the way to the CNN center.

"Going so soon" Adora's voice boomed down the stairway using her powers of sound to project her voice like an evil ventriloquist. Adora hovered into the stairway some drops of blood dripping and falling from the wound Matthias had caused her moments ago by literally hitting her with a brick. "Wait fooooor me." She called out before descending down the stairway flying until catching up with them using her teleknetic power to toss the three down the stairs with unseeable force. Laura cried out as she lost her grip on frozen savior free-falling before hitting a wall her head spinning. Just a regular human she was fighting not to slip into a state of vertigo from the latest pain she'd been put through.

"It's not nice to hit it and quit honey, now then we have unfinished business don't we?" Adora smirked winking at Laura. "Don't worry I'l save the feds for last, all you had to do was ask if you wanted to invite some handsome men to the party. Fire boy why don't you let the adults have some private time." Arcs of electricity began running through her body as she focused her power on Matthias aiming to miniaturize his size while also sending forth a trickle of electricity that would seem to be a massive wave of lightning at his new height. "Don't runnnnnn" The serial killer coo'd as stream of electricity surged from her hand.

"GO TO HELL!!!! FIX HIM NOW!!!!!!!!" Adora turned her head to the direction Laura's voice came from only to cry out in intensive pain as a spray of high powered water smashed into her. Laura had broken out a nearby exstinguier and let loose on Adora. The high pressured hydro assault causing her to experience a full body assault of pain due to the electrical arcs swirling around her figure. "NOW!!!!!!" Laura screamed her finger squeezed on the trigger, using all the strength she could muster to stand her ground. Adora's very hair seemed to frizzle and burn from the chemical water attack, being hoisted by her own petard as a result of her newfound talent. Blood oozing from her very pores she cried out reverting Matthias to full size in order to get Laura to halt her sprayed assault. The chemical reaction triggering an exposion that blew a hole in the wall of the hallway now exposing the outside. The resulting shockwave sending Adora reeling back into the stairway backwards with an audible crack heard as she was catapulted into the stairway above crying out in pain and cursing.

The fire extinguisher dropped from Laura's hands rolling down the stairs as she fell to the ground her eyes closing, blood starting to ooze as the shockwave had shattered the ice compression Matthias had froze onto her body. "Bitch..."Laura managed to utter as her eyelips started shutting unable to stay conscious with all the pain she'd sustained.

Seeing as how their enemy has been disabled, Matthias picked Laura up from the floor and then placed his hand om the glass window, turning it as cold as the direst winter and making it very brittle. With a single kick, the glass was shattered, and their way to the outside was open. A slide of ice began to materialize as Matthias shot his freezing beams unto the air, forming a safe way out of there while Corvus flew out, propelled by his pyrokinesis.

It wouldn't be long before they were on the ground, safe... for now.

Laura lay in Matthias's arms once again being carried away by her savior. I. guess I was wrong, I guess there not all bad after-all Those were the last thoughts that echoed in her mind as she passed out in her ice man's arms... and would wake up in a hospital bed some time later.
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