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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Finbarr Callaghan

The Galactic Bazaar

Those funnels of darkness detached from the cloud, each one giving itself a grotesque but humanoid shape before manifesting it into reality. Landing on the ground, in front of the unconscious Alan and facing everyone else were what could only be described as...

"By order of the Low-Father, we demand justified subduction by enforcers of local law! Surrender or Die!" One of them said, pointing its axe at them. Even Maria was not avoiding conflict as one of them grew wings and headed right for her. The goblins on the ground - about the same amount as the amount of people currently at the location - did not wait for an answer as they rushed towards them like old-age savages.

"A, shut the hell up!" Finbarr turned towards one of the charging goblin creatures, the flickering light in his eyes betraying a sense of annoyance and irritation at the savages that had just threatened them. Granted, it was a natural reaction to the appearance of a pyrokinetic pillar in the middle of a market place, but death threats were just something else entirely. Was due process just not a thing anymore?

In any case, golden and purple lights shimmered around Finbarr's hands, magic energies coalescing into a beam of energy that struck the nearest charging Goblin right at its chest, sending it flying away several meters towards one of the stalls, which had become empty as the people or person manning it had already fled out of panic. Another goblin got too near for his comfort, and was immediately locked into place by Finbarr's Spacetime Lockdown spell, an azure beam that pulsated with quantum magic striking its head and exploding into the dimensional cage it was now stuck in.

Huffing, Finbarr then threw open a portal that led into the Xuanzang's doorstep, motioning at Trajan, who was carrying a still smoking Alan, as well as the others, to get a move on.

"Get your lazy bums out, now!"

Trajan Pyke

The Galactic Bazaar

"...Was it good for you?" He weakly said in jest, a just as weak smile on his face, perhaps as some way to try and ease up the tension in the air, or as a way to show to his likely worrying friends that he was alright. Either way, as soon as he said that, he collapsed to the floor, residual heat still on him.

"It's ok, he's unconscious but still alive. Everyone volunteering to take him back, now's your chance. Be careful though, his body's still exuding some heat."

"Come on now... ouch!" Trajan recoiled a bit as he touched Alan's still smoking form with his bare hand, lightly scalding his finger tips in the process. He waved his hand to cool it off a bit, and looked back at Alan, slipping on a pair of gloves as he carefully reached for the pyrokinetic, feeling the heat wafting out of Alan's body as if he was holding a recently doused out barbeque grill. Gently and carefully, he lifted him up, and started towards the portal that Finbarr had opened, only his peripheral vision to catch one of the gibbering goblins approaching his position with an axe in hand.

Trajan scoffed, and placed Alan unto his left shoulder as he pulled out his Revolving Blade Sword from the sheath on his belt. He waved it in front of the goblin, a gesture meant to warn it to stay away. "Stay the hell away, snake eyes." Trajan growled, protectively waving his sword at the creature. "Or else you'll taste a one thousand degree hot blade up your ass!" As he did so, he kept on inching towards the portal, aiming the blade at the goblin, as it was getting closer and closer...

Klein Harris

The Galactic Bazaar

As the cavalcade of goblins strode forward to strike as one, they'd find an unwelcome interruption to their assault. No less than twenty other creatures had been formed; grotesque monsters, formed out of the fears of everyone in the immediate vicinity. Some would see their vengeful ex-wives and abusive husbands, only if they were seven feet tall, had very sharp teeth, were constantly dripping blood, and smelt of rotting flesh. Some took the form of what could only be described as some strange amalgamation of man and animal, humanoid creatures with the heads of dogs and snakes and spiders, hissing like demented mental asylum patients as they threw themselves towards the nearest goblin or enforcer with wanton abandon. They didn't care if they got hacked apart by axes, or if they were shot; they would just charge, eager to cut open whatever they fell upon.

Klein shuddered inwardly. He had despised his own magic, as it was a horrible thing that called forth death and nightmares, but it was useful, nonetheless. If anything, they were going to be a distraction, as those weren't particularly durable.

This won't be enough, though. Klein reached into his bag, and produced an Avtonat Kalashnikova 89, a favorite of insurgents and mercenaries. He would, with impunity, unload plasma fire at the goblins that got too near to him as he steadily retreated. Not today, Satan.

