<Snipped quote by Interface>
None. And that doesn't really matter, given the request.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
She is dodgy. But I would also like to point out the fact that you're losing your mind over a staircase.
<Snipped quote by Path>
*Returns a heart symbol with my hands and a deadpan expression*
<Snipped quote by Interface>
It's what is natural to life.
And just what is natural to life in your opinion? Killing more than seventy eight billion sentient beings? *I retort angry and concerned at your severely suspicious attitude in my eyes*
<Snipped quote by Path>
So then... something does indeed concern you doesn't it then? Long living being? Is living a long existence an excuse for losing the sight for what is right and good?
<Snipped quote by Interface>
I do have a heart, though I will say I won't intentionally kill a mass of people to research, but if it has already been done, why get upset? you can't really take back the mass death. Might as well study the cause and work with the results?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
Oh, so we are on the same page. HUh.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
Is there some context I am missing here?
<Snipped quote by Interface>
Forbidden is a harsh word, not completely understood is a phrase I would use.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
Hey! This is art!
<Snipped quote by Path>
That last part is where it stops being easy.