Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Accepted, Character skills given are Bufu & Diajama. Here are the two demons you chose out of your roll of five.

OOC is up

When it comes to rolling Demons, post your CS and I'll roll them up for you as part of the acceptance process.

The Tower of Babel goes both ways

May 1st, A Sunday, the day after the national holiday of Showa Day, in the city of Tokyo in the Shinjuku ward. You and a small handful of others had brought into a circulating Rumour amongst the people of Tokyo about a website that you could only access with a specific url. Forum trawling and asking about, you managed to acquire the URL to the stream. It was a simple black website with nothing but the video feed staring blankly at an non-descript apartment wall. There was no text chat to speak of. For the most part this is how the stream had looked for the longest time. Until tonight.

There would be a backlight lighting up on the stream. A heavy sigh would occur, perhaps waking you up from dozing off from how dull the stream had been. The man would cough slightly as if to clear his throat. He would begin to speak his face obscured from view as he would be sitting behind the camera that would be staring at the back wall. He would begin to speak in a very rigid dialect it was clear Japanese that was to be said for sure but his words did not flow. It was as if he was predicating over his pronunciation of each word over each and every deliverance of syllable.

"Hello, Watchers and Observers, The Salvation is at hand, the pure shall be saved and we will soon be united in a joyful bliss in the bosom of the creator above. Though we are all not yet saved. While us faithful wait for our own salvation, I will decree the names of those known to you that will be saved."

He would begin a long process of listing names of listing the first to be saved and their times of death. The stream would showcase the profiles of the victims specifically his names would only appear to be people you would know, you may recognise a few from work, or from around the place Perhaps even from school some were said to die early in the morning, others late in the afternoon. The largest amount being at 11:59pm Monday May 2nd. Perhaps this was some kind of ARG? Or the delusional speakings of a crazy man. One could of easily wrote off the entire thing as just some sick practical joke though it seemed so elaborate for the names of each person on every stream would only be someone that person knew. Some people got next to no names others would have an incredibly packed list but even this overwhelming information would prepare nobody for what would happen next.

Suddenly Homes would go dark, and yet would still be illuminated. By Light coming from behind curtains or through slivers of windows. Light so intense that it cast no shadow, Salvation had come and thought it took none from the city of Tokyo, the rest couldn't be said for the world outside. Tokyo was now trapped within an ethereal barrier of light. That after its initial conception would dimmed to provide no more light then the light of the moon. This ghostly barrier that extend up towards the heavens.

<Enoch's Ascent has been installed> Your phone would ping after the stream had concluded. The only light left in your once again darkened home.

The 9 million of Tokyo had become trapped like Rats within a cage. But the trapping was not the only concern. For now creatures had begun to manifest in the streets, Demons that would terrorise those that had been left behind. The World had ended on the turn of a Sunday, going onto a Monday. 00.00am Monday the 2nd. Constitution day. The day the world ended. The day your fight for survival began.

Hee ho there friend, and welcome to the interest check for this here Devil Survivor RP. Firstly a few things out of the gate, I will be capping this roleplay at five players, anything more and the mechanical complexity becomes a bit too much to properly handle. Secondly the RP has a in-roleplay time limit of seven days (matching the games that inspired this rp to take place) meaning players will be fully attempting to maximise what they do each day, while also attempting to defeat the 'boss' of that day as they hunt closer to try to find the source of what did this. All while averting their own deaths and the deaths of those around them through the use of Demons. Mechanics are used to allow players to improve themselves as the st ory progresses from gaining new skills, to upgrading your starting demons

If this feels up your alley and your up for a roleplay where you will progress in both strength and character then welcome to RP

Are the current slots up to date? I thought it was only Archer, Assassin and Berserker that were free but now it looks like Rider and Caster are.

People have moved about a bit but the main ones left open are, Rider/CAster/Zerker
Alice Sicilly : Seeking Knowledge


Flight hadn't been easy, Her hopping and her jumping had been a little tiring, She was however incredibly grateful that this body at least seemed to have some form of muscle memory. With a few minutes of trying and a lot of exercise she seemed to have gotten a semi-hold on the movement of her body and its weight and dexterity compared to her old self. Her hopping about on her isolated shelf around that locked book had only just intensified her curiosity to its contents. Surely if she could open it to find whatever secret it contained she could use it as a bargaining tool at least.

Well considering the nature of the book, She had little means to break that lock and while she could attempt to use the glass to fiddle with the tumblers inside it, it was so small and thin that the glass would break off inside and she'd be even worse off. Ergo. She would lean down towards trying to cut the bindings that held the book together, with that in mind she'd try to acquire the largest sharpest piece of glass she could find. Only lightly touching it to avoid cutting her hand on the glass shards, She had no clue how fairy internal anatomy worked so avoiding a cut was probably a good idea!

Thus the Fairy would get to work moving the glass shards from her shattered 'pod' over towards the book. When she had acquired a sizeable amount of them, She'd pick up the first and get to work trying to cut through the leather binding to try to open it in order to gleam some sort of aid of the knowledge inside hoping that the leather was worn enough to make the cutting easier. She would have to be quiet though if she wanted to avoid drawing the attention of the individuals just below her. Even if they were reincarnated just like her. She couldn't trust total strangers just yet. That was a total folly.

Well there was 2 more slots after you ^^; so its not really the last spot but welcome aboard I suppose.
Yes, yes they did.

@The World

Other then that! Glad to have you reading.
Bump! I just need one more person to start.

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