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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
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That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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I know I was just saying she can change legs.. from knives to normal

Which was my entire point.

(that and her knee exists which means she has organic knee bending thank god)

So to quote myself from earlier with the small semantic error corrected

reminder that Melt's legs are actually her 'heels' and she has normal legs (that end just below the knee) beneath them

TLDR: I made the most minor of semantics when it came to sentence structure and birthed an arguement out of something I knew the truth about already, when all I wanted to do was offer a good melt fanart and join in.

There is a single official CG in that shows Meltilith with legs going all the way down to just below the knee

Its Called Melts Punishment. It has the most awkward posing so Im not gonna post it here.

(edit I checked it goes below the knee and then seems to just be covered by up by the metal, so at most shes a below the knee Plegic)

She has alot of actual leg all the same. Just thought people should know just how much 'organic' leg mass melt has.

(also turns out the legs are detachable so like... invest in some prothestics)

Meaning Ironically in that fanart image I shown, The Boots begin exactly where 'normal' organic legs end. Which means Melt can wear different high-length Shoes as long as they double up as prothestic legs

TLDR: Melt can wear different shoes as long as they go to just below the knee in terms of length and double up as prothestic limbs

reminder that Melt's legs are actually her 'heels' and she has normal legs beneath them

Work great for health and safety.

Da-Vinci Chan~!

Da Vinci was wondering the answer to the question for a moment, it seemed that this girl had made a good choice in answering in the way she did. As Da Vinci seemed very satisfied with her master having such a lofty goal. “A lofty goal is always something admirable, I suppose then master I shall help you achieve it~” Da Vinci said with knowing smile, the inventor that could do anything would of course do her best to make her master's wish come true. What type of genius would she be if she couldn’t solve her masters problems of logistics. Indeed, Da Vinci would do her best to be as useful as possible.

When her master sighed though that got Da Vinci’s immediate attention, what could possible be something of trouble to her master. Ah it seemed the troubles were more akin to a longing to be a free bird, and to go out and see the city, Ah the beauty of freedom. Something that Da Vinci would truly appreciate. [oclor=cyan]“Well, There isn’t a war going on, so I believe it would be fine if we indulged ourselves.”[/color] Da Vinci would chuckle softly in a mature fashion as she placed a hand on the Drakos heir’s shoulder. “I would love to accompany you to see the city, I am after all quite looking forward to seeing this places architecture.” It was true and to be expected that an artist on the level of the greats would want of course be interested to see the artistic expression of the urban island itself.

The way this is going is Nobu is completely unaware of her surroundings in terms of a politeness sense. Thus she speaks loudly, She is not trying to start interaction with anyone. She is just being loud.

The last sentence is expressive of how loud she is. Hyperbole,

The @ mentions are to inform players within the same Locale that they are within earshot, not that they are trying to start a conversation.

@Raineh Daze

Irrevelent. The store isn't something large like a massive convience store block, its regular sized. Nobu speaks loudly in general.

Nobu's voice will carry, like an annoying brat crying on an aircraft. Everyones going to overhear it.

But that doesn't mean you actually have to do anything with Nobunaga.

Da-Vinci Chan~!

Drakos Estate; Summoning Chamber

Da Vinci’s response to this being something different to a grail war was the immediate sigh of relief, mostly because she had sensed the lack of seriousness of the situation on her masters face and had come to the worst possible idea that her master might have been truly and utterly inept! Now however she came to realise her master was just socially inept. Something that was much more fun.

As they stepped out of the room, Da Vinci would be walking with a prideful deliberate stride would not even stopped to look at the others, merely letting them bask in her beauty as she stepped past. Confidence exuded in every step she made as she followed her master. She knew that people would look, in fact she liked it when people did. Admiring a work of art was only natural for the human mind.

Still the concept of a workshop? To get back to inventing such a thing was most joyous to the inventor, although of course the most pressing matter would be augmenting her gauntlet’s capacity in order to fit the terrain she was in. It would quite do if she and her master were caught without proper planning. It’d be a failure from this world-renowned genius indeed! “Might I ask Master.” Da Vinci would say with deliberation speaking, eyes of brilliant blue looking at her master once more. “What do you aspire for?” They would say simply, while they could get a good judge of her masters character from a mere glance, Da Vinci certainly couldn’t read minds even if she had an inclination to want too, and the servant certainly had a pressing interest in what drove the young pink-haired woman to act.

Oda Nobunaga

@13org@1Charak2@KoL@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR

Nobunaga whoms eyes had only scope for the candies on display would be lost in the thought of tasting such delectable treats Would of course have the wallet taken from her loose pocket, however the detectable clinking of the few pennies left in that wallet would break her from her sweet induced deep thought.

Her wrist would shoot out clutching the arm of the thief trying to take her master’s wallet. She wasn’t going to let some charlatan take her masters things. As she raised her eyes to become level with the individual that had just picked on the wrong gi-

“Oh... ” she’d say catching herself before continuing “Hi Master…” She’d say with a half open mouth that resembled a hint of shock and at the same time a slight smile of sheepish admittance to guilt. She stood there as she closed her open mouth letting him level his complaints at her one at a time as she simple nodded her head, appearing to take it in, when really she was just waiting for him to get to the point.

It was only after she felt she had given him a sufficient enough time to get it all out, and to catch his breath (she didn’t want her master dying of a heart attack when she barely knew him at all.) that she finally opened her mouth to speak. “You were asleep almost immediately, during the day no less! You expected me to sit around and wait for you to wake up. That didn’t seem really fun at all.” She’d say because to her she was completely fair not waking up her sleeping master and disturbing his rest. The loudness of her voice would make the conversation pretty audible to the rest of the store

It was a joke, nothing personal, I just found it kinda funny that the obnoxious nobu got into the shop like a stealth mission.


*That moment nobunaga walks straight past you and has to gently part the crowd and nobody notices her*

I didn't know nobu had presence concealment EX

King Hassan gave up his grand status, so technically he is summonable.

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