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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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When your bored but don't really know why.
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That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Alice Sicilly : Skull-faced Friend!


"You speak as if I should congratulate you, and as such, Yes, this is quite an amazing feat you've pulled off." The fay would say as she would have been flitting about the room for a good while. Trying to explore their local before she returned to the beasts side, looking up at him for a moment she would try to see if she could see any eyes behind that mask as she would sigh.

"So now that we are here, what are you looking for? And how does it help me?" She would ask wanting to avoid talking about the fact she was still in the middle of trying to work out the creases in her outfit from being stuffed in the pocket of the beast. Her fairy eyes locked on his as shee looked at him carefully to judge the merit of the next words he spoke, her trust was still in the air, though he had been incredibly helpful getting them to... wherever here is, and if he had more of those arrows then making him a trusted ally would grant her a powerful infiltrator would it not?

Late to the party, Fashionably mayhaps but never too late!

the secret albino is here

Alice Sicilly : Skull-faced Friend!


"So you may say, though your not entirely the most trust worthy person i could trust.." Alice would say noting his mannerisms to be rather through as if he was looking for something. the way he spoke was something that reminded her of a man holding back his beastial mannerisms. AS if this 'creature' or monster. Was not naturally this wellspoken. This curiosity would linger in her mind for bit a moment longer as she would not spare a second thought on the matter. ALl that mattered to her was this book, whom she felt some responsibleness for, would be repaired to a manner she felt satisfactory so she could then 'extract' whatever information she needed. She would still be pouring her energy itno the book, not as much as before but just enough due to a partial worry within her mind that if she didn't the book might never wake up again. This action harkening back to her previous selfless nature as when she was once alive. even if she hated people. The book was still a living being.

"I have made my decision though, I will follow you further in, exit or not, the only path is forward." She would say with confidence in her voice. Her partial nihilism towards her scenarion, and partial desperation to understand her circumstance collosqued into a false aura of calm. As she would await his next move.
Alice Sicilly : Skull-faced Friend?


The way the book reacted to her cleaning it had given a small chuckle from the fay, as if the very being inside the book thought such actions immodest. This would prove good enough to Alice that whatever simulacra was within the book itself had enough emotional merit to it that it was worth saving. For the information within if nothing else and to preserve whatever entity protected that information as well. So then say. The fact she had chosen so readily to follow inside and to confront this skull-faced entity it best be said she was doing it for her own merits.

"Who said I wanted to leave so soon and readily?" The Fay would say looking upon his figure, obviously he wasn't exactly human, a monster most definitely and the goddess gift as accursed as such a being was for dragging her back to the world of the living could be. Had given her a boon fitting for talking to such a person. "Nay, if I wished to leave I would of been gone from this place with haste befitting my winged self no? I am here to attempt to repair something." She gestured to the book behind her. "And you, A being who seems most knowledgeable with a form that is not one that makes me sick. Happened to be within my view. So say I that i ask you. May you help me repair this book so that I may preview the contents within?" She would ask simply fully expecting the skull-faced creature to ask for something in return.
Alice Sicilly : Its alive?!


The Energy fading from the book gave her concern, especially given the book seeemed to be in a state of damage? Well. Bothersome. The Fae would breath in and push more of her magic into the book even with the noticable leak, She still had so many questions to ask. This book was her best bet for her answers. "I'm Alice...I think I am a fairy but im not from here." She'd say hurriedly as she'd hear the noise of a great thing in motion.

She would look up for a moment to see the great behemoth, ah... it was heading towards her. She would scrum back up the roof, hiding away from the encroaching battle. As she would open the book again. "Do you know who the golem is. Or do you know how I can fix you" She'd say with hurried breath hiding herself. Hopefully those other idiots could defeat that thing.. Then she could potentially make an ally with the downed golem.
Alice Sicilly : Its alive?!


Alice would notice the creature. It didn't seem to notice her at the current period and hasty movements would alarm it but she would have enough curiosity in her to check it out. HOWEVER! The first thing that came to mind was to get this steadily warming book off her back. Because not only did it feel uncomfortable, She had the strangest idea in her mind that the book may actually explode on her. And as such self preservation instinct would kick in.

Upon opening the book, it seemed for the most part unchanged. A quick look at that cryptic poem showed it was the same. However, upon turning the page she would notice something there that hadn't been there before. A single, simple word she could make out.


"H-hello" The Fae said audibly back to it

The word however, quickly faded, and the magical energy within its pages seemed to diminish greatly.

