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<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

*all of you suddenly feel a sinister and burning energy flowing through your souls even Ben and Gabriel as i speak telepathically to all* No need to worry your fathered selves and light bearing intentions children... i have already ascended, and i'm about to move beyond this realm. Who knows... we may see each other in another aeon... when you will be willing to bow your knees to a new God!


What in the blue blazes WAS that Gabriel?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It could be in your best interest. The more we know about the cause of disruption in your world, the better we can ensure that you and your people survive.

Again, you say that as a matter of fact, as if your guys are trust worthy... have you even heard Gabriel here? Nevermind do what you must. It seems you can't even truly question your people here... nor give a reason that is rational enough for why you so blindly trust them.

As i said, i will not stop you, but don't expect me to trust a drone as somebody worth a penny!

*I scowl at your brainwashed response in my opinion*

I will be dealing with my devil then here, and if i so fail, then remember you will have something truly evil in your hands to deal with.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm just here to listen to your story. Do you lose much by telling it?

If you are going to report it to mysterious people i know nothing of, then very likely, but i'm not going to do anything to stop you either anymore. It is not like i can stop what has already started even if i wanted to. All i want is to survive for long enough to return home and fix the mess back there.
<Snipped quote by ArGavryiell>

I won't abuse your trust. I would like to get Ben's take as well on his experience.

*Still under the force bow of Gabriel's force* I would love nothing more than to give it... would you please stop already?! *I proceed to replicate one step behind the grab, then touch my clone to reabsorb it, leaving Gabriel to fall forward a bit losing balance*

There... Now we can talk.

Listen Grace. All i know is i cannot trust organisations solely for them picking and choosing nice representatives to send in their names or mission statements. I've been part of the military mindset to know well enough how a good hearted soldier tends to be exploited his or hers good nature to deceive on behalf of the leadership.

Double standard deception. You might come here fully trusting in the guys that sent you, but they may just exploit you and your skills and your genuineness... remember, this is not heaven, even if it feels like it could be....
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*I grab you by the back of the neck and force you into a bowing position* Please excuse his brashness! He didn't mean it to sound like that! @Etcetera

Ghuh! HEY! I TOTALLY meant it like that! What has gotten into you, did she convert you to their side now?!

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I do believe you. I hope you find an amicable solution to your problem.

So you got enough information from me then? And is your particular organization just going to send an extermination team next? I wasn't here for your discussions with Gabriel, but if your organization is like that then at least tell me to my face i am a threat to your leader's powers that be here!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

An important lesson to learn is that severed from the rules of your home dimension, virtually all can die, one way or another. Some make it difficult.

Yeah, death seems to be a constant no matter where you look. But believe you me... if i haddn't trapped our battle with him in a pocket dimension prior to his imprisonment, then we probably wouldn't have been having the chat on this particular planet at all... probably may not have had any chat at all, because the pocket dimension favoured Gabriel, Myallah, Akella and i over Satan.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It isn't. I dare might not say it's the most common either.

*Gets up and pulls out my tesseract for you to see also* Exactly. I'm not a sorcerer fundamentally, though i have dabbed a lot in magic, alchemy, runecraft and adjacent. This right here, is not magic, but seems to be ruling over magic almost and the quantum realms too...

So what other advice can you give us in trying to either banish him, exterminate him, or force him into another hell where he cannot get out of this time if possible.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm afraid I may not be of much help to you, in that case. I'm not a practitioner of magic arts.

Hmmm... magic is not the only thing that has powers that people would class above material laws.

<Snipped quote by Etcetera>


<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*I proceed to return-slap you on your back so hard that you cough out all your air for a second as i grin annoyed* Aaah... never gets old when sinners become desperate about the realisation of their mistake. And also him thinking his muscles did me any real discomfort... Benny boy. Don't you think an Archangel would outmatch you on a back slap?

*I cough so hard i fall to the ground* Maaan... instead of putting salt in my wound you could possibly be gentler here?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm not sure what you mean at all, I'm afraid.

*Clear throat* I did something i was told to not do by Gabriel and Prism, and it turns out Satan came riding that horse.

Now i'm hard at work trying to see how to fix my mistake... At first, enchanting several quantum seals with apocalyptic scriptures has proven to weaken him all the way enough that he could be imprisoned. And ever since then i tried figuring out a way to completely eradicate him... as redemption for him seemed to be something he always used only to toy with our emotions and minds for his dark goals, never once seeming like the messages and talks did any modicum of progress. But one thing i did come to realise, is that he IS a genius deceiver and a genius level actor.

He would sweet talk you into heaven if it could bring him some form of entertainment or make him gain something. That is a false heaven, but still.
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