“We’ll get through this my dear, a day at a time. You know where to find me if you need me, take care now.”
Elizabeth forced a smile as Ollivander took his leave. His words were what most people said when they didn't know what else to say; she remembered hearing similar things when her mother died. It was time for another round, it seemed. Nonetheless, she knew that everyone meant well when they said them and she had been just as guilty at saying these cliche things. It didn't necessarily help, but everyone had to find a way to move on... somehow.
"Thank you, Mr. Clarke... I'll see you around."
"Kiddo," Her fathers gruff voice came from behind, a hand lightly grasping her shoulder in a reassuring way. Elizabeth turned to face him, fighting the urge to cry at the tired sight of him. "I'm gonna get the boys home... I don't want them running off to the fire, you know how they are..." Johnathon's dark eyes moved to Elliot, a boy he trusted to take care of his daughter. He met eyes with the younger boy, giving him a knowing look.
Elizbeth nodded, "I'll see you at home a little later." She glanced over at Elliot, who she could tell her father was putting responsibility on without even saying the words; they had all known each other long enough to read facial expressions. She didn't want this for Elliot, or anyone. No one should have to take care of her or worry over her. She was supposed to be the one taking care of other people. "Get it together..."
"Come on, there can't be many places open today. I don't want to wait forever, I think my stomach might end up shrinking."
She smiled at his comment, but did not reciprocate his light laugh. She just couldn't bring herself to do it. "I can drive u-" Shoved to the side, the red head stumbled forward, glaring green eyes darting up to see who had just pushed her and her last remaining best friend out of the way. "Hey!"
"Shit, sorry!"
Clattering to the ground, a gold plated walkman fell out of the man's pocket and bounced a couple times off the floor. She looked down, noticing the initials plastered for all to see. D.A.D. "Damon?" She looked back up, watching the man move anyone out of the way who was between him and the exit. The celebrity was clearly disguised in some awful outfit which barely accomplished anything. Her mind sent her back to the last night she had seen Lily. One of the last things Lily had said to her was that she was going to Damon's house... A shiver ran through her body, eyes staring forward as if into an empty void while the memory flashed images through her minds eye. Throughout these brief flashbacks, Elizabeth completely missed Kei making an exit from the community center.
Heart racing once again, Elizabeth dragged herself out from the memory. She blinked a few times before stepping away from Elliot, quickly scooping up the Walkman and holding it close to her chest. She would return this to Damon... at some point. She had not talked to him since Lillian went missing. Did he have something to do with this? What did he know? What did Lily say? Where did she go afterwards? She hadn't reached out to him previously because she had been too afraid of what might have been said when Lily went to visit him in the middle of the night, worked up from an argument.
Shoving the Walkman into her orange hoodie's front pocket, Elizabeth turned back to Elliot. "I was saying - I'll drive. Let's get some pizza."

2:00 pm | Mario's Pizzeria

Elizabeth wasn't exactly sure what to say to Elliot on their drive over, which took a little longer than expected due to traffic coming out of the community center. The roads were not prepared for that sort of influx confined in one area. Most of the media crews trying to hurry their way out to the "big fire" had not made anything any easier. Still, Elliot's presence was appreciated and even comforting. They didn't have to say things just to fill the empty air and that was nice.
When they had first entered the restaurant her phone had buzzed to indicate an incoming text message.
Kei Aiba
"Can we hangout?"
She didn't find it odd that he wanted to be around other people, just like her. It helped to numb the pain of Lily's absence a little bit. She knew that he had been friends with Lillian as well, hanging out from time to time. She quickly wrote back, "Of course. Elliot and I are at Mario's Pizzeria. About to order, want me to get you something?"
While standing in line to order, Elizabeth turned to Elliot, "I invited Kei to come meet us, I hope you don't mind." She gestured to her phone, "He just texted me." She knew that Elliot probably wouldn't mind, he was always such a sweetheart.
Ten minutes later, orders made, the pair sat down at a booth fit for four people. Elizabeth sat opposite of Elliot and quietly awaited their small pizza orders to be brought to the table. Settling back into her chair, she searched her mind for a topic and glued her eyes to the stained ceiling tiles of the restaurant. Something in her mind told her to make small talk, avoid the elephant in the room, keep things light and happy. However, the thought of making small talk made her skin crawl. She had to address it, and who better to talk about it with than Elliot? She could trust him.
"When was the last time you talked to Lil?" She met her eyes with Elliot again, surprising herself that she had asked without hesitation.
Distracted by the sound of rattling bells attached to the pizzeria door, Elizabeth looked towards the entrance. At first she smiled, realizing that Kei had already made it to the pizzeria. Then she noticed the way his face looked even from afar, along with the sheriff moving quickly to catch up with him.
"Kei?" His name escaped her mouth as she began to slide out of the booth, giving Elliot a worried look. Hurriedly, she walked out of the pizzeria and held the door open, locking eyes with the sheriff. "Is everything okay?" Her eyes moved back and forth between sheriff Spade and Kei, lingering on Kei's face. "Kei, what happened?" She went to touch his cheek in a motherly way before stopping herself, not wanting to press too hard and hurt him in the process.
"Afternoon, Ms. Baker." The sheriff looked over Kei, just now seeing that the boy looked a little beaten and blue in the face. "Kei's bike, which was registered with us, was found near the Turner's house. I just need to know why it was left there. Are you okay, son?"
Elizabeth's face was ridden with confusion. She looked to Kei again, "Did someone hurt you, Kei? While you were there?"
"Ms. Baker, please go back inside. This will only take a few moments. He is not under arrest." His voice was stern as he looked at Elizabeth, no longer wanting her to possibly influence the words that Kei would have answered.
Elizabeth paused, staring down the sheriff. The anger simmering deep within her over Lillian threatened to boil over, even though this was not the time or the place. She bit the inside of her lower lip, as if to physically stop herself from saying anything stupid. Why did she feel so much more impulsive than usual? Sheriff Spade did have this towns best interest... didn't he?
After what seemed like a good five minute stare down, fire in her eyes, Elizabeth took a step back into the restaurant, "Fine." She removed her angry gaze from the sheriff and looked to Kei. "I'll see you inside, okay?" Finally, she re-entered the restaurant and slowly made her way back to the table.