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<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

I wouldn't describe it that way; I've met many kind and wonderful people throughout my life. But when a handful of those individuals do lurk, those who aren't has to change their behavior to compensate. That seems like the natural order of things inside dimensions and in their outskirts.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

What you've describe wouldn't be good, no.

No it wouldn't... it wouldn't indeed. In fact all i can say is, i think i understand the severity of not listening to Gabriel when even he resisted me from using that Akashic summons spell here. I was being desperate. And did not even think it possible that THAT particular spell was Morningstar's ticket out of his predicament...
<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

One of those self-interested types you referred to earlier, I would estimate?

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm limited in how much I can do for you. But it also depends on what exactly you're asking of me.

Perhaps advice? I wouldn't want to put you under unnecessary danger, but he's the real deal. A true Satan, tempter and deceiver of the pure in heart, the snake at the beginning.... I wouldn't think it would be okay if he escaped and then proceeded to kill us all then do heavens know what to the rest of existence no?
<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

As I understand it, there was a representative of time that arrived as well?

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Should I return at a more convenient time?

You can do what you want Grace. But we could use your help here, the only reason we imprisoned him is because all of us here couldn't find a way to actually kill him at first, and it was at a breath's edge that we even managed to weaken him enough to imprison him...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Could it be deception?

Doesn't feel like it Grace. It feels like he's pulling a move that we never seen, and... Gabriel is a bit of a mentor for me, he's the top notch library on how to defend yourself from his deceptions. This doesn't feel like one...
<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

*Taps my face in thought*
What about those who entered your worlds that weren't from either reality? Those who met with Ben?

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

What do you think it is?

Like Gabriel said. I think we might have a big problem in our hands if he found even one modicum of a solution to the prison we placed him in.
<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

If you'd be so kind as to indulge me in a few of my own questions, my answer might make more sense.
*Looks the book over in my hand silently for a few moments and sets it on a nearby table*
Were you aware of those foreign beings entering your domain? Do you blame them for your own departure?

Guys... i'm terribly sorry to interrupt your chatter, but i just came back from the prison 50 miles under the surface. And something is off with Morningstar. His demeanour has changed... and it is unsettling...

*Proceeds to project a hologram feeding straight into the prison bellow*

<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

*My eyebrows furrow in confusion*
Complicated in that I'm not here as a representative of some heaven, but more closely a member of a task force assigned to understand what causes universes to fail.

Yeah... i'll let Gabriel lead this conversation, while i'll go to beat some discipline into our resident devil....
<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*tenses up at secrecy* Complicated as in how? Don't answer her anymore Ben, i think she could possibly be another fallen being...


*blinks at the sudden change in vibe* What is the meaning of this?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

No apologies are needed. I understand; it's part of his nature.

<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

I am one of several beings who look after unstable worlds and their sources of conflict. Your world caught our attention because it appeared to collapse after interference from the outside. That's not right, nor fair to any of you, so I wanted to get your take on the matter.

Yeah... i can't really give you a fundamental answer to all of that. This world is as much of a mad mystery for us here, as it is for you and your group.

For starters it has weird laws of physics... thousands of planets per every star in a galaxy per every galaxy out of the countless quintillions out there. But that might just be it's nature.

However, the collapse, which Prism and i investigated earlier, seems to be rooted in the actions of a powerful entity born from irrational chaos...
<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>
Who do you think seeks justification in this; daddy's pup? Oh right... Orphan pup now HAHAHAHAH!

@Etcetera I so apologise for this Grace... he's REALLY pushing every button now that you came.
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