Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
1 like
9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

@Parallel Hearts

Here you go~! Something simple. A one-on-one cage-fighter


Apologies for that.

I'm working on a Da Vinci and a Nobu post right now.
So, a question on the common battlefield.

Are we fighting within or outside of the mooncell? (asking because inside the mooncell there is no pressure from the world which is what allows the insanity of the sakura AI to even exist)

@Parallel Hearts

Technically since we don't have the 'humans' pseudo servants would instead be manifested as their full selfs would they not? Which means we get True Ishtar (as an alter ego)

Finally wouldn't the 'extinction' of humans completely ruin the human half the counterforce? Unless of course that half is so reduced that its now clinging onto a servant container for existence.

Questions questions.

one sec
@Parallel Hearts

Alrighty then, Second Question. As all the Sakura Five are composite beings of Divine Spirits. Would it then not be possible for the individual manisfestation of each via the mooncell.

Asking out of importance due to the overpowering nature of 'Earth Mother Goddesses' The kind that comprise King Protea.

Ding Ding Ding Ding

Hana sighed softly as she lowered her scalpel in the biology lab midway through experiment, a surgical mask covering her face as she gently placed the half-dissected frog down upon the Tray, having accurately ascertained the position of each of its important organs, and noting in her head just where on earth to attack to cause catastrophic organ failure. Y'know, in case she had to kill a frog in the future.

Of course she had to make notes and things on the structure of a frog for her course but seeing what made it tick certainly ignited that morbid pleasure within her. Still, she closed her black hard-back notebook, placing it within a normal school bag, Certainly she couldn't pull forth her means of choice for storing items, what with having to at least appear normal within the schools labs, She wasn't as much as a risk taker.

Still, She had quite a few anatomically correct drawings of many an animal, mostly insects and things. Stuff she liked to share with her significant other to give them inspiration for their ideas. Afterall, She was merely an manipulator of life, but her friend had bigger better dreams and wanted to create it. Whom was Hana to stop such lofty dreams.

Walking to the door she glanced up a bit to see the students moving out, fire alarms were always the worst. She'd have to inform... or perhaps neglect to inform the school of the faulty sprinklers in the lab she was just in. So lost in her own mind, and such was the lack of depth perception. She walked right into the doorway with an "Ow" much to the giggling of the more popular girls.

The 'Normal' Kids though she was weird, yet she thought the normal kids were idiots. That same thought and hatred of normal would loop through her mind as she rubbed her forehead nursing her slight red mark from her clumsiness. A clumsiness that always occurred whenever she got too relaxed. Now she was simply annoyed at whomever pulled the alarm for making her hit her head on the door.
Wait, if alter egos are allowed and this is an alternate world does this mean we can app servants under the beast container as alter egos. Similar to Kiara?

(Just asking cause that class was made for servants that didn't fit into regular classification and yet had nothing to do with elder gods)

Im asking since the Alter Ego Catagory is generally the catagory for servants that don't fit classical definition (Sakura Five) or merely contain traits that make them beyond applicable for the original container (Okitan/Sitonai)
sign me up for interest.
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