Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Both of you are showcasing "Adaptation" Tier zero, So this applies to both of you similiarly. Firstly you need to explain if the adaptations are permanently or temporary (like a small boost in speed against a fast enemy vs a permanent speed boost) If it is the latter then you need to explain what level of passive/skill the adaptation will grant.

TLDR: going to need a little more detail on the tier zero

This is the main issue with both of your sheets as of current.


Going to need some more context on 'Skill link' are the skills a permanent bestowment (if so then tier 4 is not the proper tier for it) or are they temporary bestowments.
Ok, as one of the players has kindly pm'd me informing me that they would like to leave that means theres 2 slots left to fill! which makes it slightly easier when it comes to accepting you new folk.

Revy is accepted! feel free to move her to the accepted characters channel.

As a result of our discussions about this. As well as no glaring issues with your sheet (that I can see). Accepted!

OOC is up! Fill on through my wayward adventurers

Life in another world as a Enemy Mob

An Introduction

A roleplay inspired by such works as Overlord , 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime' and a bit of 'So I’m a Spider, So What?' amongst other minor ideas taken from other media. This is Isekai rp focusing on group of people (the players) from various walks of life (bonus if the characters knew each other in their past life) reincarnating into another world as (as the title suggests) The Monsters of fantasy. Of course you'll start off weak and grow your abilities throughout the roleplay. But thats not all as this is based on Isekai, You can design a 'Tier 0' Skill unique to your character that isn't present in others from your race. Perhaps its a skill that allows a normally blood-crazed monster (e.g a Oni) to resist their thirst enough to almost interact normally with other races. Or perhaps it does the exact opposite and intensifies their blood-rage into something that goes beyond normal Oni.

Though that brings us to the concept of who would a monster fight. Well besides other monsters (the food chain is very noticable), Humans are commonly tasked with executing monsters (Heros are quite renowned at doing this and should probably be avoided!), Elves are particularly murderous to monster-kin. Dwarfs would refuse trade with monsters on principles of pride. Etc. Life is tough for those of the monster inclination. But of course its up to the party to try and establish their foot-hold in the world. Maybe you will work together to bring equal rights to all races ushering in a golden age. Or maybe you'll fit perfectly into the role people are trying to push you into and act the villain towards a world that is naturally hostile to you.

Whatever you choose, its your life in another world!

The Welcoming

Hello there and welcome to the interest check for my Isekai rp about being reincarnated as a monster in another world (think a monster from Dnd or a Yokai), The way I plan on running this roleplay is as an open-world type deal, where the players are free to explore/interact/Commit Atrocities (if its in character) and the world will respond to that (and them) in turn. Now that is not an excuse to go full 'troll' on other players but it is just to explain the freedom players will have in terms of how they wish to do things.

Below you'll find some meta/mechanical information on certain things within the roleplay (like skill classification, and the different non-human races present that are not deemed 'monsters').

Mechanics & more

Welcome to the Main thread!
Alright given the interest and the fact that you three are competing for the last slot of the rp.


I will decide who gets the final spot based on the best sheet app'd out of the three of you. The same is true for any other joiners that wish to throw their hat into the ring.

Welcome aboard, yep. Theres still a bit more room.

@King Cosmos@Nerdy Reference

Welcome aboard!

Also the character sheet is up
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