Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

So this is the source of your new power... very interesting. Have there been any ill effects?

The only thing i can see as an ill effect, is that my mind's been changing. I certainly seem to truly care for people and evidently i'm less of a punch first guy... Damn i used to love that...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Looks closely at its surface*
What an incredible artifact. What is it made of?

Dunno! Not a thing, nada, zilch! But tell you what i do know, i can't get rid of it, not that i'd want to anymore, but i did try once, and for some reason it found itself back to me, and as you can probably tell, it has some sort of will of its own...

*I gesture around the room highlighting how all of the sudden , everyone in the club is completely ignoring us as if we aren't even there*

Yup... it can't even be seen by the people it doesn't want to be seen by or those that i don't want to reveal the thing to.

And it definitely has given me some boons...

*I ignite my hand in bright light and then immediately extinguish it in a flex of power*

I definitely was not able to do this before, i was more like an unpredictable bomb...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Is magic something that exists where you're from?

N... no... or at least i didn't used to think it did until i was zapped across time and space to this place and i got coupled with this thing!

*unhooks the Tesseract and i put it confidently on the counter - it immediately gives off a burst of air distortion energy kinda like intense heat on the desert distorts air, except it is not warm - for whatever reason nobody seems to even pay any attention to it despite it's audacious and in your face aspect*

I mean i certainly ain't complaining...

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

It depends on the destination. I'm no stranger to ship, to horse, or to train. A place like this...
*Looks up at the ceiling, impressed*
Something a little more advanced.

Wait... are you insinuating what i think you are?

*almost gives off a chuckle*

Magic? I mean it definitely does sound like that's what you're saying... but... these days, literally nothing surprises me anymore, after you've been through what i've been through, magic is just another medal on the chest.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I didn't say anything about planets. Just new cultures, societies, that sort of thing. I'm addicted to travel, you could call it. But you're not the only one I've seen who has a unique set of skills and abilities.

So by what means do you do that? I'm clearly interested, since i have some beef to resolve with a few people, even though right now i did managed to make a life here now... just curious...

*looks towards my belt where the crimson glowing tesseract is and look at it almost hypnotized for a few moments before i turn back towards the bar*


*Takes another swig from the whisky bottle*

The lady: Soooo, interesting discussion between you and the new guy Benny, but are we going to do anything tonight?

Soldier Boy: Don't worry sweetheart, i'll check up with you in a minute, in the meantime why don't you let me pay for your stay here and the drinks?

*The girl giggles in pleased surprise*

Soldier Boy: Anyway, where was i, so you're serious? You actually travel between worlds? Like how is that possible? Can one even do that willingly? And i'm not talking between planets, like people seem to be able to do these days like calling a cab, but like i did? Is that what you mean?

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I don't take it you feel the same?

What do you mean by that? I just told you you lost me... You just told me you 'visit' worlds and cultures, for me just being here, is already too much, about 6 months ago i was in a stupid fight for the sake of justice and it turned out that my very son was the main villain, and i was betrayed by my team... and somehow, one of them threw a blast of light in my direction that completely rendered the battle void... i think they would call that a win, but anyway... Yeah, after that blinding flash i found myself here...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I enjoy visiting new people, cultures and worlds. What’s your home like?

Uhuh... uhuh...

*i take the half emptied bottle on the counter and chug it down my throat*

Cultures and worlds...

*I chuckle mockingly mostly to cope with the insanity i find myself in*

I think you lost me there bud!

Bartender: Oy! Are we good here?!

Soldier Boy: Shut up you pleb!

Bartender: ...Sheesh... another looney... as if this job isn't hard enough already...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You could call it a hobby of mine. As far as I know, I wasn’t subject to experimentation, but it’s hard to say for sure. As for other people, it really depends on the individual; everyone has their own story.
*Retrieves a glass of water for you and for myself*

Is this a joke? Water? give me a break...

*Chuckles dryly at the sight*

My thirst is satiated by whisky! but sure... I'll have some water...

*Drinks the glass whole, evidently dehydrated by the amount of alcohol he was consuming*

So... what I know for sure right now, is that I'm on planet Mars, apparently... that red ball in the sky that, right now seems to be green for reasons... I've been garnering some friends here and there, and understanding the situation i'm in, but i'm completely out of it as to why and how i got here...

So... about you... Prism... You seem interested in me. Not many people are this social around these parts, sure they call it an 'utopia' but this is just the looks and the glamour of it, not the reality...

*Chuckles bored*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I’ve... seen many people do many creative and unexpected things. It comes with the territory.

Bartender: Hey man! I swear I didn't put anything in your drink, this is not a pirate restaurant or anything... like calm your ass down or I'll call the sentinels to secure you!

Soldier Boy: *Completely ignoring the panicked man behind the counter*

So... territory... is this a job of yours? I was made like this by a company, were you also experimented upon like i was? Is this a thing that happens now? Do people just apply for powers and they just get them?

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