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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Alfred Gunther/The Frostbite

Never One...

Without the Other

The Phoenix Lodge, Mount Saint Helens, Washington State (Five Minutes Remaining)

The Phoenix Lodge was a peculiar location, though the outside appearance of a somewhat ordinary, if not rich mansion might tell otherwise. It serves as the meeting place of all the phoenixes scattered throughout the world, and was thus made to be as hidden and inconspicuous as possible in order to avoid detection from even the magical hunters of the Cabal. To this end, it is rigged to teleport to a random location in the wilderness every single hour, though its keeper, the aptly named Dominus Astra and the first of the Phoenixes, is able to warp the whole mansion to another place should the situation necessitate it.

Alfred knew of this place only from memories derived from Frostbite’s previous hosts. Until this day, he had never set his eye on it, let alone set foot within its hallowed halls. Now, though, he was here, thanks to the portal of his primogenitor.

The Machine God quickly morphed into his human form; a young man with swarthy skin and a rather… luxurious sense of fashion. It seemed like that whatever time he didn’t spend on technological shenanigans would be dedicated to getting the best tailor around. As for Dominus Astra, the great celestial phoenix did not morph, for he did not choose a human host, and probably never will. Instead, he simply flew off to another section of the gigantic mansion without a word.

“Well, brother,” the human host of the Machine God turned around, willing the lights around them to come to life, “I haven’t been introduced to you yet. I’m Kareem. The rest you probably already know, since I’m the only one that was recently hosted, along with you, Alfred was it?.”

“Uh huh,” Alfred nodded, still unsure on what his reaction should be despite his derivative memories telling him that this was the annoying brat of the family. “Well, who else is here? I don’t imagine everyone is here now, right?”

Kareem nodded, the phoenix within him urging him to press on with those burning questions. “Well, Blaze is here, along with Naturespawn, Joygiver, and uh… the Artisan.”

“And look at who is here.”

The fluttering of wings coincided with the harmonious clanging of bells and chimes, as the Joygiver landed upon the nearby perch, staring down upon the two humans. “The Machine God, and the Frostbite. It has been quite a while my brothers, yes?”

Now, the Joygiver was different from the rest of them. While most of the Phoenixes ranged from apathetic at best and chaotic at worst, the Joygiver is a heroic character. She is part of one of those superhero teams, and because of that, the Cabal cannot touch her without inciting the wrath of her compatriots. Now, many of her siblings have done the same and gain the benefits of having allies, but the others are far too arrogant. Others have done bad things and thus could never be inducted into a team like hers…

“Yes, sister,” Alfred nodded, recalling this phoenix of festivity and explosive firecrackers from the memories of previous hosts as well. “It has been a while.”

“Oh, I fret at your prospect, brother Frost,” the Joygiver continued, slightly giggling as she spoke. “You destroyed the sorcerers that held you in chains, and the people now see you as a villain for it. And they’re now looking for you…”

“I know,” Alfred answered, and fell silent for a few moments. “Either way, do you know what happened with the family I left behind in Juneau?”

“Relocated to the city where I hold jurisdiction," the Joygiver replied, sprinkling magical glitter that coalesced into a scenery of the other Gunthers doing business as usual in what looked like to be an island. "The Cabal cannot move in Puerto Rico. I will make sure of it, so you need not worry. But I wonder what you'll do now. Those sorcerers might not be able to chase your family, but if you go to them, my compatriots and other heroes will surely know to hunt you as well."

"Perhaps you can finish what you started."

Summer Blaze, ever the pyromaniac, came down upon the immaculate wooden flooring, which was unharmed by her flaming form. "It is what you want, after all. They threatened your family and your friends. Not that the rest of us should be involved, but yeah."

Alfred shrugged. That is indeed what he and the Frostbite wanted. In some places, those duplicitous sorcerers, who stole vast portions of Dominus Astra's energy to create the other phoenixes, have sunken their claws deep into civil governance. He was already seen as a villain, and no amount of public explanations will change that. He will just have to live it out.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:13 PM.

Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Oh, hell no.

Thelonious scrambled out of the taxi, still unable to believe that he got late for the first day of actually going out as one of those kids in the Ward Program. This was one of the better things that had happened in his life so far, and somehow, he couldn't get wake up early enough just to get here on time. The exact situation that surrounded the whole affair of oversleeping was a bit inane, and yet at the same time a bit believable, given that Thelonious was just a 17 year old kid, albeit one that could make orbs of starlight at a whim. Truth is, the newly installed air-conditioner did its job too well, and he slept as sound as a baby, as the cold air kept him pretty drowsy and very comfortable in his sleep. When he woke up, he felt like one of those animals that just emerged from a frigid winter into the resplendent glory of spring; groggy, absolutely slow, and positively still wanting for more. To make matters worse, his own parents had pretty much forgotten to remind him the day before, so it was in the middle of having breakfast that he realized that he had to go to the PRT headquarters at this particular time, instead of the usual times.