Sanzhar Kravchenko

San Francisco, California

Am I busy? He wondered before responding. "Not terribly, do you want to meet at the cafe down the road from the clinic?"

At the very least, the company would keep him from idling there much longer. He took one last long swig of the coffee before sending out another text. "I've been bored out of my mind over here."

Sanzhar quickly texted back, his thumbs tapping at the keyboard of his phone like in a blur. He almost never took more than a minute to reply to text messages, which has been noted by his publisher to have made it easy for him to be worked with. Plus he was absolutely patient and methodical with everything else he did. "Good, good, I'm on my way. See you friend."

As Sanzhar walked towards their supposed meeting place, he reminisced the older days with Devan and the others. They went to the same high school, and had been the source of some trouble back then. Funny how time seemed to pass so quickly these days. Natural disasters, superpowers... what else...?

Ah, right. He gained his own metal manipulation abilities after being afflicted by the Energy Plague. His brother Alek didn't manifest anything weird, but a common denominator of people that got powers were that they were of minorities, and had been down with the plague as well. Devan was Latino and had the plague too... maybe he has something...

With certain personalities trying to restrict their freedom, it was high time Sanzhar looked for others like him. Birds of the same feather flock together, after all.

After a few good minutes, Sanzhar arrived in the cafe, just to find Devan already there with his own cup of coffee. "Man, you really couldn't wait, huh?" Sanzhar chuckled, stooping down a little bit to give him a short hug. "Okay, I'll get my own coffee and a donut first. Gimme a minute."

Walking up to the barista, Sanzhar pulled out a few dollars. "Frappe cappuccino please. And one of those glazed donuts..."

With that done, Sanzhar got back to their table, setting his tray of orders. First thing he noticed were the bandages around Devan's hands. Weird. He didn't have those before.

"What's with the bandages?" Sanzhar asked, sipping from his cup with a straw. 'What happened?"

Sanzhar Kravchenko

San Francisco, California


Sanzhar quietly sat on his desk chair, staring at the empty Google Docs document in front of him. He had some ideas for a new book; a vision of some far future, where another star had a close flyby to the solar system, and thus kicked out the Earth, turning it into a rogue planet. Pretty much everyone was dead, except for those few million that had been able to stay within specially built domes powered by nuclear and geothermal energy. And then the story goes on from there...

And he's stumped. He couldn't tell why, but Sanzhar just couldn't find the right words for his first sentence. He already had everything! Why... why couldn't he think of something? Sanzhar cursed at himself, placing his feet on top of the desk and reclining on the chair whilst putting his hands on the back of his head. The writer's block had him again. And it was having him far too often these days. It was really unfortunate, too. He needed something to get his mind away from all that had been happening in the country; many sections of the city lay in ruins, millions are dead, there was a plague going on, and... people were getting superpowers.

Including himself.

Sighing, Sanzhar motioned at one of the magnetic earth balls lying in a tray on his desk, prying it from its magnetic connection to the container. The silver sphere levitated two or so inches above his palm, his eyes utterly fixated on its prime curvature. What to do, what to do...


Taking on his imagination, Sanzhar began to shape the sphere with his metalbending, etching out depressions on its silver surface. The earth ball shuddered under the pressure of his newfound powers, but he was careful and gentle in his craft. The shapes of the world's continents etched themselves on the miniature sphere, turning the thing into a literal Earth ball. Sanzhar smirked as he looked upon his creation, and placed it onto a pedestal on his bookshelf.

"Hey, Sanzhar?"

"Mmmmm." Sanzhar turned to his brother, Erasyl. "What is it?"

"I... uh, I'm going out." Erasyl said sheepishly. "Just gonna get groceries for lunch today."

"You sure?" Sanzhar asked. "You just got discharged."

"Nah, I'm fine." Erasyl said. "By the way, did you hear about what that guy said on live tv? Benny... Sten?"

"Stein." Sanzhar corrected. "All I can say is that he's an ass and I'm making a post about it soon enough. Bound to get a lot of attention now..."

"Okay." Erasyl nodded and turned away. "I'm going now."

