Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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welp as you know my interest is here.

Glad to see you here.


I appreciate the enthusiasm

Chaldea Security Organisation, An organisation created for the purpose of preserving humanity's future. Recent advancements in rayshift technology have enabled time-travel to become possible via using a holy grail as a catalyst, said grail having been retrieved from Fuyuki before it attempted to host a fourth grail war. This magnificent cup gave off remarkable amounts of energy as if going against the equation of the world itself. Perfect for breaking such a fundamental law such as travelling through time and altering history in order to benefit the human race. Imagine a world without poverty or famine where each human was equal because time was manipulated to allow such things. such a future is what the director of Chaldeas, Aoi Tsuno, wishs to achieve by continuing her fathers wish's thus as the experiment begins to move into stage two she has made her invite known to magus family's that can be seen as trustworthy to her cause.

So perhaps you arrived at Chaldea via recommendation or perhaps you simply arrived by hearing the news and somehow got through the rigorous screening process for people without the family name to back them up, but that does not matter, you here now in attendance for Chaldea's first proper ray shift where they will bring an object from the past into the present in front of a live audience. They will also be showcasing their adapted method of summoning from the holy grail as a way to produce peacekeepers and to learn more about history by bringing the historical figures from the past to the present.

"So come now and lets make history together"

Greetings everyone, what you are seeing here is a roleplay inspired by the fate franchise. Notably Fate/Grand Order. Though it is inspired you do not need to have much fate knowledge of the existing plot as this rp aims to be its own thing in some ways.

Moving on.

On the topic of Masters and servants it is generally easier if you play both yourself and your servants, this is due to the fact that a master can have multiple servants. It cuts down on post time and the need to wait for people, letting the rp flow more smoothly even in the event of a drop out. That is not to say you can't pair with someone else. It is simply not something I recommend doing.

So the question is, is there any takers?
@1Charak2 Oh I know they are two different persons, just used the first one to get Thomas out of the house, then he stumbled upon the crime scene of the beheadings and though @Guess who character was the culprit of both. Or am I misunderstanding what you meant?

Nope that was likely a misunderstanding on my part. Your fine.

I believe the person your interacting with is actually at target alpha. The person whos doing the beheadings crime scene and not target beta (the bank robbers) crime scene. so... I think you might want to revise your post a tiny bit.
<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>

Some people are just slower, or have stuff going on in their lives. That's completely fine. As a side note, I'm one of those people who have stuff going on, and I've been feeling terrible for the past few days, so I'm sorry to everyone for the delay in getting my sheet up.

The problem is, is that is way too much then I normally do. Which is likely a result of recent events and the fact I find it hard to concentrate on things that I am basically making myself make more sheets in order to get some enjoyment because of how I am finding it hard to do anything else. Its not a boast if thats what it seemed but its more like a statement of 'I am doing way too much to distract myself from life'

No need to apologise for delay because I understand that more then anything.
Apart from watching the Fate/Zero anime and parts of the UBW anime, I have gotten most of my knowledge of the series via osmosis from my friends who are obsessed with it. Recently I downloaded the stay/night VN since everyone told me it was 100 times better than the DEEN anime (Which knowing DEEN's reputation it is probably true)

*just gotta wait for those movies for my fav route*
Besides the last couple volumes of Case Files (because I'm lazy and because reading through the scans without badgering people to help me figure out what chunks of Japanese mean like I did for CCC/Mahoyo/GO is crazy levels of effort), I can say I've read/played everything Type-Moon's put out.

I have wasted far too much of my life reading about this damn Japanese gamer's fantasyland.

I have friends who make fun of me by saying "Mahoyo trilogy".

That and I finished 8 CS's for this rp before some people have even made one
The lack of OOC discussion perturbs me so I might as well try something...

How is everyone in terms of knowledge of the nasuverse and the type-moon franchise?
<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>

Oh no.

Oh yes.

Finally free to speak.

Finally free to exist.

A great evil has been unbound upon this thread

How are you all doing?
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