Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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I'm sorry but i've reached a conclusion that a character as blatantly evil as this guy (due to the fact he's starting off as evil to begin with) would have been likely skipped over by the reincarnation vector. That and the fact that it'll be very difficult for him to gain an initial foothold.


Before anything else finish the skills. I like what you have thus far.

With feet on soil, and hopefully with all of your vital organs still inside of your body, you'd be able to survey your immediate surroundings. You were in a forest obviously, that much was immediately certain given the extent of natural foliage around you, The Ash trees with twisted trunks, The soft leaf-bed covering the soil beneath your feet. The dew on the grass confirmed that this place was at least moderately humid.

Those with more alert ears would note the presence of running water. A nearby stream was located north-east to the land spot. Following it would certainly lead to a river and eventually civilisation. There was also a some path of trodden leaves in the opposite direction, as if it was a well worn path. Both of these could perhaps lead somewhere. But for now all that would be present would be yourself and the adventurers around you, for any animal that would of been nearby would of been scared off by the mighty crash.


Discovered Red-Ash Woods

What was once the site of a great battle has since been overgrown by Trees and foliage. The grudges of those that died in war is said to have been responsible for some of the more twisted tree-trunks one can find in this forest. Ghost sightings are also pretty common in this woods!

Discovered Poor Maiden's Stream
A small freshwater stream that runs through the Red-Ash Woods that connects to the Wood Elves main trade route, The Heritage River. There are common folk tales about this stream but the one that gives it is namesake is the sighting of a lonely maiden whom sometimes flocks to the streams edge in times of war.


Alright so after alot of back and forth thinking. Claiming the moniker of 'lich' this early on would be nonsense given your circumstances. Laughable even

Your backstory also looks like it was ripped straight from Tanya's backstory


You were unconscious before everything, body floating around in the infinite gentle embrace of the void-sea, weightless, formless, comfortable. Indeed at least death itself didn't seem that painful, but that comfort would be quickly stripped from you as a bright light flashed against your closed eyes. Perhaps you'd hear yelling near you. Perhaps you'd be the first to yell or maybe the last but you'd most certainly hear the sharp ripping of wind past your ears.

So there you are, falling from the sky. The ground rushing up to you. If you had time you'd perhaps be able to spot the vast continent's features, The mountains, the flat grasslands. The great walled city, many of the spectacular landscapes which you could see from the lower stratosphere. But what was most pressing was the vast green canopy right beneath you. Something that you'd be falling towards at a terminal pace. Of course your not the only one falling in fact it seemed a good smattering of other individuals are falling nearby.

I hope you thought of your landing strategy!

World discovered
A Strange new land filled with mysteries yet untapped! What could possibly await you when you get on the ground!

I'd say that its a bit more overlord then konosuba in terms of how the races react to eachother. But theres no super overpowered Crypt King.

Really the world revolves around player choices and can become darker/lighter in tone depending on actions.

@King Cosmos


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