With his brother now gone from earshot, Sanzhar sat back on his bed, thinking about what to do. He had a severe case of writer's block, had nothing better to do, and...

Oh! He'll visit a friend. Maybe that will get his spirits up.

Quickly, Sanzhar pulled out his phone, and texted Devan Flores.

"Hello there friend, I was thinking of hanging out today. Are you busy today?"

Now, now. Now he'll wait for a response.


Ah, looks like someone got a Russian before I did...

Finbarr Callaghan

The Galactic Bazaar

Narvia sends a message to the other Star Marines that aren’t with her that Finbarr is. ’ Finbarr and I will rendezvous with you, Ashton and Flame!’ Her messages are adorable when she sends messages to everyone since it is how she acts all the time. However, this message was a bit more adorable with how she put Finbarr before her in a different type of way. If it weren’t hinting at something, many people would be blind or deaf to what has happened between Finbarr and her.

"The bloody hell did that guy go get into this time...?" Finbarr grumbled lowly as the two of them ran towards the epicenter of the activity in the Bazaar. The pillar of flames were still visible from their view point, which only caused Finbarr to worry even more. "My Hid. Alan. He's in such an unlucky streak these days. First he gets captured and imprisoned by Ascendancy forces, and now, he blew up, literally. How he he is still alive and breathing right now is a big mystery to me."

"This is Maria...delay the last order, extinguish the pillar and Alan. Time is a luxury we no longer have." She said to everyone in the channel. It was around that time that she then heard Jude next.

"Ah, affirmative." Finbarr replied to Maria through the telepathic network. "Narvia, once I get within range, I'll open a portal in order to close the gap between us and Alan and get the extinguishers. We- what the he-"

Of course, he just saw one of the gunships careen out of control. It appeared that Nero had gotten himself a ride. And, there was the thing about the pirates that were hunting for someone with white flames; no one but Alan fit the bill.

As soon as Finbarr was within visual range of Alan, he opened a portal, running in to exit a few feet away from Alan. He grabbed one of the extinguishers and started blasting Alan with it, hoping that Narvia had followed him through the portal. "Don't worry, my man. I won't let anything happen to you!"

Trajan Pyke

The Galactic Bazaar

When the whole shabang with Alan's fire magic had blown up all over the place, Trajan was in the nearby marketplace, buying souvenirs and rations with what extra money he had. Thankfully, he hadn't been purchasing alcoholic beverages, but that merely implied that he had a bunch of those still hidden under lock and key in his quarters back in Xuanzang.

And now, Alan was a pillar of flame, like the one that guides the Israelites in the desert of Sinai.

"Here we go again. Saving kids." Trajan simply mumbled to himself as he stuffed everything he had bought into his pockets and broke into a run towards the fiery outburst right in the middle of everything.

Once he reached the location of the pillar, Trajan took hold of another of the extinguishers and shot Alan with it as well. He would then speak through the telepathic channel that Maria had set up. "I'll go ahead and carry him once he's drained. If you don't mind."

Klein Harris

The Galactic Bazaar

"Keep calm and stand by, Klein. If they get too close, deal with them, but not a second earlier." She communicated to Klein.

"Okay, then." As the others fired the extinguishers at Alan's fiery outburst and himself, Klein kept guard, watching the movements of the Bazaar security in their gunships and whatnot. He could already see their worst nightmares, and it would take only a little nudge to summon these dark creatures from the underworld, but as Maria, now was not the time. There was no need to exacerbate an already deteriorating situation, but if those men and women did get too close, the first thing they'll see and feel would be the hulking monsters straight of their worst nightmares. Then, darkness might envelope their visions.

But again, with Nero running around with one of their ships, their attention might just be preoccupied at the moment.Q

Finbarr Callaghan

The Galactic Bazaar

Narvia remembered one thing before they genuinely get down with shopping. ” Um, Finbarr, do you have anything you want to buy? While we are shopping.” Narvia said with a curious look on her face. She did want to know what he was going to shop for since she had something to buy for him. It is a fun thing to deal with, wondering what the other person will buy while at the Galactic Bazaar.

