<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
I don't know that much. But whatever's floating over there is definitely from him.
I suspected as much... Well now we have a clearer picture at least of the situation Orthrus @Magnanimity
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
I don't know that much. But whatever's floating over there is definitely from him.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
I don't love this. He's been here.
<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>
I guess just trying to learn more can't hurt. But I'll no doubt need help in the end.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
Alright, I'll try.
*Sits down at the edge of the sinkhole and closes my eyes, thinking deeply*
<Snipped quote by Server>
I definitely think you ought to get help with it. There are people who are professionals with this sort of thing.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
I understand the idea of meditation. But I don't think you've explained how I'm supposed to use it to fix this problem.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
It's not, but what am I trying to do?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
You're all coming up with different solutions when I don't even understand what the problem is. What did he do to me?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>
*Looks between both of you as you speak*
So it's even more complicated than it sounds.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
It really is a lot more nuanced than that. Trust me as someone who’s been partially involved in learning about them. And trust me when I say that judging individuals based on a collective is a narrow mindset… I have my own reservations about them, but if I truly believed any of them would maliciously hurt her then I wouldn’t even bring it up.
<Snipped quote by Server>
Then I think it’s a safe assumption. Have you actually had anyone look you over? Do a thorough physical examination?
<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>
*Shakes my head*
Not yet. I don't know anyone who would be good.
<Snipped quote by Server>
My references would come with strings attached.
*Pauses for a moment in the mental projection, glancing around in the real world*
Listen. It may sound unintuitive, but there are folks in the same network as Mierno who would probably help you out, and would probably do it for free. I have my reservations about them as a collective, but some of their constituent parts are revered members of society. And they have a few doctors among them.
<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>
Let me make sure I have this. You don't like these people, and Mierno is part of them, but you think they'll help me because SideSlash is connected to them too? That's awfully confusing.
<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>
That almost sounds like a mafia of sorts.
<Snipped quote by Server>
Sounds at least adjacent to that, definitely. The spirit of it just puts me off.