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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It's not, but what am I trying to do?

Sit down, then... *Begins describing the process of present moment transcendental meditation*

There... you get it now? This is empirical for you, and you alone, to figure out what is ailing you in detail.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You're all coming up with different solutions when I don't even understand what the problem is. What did he do to me?

He stopped you from being able to feed... that's all i know. But for more info, i already suggested what you could do right now. Start meditating or is meditation an alien concept to you?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

*Looks between both of you as you speak*
So it's even more complicated than it sounds.

Uuum... i don't really know how to put it dear Jade... but basically your situation is just that kind of issue... And i don't really understand what you mean by complicated, in my eyes, i already have the solution, but Orthrus sees this in a different light, and as for Mierno, i simply don't trust anybody related to the thing of a man, to be a source of help for you.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It really is a lot more nuanced than that. Trust me as someone who’s been partially involved in learning about them. And trust me when I say that judging individuals based on a collective is a narrow mindset… I have my own reservations about them, but if I truly believed any of them would maliciously hurt her then I wouldn’t even bring it up.

It's not really about judging the group as a collective. Is more about, they are in touch with each other right? That means that even if she's helped by a good one, then what's to say that one won't accidentally splurge info on Jade to Mierno, and the domino starts falling.
<Snipped quote by Server>

Then I think it’s a safe assumption. Have you actually had anyone look you over? Do a thorough physical examination?

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

*Shakes my head*
Not yet. I don't know anyone who would be good.

Still not agreeing on that approach but if it comes down to it, my wife can do that, or even better Myallah. She's... definitely better at anything regarding living beings than even a century's old medical expert - not that my wife started as a doctor... but again... centuries of life...

<Snipped quote by Server>

My references would come with strings attached.
*Pauses for a moment in the mental projection, glancing around in the real world*
Listen. It may sound unintuitive, but there are folks in the same network as Mierno who would probably help you out, and would probably do it for free. I have my reservations about them as a collective, but some of their constituent parts are revered members of society. And they have a few doctors among them.

Dude seriously? Yeah, just throw her in the deep end like that...

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

Let me make sure I have this. You don't like these people, and Mierno is part of them, but you think they'll help me because SideSlash is connected to them too? That's awfully confusing.

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

That almost sounds like a mafia of sorts.

<Snipped quote by Server>

Sounds at least adjacent to that, definitely. The spirit of it just puts me off.

And that's even more why you shouldn't propose her to be helped by a mafia like "hero" squad.
<Snipped quote by Server>

I doubt it. But I guess it isn’t absolutely impossible. No, I wager it’s an artifact of whatever it is Mierno did. Assuming you don’t have other things intruding on your life you want to share.

Well we're getting somewhere at least...

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

I don't think so.
*Rubs my temple*
I'm pretty open about my life.

This is clearly a foreign element here, if it was anything close to something of Jade's life, it would be so alien and foreign.
<Snipped quote by Server>

First, to determine if it's even the source. I'd wager it's a manifestation, assuming it's unnatural at all. A side effect of an ailment lying elsewhere.
*Very slowly reaches my arm toward the hole while floating over the edge toward the anomaly, attempting to source its connection to something else that isn't immediately present*

*Winces* Not a good idea Orthrus! Be careful!

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

*The apparition appears to be of the same nature as the three of us and hovers ominously, and as soon as you cross the lip of the pit, it pulls against you with intense gravitational force*

<Snipped quote by Server>

*Clenches my fist and pulls my arm back in resistance, though does so in a way that doesn't betray any sense of struggle*
This is as foreign as we are.

Whoah! Hey there! You good? Right... *extends my hand out toards it without even as an inch of changing my position closer to it and begins casting a sealing spell* 'Orghun-nobbhu-nobbhu-shyiah!' *The spell forms a seemingly impenetrable forcefield of fire-like energy without actively attacking it, but severely restricting its influence on Jade and us and the realm*

Right... just to be safe... darn!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Okay. Once I do that, then what?

<Snipped quote by Server>

*Rubs my chin*
Well, feeling negatively about it is a decent sign. Not definitive, but it's something.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Not this far in. In for a penny, in for a pound. And as for messing with it? I'm erring on the side of caution here. Assuming this is a representation of an unnatural presence, it could have dire side effects if we just start throwing the kitchen sink at it, you know? I'd like to get a closer look first.

My proposition still stands really...

Have Jade meditate and learn to become more in tune with herself rather than depend too much on outside interference. After all, i do fully intend, when we solve this issue, to give her a class in supernatural immune system development... Supernatural for literally anything from magic, to transcendent powers to anything that does not belong in the natural simple physical world...

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

So what do we need to do to get rid of it, exactly?

Do the meditation to learn better of it's nature then you tell us what you feel it is.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

How am I supposed to know where we are? I really just don't understand what I'm supposed to look for. This is like my home and matches what I remember, except for this giant hole and whatever is inside it.

Right... Well, first sit in a relaxing position and begin breathing in, and out as you focus on every second that passes of this environment. Then start focusing your awareness on how you feel your skin, your emotions, your thoughts... Relax and sense yourself fully, this should be more than enough.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

And which paper are we on right now?

That is the problem... you are the only one who can figure this part out... and in a way this is good for your evolution! The more you grow in tune with yourself the better you can become at resisting attacks...

But that said... you basically have to tell us in which level we are right now... sorry i can't provide more info on the matter...
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