Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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So in regards to this city setting, What is the setting of the wider world. If its a dystopia where supplies are so limited, Does this mean we are set in the 'future' Ala ZeXal with Hologram technology, Or is such technology only reserved for 'inner cityfolk' effectively making the 'inner city walls' the equivalent of heartland city. While the outerwalls are a smog-filled shithole of an industrial/manual labour district.


Another thing is that if your doing a split like this, How do folk in the outer city get ahold of a deck?

It turns out buying that can of soda, really was important to the fabric of the universe. AS that can of soda being thrown behind you that one time is what caused one guy to fall and scar his face. Leading him into a downward spiral leading to the creation of the dark duelist organisation.


Mokey mokey? Ammokkx m8 I thought you knew better,

the three strongest cards in the setting are three mokey mokeys, One owned by the final boss, and two that are placed within the heart of two nuclear reactors on both side of the city. The power of mokey mokey is what holds the land in balance.

When all three are united mokey mokey king is born and as per such a being of incredible power. He can grant any wish. Creator God has fuck all on the monster that is mokey mokey king.

/end rant


Tablescrap decksey? Well then.

If we are using ace monsters (and hopefully we are)

Allow me to show you all the true power of


Re: What Grey said about special cards
So for a spin on the battle city thing, Where Ante would be a thing, and the whole place is prone to being a complete shithole when it comes to later things.

Why not just run it in satellite. What with the duel gangs, and the fact that making a deck usually involves scavaging the shit out of it (A canon way to not result in super high tier decks) While also the fact that trading would be seen as incredibly generous and mean something.

some individuals could certainly be from New Domino/other parts of the world, thus different motives.

What I'm saying is

New Domino + Satellite offers a better locational environment then say just battle city. PLUS Police duelists.

Well, I mean, There has been a high vote for super special card and cultural appropriation, So this means you sort of have a historical/legend basis for how everyone could have come to be drawn to this one place. You also similarly have the ease of producing forces counter to it (Ala Dark signers if you will) Meaning that it wouldn't be impossible to set up Shadow duels/Ante duels against the villians where the price is your super special awesome card.

The value you subject to them is up to you as GM.

Just a thought.

@King Cosmos

Story potential or not, the idea that cards are in a fixed pool that must be ante'd would nring back the idea that rare cards do in fact exist.

So if we are operating kn cards being rare as hell that ante'ing them is a thing then that furthermore leads to issues.

Similarly it'll be difficult to do a "Super special card" ver under these conditions, unless ammokkx wishs to inject the Egyptian gods or the like into thjs.

I feel ante has potential, but I also feel that it would be best saved for an arc, rather then to be the whole premise of the rp. But thats judt me.
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