"Hopefully they don't get too mad at me for being a little late in here." Thelonious muttered to himself as he walked up the sidewalk and into the entrance of the headquarters. The building was a pretty imposing structure, easily distinguished from the other structures around it. Of course it was, since it housed the people with the most important jobs in this whole town. Protecting the people from rogue parahumans and villains was quite the burden to bear, and something that should demand proper payment and recognition. At least they are supposed to.

Stepping inside the building proper, Thelonious finally got to the reception desk, which had this nice lady on, just like almost every reception he could remember. "I'm a concerned citizen. I'm here to hand over a sapient angry tinkertech sugar ant that I found twerking."

"You're late," the lady said, smirking slightly. "Alright, go on in."

Sure enough, Thelonious walked through the hallways.. and heard the voice of the director filtering in from his office. Apparently they were having the briefing of the situation now?! Oh this is bad, very bad!

Thelonious, or as the more formalistic know him, Constellation, half walked, and half stumbled into the doorway. "I am... so sorry," Thelonious said, his voice quivering. "Am I not too late?..."


Final (hopefully) update lewl
<Snipped quote by The Man Emperor>

Hm...Without saying too much about the new variation we have here (and there are some issues, I'm afraid), but how much do you know about Trigger Events and the classifications, Emperor? Because it feels like you don't, and if that's the case, I'd be happy to help clear up any confusions to ensure a clear picture on things.

Not too much, it's just that I've been in a different Wormverse RP before. I know Trigger Events are traumatic, but how related the event itself has to the powers themselves isn't clear to me, as the OP of that other RP didn't really clarify it.

Also can I just add you in Discord, so that communication/discussion about the app and its issues is easier rather than back and forths with an hour in between them lol

Edit: So I revisited that old RP, as well as looked upon the Wormverse wiki. It had been quite a long time, but I had edited the app accordingly again. Hopefully it is better now.


@The Man Emperor

@Mintz and I have gone over the profile and have a few things we would like to see change and get clarification on before being able to accept your profile. We would be glad to work with you to figure out a direction you want to go in while keeping it within the world that has been created.

1: We would really appreciate a written description in the Appearance section. I know this might seem redundant but this allows us to get a feel on what your character likes to wear, how they view certain things, if there is anything particularly valuable to the character, and so on. Please look in the character tab for examples if you are unsure.

2: We are confused about the memory-altering of the father in the background. It feels a bit out of place and doesn’t seem necessary. We would like a bit more clarification on it and to see if there is any possible hidden importance on why that section is needed. We aren’t saying no yet but we just would like to know some of the reasoning as it feels abruptly placed in.

3: The Trigger event of this character is kept too vague for our liking. It is vague enough that we literally can't say in good faith that his Power fits the Trigger. If you could provide more detail or let us know if there is some hidden element we are missing that would really be helpful. We are also confused by the fact that it sounds like they ended up in a forest but Redline is a coastal city. We ask this because something that big (dragon form) leaving the city would have been a huge red flag so we need a bit more detail.

4: The Power has a lot going on and with such a vague Trigger it’s hard to know where to really start. We understand that subclasses exist but those are a direct correlation to a power and not so much additions to a power. Also, these powers all together contain almost half the classifications. It doesn’t seem to hold a deep reason other than playing to the dragon aesthetic which is where there is a problem if that is all that you are going for with the subclasses. That being said, some of the powers listed could be powers in their own right which is concerning as we are leaning towards overpowered. We can obviously work together to keep the aesthetic you are going for but fitting more for a Changer.

5: One of the aspects of the powers that we are flat out denying at this time is the ability to change into any animal. This is just not how Changers work as they are mostly bound to a single alternate form.

I hope you understand our points and are open to the corrections we have requested. We look forward to seeing the updates and again, are more than happy to work with you to get this so we can fully accept.

Okay. I'll do those today~

@The Man Emperor

@Mintz is asleep at the moment but I’m sure he will get back to you with an answer as soon as possible.

Okay, noted. The join status says Apply but sometimes it's just not updated or smth, just needed to know before I app lel
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