Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Holds up my hands*
I’m not trying to incite anything. Just trying to have a conversation.

Calm down! Not you pal! This dickhead who spiced my drink without my consent...

*I extinguish my hands then lift an eyebrow in surprise*

So you just saw me turning my hands into nuclear fire... and didn't act like that was unusual?
eyo @Memory and @Legend Begins, can i also roleplay the NPCs in scenes and worlds that i crafted? Like i just became a Soldier Boy-like aggressive towards the bartender and wanted to know if i can play him up or not...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

The name's Prism. Are you sure you're doing alright?

I'm fine, damn it! Just a little... disoriented. This place ain't exactly what I'm used to. And been drifting around these parts for... six damn months... even keeping track of time is hard here!

*I stare into my nearly empty glass, a flicker of fear in my eyes.*

I'm... changing. Becoming something more. Something... uh...

*I continue staring*

And I ain't sure I like it.

*Looks dumbfounded at you and suddenly defensive*

In fact this ain't none of your business? Why am i spilling my beans to a comlete stranger all of the sudden? HEY BARTENDER! Give me my mon... credits back as you call them!

*I ignite my hands in a glaring fire*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I see... what did you say your name was? What brings you here?

Right! Alioth....

*I suddenly shake at the realization of what just came out of my mouth then stare furiously at the bartender*

HEY! What the' heck did you spiced my drink with?

*i turn awkwardly towards you with an apologetic demeanour*

Sorry, no no... my name is Ben... Damn... do they spice the drinks now?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

No, I’m just a traveler. Here to see what this land has, and what kind of people live here.

Traveler, huh? Never heard that one before. You some kind of... space wanderer?

*I narrow my eyes, and grip tighter on my glass.*

This ain't no 'land,' friend. This whole place... it's like a fever dream. Ain't nothing like the good ol' U.S. of A.

*chuckles dryly, a hint of bitterness in the voice.*

We're all travelers in a way, ain't we? Just passing through this... 'land'

*stares into the drink, my reflection distorted in the amber liquid.*

Some of us, though, are more lost than others...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Steps away from the wall and takes a seat next to you*
I’m just appreciating the atmosphere; I don’t end up in places like this all that often. Are you local?

"Heh... local... funny word these days"

*I take my hand off from the bar and look at my hands as they shimmer and grip them to control them*

"No... not really, heck, i don't even know what the hell this... is..."

*i gesture with my finger at the building and suggesting the entire location i'm in*

"What about you?"
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Stands toward the side of the club with my arms crossed, admiring the aesthetic*

*notices the individual that feels out of place in this denizen of debauchery, and raises a suspicious eyebrow*

You alright pal?

*takes another swig with a cocky smirk*
@Legend BeginsYup thx for evaluation. Deffo getting into these style of RP 'boots'

Wellp corrected the best i could for now, lemme know if it's better, then do i continue roleplaying with Soldier Boy on his mission until anyone arrives and meets him? or wait for someone to interact with the scene?

Like i could definitely RP and have him do things and follow his general path and mission until outside influence change them, just looking to be sure.
@Legend Begins Okay then... here goes nothing... let me know how bad i just messed up in my first post 😅😶‍🌫️
Location: Planet Mars, 56th century, Terran dominion, City New Eden, Athens region, Mount Olympus basin, Neon Highs night club.

Bartender! Another round for me and the lady, would ya? Yeah, the same damn thing. What's that? Martian moonshine? Don't insult my intelligence, pal. This here's good ol' American whiskey, and it tastes damn good on this dustbowl of a planet.

*Winks at the dame beside me, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of amusement and admiration. She seems to eye my physique, although marginally perturbed by the clash between my outfit and the saloon*

Been here six months, and these Martian bartenders still can't mix a proper drink. They got all these fancy gadgets and gizmos, but they can't replicate the simple pleasure of a good whiskey on the rocks. Reminds me of those Commies back in the day, always trying to overcomplicate things.

*Takes a swig from the drink, savoring the familiar burn.. This bar ain't half bad, though. Neon lights, chrome accents, even got a jukebox playing some decent tunes. It's like a little slice of home on this red rock.*
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