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Mhkay me guys... this would be the dude i'm playing as:

Theme ->

Name: Benjamin "Soldier Boy"

Appearance: Soldier Boy's appearance hasn't changed dramatically. He's still the quintessential American hero, clad in his red, white, and blue costume. However, there's a subtle shift in his demeanor. His eyes occasionally flicker with an unsettling intensity, and an aura of raw power emanates from him, hinting at the cosmic forces that have touched him.


Enhanced Strength and Durability: Soldier Boy's physical prowess has always been formidable, but now it transcends human limitations. He can lift incredible weights, withstand devastating blows, and shrug off most conventional weaponry.

Nuclear Energy Blasts: He can channel the destructive energy within him to unleash blasts of concussive force and radiation. Unlike before, he now wields this power with precision and control, directing blasts with pinpoint accuracy and modulating their intensity.

Solar Plasma Manipulation: He can summon and manipulate stellar plasma, the superheated matter that fuels stars. This allows him to create shields of intense heat, project beams of scorching energy, or even shape the plasma into weapons of pure solar fury.

Reality Manipulation: At times, Soldier Boy can warp reality itself, though this ability is unpredictable and often manifests in chaotic ways. He can teleport short distances, phase through objects, or create illusions that trick the senses.

Dark Summons: Through a ritualistic process, he can summon grotesque entities from the shadows. These creatures, made of rotting flesh and writhing tentacles, serve as his loyal minions, eager to carry out his every command.

The Tesseract: Soldier Boy carries a mysterious artifact, a pulsating cube of fractured crystal that seems to defy the laws of physics. It radiates an unsettling energy that distorts space and time, and its true nature remains a mystery to even Soldier Boy himself. He intuitively understands its power, using it to amplify his own abilities and access its reality-bending capabilities.


Combat Prowess: Soldier Boy is a highly skilled and experienced combatant, proficient in hand-to-hand combat and the use of various firearms.

Leadership: He's a natural leader, used to commanding respect and obedience. He's quick to take charge and expects others to follow his orders.

Patriotism: His love for his country and its ideals, however misguided, remains a core part of his identity. This can manifest as both a strength and a weakness, driving him to heroic acts but also blinding him to the flaws in his own beliefs.

The Dream Labyrinth:

While he doesn't remember how or why he arrived on planet Mars, 56th century, terraformed utopia, Soldier Boy is convinced that his presence here serves a greater purpose. He believes that he is destined to be a hero once again, a champion of justice and order. But the whispers of sinister whisps of light, echoing in his mind, suggest a more unkosher path, a path of chaos and destruction.

Soldier Boy struggles to reconcile these conflicting impulses, his unwavering patriotism clashing with the corrupting influence of the cosmic forced that now, not only resides within him, but also is responsible for his transformation and reality shift. As he explores this new world, he will face challenges that will test his resolve and force him to confront the true nature of his power.

The Veil Breach and the Gift:

In the final moments of the climactic battle atop Vought Tower, Starlight unleashed a torrent of blinding energy, amplified by Huey's technological prowess. The combined force of their attack struck Soldier Boy with unimaginable intensity, momentarily shattering the barriers between realities.

Unbeknownst to them, this surge of power resonated with a cosmic power that was yet to be understood. This primordial essence, a manifestation of light and fire, sensed a kindred spirit in Soldier Boy's rage, ambition and unruly nuclear powers. Seizing the opportunity, it unapologetically reached across the dimensional divide, pulling Soldier Boy into a vortex of light and fire.

When Soldier Boy regained consciousness, he found himself on a terraformed Mars, more specifically, 56th century Terran dominion Mars, a world vastly different from his own. Disoriented and confused, he stumbled across a strange artifact lying at his feet: The Tesseract of Abstract Chaos. The pulsating cube of fractured crystal radiated an alluring energy, whispering promises of power and dominion.

Without hesitation, Soldier Boy claimed the Tesseract as his own, instinctively understanding its connection to the cosmic forces that had brought him to this new reality. He secured it to his belt, its dark energy merging with his own, amplifying his abilities and warping his perception of the world.

Location of his arrival: Planet Mars, 56th century, Terran dominion, City New Eden, Athens region, Mount Olympus basin.

oh... kay.... 95 then....
Hmmm... amorphical is too chaotic for any worthy insult... aaaaand... jhdsopppil, kkjdhhhdhh... liphkybbfnfjklkkdkkdkkslls............
C'mon guys... let us spill the beans of our MIGHTY imagination!!

There where... 93 ... Y E S ... Ninety-three lords of the abyss.... i saw them!! I SAW THEM!!!
Oh, hi Cthulhu.

Yes my son! I shall consume you too! Then my father Azathtoh shall awaken!

brpel frpsn mageffi a hehjjjjhhh

That is not our true language Shub-Niggurath...

@Elite Minor

Hmmm.... a new acolyte... let us teach him the ways of the void!!!
91 Gods.............. :P
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

First page of the OOC, here: roleplayerguild.com/posts/3581

We lean toward OCs, but you can more or less do whatever you want as long as he doesn't have constant "well where I'm from" syndrome ;)

hehehehe.... yup i totally get it.

No worries, my whole spiel is about taking what exists and toying with some other concepts and seeing what comes out on the other end, that said, my version of Soldier Boy is going to be as close to an OC as possible.

Also i just read all the rules and they be good. Now i read one can play, more or less, as multiple characters, and the general writing style is more first person, so no background narration, i'm fine with that too, but my main question is, would i have to put all characters on display even before introducing them? or i can keep one secret for an appropriate reveal (if that ever comes about or not) and just PM-it with the GM of the game to analyze it and keep it in check with the established frame of the game. I mean one is Soldier Boy, and the other one... the reason he got 'reality shifted'
Oh noes.... 🤣
Banned for a blurry background in the avatar photo 😆
@Legend Begins SO what are the basic rules, and what are the limits of this game? I was thinking on bringing in Soldier Boy from The Boys... somehow... and a bit altered due to his reality shift, if that's how things work here... heh...
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