The quick diminishment of magical energy within it had caused her some alarm. The book had shown some sort of thinking, it was mayhaps her only possible guide in this godforsaken place filled with people she could not trust... Thus the Fae perhaps out of instinct or perhaps calling upon her the knowledge given to her by that disgraceful entity that called itself a goddess. Would begin to pour as much magical energy as she could into the book. To try to give it back the energy to write more.
Alice Sicilly : Out through the window


The stench of this chamber was getting to her, Even after she had ransacked and looked through the entire room for stuff to use, The fact she couldn't find anything of note bothered her. The scalpels for instance? which betrayed that in this room some sort of heinous experiment had occured. Interesting. Neat even and an abomination had even walked in. But The fumes were making it difficult to think. She didn't want to open her book for fear that if she did it would become contaminated by the fumes. She had known from personal experience that browning of paper or ruining of ink can occur due to chemical fumes. Ergo! Until she figured out if it was mystery ink or magic ink. (She'd begin her experimentation when she was sufficently away from everything)

She would have to leave through the window. And as such she would begin to fly up to the cracks, Slipping her small fae body through, Angered to be alive. But grateful for her small frame. AS it made this feat remarkably easy for her. So as she exited through that gap... she would open her eyes wide. To take in the world before her.
Florence Nightingale

Cleanliness. The aspiration for any medical practioner in any field. Cleanliness was key for practicing medicine, and the place the nurse was currently situated? A forest of bamboo. Not clean at all. This would offer nothing but detriment to her ability to provide medical care to her patients. She wasn't looking forward to having to drag people out of the bamboo forest. But if it was to save them she supposed a hacksaw would be necessary treatment.

Nightingale was holding her sidearm firmly in her hand as she would hold back from the other servants entering or already inside of. The Bamboo forest. She would provide all the medical care appropriate to her allies, And her enemies alike. What the generals did with the people she saved after she had given them the care they required mattered not. All that mattered was that lives were saved at the end of the day.

This was nightingales feelings on the matter. However She would not be the one to shoot the first bullet. It went against her conduct to cause injury needlessly. Any injury commited should only be done out of the act of protecting others. Or to save lives. She was the nurse of steel, not a war criminal. She hoped when she returned back to her master she could request a large clean area for her to set up a proper medical practice... Even a proper millitary camp would be better then working on the soil.
Akari Matsusuke

The Shrine

Akari had been moving with haste towards the shrine mostly because she thought if she didn't it wouldn't be a good idea to take a long long time walking and yet. Raikou calling her to slow down would cause her to realise she had been walking at a pace that would of also looked suspect. So with embrassement she'd slow back down again until she was walking beside her servant. It was a pleasant stroll rife with small talk, Akari complenting her servant on their dress sense. The fact that she thought her 'mom' looked pretty cool with the swords. Even off-handledly asking if she could wield one of them. Course this was all small talk for the most part, Things to waste time as they would make their way towards the shrine.

"Right! Mom." Akari would say her pockets filled to the brim with 'snacks' to offer to the shrine as well as to keep her energy up for the long night. "I think we've arrived" She'd say about to start on one of her big pep-talk filled speeches about how she saw this ghost at the shrine and she thinks that maybe that shes totally real now cause of this and if she can find this spirit they could have an edge.

But the spirit found them first. "W-woah woah hey!" Akari would say in surprise to the strange, familiar, yet ornate girl with clothing totally inappropriate for the time period. She may also be totally hiding behind Raikou for a moment. "Hey there, um. Spirit." Akari would say her words a little strangled in her throat as she was trying to blurt out some sort of words. But this ghost was real so... How did she avoid getting cursed!


Hideyoshi blinked twice for a moment at his old leader so casually accepting his services again. His clothing would become something a little more dignified, while not as incredible as his armour or magnificent as his robes as the second great unifier, he looked like a proper soldier of Oda Nobunaga's forces. The second stage of his ascension. Well at least he could protect his master now.

He smiled though at how casual Nobu was being, Like meeting an old trusted friend under agitating circumstance to be sure. But still it was enjoyable Though he would be the first to admit that making a mockery of the Fool of Owari would be a terrible idea. He knew full well how much she liked to hold a grudge.

"Hey, Sandalbearer is still a important job y'know" He'd say falling back into his grinning self, he motioned at Nobu's Master as she told them that he'd be working with them "Yo. How's it going, Sorry but if the Boss orders it then I gotta do it. Hope we get along friend." He said casually referring to his enemy as a friend. After all, all a foe was, was a friend that required a bit more effort.
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