"I'm not even sure what I want to buy at the moment..." Finbarr smirked in response to Narvia'scquestion. "Maybe some beef and tomato paste for me to make some kind of broth out of. Heh. Or whiskey."

Finbarr chuckled lightly at that one, tapping at her shoulder to wave away any worries she would have about that particular thing. "Ah, don't worry about it. I'll wait till I'm old enough. At the moment, I suppose I'll be wanting to-"

"There's a Pillar of Fire in Sector North! One of us is at fault! Help us put it out and then flee the Bazaar at once - Security will not look kindly on what we're going to do!"

"Ruddy bloody hell, here we go again." Finbarr shook his head and rolled his eyes at the apparent commotion that Alan had quite literally sparked right in the middle of the Galactic Bazaar. "Why can't we have nice things?! Damn it. Narvia, looks like we gotta go."

And now, they will go to the rendezvous with Ashton, Flame, and the others; it looks like that they will have another operation today. And in his head, Finbarr is calling it 'Operation Fire Extinguisher'. After all, that's what they need to do.

Klein Harris

The Galactic Bazaar

"Oohhhhh, SHHIIIIIIII-" Was all he could say as all the built-up energy suddenly burst forth from his hands and mouth, creating a giant pillar of white flames shooting towards the top of the dome, tall enough to where just about everyone in the Bazaar could see it, and all of the civilians began look in awe and dread. The civilians around Alan, Klein, and Maria in particular now running away in panic. The Bazaar's Security department and law enforcers saw what happened and were effectively on the move towards the source.

The sudden fiery outburst caused Klein to recoil in fear of being singed, and topple he did. He fell backwards onto the floor, shielding his eyes with his long spindly arms as a pillar of flame erupted in the middle of everything. He adjusted his glasses, and gaped at just how big the pillar of flame was. If anything, it was like a little volcanic eruption.

"What the hell did you eat?" Klein demanded, getting up from the floor with a bit of effort. "Mana infused burgers?"

Why were they going to flee again? Because Bazaar Security in gunships and old-fashioned ground vehicles (which were cheaper and less vulnerable to counterattack than hovering speeders), was already flying towards Alan and the pillar of fire, saying, "Attention! Attention! You kids are under arrest for Suspected Terrorism and Unauthorized Magic Use!"

"Do you want me to do something about that?" Klein asked Alan. Maria could sense his mind drifting towards the dark thoughts of his own shadowy magic, specifically the contemplation to send forth nightmares of the people around. Klein didn't do anything, though, not yet at least.

"This is bad, this is bad!" Klein grumbled lowly, readying to summon the nightmare creatures out of the worst dreams out of the civilians. They're going to be under arrest, anyway, so trying to negotiate would be useless. Would the security people even believe anything they say?

Finbarr Callaghan

The Galactic Bazaar

Finbarr slept in his cat form within his quarters, curled up into a little ball of fur on those white sheets. He had chosen to take the form of the feline of terrible doom; a green eyed cat with fur as black as the darkest of nights. The superstitious would have refused to cross paths with him, lest they be cursed with a damnable fate in the future.

However, within that mind of his, he dreamed of what could be; a quiet farmhouse in the countryside, blue skies and white clouds up ahead. There was grilling of hog meat on the backyard... He could even smell it. On the fields, he frolicked with his future children. And of course, they had a dog. A big, proud golden retriever.


Finbarr sleep addled mind would be roused into wakefulness by the low him of his own Omni-Tool, interrupting his eight hours of sleep. He yawned as a cat, and picked it up as a human, stumbling a bit out of grogginess.

"Ah, by the emeralds. She's calling me to shop with her in the Bazaar..." Rubbing his palms together to produce some heat to put his head back into wakeful reality, Finbarr typed into the device, sending back a message to Narvia. "Coming. Give me a minute."

It was just shopping, so he went for elegant simplicity. He slipped himself on a grey and black coat over his white shirt, completing the look with slightly baggy trousers and a pair of shoes. Taking another minute, he combed his hair, making sure that the undercut that he had was still neat.

And, well, he walked out of the Xuanzang, still a little sleepy, but awake. "My, my." He approached Narvia with a low smirk. "For a shopper, you surely are well dressed. But, I guess we think alike. Shall we go now?"
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