"Is there any trouble, sir?""Hm? Oh no, no. It's fine. Just taking it all in." He shrugged and leaned back into his rickety old chair, thinking about Jacob's previous question about how Sanctuary was treating him. In truth, the town was treating him just fine. He hadn't had any
real problems with anyone, at least not yet. He just felt so... out of place here.
"Sanctuary has been good. I'm still... getting use to it, I guess. Beautiful views, though." Levi looked outside the window, watching the rain splatter against the glass.
"Well, usually." He half smiled and turned his eyes back to Jake.
"How long have you been on the force now? How are you liking it?"Just then, their waitress hurried by their table and dropped off their drinks; water for Jake, coffee for Levi.
"Thanks." Levi watched as the girl ran off, obviously in a hurry due to the rush of customers that were piling in on this rainy Tuesday morning. He grabbed a packet of sugar that sat out on a dish at the table and stirred it into his coffee as he awaited Jake's answer.