Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

After School

School had ended without so much as another event on the level of meeting that strange girl by the noticeboard. Fujiko had made plans to go with this school to the card shop and she wasn't about to renege on the girl. Sure everything about what she was getting into reeked of a trap, and sure everything about how casually the girl had showed her their ruler had also similarly perturbed her. She had no clue that they were supposed to speak. The girl had acted like communication with ones ruler was the norm.

The sudden chill that had over taken her had caused her to look around to see where it was coming from. What being had created such pressure. A base instinct inside of a person was to run from it, But at the same time her bell would chime... She hadn't fought yet nore was she looking completely forward to it. But whoever it was. If it was Shizuku or someone else. She'd win.

Thus holding onto her bell tightly with firm hand as her perspective of the world would begin to shift, A standard Japanese street replaced with the cold hard stones of a tower. A tower she had only seen once, and that was in a dream before she woke up safely in her bed. A dream where she had encountered her ruler. Standing in front of her was a great gate of swirling fog, intersecting specks of light and dark littered throughout the chaotic cloud of fog.

She'd breath in and step through...

What would her opponent see
Standing across from the opponents room, a room of nothing but trash heaps piled high with forgotten junk, the stone walls of the tower bare and exposed there was little color present save for the browns of rust. The center of the room sat a throne marked and scarred by time and rot. Broken symbols and shattered imagery lined the ruin. A figure heavily cloaked in drab rags so that making out any discernable identity was impossible, sat upon that throne, chained to their very chair with heavy wrought chains, and spiked through with rusted spikes emblazoned with words of many tongues, all standing for "King" to the very throne in a very visceral looking binding. A heavy crown of cracked stone lay upon the head of the giant, eyes obscured as it drooped low over its face unable to correct the placement due to the predicament. Its mouth had restrained by a rag. It was an intimadating sight. Not helped by the fact that in its two hands, bound to the arms of the throne, it grasped not the throne itself but two long golden chains, Both ended in large hoops, One hoop was left unfastened, the other was fastened tight around the neck of a a human sized individual and from that hoop hung a heavy sign, bearing the Japanese Characters for "Fool". The Person binded in such a fashion was Wearing a outfit befitting a court jester but with a mask reminscient of stage plays forever warped into a jovial smile

"Who the hell do you think you are ambushing someone in the middle of nowhere" Fujiko would say. Not from the throne. But from the role of the jester, forever to perform for the king and she was definitely frowning behind the mask. But all the stranger would see would be that eternal smile of faux-joy.
Alice Sicilly : Holding Nose


Alice would have been incredibly slow with her flying, still getting used to strain of having to also carry her acquired book. She would have had seen the abominations as she had made her movement through the stone hallways of this ancient place. Part of it gave her pause for a moment as she would have looked them over more throughly. Stalling for a moment before she entered the room to look over these abominations more closely. What wretched means spawned these wretched things that would be the thoughts going that would go through her head. Her mind would take but a few more moments to ponder such outcomes before she shook her head. She moved on.

She would immediately come to realise that something had escaped from the room ahead, mostly from the situation she had seen before her very eyes. The damaged door opened from the inside. Still she'd press onwards and enter the room, immediately gagging at the strong smell of chemicals that filled her nose. Her suspicion that something had forced its way out was confirmed by the broken straps on the table. "Chemicals and broken table straps. Frankenstein mayhaps." She'd say quietly to herself as she would flutter about the room. She looked up her small pixie eyes taking note of the very obvious exit in the windows. The stench of the chemicals was getting to her. But so too had her curiosity. So she would scour this room looking about for anything she could take with her through the window, or anything else of interest. She guessed if any of the big other people that were here were to find her. The Abominations would stall them good and proper.

Hideyoshi had been uneasy since his summoning, it wasn't that his master was incompatible. But rahter hte well founded worry that if he didn't find someone of a decent character to offer his servitude to, he would likely be rebuked, or worse attacked. So he had been staying cautiously near his master the entire time, Brain wracked in such deep thought only to sharply be brought back to his senses as they approached another, hearing his master raise their voice Hideyoshi would be placed on an immediate alert.

Then he saw her of all people and of course The fool of Owari would introduce themselves by Gunshoot. The sudden woosh of the accurate bullet flying safely overhead missing them completely, Hideyoshi not even flinching for a second. He knew when Nobunaga of all people was aiming to kill. Still, She might still end up shooting him anyway if the matters of her niece was brought up. So! Swiftly answering and directing conversation would be the only way to avoid such a thing.

The only person who ever had the right to call him a monkey would be coming right this way. Right? There was no way she'd bring up her Niece immediately. Hope and pray for an easy transition of a conversation and... The first thing the great fool would say would relate directly to her own niece. Scratch that! go with it.

