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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Smiles and nods*
I appreciate the sentiment of the message.

Cool, cool! Now then. Tell me whatcha thinking! *I grin friendly and lift a glass, while i manifest some soda for you on the side*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

People do look at us horrified. They do to most monsters.

Ah... well if you're fine with that i mean i guess that's okay. I mean i can't say there's no survival instinct triggered in us, but... personally i've moved my own judgements to a higher plane of morality than just "Oh, her kind eats our people aaaah! They are evil beasts from hell curse theeeem!" *Composes myself after the undue mockery of the fearful* Ahem... yeah. I made my point! *I grin stupidly and proceed to drink a bit more*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I plan to do that by observing. The best learning is done by watching the experts, after all.

Observing is one aspect of it. What i've learned, is that one cannot base themselves solely on observing, but theorising and making logical deductions even if just on paper while keeping it to theory and not necessarily practice and review it with the actual operation performed.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

That's just what we're called. What's wrong with it?

It's a demeaning insult usually... by everyone, almost... depending on reality and culture, but yeah... i would say they look horrified at you and insult you to defend themselves. From you and your kind. I haven't seen anyone calling a strange being a literal monster, affectionately...

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I’m just saying. Beyond my area of expertise, but I did the digging where I can and narrowed down the problem. Anything beyond that, would be me just guessing stuff. None of you lot need my guesses swaying the needle, you know?

Fair point man! I won't ask you to participate, but guessing helps you learn more too! *I smile warmly*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm a monster. Type Wendigo, in case you know what that is.

Right... i presume you must be a so called "Monster" by every biological and mystically valid point. For me however, that word means evil and disgusting to the deepest moral level; However what i've seen thus far and gotten to understand from you, is that you are just scary and have spooky tastes, and may, or may not, be part of a species that specifically feeds on human flesh and blood... and possibly their souls too. But monster? I mean, sure. Feel free to adopt that classification if you must...

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

The boss lady said she was going to get a doctor in, so I really will just be leaving it up to the professional. She’s fatigued, but conscious, and not absolutely bedridden. I think things could be better but they’re okay all things considered. For now, at least.

Orthrus buddy, you'd be surprised just how good i, myself am with the medical domain. But yes certainly, i won't stand in the way of a declared medic on documents and profession.

This talking was merely to build something up that could help this medic if she finds complications.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Mostly hungry. Tired.

Hmmm... if you don't mind me asking, what life form are you?, i think it is fair to say, i already have an idea or two of what kind of being you are after already analysing your metaphysical space in order to find the source of the problem. Just hunger and tiredness seem fairly mundane symptoms at first... but looking at your condition, it feels like you are probably not taking under account the decay you are being put through?

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Makes sense, definitely. Names are convenient.

And they are cool too! But that aside... any thoughts you can add to this Orthrus? I mean the Jade disease situation?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Holds up a hand in respectful decline of the drink*
As long as it wasn’t decision unanimously arrived to by a council of one, I can’t joke about it at your expense.

*Grins at your decline* Ah... yeah... *Wags my finger at you jokingly* I forgot this is too strong for you now... hah!

But in all seriousness man...there's no better fun made and no better way to beat ones hubris into a pulp, if not by making fun at their expense... I've learned to do that over the years and it proves to be quite enjoyable. Well, wen i do it at my own expense that is. I'm not inconsiderate... anymore... that is...

That said, i won't even claim this is the official name of the whole universe. It would be a name i and those who have agreed with it, to go by, in order to respect some pins in our cosmic defence project from... y'know... Satan... *Proceeds to groan and gulps both glassess in one go at that last word*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Around the same as when you left.

Yeah, that part i figured out pretty much. i, however, never really got to ask you in the whole time i known you, which for you would be only a few hours, just how you actually feel, it helps make some more roadmaps for treatment.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Did you name it? I don’t really ever hear people giving entire universes a name.

*Chuckles as my copy leaves through that same door again instead of merging with me, while the me that remains just scratches the back of my head awkwardly* Hey, i know how this sounds... heh! But i wasn't the only participant there. There are even some local residents plus my celestial friends that participated in the naming process... I mean i'd like to think i managed to conquer a vast majority of the hubris i once had... *proceeds to manifest my hemp whisky, and a glass and i pour me some, and you another forgetting you are a bit iffy about it now*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It has ups and downs. You’re welcome to keep it as it is for as long as you see it as a benefit of course, but I would just hate for you to be missing so much every time you out here instead of in there.

*Smiles warmly and pats you on the shoulder as i proceed to duplicate in two copies, one just grinning chill behind me with a thumbs up and winks* Hey... i'm not missing much! I can live in multiple places at once. The majority of me is back in the Thaliomë Universe... *Cougs realizing probably nobody knows of this new name* The universe i happen to have created a home in...

Besides, hunting cosmic horrors and cosmic psychopaths, requires a base of operations that works in a different stream of time than the other common realms...

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I, yeah.

How are you keeping up though, speaking of this situation, how are you feeling?
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