Callum Prosser
It took another act of will for Callum not to let
himself be shocked into paralysis alongside the beast. Luckily, not literally in his case—but such a basic spell, coming from a spellcaster of his lowly caliber, managing to subdue the leviathan so soundly was everything he could have hoped for and yet nothing he was prepared for. If it weren't for the amount of training the knight he squired for had put him through, the amount of
intentional reactions hammered into his skull, he might have floated there gawking long enough for Ingens to revive without trouble.
He wrenched his hands free of the cut he'd made in Ingens's mouth, thankful that there wasn't enough muscle
there to have crushed his hands when the beast convulsed, and sped out of the open jaws. Without wasting any time, he floated up and over the leviathan's snout, glassy eyes languidly trying to track his movements in a far cry from the obvious, malevolent intelligence that had controlled them moments before. Without any retaliation, it was easy enough to pry up the scales and deposit the Seeds—and then, without any reservations or worries about what others might think seeing his hasty retreat, he was quick to stow his dagger, making
all possible haste back towards the queen and the relative safety she could provide if the leviathan got to moving and fighting again before Hayworth could make his way over to drive in the final seed.
Only for a flash to interpose itself between himself and her, the light itself parting to reveal within its boundaries, unsullied by mortal laws, a space devoid of anything that his mind could recognize as actual detail. It wasn't black, it wasn't
empty, or any of the host of other rationalizations that mortal minds usually tried to ascribe to it, to make it something they could understand. After such a near brush with death, with an utterly single-minded focus on getting back to some semblance of safety and control, he didn't have the energy to come up with any explanations for what he saw.
It wasn't even space, by the definition he existed in. There was no form to it beyond the boundaries the light imposed—it was
nothing. A hole in reality, pierced through into the Shade, and from there it was
possibly linked to someplace else that he could understand. A tear that was forced to abide, however momentarily, by the laws that governed the realm he existed in, and the most obvious thing at that moment was that
he had no clue where it led! His angle at it wasn't right to see that, and it left him at risk of plunging headlong into the Shade instead of turning out somewhere he could at least survive.
He twisted, barreling just past the edge of the light. The perfect circle followed his gaze, never wavering, giving him a glimpse for a fraction of a second of where the tunnel led—before, wide-eyed, he thrust out a hand at what came
out of it towards him. His fingers wrapped around the hilt of a sword, his speed drawing it fully from the portal that closed out of existence the moment its cargo was delivered.
"What?!" he muttered, slowing down and examining the weapon he'd grasped.
He could feel the weight of it in his hand, as true as day, and the slight resistance as it moved through the water—far
less drag than a weapon of its size should have had—but the blade itself almost seemed to disappear into the ocean itself, but for the difference in colour. Translucent, then, nearly transparent. Finely made...if he had to hazard a guess,
definitely magical in some way. Whether special crystal or some other enchantment he couldn't say without the time to really go over it, but he was absolutely comfortable in assuming it was magical.
Why it had popped out in front of him at the moment it did, he couldn't say, or even what it was beyond some sort of magical sword. Questions for another time, assuming the magic wasn't a curse. If it was...
Hopefully he'd notice it soon enough to ditch the thing and get himself out of harm's way.
Taking the moment of confusion to also catch his breath and his bearings, he looked around, over to where Sir Hayworth, alongside the Duchess Augustria and her servant were locked in combat with one of the ghostly interlopers that just disappeared from their midst.
"Hayworth!" he thundered, hoping that his voice would carry well enough through the water that the old knight would hear. If not, he was gesticulating wildly with his hand, and pointing with the ghostly blade back at Ingens.
"Now's your chance!"