Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
1 like
9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

> If We playing Battle City, Does this mean I am allowed to use real people as tribute fodder? I mean why not am I right

Though the small issue with a battle city plot is that it could lead to players being spread out/Result in some players getting all the action and someplayers getting next to none. Ante Rules could also lead to some scenarios where a deck can be entirely crippled.

Buuut, If there is a trash pile filled with Ojama blue copies or something to fish in when my deck has been stolen/anted away. Thats fun too.
> Reminder that ZeXal II is the best yugioh anime.

Just wanted to make sure I was on the same page with everyone here before we got into the rp.
Appropriate all the cultures

To follow your format:

+1 to Scripted duels
+0 to Point buy (don't mind if its there or not, Though I would prefer a more "Plot related" progression like the anime usually does with individuals getting cards as a result of character progression or as a result of interaction.)
+1 to Super duper mega ultra special Soul cards (because they are a great cornerstone in most cases)
+1 to Appropriate Culture (because Yu-gi-oh)

now I am not saying we should go Super saiyan. But I am not. Not. Saying that.

Edit: But yes. Ammokkx got it in one.
So idea's wise, I am all for a "card of destiny" especially if it is a card that has "upgraded" or retrained varients, and there is quite a few non-protag cards that can work like that.

But I am really not one to mind what majority rules.
Firstly I want to put forward that I have interest.

Secondly.I am all for 4000 lp duels, as a result of certain cards becoming incredibly fun and anime like in this scenario

Blasting The Ruins anyone?
Interested. I suppose

The Terms had all been agreeable, in fact this would still be profitable even with all the splits and the costs of travel covered. Mellifleur had been quiet for the moment for the moment, save the audible clunk of her hitting her head against the plated armour of Raphael because she had misjudged distance as she had followed the Nem over. Rubbing her temple Mellifleur gave an exhale of slight frustration. Before she put both hands on her hips looking straight at the guild staff.

"Mellifleur Lily Alexandria" She said beaming, trying to puff her chest out to look bigger and more grand in her mannerism. In reality she looked like a toad that was trying to ward off predators. "Don't forget to sign down Raphael too." She said pointing to the towered man in armour next to her. "He likes to be included." She said maintaing that uplifted look on her face as she looked back at her two party members. "Even if he is a little shy." She whispered to both the Nem.

@ghastlyInc@Raineh Daze@Rune_Alchemist

Indeed, Mellifleur would be jesting with the gods themselves if she admitted she expected the Nem to be completely fine with the act of lifting them up with such haste. Indeed the giant had remained dead still and without so much as a flinch, as Mellifleur tried, and waited for the girl to pick out a quest.

Only to be promptly interrupted by the arrival of yet another Nem! Well, she liked to believe she was approachable by those of Nem-orientation because of her lack of stature. Though she would never consider that because she hanged around her companion, an absolute tower of a human who made quite the noise when moving inside buildings unless she actively told him not to do that. She was about to speak up, To make a great speech about how she'd love to accept it! and to join him.

But then the Nem started talking to each other. But only after her first Nem compatriot did such a spectacular leap off the top of Raphael, whom once again did not flinch for why would they, The Nem was like a feather atop a strong stone pillar. Mellifleur was going to give it a clap, but that would be an interruption of their conversation, and she was told not to be too rude when people were talking. Now they were talking in a tongue she didn't understand! How could she so swiftly and effortlessly pick up the conversation if she didn't know what was being said.

Still it seemed her friend was called Nefrena, and she can now avoid having to ask awkwardly who the female nem was! She didn't know who the other guy was in name but she'd pretend like she did, though she had somewhat of an inkling that she shouldn't stand too close to him in battle. Given the way he was speaking... Still! Hot iron time to strike. She was going to give an eloquent speech about how she'd help.

"Sure! I'd love to help!" She said awkwardly fast and without any grace to her tone, Her loudness being one thing, but in reality she was kicking herself. Could she truely not come up with anything in the milliseconds of having the thought to help. Poor show.

"That is to say, I would be happy to accompany you on the quest." She said trying to salvage her ego from the her embarrassing display of a lack of finesse with people. "When do we depart for it?"


How could she have been so unlucky! Choosing someone that hadn't even chosen a quest. It was like every escapade and idea within her mind was doomed to tragic failure, That and she had startled the poor nem, whos name escaped her. Annoying. She can remember the names of dead people like no tomorrow but this party member of hers whom she had seen around the guild often. Well her name escaped her! But at least this hooded figure knew who she was. She nodded and smiled when the Nem guessed who she was.

"well if you can't reach the questboard~!" Mellifleur would say as she waved a hand. "Raphael! Give this Nem some height so she can see over the crowd!" She would declare, as her giant armoured companion would lift the Nem, up and up until The Nem would be standing on the giants shoulders. Supported by the gauntlets lightly holding her legs "An instant method of sight no? See if you can spot a quest now!" Mellifleur would beam, a smile of both innocence and of pride.

"Oh and if you fall off do not fret, I am sure I can catch you." Mellifleur continued, certainly doing nothing to alleviate the fear of falling from the Nem. "Though, do tell when you have found one so that my companion can put you down gently." Partying up was always such fun.

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