Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

April 26th 2011

School District 11: The Warehouse district

5:21 am

Beep beep beep The forklift would slowly reverse backwards carrying its large wooden crate into the storehouse. District 11 had just received its bi-daily order of supplies that would be distributed to the appropriate sources when necessary. "Alright boss that should be the last of it." The worker said calling his boss over the radio as he started to lower the forklift and its contents.

"Um, Boss. I said that's the last of it." He said again waiting for a response. "Damn, he left already without informing me. Dick." They sighed and began to slowly moved towards the warehouse doors with their forklift and then the power in the thing died. "Damn thing. Boss really needs to spare some expenses to get the new ones." They sighed and sat there for a moment. Did something just move between the crates.

No there was no way. "Is that you Gary?" The man asked wondering if it was one of his fellow staff. Stepping up and away from the forklift. He heard a low hissing noise, and before he could even speak. His arm was laying beside his foot. "A-a------" The scream would be cut short, strangled by the firm hands of the larger faster individual.

5:30 pm

"We are regretful to report that School district 11 had to report the murder of one of the workers at the district. A one 'kevin' whom was found in pieces at the scene, showing signs of severe mutilation. We have reason to believe that foul play is involved due to the graphic nature of the scene." The newswoman said yawning a bit. "Next up on the news. A local radio group will be presenting their stage drama-"

This would be playing on all the videos in the corner shops and stores. It was pretty curious news. A murderer present in Academy city was always going to raise a few eyebrows but for now it seemed. For every other person now finally leaving their school buildings for the day to either hit the city life or hang out in their dorms. It would probably be a normal day.

But someone... or something was going to make its move.
Its full. Sorry.
IC post up, Decide how you got to Duel Academy, I have already randomised the and assorted your opponents. More Information on that will be in the discord
Mitsuri Campus - Main Building 3rd Floor - Duel Arena September 12th 20XX


"Please avoid knocking each other over!" The Voice of a burly fellow would bellow over the intercom system, the man would be standing on his podium as the new first years would be bustling their way into the duel arena for their placement duels. A few rowdy students here and there as people at the entrance would mark off the attendees and give them their associated number before being directed to the stands to await their duel. There were 4 possible examiners a student would have to face, It seemed each one was a different level of strictness about the whole process as well, as one student was sent crying.

The first one was a man wearing what appeared to be a baseball uniform. His deck seemed to be sports based, and he was barking at his opponent on how to stand whilest holding a duel disk and yet at the same time he seemed to be offering positive advice to his opponents as the duels dragged on. A nice fellow all things considered if one were to be paying attention to him.

The Second one whom was to be examining the students appeared to be a rather reserved gentleman that was playing a Machine oriented deck. He was complimenting his opponents on the way they built they decks, and most of all he seemed to genuinely be smiling and having a blast. He was probably new here given his youthful looks. Still he looked the most approachable out of the bunch.

Teacher three, seemed to be a rather meek woman, who was nodding her head. She seemed to be using a spellcaster deck. Her personality seemed rather sheepish and overtly polite. But at the same time, one could see from the way she was playing she knew exactly what she was doing, though she was getting red faced when having to deal with an opponent that seemed bored with her.

Teacher Four, the one that had sent the student off crying was a stern woman that seemed to be looking down on her opponent as she bombarded them with questions mid match. Making Merciless plays and just as Merciless remarks against her opponents as she appeared to be testing her opponents resolve to keep fighting. Students that gave up would recieve her scorn the most not helped by the fact that she was a very difficult woman to please. The Deck she seemed to be playing with was based on Rock Monsters.

Now, then, all that was left was for you new students to have your placement duels against one of the four random opponents. You may have been told to do your best by one of the older students at the door as you walked in and that was all you could do. The First hurdle of many awaits!

@King Cosmos

Accepted because, your a firework, let them see what your worth.
@Sarcelle Renard

As discussed in PM's

this is good! accepted.


good faceclaim

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