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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Nobunaga would take a master, currently shes at the store some Im sure master could catch up to her to find out shes spending his hard earned change on sweets instead of on milk.

(would also mean they've done the ritual already which would make for a killa flashback.)
@13org its actually ok to read for me as long as its not italicised

Unrelated Note, Nobu can still have a master, I just put her in with a loose hook that her master let her out to the store by herself for the time being with some spare change.

Oda Nobunaga

@KoL@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR

Walking in a casual jacket and T-shirt combination, a dark haired girl that could be your girl next door was walking down the high street, a hat that reminisced the feudal era was planted firmly on her head accompined by a pair of headphones that were playing a loop track of as much rock music as she could find.. Of course the way she was acting wasn't really telling of the warlord she actually was considering she was clutching her head after an onset of brain freeze from eating too much ice cream which she had brought from a stall set up by a master-servant pair.

Still, disregarding that. She could honestly say she was happy, There wasn't a war going on for her to have to fight in, and she was quite bemused by the presence of so many servants. Perhaps then the only downside for her currently was the lack of her family and close friends. Her brother, her niece. Okita... Well, it seemed that she couldn't have everything, but that was to be expected.

Staring at one of the TV's in a window shop her lips curled into a smile at the sight. As she saw the two servants dance back and forth. True, she admired peace time but given whom she was... A little fighting was pretty fun to enjoy too and she watched as sword met sword, NP clashed against NP. It was thrilling to see the underdog prevail and Nobunaga was pressed up against the glass watching. Seeming intent on concentrating on it regardless of the few other stragglers trying to see. "Good on you Sigurd!" She'd cry out as the Saber class servant would win in such a spectacular fashion. Such a cry would get her a few glances and a few more sighs of annoyance but a person acting eccentric in the streets was bound to be expected on an island of servants.

Happy at bearing witness to such a fight through one of the greatest inventions of the modern era. Nobunaga continued her trek onward, red-eyes fixated on her destination. The dreaded convenience store where people were forced to wait in line and she wasn't allowed to pillage, frisking her pockets for the spare change her master had given her, she'd step inside. Walk straight through the crowd of servants that were talking and head with a straight beeline towards the sweet aisle with a "Excuse me." and a "Apologies" The change gifted to her, jiggling in her pocket all the while with a soft noise. Coincidentally was quite close to the crowd, and if one would happen to look, one would see Nobu making one of the hardest choices of her life.

Bourbons or Chocolate...

And with that, Casual Nobu's outfit is an obvious pick
So is Nobu ok...?
its not even dark blue on the code. I just left it as blue but jesus thats darker then I thought it was. Changed to Cyan.
Da-Vinci Chan~!

Drakos Estate; Summoning Chamber

hat look, it was one that made Da Vinci nod her head and smile, the second gaze. Ah it seemed her master was just barely processing the sight of the beauty before her and that made Da Vinci smile wider. She knew what her master was likely experting, a man or a boy, whom was handsome most likely but a beauty such as she was now was probably far out from what her master thought. This pleased her indeed and it was with pleasure that she answered her masters question. “This?” She said giving her master a little twirl, the bird on her shoulder slightly wobbling at the speed of the twirl, in order to show off her well crafted form before Da Vinci would briskly turn back to face them “I thought it necessary that my body aptly showcases what is beautiful, and there is no greater beauty to I then that shown by my greatest work, The Mona Lisa, and thus I modelled my body after it, because for a genius such as myself, gender and appearances are mere contrivances compared to embodying beauty.” Da Vinci would say, giving her master a well thought out grin as if to say ‘Is there any problem with that?~’

She’d let that hang in the air for a moment before moving briskly on. “So now I have arrived wouldn’t it be best if you showed me your amazing establishment master?” Da Vinci said in a manner much like a person trying to move the conversation along to its logical next step. That is to say that the awkwardness of the situation was rather stifling.
@VitaVitaAR ay ay!
so is nobunaga ok to replace semiramis with?

Decided to give the servant with a personality and outlook that'll mean she'll actually enjoy the island city a lot. Because why give a damn about what happens. Your here to try new things, meet new people and make the most out of existing on the planet again.

(intending to replace Semiramis)
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