"Well Boss it appears that my servant class sort of derives that i need to serve someone first." Hideyoshi would say almost immediately becoming his old self as he eyed up Nobunaga's outfit. "Nice Outfit though boss, Though with the helmet I could ask you the same, I doubt you have your full armor either." He'd say in his peasant clothing. He may not be at a recognisable state of wealth, but that smile and that demeanor it was all Hideyoshi. Smiling genuinely in front of an enemy servant just because they had known them in life. They were after all friends even if they were enemies.

@Raineh Daze@Crusader Lord@Gummi Bunnies
Alice Sicilly : Seeking Descent


Her eyes had poured over the pages as she took in what was written, making note of the map and the three areas she had to visit. The moutainfolk were obviously within a mountainous region, scaling it may be difficult. She had a naught but her map when it came for travelling the regions. SHe may stumble upon a means but for now she'd put that option away, She didn't need to deal with potential frostbite on her new wings. Heading down south may be better, longer trek to be sure but 'Maids' made her think of a well made civilisation. The Death Bringer part didn't bother her in the slightest. She didn't fear the concept of death.

Using her glass shards, she'd make 4 vertical cuts into the book cover, in order to create loops for which she could carry the book almost like a backpack. She wanted to take this with her, It was obvious that it had more information she could study. But first she needed to get out of here. Fastening the book to her back, neatly tucked in a way so she could use her new wings she'd do a couple of hops to get used to the weight. Hop hop! jump!

The leap of faith! her wings batting heavily against the dead air that filled this place. She was the only one left in the room, ergo she had some leeway in case the book upon her back was.. Heavy. Heavy yes she'd fall a little too fast but manage to catch herself at the last moment with some exhaustive wing beats. As she'd ascend back. Arms outstretched in front of her to steady herself as she'd slowly fly out of the room, Moving in the opposite direction of the ones that had just left, Her goal would be to find an exit. Or perhaps.. She could see if there was that "Tears of Heaven" thing around. Still The Fae had a plan now. A driving force. She would figure out the mystery given to her by this tome, for better or for worse. This had raised the curiosity of herself.

Still. She would start thinking over the nature of the words given to her on the front.

"The moon shall writhe and cry silver, the stars swallowed by an inescapable void. The blackened sky shall descend, and devour the ancient shell."

The Phrase felt so unique in its structure. Perhaps it was a code phrase for something. Or a warning. A blackened sky was much too vague. But it seemed apocalyptic in nature. She'd also be thinking on the nature of the book. How could she get it to spill more of its secrets. What nature of magic enchanted the tome and why was it enchanted so.

Though for now the most pressing matter would be to get out into the open air. The staleness of this place reminded her too much of her own home and it sickened her to the core.
Akari Matsusuke

The Abandoned House

Watching the way her servant was acting and the fact that her servant seemed to be all manners of pleased with whatever she seemed to say. It filled Akari up with a bit of pride that she was so easily making friends with the stranger before her. This conversation couldn't be going better, and this woman seemed reasonable, Powerful and...

"Mom...?" She would say in surprise at what the woman wanted to be called her eyes would widen for a moment as she would consider for a half second of any potential alternatives. Racking her thoughts. A school dress wouldn't work. Raikou was much too mature looking. Ok, guess Mom would have to do right? After all it was just a disguise. She had no idea how much this meant to Raikou, her next words. "Ok Mom!" She would say trying to get into the role immediately right? if she started saying it often, it'd seem more natural.

"So, R-Mom, Mom. We should probably get up and get going right? I. I haven't entirely wrapped my head around it, but there is other people to beat and mysticism is real right? So maybe we should head towards the most mystical place here right? I know this shrine. We might be able to run into someone there!" She'd say setting her mind on visiting the shrine. Scooping up some candy to put in her pockets She'd look over to Tomoe. "Oh! and say bye to Tomoe for now." She'd say not wanting to consider at all that she might not come back.

And after a moment of brushing herself off, and pepping herself up, She'd step out towards the shrine, Leading the charge!



Accepted and heres your demons


Cross huh? That was the name of the ruler of the architect in front of her, seemed like a pretty cool individual all things considered. Though he was very vocal. Were they supposed to be like that? Her eyes were drawn to just how normal Cross looked. He looked like a stereotypical hero of a fantasy game. Fujiko's ruler on the other hand...

Well she'd rather not think about it as even looking at her Ruler for short periods of time made her feel uneasy like she had done something she couldn't remember.

She'd snap back to reality for a moment though after a small trip down the thought lane about rulers and how Cross basically confirmed for her they could be wildly different. She had been frowning the whole time! Poor look.

So instead she'd slap her face gently with both hands for a moment to pep herself up a bit. She didn't have much of an idea of where to go with this game, and plus if she could have someone to trust it would make participation more smooth right? "You know what! Sure, lets meet at the card shop after school. I think you and I both have questions for eachother and talking about them here isn't the best bet." Fujiko would say quietly before leaning back a bit. "Just as long as your not using this as a chance to ambush me right?" She'd say with a goofy smile even though she was totally considering that this could be the case.


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