Avatar of The Raven Calls


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15 days ago
Current 20 days into being 25 and I still don't feel any different. THEY LIED TO ME!
18 days ago
Apologies to all my partners, potential and current. Somehow my work week turned into 7 days of 12 hour shifts! Replies will come, just like winter did in GoT, but uh... Probably about as slow.
20 days ago
God I have never wanted to hang myself from the rafters of my job than I do today. God would I kill to be on a beach with a margarita right now
25 days ago
74 people in the 1x1 interest check section!? What're we having a gangbang/train?!
25 days ago
Almost got assaulted at work today... So much fun


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In that moment as his finger wiped away a few droplets of blood that had seeped through the crack in her mask she couldn't help but find her breath catch in her chest. This mask, it had become her own face within her mind. She only took off the mask when the darkness of night covered her form, when shadow was its thickest. There were no candles, lamps or windows in any room she occupied... Nor did she ever have a mirror within it that wasn't covered by a cloth. This mask was the only face she knew now... So this intimate act of his thumb rubbing over her 'wound' sent shivers down her spine and caused her skin to be covered in goosebumps.

Why... Why was she having such a a reaction to this? Had there been something on the mans fist when he had struck her? Some sort of drug that caused this? She didn't understand why her body was reacting so strangely. It was unnatural... But for some reason she didn't hate it.

What Iris did hate was the sight of this Rowena sleeping ever so soundly in his bed... Her eyes quickly averted from the sight before her, her throat tightening as she was forced by her liege to take a seat.

"I am not worried my liege... Perhaps just a bit startled as this is the first time I've seen the aftermath of your adventures. Usually the maidens you keep, well, they're usually wrapped in a bedsheet running back to their quarters by the time I witness them."

Her tone sounded playful but it was ever so slightly off, perhaps a bit bitter in nature despite her inability to see the signs right in front of her face. Her heart knew... It always knew.

As he went to have someone fetch the first aid that would be needed to address her injuries she couldn't help but feel almost prideful. His father's lessons had stuck with him it seemed, they had helped him grow up to become quite the leader... But now it also helped her see that he wasn't the young boy she had initially been introduced to when she had joined the kings Shadowguard; he was a man.

Before she could delve further into such thoughts the question of just what happened to her crashed through her mind, bringing her back to reality and to the fact that he was now touching her bare skin. Another shiver ran up her spine as she found herself coming to the same realization as Olosse had come to.

But she had a job to do, her mind refocusing on the task at hand as he began to patch her up.

"My liege, I... I was discovered by a rival faction of the Vikar down by the port. It's not just the bludless that have been inciting chaos and debauchery, nor are the rumors complete. It's... it's so much worse. There is unrest within the entire city. Propaganda has been spread through each city section faster than the guard can strip them down, the people are starving due to their food being confiscated if they do not choose a secret allegiance with another faction. Rations don't make it to the people so those with children have been... They've been selling their precious children into slavery. The port... It's filled with ships bringing these children God knows where. I couldn't... I couldn't stop the boats, I couldn't stop those ruffians from taking them."

Behind the mask a few tears streamed down her cheeks as she remembered their shouts for help... All she could do was ensure those still at the port could never use their fingers ever again.

"This place is a war zone my liege, what we've been sent into intentional or not is a suicide mission. This place, it's one act from the Vikar away from the people revolting. If we cannot persuade the Vikar to sit down with all the factions and make a deal, this will all be for naught. We are sitting in a powder keg that has a torch fast approaching... We can try to save it, but doing so will risk our lives in this process even more so than I thought earlier. We have enemies on all sides, there is no one we can trust besides ourselves... I will support whatever decision you wish to make, I will fight till my last breath to see your plans succeed... But I will also spirit you home if that's what you should wish."

Her eyes that had been locked onto her lap moved to the man before her, wincing a bit in pain as the adrenaline seemed to be wearing off.

"What... What do you wish to do my liege?"
“My liege, I-”

Iris was stopped before she could even truly begin, her lips pursed behind the mask as she debated whether or not she should go any further with this matter. It could be that Arel was trustworthy, it could be that this was all a misunderstanding in her mind. Nothing was concrete, there was no evidence whatsoever of betrayal from the Chancellor. But the fact he knew that there was so much danger in rumor alone yet still sent Olosse here ate at her insides like lava to bedrock. If Olosse perished Arel would merely have to send off the young prince Libea to another ‘diplomatic treaty mission’ and the man would have the throne to himself.

He was trusted by all, no one would question him… all except Iris herself, but she would surely die before Olosse would. Sure, one could see this as training but… everything was just slightly off. There was no substance connecting the pieces, but she could sense something was there. Her gut had never steered her wrong, it was what kept her alive for so many years.

“Yes my liege… I shall be available at your discretion as always.”

Iris bowed her head, her heart beat slightly faster as he released her knee from his strong yet gentle grasp. How long had it been since he had directly touched her? It must have been startling for her, yes… there was nothing more to it than shock.

Greetings and orders ensued from either side of the window, Iris unhappy that these rumors were true but happy that Captain Arneus seemed relatively open with his emotions. He was an easy man to read, should all go well with the negotiations he’d make a loyal asset she was sure of it. But they had to make it through this alive first… if they did perhaps she’d help the captain with his poker face. Documents were scanned with those brilliant hazel orbs, a simple nod of agreement to his plan was all that was exchanged in response. When his attention was elsewhere, she took that moment to depart. Her form faded into the shadows, and when next he saw two Shadowguards were now in her place. The Shadows had a terrifying reputation before Iris had joined them, but afterwards they had gained even more of a reputation when they became known for disappearing and reappearing from nowhere at all. That was all Iris; able to traverse through the shadows at terrifying speed, to transport others through that same darkness to wherever they needed to be. Her powers were terrifying… but limited to two people within the shadows at a time. If she tried to pull anymore individuals through that abyss with her she would receive physical damage, it varied each time since it was seemingly random but it always occurred. Like clockwork, Iris emerged from the shadows with a slight limp, her ankle on fire and swollen ever so fiercely. This… this would make her task difficult, but not impossible. She set off deeper into the city, ready to fulfill all that had been asked of her.

Iris stood upon the balcony of the room her liege had been assigned to, having opened the balcony doors ever so slightly to alert him of her presence. She could sense someone slumbering within, a woman… She did not wish to wake her and explain her presence at Olosse’s room at this hour. It wasn’t because her heart beated ever so loudly within her ears that she could barely focus, nor was it the fact she could smell the scent of… entwined bodies coming from within. As she stood upon the balcony with her head bowed, awaiting his arrival she couldn’t help but ponder upon why her body was having this sort of reaction. Perhaps she’d need to bleed her ankle tonight after her report… the injury had to be what was causing this tightness in her chest. That was… that was the only logical conclusion.

Iris stood with her injured ankle tucked behind her good foot, her fist clenched against and across her chest as she waited to finish her greeting. Only when she heard his footsteps did she dip her head deeper into the bow.

“My liege, per your request I have returned to you with all information confirmed. It is as it has been reported and no casualties were committed either.”

It was true, though there was one other difference in her appearance besides her swollen ankle.

That immaculate mask she always wore was cracked from the right eye down to her chin, that midnight fabric stained slightly darker by her chin due to the blood that had seeped down into it. It wasn’t a large cut, a small piece of the mask had simply hit a small vein just below her eye that had taken quite a bit of time to coagulate.

“It seems though that even in the shadows I am noticeable. I apologize for my state, my liege.”

She dipped into a bow, her right ankle had now been tucked behind her calf in order to stabilize herself. Her form wobbled slightly but otherwise she appeared fine, small injuries she would eventually heal from that she could put off… But why did she feel ever so guilty for having shown up before Olosse in such a state?
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